Publication price

To increase the readership, the editorial office of the journal publishes articles of scientists with a Hirsch index of more than 20 for free.

Author's fee (Open Access Fee)

When publishing articles in open access the author's fee(Open Access Fee) is charged , it compensates edition prices, since the access to the article is absolutely free of charge for all interested in these materials persons. Authors pay the author's contribution independently or by grants, affiliated organizations etc.

Only after passing the review procedure and a positive decision of the editorial board of acceptance the manuscript for publication a payment of author's fees is carried out. Publishing house warrants an objective scientific review of all materials. Articles are published in the order of priority.

Publication in open access is carried out according to the model of Gold Open Access, i.e. the article is available to readers on journal's website, without any financial and technical constraints.


Article processing charge (APC)8000 
Еditorial processing chargefree
Accrual of bonuses for peer-reviewing500 
Page chargefree
Printed certificate charge (without delivery)100 
Electronic certificate chargefree
Printed copy charge (without delivery)1500 
Electronic copy chargefree
DOI chargefree
Submission feefree
Colour chargefree

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