List of publications on a keyword: «culture»
Values and the personality of citizen in the context of the development of the ideas of the «Frankfurt School»
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Richard I. Seropian
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The history of the last decades of the twentieth century shows that we live in a world where citizenship, social significance and self-awareness not only fundamental for the individual, but preserving the independence, social stability and security of the state. A person who claims to be a citizen is distinguished by patriotism, a desire to demonstrate civic courage and dignity and the ability and willingness to defend his or her country. The following article examines the representatives of the «Frankfurt School» who made an invaluable contribution to the creation of the theory and practice of civic and patriotic education.
- Keywords:
- education, the state, values, patriotism, methodology, culture, pedagogy, citizenship, citizen, personal education
Ecological and valeological concepts of the use of physical culture in the education of secondary school students
ProceedingTopical Issues of Personal Self-Development: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspect- Authors:
- Zoia L. Chumak, Zhanna G. Shakhmatenko
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогические основы развития личности
- Abstract:
- This article presents the results of a study of the level of need for a healthy lifestyle, physical education. To do this, it is necessary that all academic disciplines of modern education, all educational pedagogical activities contribute to this.
- Keywords:
- healthy lifestyle, need, physical culture of the individual, ecological, valeological concepts, use of physical culture, education of schoolchildren
ProceedingDays of Student Science- Authors:
- Iuliia S. Levit, Flera L. Mazitova
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- The formation of language training and a culture of interethnic communication and interaction is an important component in the professional training of customs specialists. Mastering the art of understanding people and, on this basis, managing their behavior is the most important sign of the professionalism of customs officials. An important component in the professional training of future customs specialists is the development of intercultural competence skills. In the daily work of a customs officer, business etiquette of communication is of particular importance.
- Keywords:
- customs, professional tasks, professional foreign language competence, culture of interethnic communication
Problemy povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti otechestvennoi ekonomiki: ugrozy i vyzovy
Book ChapterStrategic Directions of the Development of Russian Regions: Issues of Economy, Accountance, Taxification, Economic Security, Theoretical and Applied Finance- Author:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the material lies in its demand due to changes in the domestic economy under the pressure of various force majeure circumstances (COVID-19, various anti-Russian sanctions from unfriendly countries) and the search for ways out of the current difficult situation. In this way, the author sees the improvement of the project personnel management system to preserve the "human capital" and all its components as one of the target indicators. There is a search for new tools and models for "stitching bottlenecks" in the personnel direction. New vectors of development in the most promising areas are predicted. The methods of empirical research are defined: system analysis, comparative analysis, economic and mathematical methods, observation method and others. One of the main research methods is also the normative method, which allows calculating the main indicators of the use of labor resources in project activities on the basis of appropriate methods.
- Keywords:
- Human capital, information, management, risks, algorithm, culture, personnel management, project approach, dynamics of economic development, force majeure, ethics
Book ChapterStrategic Directions of the Development of Russian Regions: Issues of Economy, Accountance, Taxification, Economic Security, Theoretical and Applied Finance- Authors:
- Irina V. Zhuplei, Evgeniia P. Zadvorneva, Iuliia I. Shmidt
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Strategic management of spatial development of the agricultural sphere is organized as a single integrated system in which its constituent elements are aimed at contributing to the overall result. In the new economic conditions, the decisions announced in the «Strategy for the Development of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030» dated April 12, 2020 №. 993-р, in the State programs «Integrated development of rural territories», «Effective involvement in the turnover of agricultural land and the development of the reclamation complex of the Russian Federation», «The state programs for the development of agriculture», «The Development of the fisheries complex», «The Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2017–2030», etc. should systematically identify development opportunities on the one hand, and influence the entrepreneurial initiative on the other hand, and, therefore, require systematic monitoring and elimination of parallelism in management decisions. Under the sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia, agriculture remains the leading industry in the country's economic system. In the new economic conditions, the management of spatial development of agriculture is in urgent need of scientifically based planning and forecasting of economic resources, including managerial personnel. The development and substantiation of an up-to-date resource forecasting methodology corresponding to modern conditions of agricultural development is the most important task of managing the spatial development of the industry. In addition, the key role of the digital economy and digitalization in the management of the agar sector in modern conditions serve as a tool for the transition of the industry to a new technological level, since, on the one hand, they were previously unused sources of achieving economic growth of agricultural industries, efficiency and efficiency of management processes, and, on the other, they become a powerful incentive innovative spatial development of rural areas of the country, especially geostrategically important macro-regions. The study presents an analysis of a significant amount of factual data, on the basis of which meaningful conclusions are made: it is established that strategic scenario planning and forecasting of spatial development processes of individual branches of agriculture belong to the methods of public administration and are necessary economic tools during the crisis; the current methodology of forecasting human resources in the field of management is substantiated, which corresponds to the modern conditions of development of individual macro-regions, and is also the most important state task in the strategic management of agriculture; an economic model is constructed that allows assessing the need for managerial personnel in the medium term, taking into account the influence of external economic factors; the use of digital technologies in agricultural organizations, costs are analyzed on scientific research in the field of science «agriculture», the level of innovation activity, the costs of organizations for innovation activities, as well as the volume of innovative products on the example of individual subjects of the Federation.
- Keywords:
- innovation, human resources, agriculture, public administration, digitalization, digital technologies, management efficiency, strategic planning, digital economy, agricultural sector, industry development, development scenario, federal district
The Possibilities of Creating a Methodological Guide for the Formation of the Sound Culture of Speech of Younger Schoolchildren Based on the Steam Approach
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: Multicultural Space- Author:
- Sofia P. Smirnova
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the chapter topic is due to the fact that very little attention is paid to the sound culture of schoolchildren's speech when teaching in general educational institutions. Recent studies have shown a large percentage of first graders who have speech impairments, in particular oral, when they enter school. Speech disorders affect not only the child's communication skills and learning outcomes in the disciplines «Russian language» and «Literature». The cognitive sphere of a child is a world of close interconnections, where a violation or underdevelopment of one of the structures slows down or disrupts the development of another. Deviations in speech development impede the formation of verbal-logical thinking, operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, and classification, which leads not only to difficulties in mastering the program material of individual disciplines, but also generally negatively affects the cognitive development of the child. We see the search for effective approaches to solving this problem in STEAM education, an ever-growing direction, implying an approach in which several subject areas are integrated into interdisciplinary project and research activities. Having studied the existing developments in the framework of special education, we see a real possibility and need to develop a methodological manual based on the STEAM approach in order to form the sound culture of schoolchildren's speech.
- Keywords:
- younger schoolchildren, sound culture of speech, STEAM approach, interactive speech therapy table
ProceedingCurrent Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences- Author:
- Iuliia V. Pavlova
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития экономики в условиях неопределённости. Экономическая безопасность организаций и государства
- Abstract:
- In the present work, a study was made of the food security of the population, taking into account the peculiarities of subsidiary farms in terms of the food supply of the population. For this purpose, an analysis of agricultural products in the production of gross agricultural products, types of agricultural products and marketable products of individual subsidiary farms is carried out. In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion about the share of the harvest of subsidiary farms in the dynamics of the food supply of the population and the preservation of the food security of the population.
- Keywords:
- agriculture, food security, agricultural products, private farming
Особенности микроклонального размножения редкого и охраняемого вида – левкоя душистого (Matthiola fragrans Bunge)
ProceedingFundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology- Authors:
- Pavel S. Torutanov, Andrei V. Maslennikov
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы биоэкологии, систематики, анатомии и морфологии животных и растений
- Abstract:
- Abstract: The article describes the microclonal reproduction of a rare and protected plant species in the Russian Federation - sweet-scented leucoea (Matthiola fragrans Bunge). It is emphasized that it is valuable to obtain in vitro plants that are genetically identical to the maternal individual. The article highlights the peculiarities of microclonal reproduction of sweet-scented leucoea from seed and shoot explants.
- Keywords:
- in vitro, Keywords: microclonal reproduction, callus cultures, sweet-scented leuco (Matthiola fragrans Bunge)
The Language and Culture of the Siberian Chuvash as an Object Of Research
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Albina Kiran
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic culture and language of the Chuvash living in Western Siberia. The purpose of the work is to initiate the beginning of linguistic and, in general, ethnographic studies of this diaspora group of the Chuvash people, the existence of which is an interesting scientific problem. The author mainly relies on the already published scientific developments of Siberian scientists. In fact, these studies are written in the genre of an essay. It provides information about the language, demographic situation, folklore and religion of the Chuvash of the specified region. Studies have shown that the Chuvash of the metropolis and Siberia retain many common features in traditions, customs, religious practice and culture. Their first generation tries to preserve the ethnic culture to the maximum extent possible. The new settlers, as a rule, speak the language and observe the traditional ritual and festive culture, while representatives of the Chuvash Republic often take a significant part in their life. Subsequent generations are more exposed to the processes of language shift and de-ethnization. Observations show that in order to maintain and preserve an ethnic culture, it is extremely important to recognize the need to maintain an ethnic language.
- Keywords:
- language, population, ethnic culture, Siberian Chuvash
Ethnocultural Approach to the Formation of Musical and Pedagogical Repertoire on the Example of Vocal Lyrics of Chuvash Composers
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Alisa L. Agakova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ethno-cultural approach to the formation of the musical and pedagogical repertoire of students of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts. The implementation of the ethno-cultural approach ensures the orientation of their professional training to the development of culture as a historically determined type of human activity with certain ethnic characteristics. The author examines the potential of Chuvash vocal lyrics in the aspect of an ethnocultural approach, for which he analyzes romance in detail as a genre of Chuvash composer music. Based on the method of stylistic analysis, conclusions are drawn about the derivative character of the Chuvash romance, which goes back through the Russian medium to the medieval European musical tradition. The first Chuvash romances were vocal works based on the words of the classics of Russian literature A. Pushkin and M. Lermontov translated into the Chuvash language. Subsequently, independent Chuvash works with an ethnic sound appeared in the Chuvash musical art (works by O. Agakova, Y. Grigoriev). Romances have enriched Chuvash chamber music with vivid artistic images, they are characterized by a deep insight into the drama of verse, sincerity, lyricism and nobility of utterance, a variety of forms. The musical and pedagogical repertoire of vocal students should be supplemented with works of both the early stage (romances to the words of Pushkin and Lermontov translated into Chuvash) and modern (romances with ethnic sounding accompaniment with a characteristic Chuvash folk music mode and metrorhythmics, with Russian and Chuvash texts).
- Keywords:
- creativity, national culture, composer, heritage, song, romance, vocal lyrics
Hedging in a Research Article
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 1- Author:
- Irina V. Kochkareva
- Work direction:
- Дискуссия
- Abstract:
- The article focuses on linguistic hedging which helps avoid sounding arrogant or too certain of what you state in a research article. The relevance of the theme is based on the fact that nowadays the increasing number of Russian-speaking authors make attempts to publish their research articles in international journals. Writing research papers in the English language should follow some rules adopted in the English communicative culture. One of such rules is using hedging as a means of criticism mitigation and a “saving face” strategy. As hedging is not generally used in the Russian scientific discourse it is necessary to teach Russian scholars to apply hedging techniques in their writing. The aim of the article is to investigate the essence of hedging through analysis of sources written both in English and in Russian. The methods used include examination of Russian and English research papers, their comparative analysis, summing up recommendations on hedging in scientific discourse. As a result, the main lexical means of hedging are pointed out. A conclusion is made on necessity to include teaching linguistic hedging into courses of written academic communication for master degree students and postgraduates.
- Keywords:
- discourse, communicative culture, research article, hedging, written communication
Modern Understanding of Variety Vocal Arts in 1970s – 1980s
ProceedingDevelopment of Modern Competencies of Teachers and Students through the Study and Popularization of the Traditional Culture of the Peoples of the Russian Federation- Author:
- Viktoria V. Altunina
- Work direction:
- Теория и история традиционной культуры народов России
- Abstract:
- This article provides an analysis of the main processes in the soviet variety vocal art in the 1970s and 1980s. The research of the soviet variety vocals in this time period is significant to form an objective view of the nature of the Russian variety in present day. The purpose of this essay is in reviewing the changes of the soviet and Russian variety emotional content as a significant part of its development and to determine its nature.
- Keywords:
- art, variety vocal art, musical culture, variety song, genre
Vozmozhnosti internet-prostranstva dlia realizatsii kul'turno-obrazovatel'nykh proektov v usloviiakh distantsionnoi raboty
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Vladimir S. Golovachev
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter of the monograph is devoted to the problem of implementing distance work, in particular in the cultural and educational space caused by the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. It is noted that the abrupt transition to distance forms of work has clearly revealed the weaknesses of online education and enlightenment associated with the unavailability of the education system itself and teaching staff.
- Keywords:
- education, enlightenment, culture, distance work
Metod lingvokul'turologicheskogo polia v obuchenii russkomu iazyku studentov-inostrantsev nefilologicheskikh spetsial'nostei
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Elena A. Baklanova, Olga N. Stepanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the work is to describe the method of the linguoculturological field (LCF), the features of its application in RFL classes and to demonstrate its capabilities in the aspect of professionalization. The theoretical substantiation of the method is given, the principles of LCF formation in the didactic aspect are formulated and models of three linguistic and cultural fields are presented. The following research methods were used in the work: the method of controlled selection, conceptual analysis, synthesis, field modeling. The authors noted the need for the formation of non-philological specialties among foreign students along with the professional competence of linguistic and cultural competence. This approach can greatly facilitate the process of entry of foreign students into the field of professional language, and also gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with Russian culture at the same time. The latter, in turn, will contribute to the formation of communicative competence, which is necessary for successful study in Russia. It is possible to achieve the simultaneous development of these three competencies by applying the LCF method. As a result, a key concept corresponding to their professionalization develops in the minds of students. For medical students it is a "Russian doctor", for military school students it is a "Russian warrior", for music students it is a "Russian musician". The article traces the connection of linguoculturology, linguistics and professional language. The concept of the linguoculturological field, its structure and units (linguoculturemes) is given. These units are, among other things, vocabulary located at the junction of the mentioned disciplines. Three linguistic and cultural fields have been formed, each of which contains 5 lists of linguistic units: 1) frequently used words; 2) sample contexts; 3) prominent figures in the field; 4) fiction and non-fiction texts; 5) quotes and sayings. These units generally cover the center, periphery and cultural component of each simulated field. It is proposed to organize RCT training, moving from the center to the periphery of the field according to educational centers united by the corresponding cultural theme. Brief recommendations on the implementation of the training center in the thematic plan are also given.
- Keywords:
- linguocultural field method, linguocultureme, concentric didactic area, linguistic and cultural studies, a foreign language for specific purposes, “the Russian doctor” concept, “the Russian warrior” concept, “the Russian musician” concept
Features of Physical Preparation of Students for Passing the GTO Standards
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Oksana A. Sbitneva
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problems of motor activity, the development of physical qualities and speed abilities of students. The importance of physical culture and physical fitness is revealed. The search for effective means and methods of physical culture in preparation for passing the GTO standards is analyzed. The features of physical training of high-speed orientation of students to pass the GTO standards for speed are considered. The effectiveness of the use of speed-oriented exercises, which are necessary for students to achieve the norms of the GTO complex for speed, within the framework of physical culture classes, is revealed. Research methods. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the results was carried out. The method of control tests was used. The overall assessment of the effectiveness of the above tools and methods is expressed in positive dynamics. The results of the study. According to the results of the study, there is a positive trend. The analysis of the results according to the table of GTO standards in the framework of physical culture classes allows us to note the growth of indicators for all established tests. Systematic classes using high-speed, high-speed and power-oriented exercises with a gradual change in the load, improving the technique of performing exercises, contribute to the development of the physical quality «speed». Conclusions. Regular physical education classes with the use of speed exercises contribute to the development and improvement of physical qualities, the achievement of growth rates of GTO standards. The level of readiness of students to fulfill the norms and requirements of the GTO complex at the average level. Affordable, effective means and methods of physical training make it possible to actively use the scientific and educational potential of the university. The purposeful organization of the educational process contributes to achieving the proper level of physical fitness necessary for the successful implementation of the regulatory requirements of the AR PCS Complex GTO.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, physical fitness, physical qualities, GTO standards, physical activity
Learning to Write Titles for Research Articles
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Irina V. Kochkareva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the basic guidelines for writing titles of articles intended for publication in scientific journals. The relevance of the topic touched upon in this article is due to the fact that currently teachers are faced with the need to train master degree students at both linguistic and non-linguistic faculties to write scientific articles in English. The title is a very important part of the article, since it presents in a concise form the main information about the content of the publication. A well-formulated title can interest the reader and make him or her eager to read the article. On the contrary, titles which are too complicated to understand, cumbersome, and vague are unlikely to attract attention and arouse the interest of a potential reader. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of guidelines for writing titles that can be found in the English-language literature. The author also analyzes the typical mistakes that Russian-speaking authors make when writing titles of articles in English. Research methods include analysis, description, observation, comparison. The results of the study showed that the most common causes of errors in the formulation of titles are linguistic interference and ignorance of the peculiarities of the English-speaking communicative culture related to written communication in the scientific field. It is concluded that the course «Written academic communication in English» should be included in the Master course program, which will familiarize students with the main features of scientific articles in English and teach future authors to correctly formulate the titles of their publications.
- Keywords:
- communicative culture, title, research article, typical mistakes, research style
Scientific Foundations of the Chuvash Language Textbook for 10-11 Grades
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Yuriy M. Vinogradov
- Work direction:
- Дискуссия
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to familiarize the reader with the content, structure and scientific foundations of the presentation of topics in the manuscript of the future textbook on the Chuvash language for students of grades 10-11 of schools with their native language of instruction. The research material is the manuscript of the textbook "Chuvash language" for grades 10-11 of schools with a native (Chuvash) language of instruction. The comparative-analytical method of research is used in the work. The manuscript was prepared in accordance with the program approved by the resolution of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association (Protocol No. 3/20 of September 17, 2020). This program is aimed at repeating and fixing the material of grades 5-9. In this regard, the manuscript includes relevant material for this purpose. The new topic is mainly the topic of "Language and speech economy". All topics are presented in accordance with the achievements of modern language theory. The author, as well as professor I.A. Andreev, believes that the study of the topic "Phraseology" is inappropriate. Studying a word out of connection with syntax does not reveal the essence of the use of certain affixes. For example, syntactic affixes can take both individual words and phrases. Therefore, morphemics and morphology should be presented in school taking into account syntax.
- Keywords:
- language, society, culture, graphics, vocabulary, lexicography, phonetics, spelling, word composition, word formation
Dialogue of Cultures in the Early Lyrics of the Udmurt Poet Flor Vasiliev
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Author:
- Victor L. Shibanov
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Languages and Culture of Finno-Ugric people
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the analysis of lyrics by Flor Vasiliev (1934–1978) which is a new page in the history of Udmurt Soviet poetry. The young poet went beyond the generally accepted standards thanks to the rich literary context. This article is devoted to the study of the early lyrics of Flor Vasilyev in the aspect of the dialogue of cultures. The subject of analysis is poems written in the early 1960s. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe literary contacts with representatives of different cultures. The method of analysis is comparative studies. The result of the study is as follow: Flor Vasiliev introduces the names Remarque, Picasso, Grieg, Rembrandt into his poems to depict the general cultural atmosphere of Russia in the 1950s – 1960s, the poet follows the tradition of Russian pop lyrics. Interest in impressionism (Renoir and others) helps to hone style when portraying landscapes and the inner world of the hero. Irony begins to play a large role in the poems of early Flor Vasiliev, the poet learns in this direction from Heinrich Heine. Thus, thanks to the dialogue of cultures, there is a transition from «loud» to «quiet lyrics», humanistic traditions raise the poetry of Flor Vasiliev to a new qualitative level.
- Keywords:
- comparative studies, Udmurt poetry, dialogue of cultures, literary context
Moscow Mari: Ethnic Culture in the Internal Diaspora
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Languages and Culture of Finno-Ugric people
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving Mari ethnic culture in the conditions of an internal diaspora. The purpose of the article is to identify the conditions for maintaining and to determine the prospects for preserving Moscow Maris’ ethnic culture in Moscow’s multicultural urban space. Methods. In 2019–2021, the author of the article conducted a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sample includes 106 respondents (100 respondents belong to the first generation of the Mari diaspora, six to the second). One of the aspects of the survey was to study markers of ethnic identity in two generations of the diaspora. Results. The results, obtained in the interviews, reveal that Mari culture (knowledge and observance of Mari traditions and customs) is one of the key markers of ethnic identity in the first generation (coming only third after the small homeland and the Mari language markers). Respondents in the second generation demonstrate remnant knowledge of ethnic cultural practices due to a weak intergenerational transmission of the Mari language. The author concludes that in order to preserve ethnic traditions and customs in the diaspora, it is extremely important to maintain an ethnic language; at the same time, as the world practice of revitalizing minority languages shows, ethnic culture can be viewed as a source of initiation into an ethnic language, and later become a channel for its maintenance.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, revitalization of minority languages
Development of ethno-environmental culture among future teachers
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Authors:
- Inessa Y. Arestova, Marina Y. Kupriyanova, Evgeniya G. Sharonova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The article offers a brief analysis of implementation of ethno-environmental component in academic subjects included in basic academic program "teachers’ training" with two training profiles "Biology and Chemistry" and "Biology and Geography". The subject matter of the article is the curriculum and extracurricular activities that are relative to ethnocultural features. The article is a theoretical overview of Russian and foreign literature on the considered topic. The analysis of the curriculum and extracurricular activities was carried out with the sue of applied examination method. It is concluded that ethno-environmental education of future biology, chemistry and geography teachers is facilitated with a range of conditions developed in the Faculty of Science Education, which include: disciplines of subject-methodical unit aimed on development of environmental thinking, based on ethno-cultural experience of Chuvash; curricular and extracurricular activities aimed on activation of their ecological and ethno-cultural practice. The main forms of upbringing the ethno-environmental culture of future teachers are as follows: master classes in ethno-environmental research; round tables devoted to ethnocultural information about toponyms; ethno-environmental seminars on the problems of protected areas of Chuvashia, etc.
- Keywords:
- ecology, ethnocology, ethno-environmental culture, teacher training
An Approximate List of Markers (Criteria) for the Possible Involvement of Minors in Criminal Subculture on the Example of AUE
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Anna V. Serebrennikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- One of the most acute problems of the Russian state today is the problem of youth crime. The mass dissemination of the values of the criminal subculture among young people is a consequence of the complete denial of the system that has developed in society, as well as the fundamental social and political institutions. The article presents the main markers that allow us to draw conclusions about the possible involvement of minors in the criminal subculture of AUE. The classification of involvement markers according to their degree of severity (direct and indirect) is presented. The conclusion is made about the importance of markers for the prevention and counteraction of the involvement of young people in the criminal subculture of AUE.
- Keywords:
- Internet, involvement, minors, criminal subculture, AUE, marker
Methodology for the Formation of Foreign-Language Intercultural Professional Competence Among Students of a Non-linguistic University in the Direction of “Advertising and Public Relations”
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Elena G. Liakhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- Teaching a foreign language of a specialty in the bachelor's system is becoming more and more practice-oriented. The purpose of the study is to develop and scientifically substantiate a methodology for teaching a foreign language with elements of professionalization on the basis of identifying and comparing the national Russian culture code of goods and services and the national code of goods and services of the foreign language culture of the country of the foreign language being studied. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment allow us to conclude that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching students in the sphere of advertising and public relations by including the presented methodology in the curriculum for the discipline «Professional communication in English», as well as, when teaching other languages in the systems of bachelor's and master's degrees.
- Keywords:
- professional and intercultural competence, national culture code of goods and services, identification of the national code of goods and services of a foreign language culture
Game Modeling in the System of Training Students of the 4th Year of KSUFCST in the Discipline “Pedagogy of Physical Culture”
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Natalia A. Ambartsumian
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The modern period in the development of modern higher education is characterized by the wide introduction of various types of practice into the process of training teachers, and the reorientation of the entire learning process to the specific activity of a specialist [2]. The purpose of the study was to develop and scientifically substantiate a model based on the formation of professional knowledge and skills among students of KSUFKST in the discipline “Pedagogy of physical culture”. According to the results of the conducted psychological and pedagogical experiment, it can be argued that the effectiveness of training can be increased by introducing new content of programs in the disciplines into the educational process, and in particular the discipline “Pedagogy of Physical Culture”.
- Keywords:
- students, pedagogy of physical culture, game modeling, professional and pedagogical skills
Basic Approaches to Ethnographic Film Usage as a Method of Developing of Ethnocultural Competence of Future Journalists
ProceedingPedagogy, psychology, society: from theory to practice- Author:
- Elena S. Doroschuk
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the features of the application of the methodology of visual education based on the use of ethnographic films in the organization of independent work of future journalists. On the basis of emic and ethical approaches, the main functions of ethnographic cinema are identified and described in the light of creating an image of ethnoculture in the process of training future journalists. The principles of representation of ethnoculture in the media sphere are considered, on the basis of which the ethnological motivation of future journalists is formed as the basis of ethnocultural competence.
- Keywords:
- journalism, ethnocultural competence, ethnographic film, ethnological motivation, representation of ethnoculture
Concept of Universal Human Rights: Development and Evolution
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The concept of human rights, having presumably universal meaning, usually derived from "Western' tradition. Although liberals of XVII and XVIII centuries consider the law of nature as a tool for it's protection starting from XIX century the rights (called the human rights by that time) considered as positive abilities to formulate one's personal, subjective preferences of individuals. That evolution must be taken into account both in researches and in political practices, carried out by representatives of different cultures, since the comprehension of an individual and a person as culturally justified serves as a besetting element. Thus the project of universal human rights must be the object of contemplation from the point of view of different cultures and the variety of preferences, oftentimes contradictory ideas, dominating in specific societies, rooted in their cultures, formed and developed over a long many of years. Indeed, both theoretical and practical concepts have huge impact for political being. Speaking not only about implications of specific legislative branches and governments to applications universal human rights standard, but also about creating such standard from different point of views in accordance with the idea of not competing with popular sovereignty.
- Keywords:
- culture, law, human right, universal rights, right, freedom, sovereignty