List of publications on a keyword: «culture»
Pedagogical Conditions for Formation of Infosecurity Culture in Computer Sciences and ICT Classes
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Anastasiia V. Ponikarova, Iuliia I. Bogatyreva
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the basic concepts in the field of information security of the personality of schoolchildren and the conditions for the formation of a culture of infosecurity during the period of schooling. The main pedagogical condition for the formation of a culture of infosecurity should be the organization of a safe information and educational environment in each educational organization. The next condition should be pedagogical influence, which is aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills to work with information not only in computer sciences and ICT lessons, but also at the creation of continuous experience of activities, starting from school age, to protect the individual from negative information.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical conditions, culture, infosecurity, computer sciences
Media Education in the Aspect of Media Culture Development
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Anna S. Filonova, Iuliia O. Altunina, Olga E. Gorlova
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the main approaches to the consideration of the concepts of «media education» and «media culture», as well as the interrelation of these concepts. The article more thoroughly discusses the approach that reflects the levels and results of media education, one of the levels of which is media culture. This approach reflects the correlation of the concepts considered by us with the levels of education received by a person. Despite the many approaches to media education, all models of media education are connected by a common statement and solution of the problems discussed in the article.
- Keywords:
- media education, media culture, media literacy, media competence, media mentality
Features of Formation of Competences in the Field of Information Security Among Future Employees of Customs Authorities
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Denis A. Vasiliev, Evgeny I. Travkin
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the methodological features of forming a culture of information security among future customs authorities within the “Customs” field of study. The methodological educational system of teaching of basic of information security to university students is analysed in the present article.
- Keywords:
- higher education, customs, customs authorities, information security culture, information protection
Hygiene Culture as a Component of Life Safety Culture
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Ekaterina A. Grevtsova
- Work direction:
- Security of educational activities during quarantine measures
- Abstract:
- The urgency of the problem is related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the absence of specific prevention and treatment tools, hygiene culture becomes the only deterrent to the spread of the infection. National culture is considered as one of the components of the formation of the hygienic culture of the nation. The emphasis is placed on the state policy in the field of formation of a culture of life safety. The important role of the «life safety» discipline in the formation of a safe type of behavior is noted.
- Keywords:
- safety, pandemic, health, hygiene culture, life safety
Specifics of the Mosaic Reflection Method of Elements of Ethnic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Iurii A. Kuzmin
- Work direction:
- History and Theory of Art Questions
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the specifics of the methodology for studying ethnic elements of culture. The nomological paradigm of reflection of the socio-humanitarian sphere constituted the scientific status of ethno-cultural knowledge, at the same time leveling the subjective aspects, created a unification of forms and content, which inevitably led to a distortion of its actual parameters. As a tool for overcoming the imperfection of the classical principles of reflecting the phenomena of ethnic culture, they proposed a method of mosaic reconstruction that allows us to identify the relationship between elements of ethnic culture on the basis of common values. Mosaic reconstruction of ethnic culture reveals the logical relationship between its elements, forms of manifestation, and the totality of prerequisites and grounds. In a general sense, the method of mosaic reconstructions involves the following procedures, such as fixing specific ethnic elements of culture, creating a complex of links of ethnocultural integrity, determining the principles of interaction of system elements with the external and internal environment, applying the mechanism for restoring cultural integrity based on the principles of a cultural research program, visualizing a holistic image ethnic culture. The methodology of mosaic reconstruction is based on the fact that culture is the product of a social form of existence that expresses itself in the corresponding spheres of social activity, the restoration of which in its entirety is a necessary condition for creating an exhaustive image of culture. The author comes to the conclusion that mosaic reconstruction of ethnic culture reveals the logical relationship between its elements, forms of manifestation, and the totality of prerequisites and grounds.
- Keywords:
- methodology, cognition, ethnic culture, mosaic reconstruction method, theory of cognition
The Sacred Landscape of the Northern Selcups: The Losyl-Lakka Sanctuary on Lozyl-to Lake
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Olga B. Stepanova
- Work direction:
- Ethnic and Ethno-Cultural Processes in Modern Society
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the most famous ancient sanctuary of the northern Selkups – Shaman Mountain Lozyl-lakka on Lozyl-to Lake. The purpose of the study is to combine the information available about it in the scientific literature and in the author's field archive and to find out what this object of the sacred landscape is. The research methods were description, semantic analysis and fieldwork. The result of the study was the conclusion that Lozyl-lakka is a family sanctuary, where sacrifices were made to the spirits-masters of the ancestral fishing grounds, on which the success of members of the clan in the trade "depended". The memory of the sanctuary has survived to this day due to its location in a remarkable natural place. It was also found that the sacred mountain serves as an indicator of the state of the modern ethnic identity of the Selkups. It is characterized by the preservation of faith in spirits and strict adherence to a number of traditions that this belief dictates, therefore, the process of transformation of traditional culture into new modern forms among the Selkups, which is ongoing among the northern peoples today, is hampered by the vitality of some elements of this very traditional culture. A separate comprehensive study of the Lozyl-Lakka sanctuary, including the standpoint of the attitude of modern Selkups, constitutes the scientific novelty of the study. The publication of summary data on the sanctuary preserves it as part of the cultural heritage for future generations of Selkups and replenishes the data bank of ethnographic science.
- Keywords:
- ethnography, traditional culture, ethnic identity, Northern Selkups, sanctuaries
Ethno-Cultural Competence of Foreign Language Teachers for General Education Institutions (On Example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Vera E. Neimokhova
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- In the article, the author defines the concept of ethno-cultural competence of a teacher, his or her ability to organize a dialogue of original cultures. The purpose of the article is to study the concept of ethno-cultural competence of a foreign language teacher in the context of intercultural communication. Methods: consideration of the provisions of materialistic philosophy on the harmony of national, interethnic and universal and dialectical unity of form and content; analysis of the main provisions of the competence approach, theories and practices of personal development; review of philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological and pedagogical provisions. The theoretical basis consists of the ideas of prospects for development and formation in the system of moral and ethical priorities, the ideas of socio-cultural modernization of education, multicultural education and upbringing, ethno-cultural education, and the theory of cultural dialogue. As a result of the analysis, the author concludes that the training and upbringing of a globally thinking citizen who knows the cultures and traditions of his or her people is achieved in the process of interaction of a foreign language teacher with representatives of various original cultures. According to the author, only in this case the teacher can improve his or her skills and develop competencies in the field of ethnic culture. The author sees a possible solution to the issue of developing the ethno-cultural competence of teachers in the creation of training sites and offers a number of pedagogical tutorials on the research topic. The key point is to train competent teachers who are able to arouse students' curiosity about their native ethnic culture and take into account the possibilities of interaction, mutual respect, and interpenetration of cultures.
- Keywords:
- intercultural communication, multicultural education, ethno-cultural competence, knowledge of a foreign language, ethno-pedagogical culture
Physical Education as the Basis of Students' Personality Development
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (10)- Authors:
- Olga V. Korkishko, Sergey A. Leshkevich, Svetlana I. Kargina, Elena I. Potyomkina, Nataliya N. Lipovaya
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article considers the process of studying the correlation between the development of personal qualities, the level of physical training of students in universities and the attitude of students to physical education classes. Physical education is one of the main ways of educating modern youth, which should harmoniously combine moral purity and spiritual wealth, physical perfection and psychological purposefulness. It has an impact on increasing the social and labor activity of students during their study at university. An active and healthy person keeps youth for a long time, continuing creative activities, not allowing “the soul to be lazy”. Methods. To achieve the research purposes, we used a specially developed questionnaire on the impact of physical education on the health and attitudes of boys and girls to the subject. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Sevastopol State University. The sample of probationers from the 1st year of study were 205 students (100 boys and 105 girls). The results of the study showed that 42% of the 1st year students chose to conduct physical education in the educational format, 37% of them are against compulsory classes, and 21% are neutral about physical education. Statistics showed that 60% attend classes only to get a «credit», 33% are interested in studying and gaining knowledge in their sport, and 7% do not attend classes well for various reasons. The authors come to the conclusion that the requirements for graduates of educational institutions presuppose the development of new competencies by teachers that allow them to organize the educational process qualitatively and develop a positive attitude of students to physical education.
- Keywords:
- personality, students, physical culture, physical education, spiritual and physical development
Methods to Form the Pedagogical Culture of Parents in the Educational System of the School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (10)- Authors:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova, Anastasiia O. Bespalova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the concept of pedagogical culture of parents, the goals of development of pedagogical culture of parents and methods of formation and improvement of the level of pedagogical culture of parents. The paper focuses on the tasks of interaction between an educational institution and the family in the upbringing of children. Methods of study. To study the possibility of forming a pedagogical culture of parents, we used a questionnaire to survey the needs of parents to interact with the educational institution and the interest of teachers in working with the family, the «Ideas about the ideal parent» method by R. V. Ovcharova, Y.A. Degtyareva, «Family Biofield» inquirer by V. V. Boyko and «Determination of parenting skills» questionnaire by O.L. Zvereva. Results of the study. The article shows the results of the impact of the program, which includes a seminar using the case technology «pedagogical culture of parents» and parent training based on the program «education based on common sense» on the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents. Conclusion. The results of the study proved the possibility of purposeful formation of the pedagogical culture of parents in the educational system of the school and the high efficiency of practice – and personality-oriented methods of such work, and also showed greater competence and awareness among parents and kindergarten teachers in the education of children.
- Keywords:
- family, pedagogical culture of parents, family and school interaction, a workshop, methods of formation of parental pedagogical culture
To the question of the possibilities standardization and design of basic educational programs using methods of art education and cultural studies in the correction of deviant behavior in adolescents
Book ChapterModern challenges of education and psychology of personality formation- Authors:
- Nadezhda V. Kulikova, Natalia A. Mikhalchenkova
- Work direction:
- Особенности педагогического процесса
- Abstract:
- This chapter examines the problems of designing basic educational programs of basic education using the means of art education and culture as the content of preventive and corrective activities in relation to children and adolescents. The basic principles of educational activities are revealed. The technology of designing modules (disciplines) within the framework of basic educational programs is revealed.
- Keywords:
- educational program, culture, deviant behavior, art
Role of Folk Art in Ethnocultural Education of Children and Youth
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy- Authors:
- Natalia V. Martynova, Valerii V. Martynov
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The authors of article review a current problem of ethno-cultural education of youth through familiarizing with art and ornamental culture, folk art and traditions of small nationalities of Outer Manchuria of the Far Eastern of Russia. The authors outline that patriotic education is indisputable problem today, and the task of revival, promotion, maintenance of national culture as well as the formation of the harmonious personality is set out by ethno-cultural education itself. It is noted that a necessary condition of this formation is ethno-cultural competences which are built in at children's age. Teaching to respect traditions begins in families, and then continues at schools, higher educational institutions and institutions of additional education, the ethno-cultural centers. Spiritual communication of national masters and their pupils is based on continuity of generations. It is emphasized that today a lot was lost in arts and crafts of Outer Manchuria. The loss of valuable knowledge as their carriers pass away, leaving this knowledge to younger generation is observed. The question of their preservation is particularly acute. The authors come to the conclusion that this question should be solved in educational institutions by means of introduction of the integrated programs that have an ethnic and art component and modern pedagogical technologies in their contents. Author’s experiment demonstrates revival of interest in folk art in children and youth, in particular, in future teachers-artists.
- Keywords:
- tradition, ethno-cultural education, ethno-cultural competences, ornamental culture of Outer Manchuria
Features of the developing environment in a preschool educational institution based on the traditions of Russian folk culture
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Irina A. Lavrenteva
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The article provides an example of the design and implementation of the integrative developing subject-spatial environment of a modern preschool institution with an ethno cultural component, forms and methods of work on multicultural education in cooperation with teachers of preschool education in Bulgaria.
- Keywords:
- preschoolers, Russian culture, modern kindergarten, ethno cultural and multicultur-al education, international cooperation in preschool education
Between Russia, Lithuania and Poland: The Life, Pedagogique Activity and Work of Stefan NaręBski – the Architect-Artist of the Vilnius School
Book ChapterBetween Russia, Lithuania and Poland: The Life, Pedagogique Activity and Work of Stefan NaręBski – the Architect-Artist of the Vilnius School- Author:
- Svetlana M. Chervonnaia
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- It cannot be said that the creative biography of the artist-architect Stefan Narębski (1892–1966) remains a completely unknown page in the history of art, but everything that has been written and published so far about the life and work of Stefan Narębski is only the top of the iceberg which is his complete biography. The author restores many forgotten and unknown facts of this biography, mainly based on the materials of the Archive of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, first of all, the artist’s own notes (“Diaries”), which had never been published before. Discoveries of this kind relate primarily to the childhood and adolescence of Narębski, held in the Caucasus and Vilnius; his participation in the 1905 revolution; his educational and creative activities in Włocławek in the 1920s; his connections with Stephen Batory University; as well as the repressions that he faced both during the years of the Nazi occupation of Lithuania and during the restoration of Soviet power here, in 1944–45. In the artistic heritage of Narębski, a close-up is highlighted by the types of residential buildings developed by him, educational institutions (museum, school, university department), modern churches, projects for the artistic transformation and decoration of public interiors (the residence of the archbishop; town halls in Vilnius and Torun). The theoretical development of the artistic training program for masters of architectural design (design and decoration of interiors), carried out by Narębski, and the practical implementation of this program at the Nicolaus Copernicus University contained an innovative beginning and provided the most important breakthrough of Polish post-war artistic pedagogy towards a modern, progressive methodology. Of great importance is the international aspect of the work of Narębski, whose personal biography is connected not only with Poland and the strongest impulses of Polish patriotism, but also with Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine (with the places where he studied, lived, worked, built and planned the construction of new objects). His contribution to the development of art and artistic pedagogy is subject to measurement on the scale of not only national but also Eastern European culture.
- Keywords:
- Belarus, biography, Poland, Russia, Stefan Narębski, history of art, artistic heritage, decoration, Eastern European culture, Lithuania, Ukraine
Revisiting Axiological Aspects of the Doll Phenomenon Under the Conditions of Cultural Paradigm Change
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Authors:
- Maria K. Suvorova, Tatyana N. Adametskaya, Svetlana F. Rashitova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- This article analyzes the phenomenon of dolls in the process of transition from the traditional type of society to the postindustrial one. The authors outline that being a kind of mirror of the era, the doll phenomenon is inextricably linked with cultural norms and values, all social experience, which determined the stability and continuity of various activities. It is also noted that in the process of historical development, the image of the doll undergoes transformation, as does the image of the person himself. The inclusion by the authors the axiological characteristics of the doll phenomenon in the worldview coordinates of cosmo- and anthropocentrism makes it possible to reveal their new quality. The consideration of the doll as a phenomenon from this methodological position opens up new possibilities in understanding the existential essence of man himself. The purpose of the article is to analyze one of the most relevant aspects of the doll phenomenon in modern conditions – a qualitative change in its axiological content and significance in culture. Research methods: historical-comparative and semiotic. The result of the study is the identification of significant changes in the role of dolls in modern culture. It is emphasized that the value orientations of secular society and a desacralized, materialistic worldview result in dehumanization and objectification of the person himself with a pronounced desire to revitalize and humanize the doll. The development of anthropocentric attitudes has reached its limits, as evidenced by the shift in the semantics of dolls into the field of purely formal, external relations and meanings.
- Keywords:
- mass culture, axiology, the doll phenomenon, traditional society, postindustrial society
Preservation and Development of National Languages and Cultures of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia as a Necessary Condition for Creating a Favorable Bilingual Educational Environment on the Territory of the Russian Federation
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Oksana V. Legostaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article covers significance of cultural and educational events for development of the bilingual environment; gives definitions of the terms “bilingualism”, “bilingual educational environment” and “indigenous / small peoples”. The relevance of studying this issue is in changing approaches from 2017 in teaching national languages in bilingual and multilingual regions of the country, in changing the number of hours in teaching in native (national) languages in a secondary school, in taking into account the national-regional component in the education system of a multinational state. The subject of the research is rapidly disappearing ethnic groups and their languages according to the classification of languages of UNESCO. The article emphasizes the importance of preserving and promoting national languages and cultures for establishing intercultural dialogue and peaceful coexistence of ethnic groups in a multinational state. The purpose of the article is to identify and draw attention to the problem of disappearance of national languages and cultures through a set of measures in the field of culture, science, education. Research methods: study of literature on the research topic, analysis of educational programs and curricula, a comparative analysis method for describing the status of the languages. Results. In the study, we came to the conclusion that the availability of bilingual textbooks and teaching aids with assignments built on national-Russian bilingualism, the organization of various kinds of bilingual events and their popularization in the media will help to maintain a viable level of national languages and cultures of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation.
- Keywords:
- cross-cultural communication, national culture, ethnos, national language, national-regional component, endangered languages, bilingual educational environment
Ethnic Musical Culture of Moscow Mari (II)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic musical culture of the Mari people in the conditions of the diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for preserving the ethnic musical culture of members of the Mari diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural Moscow region. Methods. The article is based on the data obtained when conducting a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling include 100 respondents, all of them are natives of the Republic of Mari El or places of traditional compact settlement of the Mari ethnic group, currently living in Moscow or in the Moscow region. One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic musical culture. In particular, the respondents were asked questions about the language or languages in which they are likely to sing or listen to songs, about the value and significance of Mari songs in their lives. Based on their answers, tables, reflecting the results, were drawn. Results. According to the results of the sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora, a vast majority of the respondents (96%) listen to (and/or sing) songs in their ethnic language one way or another, under completely different circumstances and using a wide range of modern technologies and telecommunications. The representatives of the Mari Diaspora take an active part in various cultural and musical events, which are held not only within the framework of the ethnic Mari community in Moscow, but also on the private initiative of young Mari activists. The author concludes that the ethnic musical culture, which the members of the Diaspora maintain both independently and in groups, undoubtedly plays an important role in uniting the Moscow Mari people and attracting new members of the Mari Diaspora, it slows down assimilation processes and contributes to the preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, Mari diaspora, Mari ethnic culture, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Eastern Mari
Traditions of the Saratov Region in Ethnocultural Practices
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Irina Y. Zamchalova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the preservation of the cultural traditions of some peoples living in the territory of the Saratov Region. The aim of the study is to show that the preservation of traditions is a source of further development and the existence of ethnic groups. Methods. During the study the following methods are used: typological, system analysis, functional approach. There is a search for new forms of recreation of national traditions, and they are very productive. The characteristic of the historical reconstructions, national festivals successfully held in the Saratov Region is described. Results. It was found that such forms demonstrate effective partnership between representatives of different generations. They contribute to the popularization of cultural and historical heritage, spiritual and moral education. The author outlines that youth, children, elderly people demonstrate their creative achievements. It is emphasized that festivals perform cultural and educational functions, involve in the process of a detailed study of history, rites, art of the ethnic groups represented. Creative groups, historical reenactors, and participants in school ethnographic circles are active in creating an atmosphere of a traditional way of life. A heuristic principle is developing among the participants of events. When they are organized, social partnerships between administrative structures, universities, and private business representatives are demonstrated. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the results of ethnocultural events, we believe that it is necessary to improve such forms that help to develop traditions in the culture of ethnic groups. There is a growing interest in the topic of restoring the traditional ways of life of the Volga peoples. There is promise in the development of this direction and the need for further theoretical justification of the significance of ethnocultural practices.
- Keywords:
- ethnoculturology, traditions in culture, ethnocultural practices, ethnic festivals
Ethnic Specificity of Cultural Codes
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Vladimir M. Savitskij
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The author compares and analyzes some definitions of the concept of cultural code offered by Russian and foreign linguists and semiologists. Aspects of this concept are singled out and described. Regulatory, semiotic and retransmitting functions of cultural codes are briefly characterized. The relationship between the concepts of cultural code and picture of the world is revealed. The author’s interpretation of the concept of cultural code is given, the ethnic specificity of cultural codes is revealed, its factors are described, participation of cultural codes in forming ethnic mentality is demonstrated. The author shows discrepancies in understanding reality due to the difference in the cultural codes used and points out that the role of cultural code can be performed by any perceptible area of reality: landscapes, natural phenomena, fauna, flora, artifacts (household utensils, tools, weapons, garments of clothes, dwelling places etc.) and actions with the listed items. All this is regarded in the article as semiotic means of thinking and communication. Methods. The analysis of cultural codes was carried out by using the methods of cross-cultural analysis and interlingual comparison on the material of English and Russian metaphoric set phrases. Conclusion. The conclusion is made concerning the influence of cultural codes on the choice of the path of historic development and, ultimately, on the fates of nations.
- Keywords:
- picture of the world, ethnic culture, cultural code, inner code, outer code, ethnic mentality, verbal thinking
On Positive Complementarity in the Context of History of Missionary Work in the Chuvash Region
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Authors:
- Natalya I. Gerasimova, Sergey I. Gerasimov, Svetlana Y. Drozdova
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The article explores the reasons why the interaction between Russian and Chuvash culture became possible in the framework of Christian missionary work. Purpose of the study is to show that both cultures have positive complementarity. Methods. Comparative, analytical and descriptive methods were used by the authors. The study is based on the cultural and historical situation, i.e. adoption of Christianity in the Chuvash and Russian culture. Research results. In the process of research, the authors identified common features that bring the transition to the fold of Christianity in Ancient Russia and the Chuvash culture closer together, despite the thousand-year time distance. In their opinion, the deep assimilation of Christianity by the Chuvash culture is explained by the presence of a certain algorithm that regulated the penetration of the new religion into the pagan environment. The authors define Russian culture as donor culture and Chuvash culture as recipient culture. Christianity became the force thanks to which the Chuvash culture was revived. Before the adoption of Orthodoxy within the framework of its ethnoreligion, it was an immature education that needed to realize its creative potential. The Chuvash culture needed to realize the creative possibilities inherent in it, representing an entity striving to realize itself. Thanks to the Christian enlightenment, the Chuvash culture got this opportunity and successfully implemented it.
- Keywords:
- missionary work, Russian culture, Chuvash culture, positive complementarity, donor culture, recipient culture
Academic Performance Rating of Students of Elective Discipline in Physical Culture and Sport "Volleyball"
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Galina I. Vysoven', Irina A. Tsvetkova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- Abstract: this paper presents the results of pedagogical testing of first-year students knowledge, which allows evaluating the theoretical preparation of the developed tests. The purpose of the study is to identify the level of knowledge of first-year students of the chosen elective discipline in physical culture and sports "volleyball". The questionnaire includes 4 blocks of questions: history of development; technique of the game; rules of the game in volleyball; gestures of the judges. As a result of the research, data was obtained: 55.5 % of respondents answered the questions correctly, 33.3 % - incorrectly, 11.2 % - found it difficult to answer. Conclusions. Pay special attention to the theoretical knowledge of students in the selected form of elective disciplines "volleyball". Conduct competitions and involve students in judging to consolidate the basics of knowledge in the judging of volleyball competitions.
- Keywords:
- students, Keywords: elective disciplines in physical culture and sports, volleyball
Revisiting the Role of Environmental Education in Eco-Friendly Awareness Formation
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Ekaterina V. Petrova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the analysis of the role that environmental education and upbringing play in the formation of eco-friendly awareness and thinking. The author outlines that at the moment, it is becoming clear that it is impossible to overcome the ecological crisis exclusively by technical means. It is also noted that the creation of a system of environmental education and upbringing is one of the most important ways to overcome the environmental crisis. The result of the work of such a system should be the formation of a developed eco-friendly awareness among all age and social groups. Theoretical bases. The features of environmentalism and the principles of eco-friendly awareness formulated by N.F. Reimers are reviewed; the main requirements for modern environmental education are analyzed. Special attention is paid to ecological culture in the philosophy of ecology. The scientific and educational projects in the field of ecology aimed at the exchange of experience and practical skills between the older and younger generations are described. As part of the course "History and philosophy of science" at the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, postgraduate students of biological specialties are taught a course on the basics of bio-and ecophilosophy to develop a holistic worldview in the field of science under study. It is concluded that environmental education contributes to the development of eco-friendly awareness, ecological culture and eco-friendly thinking, which is the most important condition for overcoming the environmental crisis and the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature.
- Keywords:
- ecological consciousness, environmentalism, biophilosophy, ecophilosophy, ecological culture, environmental education
Questions of teaching traffic rules in educational and training programs of primary schools
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Vitalii V. Stepanovskikh
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the principles and methods of activity of General education institutions for teaching younger students safe behavior on the roads, through regular and out-of-hours activities.
- Keywords:
- traffic rules, children's road traffic injuries, legal education and safety culture, organization of road safety culture in primary schools
Road safety, accident problems and ways to improve safety
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Vitalii V. Stepanovskikh
- Work direction:
- Административное право
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the factors that contribute to the Commission of road accidents, as well as ways to ensure the safety of road users. Road traffic accident prevention becomes one of them the most serious socio-economic problems of the modern world. The results of the Federal target program on the dynamics of the level of road traffic accidents are presented.
- Keywords:
- road safety, causes of road accidents, violation of traffic rules, social tension, aggressive driving culture, state programs
Traditional Selkup Belt: Origin, Manufacture, Symbolism, Application
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Olga B. Stepanova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the theme “Thing in culture”, and more specifically, “Thing in Selkup culture”. The aim of the study is to consider the belt, an attribute of the traditional outer clothing of the Selkups. It is outlined that the preservation of this element of culture can be highly estimated: during field work among the Selkups, author had an opportunity to see various belts, male and female ones, stored in families and presented in museums. It is emphasized that the Selkup belts are very beautiful, bright, decorated with seed bead and cast brass pendants. The article contains information about the origin of each type of belt, as well as their description is presented in the article. Methods: author's field research in the Krasnoselkupsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug made in 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2018, interview of informants, a number of author's publications on Selkup culture; comparative and typological method and description method. The classification of the belt is based on such characteristics as the technic of execution, origin, application and symbolism. The author outlines that information about the symbolism of the belt was especially difficult to collect, since all informants noted in the belt only the functionality, beauty and antiquity of the tradition of wearing it. Without pretending to be a full disclosure of the topic, the author presents a summary of data obtained and collected. Results of the study. Putting on traditional belts only on big (winter) holidays along with national clothes, Selkups practically do not make new belts nowadays. It is pointed out that belts stored in museum collections are generally not attributed. Study devoted to belts returns to the Selkups the element of their traditional culture in the form of a scientific description. It is assumed that the study will contribute to the formation of a new ethnicity of the Selkups, the collection and rethinking of cultural heritage by the Selkups.
- Keywords:
- ethnography, traditional culture, Northern Selkups, clothing, belt, male and female belts, types of belts, belt symbols, Selkup worldview
Ethno-Cultural Education by Studying the Life Activities of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the Tomsk Region
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Authors:
- Raisa I. Moiseeva, Tatyana N. Dutova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the nature of ethno-cultural education of children with health limitations, reflects the directions of studying ethnic as well as spiritual culture of small-numbered peoples of the Tomsk Region: Selkups, Tomsk Tatars, Buryats, Altai, cultural heritage of ethnic groups for the purpose of spiritual, social, moral, mental and physical development. The authors outline that ethnocultural education is a holistic process of transferring to a younger generation traditions, cultural values, social norms of the ethnic group to which they belong to as well as in environment of which they live. The essence of ethno-cultural education of schoolchildren is reviewed; the aims, key features of ethno-cultural education, and its objectives, the main of which indicates the development of children’s interethnic tolerance through acquaintance with the culture of peoples of different ethnic groups of the Tomsk Region. Also, the main mission of ethno-cultural education – the revival of the humanistic principles of intercultural communication, the dialogue of cultures and nations – is presented. The processes of ethnic and cultural identification that characterize the peoples of the Tomsk Region are the subject of research. The following main methods were applied: classes in the school library, a survey of parents living in the Tomsk Region, questionnaires, work with online sources. It is concluded that traditions formed at an early age and activities that are jointly conducted with parents have a large stable character for the spiritual and moral education and socialization of the younger generation.
- Keywords:
- culture, tradition, ethnos, heritage, nation, ethnic identity, upbringing