List of publications on a keyword: «culture»
Cultures Partnership - the Basis of Social and Economic Stability
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Irina A. Grishanova, Veronika A. Mendelson
- Work direction:
- Социальные проблемы в образовательной системе
- Abstract:
- В статье отражены итоги социометрического анализа степени межэтнической толерантности и противодействия экстремистским идеологиям студентов Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета (далее КНИТУ). Авторы подчеркивают, что для многовековых традиций ислама в Поволжье, как свидетельствуют исторические данные, характерна самобытная культура, отличающая от культуры мусульманских стран Востока, Средней Азии и регионов Северного Кавказа. Появление зарубежных студентов, внешне выражающих свою религиозность и инокультурную принадлежность, вызвало в первый момент встречный интерес, сопровождающийся симпатией, а затем – неприязнь и даже испуг. Авторы приходят к выводу, что полученные данные анкетирования студентов КНИТУ за несколько лет указывают на достаточно высокую степень вариативности отношений к иностранной молодежи в различные периоды, что может способствовать развитию интолерантных взглядов и формированию локального экстремизма.
- Keywords:
- worldview, sociometric analysis, interethnic tolerance, foreign youth, foreign culture
Dialogue in the Cognitive Process: History and Modernity
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Authors:
- Vadim V. Podgornov, Yuliya A. Makarova, Lyudmila A. Belova, Elena A. Shamrova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the concept of dialogue as a method of traditional cognition and a consistent semiotic instrumental expression of human culture, which explores the systems and ways of social communication in the society. The article focuses on dialogue as a special form of a cognitive process and mediation, having its distinct features, analyzed when the individual is included in many systems of sociocultural interaction at the level of functional integrity. Along with comparative and descriptive approaches, analytic and dialectic methods have been used. The significance of two historical stages of dialogue development as a method of cognition has been analyzed, as well as their distinguishing characteristics and comparative relationship. The method belongs to a group of ritual methods organically related to the art of human self-change as a person. Each of these stages bears its own specific features related to the human genesis, ethics, communication and the metaphysical world. It can be concluded that in the contemporary world, dialogue fully reflects the peculiarities of communication of presence, as well as the value principles of social perception of time and space in the context of the symbolic model of mediareality, which in turn is changing the typology, interests and character of the modern subject. The prospects for development of the phenomenon are also related to the semiotic ideas about the nature of a human, their conceptual apparatus and functional load in the symbolic organization of mental activity as such. Being under the control of consciousness of communicative strategies implies a controlling role of the worldview in relation to them.
- Keywords:
- reflection, culture, dialogue, communication, method of cognition, dialectics, instrumentality, ritual methods, the art of dialogue, cultural dialogue, mediareality, self-knowledge, metaphysical world of personality
Culture-Specific Concept of Crimea in a Regional Linguocultural Dictionary
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Author:
- Roman V. Zabashta
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article describes the formation of the Crimean regional version of the Russian literary language and the principles of compiling a regional linguocultural dictionary. The main problem addressed in the study is the application of functional-semantic description techniques and the ideas of geo-russistics to the practice of compiling a new type of linguocultural dictionary describing the regional version of the Crimean Russian language and representing the basic elements of the regional concept sphere. The purpose of article is to analyze the concept «Crimean regional version of the Russian literary language» in relation to the task of compiling the Russian linguocultural dictionary of the Crimea. Methods: descriptive, comparison, analysis. The following principles are recognized as innovative concepts of the «Russian Linguocultural Dictionary of the Crimea»: interdisciplinarity, functional-semantic approach to considering the relationship between a concept and means of its vernal implementation, regionalism, ideographic principle of modeling the conceptual continuum of a dictionary, historical and cultural commentary. The study examined the content of the term «regiolect», which is understood as a variant of the literary language formed in conditions of interacting with non-literary forms (dialect, vernacular, etc.) and / or other languages in the socio-cultural conditions of a particular region. As a result of the study, linguoculturological phenomena are presented as interpreted dictionary entries. The research results are important for the introduction of innovative teaching methods at schools and universities, as they develop the ideas of Crimean studies which are a new branch of regional pedagogy.
- Keywords:
- Russian language, linguocultural dictionary, culture-specific concept, regional version of a language
Primenenie audiovizual'nogo metoda v obuchenii lingvostranovedeniiu na zaniatiiakh po inostrannomu iazyku
Book ChapterEducation: theory, methodology, practice- Author:
- Galina A. Sokolova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Современные лингвистические методы обучения
- Abstract:
- The article deals with possibilities of teaching culture-oriented linguistics using a foreign language, it gives a brief historical overview of the origin of culture-oriented linguistics in this country, it provides examples of tasks from modern textbooks on country studies and culture-oriented liguistics and analyzes the tasks, it describes in detail the main features of the audio-visual approach and ways of using it in foreign language teaching.
- Keywords:
- foreign language, culture-oriented linguistics, recording, film, audio-visual approach
Praktika obucheniia russkomu iazyku v polikul'turnoi srede (iz opyta raboty)
Book ChapterEducation: theory, methodology, practice- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Plotnikova, Tatiana A. Zolotova, Natalia I. Efimova, Mariia N. Pirogova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Современные лингвистические методы обучения
- Abstract:
- This section focuses on issues of improving the methodology of Russian language teaching and efficiency of teaching Russian in a multicultural environment with the use of elements of spiritual (including folklore) culture in educational institutions of the Mari El Republic (humanitarian gymnasiums, secondary and higher educational institutions). The authors of the section demonstrate the features of using folklore in the main areas of activities (both class and extracurricular) of experimental network platforms (FIRO) and the pedagogical workshop (Prosveshcheniye Publishers) and conclude that such projects, aimed at the sociocultural adaptation of Russian youth and their socialization and culturalization, are extremely important in the aspect of harmonizing interpersonal and intercultural relations in the modern Russian society. By referring to several facts of traditional Russian culture in their teaching of Russian as a foreign language, the authors of the monograph (E.A. Plotnikova, M.N. Pirogova) have received a certain positive response. It is evident that at the initial stage of learning, the students should acquire a kind of linguistic minimum, which includes knowledge about the culture of the country, its traditions, the distinctive features of verbal and non-verbal communication, etc. In such cases, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, including olympiads and quests, usually provides positive results.
- Keywords:
- folklore, Russian language, multicultural environment, sociocultural adaptation, spiritual culture, innovative pedagogical technologies
Functional characteristics of higher educational institution’s socio-cultural environment under transformation conditions of higher education system in the modern russian society
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (5)- Author:
- Alina S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Education policy
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the questions of socio-cultural environment formation in the modern Russian higher educational institution. In the course of the study, the author analyses theoretical aspects of this social phenomenon, its forming elements and functional characteristics in the course of higher education system’s transformation. Based on the analysis results, the author comes to the conclusion about integration of functions, which allow managing innovations in the educational sphere effectively.
- Keywords:
- education, values, innovations, culture, socio-cultural environment, system
The role of stereotypes in cross-cultural communication
ProceedingPatriotism as a factor of social-economic development of Russia- Author:
- Vasilisa D. Shutova
- Work direction:
- Межкультурный и межэтнический диалог
- Abstract:
- The article reveals main features of stereotypes in different cultures. Also, the article deals with the issue of cross-cultural communication using a foreign language.
- Keywords:
- culture, communication, stereotype
Internet marketing as a basis for increasing demand for products and services of cultural institutions
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Elena N. Lvova, Lkhagvazhav Gansukh
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes use of the potential internet technologies in marketing communications of organizations and cultural institutions museum-type to increase the demand for cultural products and develop new technologies of interaction with the youth audience. Internet marketing is considered, on one side, as a condition of actualization cultural heritage and preservation of value attitude to it, and from other side – as a condition of competitiveness cultural institutions on the basis of their reflection in the "digital environment". The article presents information on the use of museum podcasts as well as sociological data showing the impact of marketing on museum attendance.
- Keywords:
- Keywords: Internet communications, marketing, culture management, Museum product, media resources
Obrazovanie po fizicheskoi kul'ture v epokhu sotsial'noi transformatsii obshchestvennogo ustroistva
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Viktor P. Chernyshev
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the transformation changes in the field of «Physical culture and sport» in modern society on a basis of wide historical material. It is shown that depending on the status of the social structure of a particular historical period, the industry as a whole and its supporting education system provides a resource base for the personal development of people.
- Keywords:
- education system, physical culture and sport, transformational changes, innovative approaches
Pedagogical conditions of a corporate culture development in a health-improving type of educational institution
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Authors:
- Anastasia A. Kolchina, Natalia V. Pitsik
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- Features of a health-care establishment corporate culture are described in the article along with the system of complementary pedagogical conditions for the development of corporate culture in such institutions. The article substantiates the necessity of employees' professional community development, advancement of their competence and expansion of the opportunities for self-realization within the process of dealing with professional tasks. The author perceives the involvement of all the employees in the process as well as the increase in the number of initiatives and aspiration for bettering the quality of their work as substantial pedagogical conditions for the formation of a corporate culture.
- Keywords:
- corporate culture, components of corporate culture, health-improving type of institution, development of corporate culture, livelihoods of the professional community
Phraseological units, containing food names, in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Authors:
- Roman E. Telpov, Lu Van
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article provides a comparative analysis of Proverbs containing the names of food and expressing the specific characteristics of Russian and Chinese linguocultures. As a source of material of Russian proverbs and sayings containing the names of food, the dictionary «Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people» by V. I. Dahl is used. The analysis of proverbs and sayings of the Russian language, contained in the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, as well as their comparison with Chinese proverbs and sayings allows us to add new details to the gastronomic picture of the world that has developed in the two folks and have been consolidated in the language.
- Keywords:
- Russian linguistic culture, Chinese linguistic culture, gastronomy picture of the world
Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia
ProceedingPeoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia- Author:
- Mikhail I. Fedulov
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- The book presents the materials of the conference “Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia”. The issues of history, ethnography of the peoples of the Volga-Ural region and the scientific and pedagogical activity of P.V. Denisov are represented. For ethnographers, historians, archaeologists, local historians, students of humanities, as well as a wide range of readers.
- Keywords:
- history, people, Volga-Ural region, history of Russia, culture of Russia, ethnography, Denisov
Agrarnaia nauka: vyzovy i perspektivy
ProceedingAgrarian science: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Anis'ia S. Antoeva
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Abstract:
- The collection includes materials of the regional conference "Agrarian Science – сhallenges and prospects", held on November 30, 2018 in Yakutsk. The collection summarizes the results of scientific research and methodological developments in the field of agricultural education, agricultural production, engineering and technical support of the agro-industrial complex and the forest complex. Materials are published in the author's edition. The collection is intended for heads and specialists of agricultural production, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions, employees of scientific institutions.
- Keywords:
- agriculture, forestry, innovations, technologies, Productivity, treatment, dynamics, expertise, ecology
Severnaia mental'nost' v russkoiazychnoi proze Iakutii
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Author:
- Olga I. Pashkevich
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- Russian literature of Yakutia is the interesting phenomenon in literary and cultural life of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The Russian authors represent local reality and comprehend complex problems along with the Yakut writers. Fiction has high potential for a mentality research in modern conditions. The aim of this article is to identify the features of the northern mentality which are presented in Russian prose of Yakutia.
- Keywords:
- mentality, Yakut literature, image, national culture, prose, author
Kontseptual'nye osnovy formirovaniia kul'tury zhizni v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve vysshei shkoly
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Authors:
- Elena M. Lysenko, Sergei V. Korotenko
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In the article from the position of acmesynergetic and socio-cultural approaches with the help of general theoretical methods of research of pedagogical problems and included monitoring of the processes of socialization, acculturation and acmeologization of university students the key concepts of formation of the culture of life of students in the educational space of higher education were developed and justified.
- Keywords:
- culture of life, multicultural educational process, principle of cultural diversity, culture of being, educational space, vectors of culture of life, concepts
The problem of university crisis in modern postindustrial society
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Authors:
- Evgeniya S. Timofeeva, Oleg Y. Efremov
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the main problems of modern post-industrial University education as an element of society and culture. Modern definitions of the University concepts are given, its increasing role in the formation of human capital in a society of high production and consumption is defined. The most dominant problems and ways to solve them are identified, namely: the topical issues of the learning process, the problems of the quality of education and commercialization of universities, the problems of unity and inseparability of education and culture.
- Keywords:
- education, Training, quality of education, crisis, university, personal development, post-industrial society, socio-cultural Institute, culture, University space
Training the specialists-philologists for foreign countries
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Anna M. Andreeva, Svetlana M. Andreeva
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the concept of the included form of training like a form of short period training of the specialists for foreign countries. The paper also reveals the characteristic features of the including the students into intercultural space and pedagogical conditions for its formation.
- Keywords:
- education, intercultural communication, included form of training, philologist, the dialogue of cultures
The function of pedagogical control at the classes of physical culture
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Burikov
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- In present article questions of studying of ways, means and methods of the pedagogical control on physical training classes with students of higher educational institutions are considered. The author presented the forms of pedagogical control. It is noted that they contribute to the acquisition of the experience of creative practical activities, the development of physical qualities, increase in functional capabilities of the body, instill in students the skills of independent study and self-control, contribute to the formation of skills to control the functional state of the body of persons engaged in carrying out self-study of physical training.
- Keywords:
- students, physical culture, pedagogical control, physical exercises, self-control
Prospects of film education in Russia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Author:
- Tatyana S. Ivashchenko
- Work direction:
- Discussion
- Abstract:
- Information visualization is becoming the most common method of popularizing educational areas. Serious attention should be paid to the problem of the correlation between the «book word» and «visual image», which can be regarded as a ratio of screen arts, first of all cinema, and literature in the system of secondary and higher education. Movie perception is a complex cognitive process. Accordin to the author`s opinion the development of film education in Russia will contribute to the education of a generation of active moviegoers.
- Keywords:
- education, literature, cinema, visual culture, pedagogical community, film education association
Korporativnye preobrazovaniia v agrarnom sektore
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Author:
- Vladimir V. Shevtsov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The article states that the APC of Russia moves from the stage of growth to a phase of stabilization, that is a reason for serious corporate transformations. Based on the theory and practice of successful companies in Russia and abroad, in particular using the theoretical development of Deming, one of the creators of the Japanese «economic miracle», it is concluded that there is a necessity and feasibility of the maximum humanization of the agricultural management of Russia and turning it into agricultural management with a human face.
- Keywords:
- quality, agricultural management, humanization, crisis, APC of Russia, Deming, orgculture, delegation, staff, lean manufacturing, corporate transformation
Metodologicheskie osnovy formirovaniia mezhkul'turnoi kompetentsii kak osnovnoi sostavliaiushchei spetsialista novoi formatsii
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Author:
- Elena V. Emelianova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The monograph raises the question of the formation of communicative and socio-cultural competence as indicator of knowledge, first of all, of the national-cultural characteristics of your own nation, necessary for a specialist of the new generation who has the skills of critical thinking, who can make adequate decisions in changing conditions of activity.
- Keywords:
- communicative competence, general competences, social experience, bicultural development, integration of cultures, empathy, self-determination, ethnocentrism
Development of legal culture of Russia: historical and legal questions of legal education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Larisa V. Yun
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The author of the article notes that the legal culture determines the level of legal knowledge, legal understanding and legitimacy. The article considers the peculiarities of the formation of the legal culture of the reign of Peter the Great. Attention is paid to causality and factors affecting the quality and condition of the legal consciousness and legal culture of the period under study looked through in the historical and legal context. The researcher concluded that the reforms of Peter I significantly changed the content of the legal culture of Russian society, primarily due to the increasing role of legislation and politics.
- Keywords:
- legal consciousness, legal education, legal culture, legal reforms, development of legislation
«Soul ecology» – problems in formation of the new Person
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Authors:
- Svetlana N. Bashkirova, Irina N. Pavlenko, Inna M. Yanykina
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- Methods of psychoemotional health formation of students in the field of a healthy way of life carried out by means of medical and biological education on the basis of development of various educational competences together with the leading universities of the city PGU, VGMUPMFI are presented in the article. As a result of the joint work of the entire teaching staff, the competence of all participants in the educational process in the field of healthy lifestyle development will further help students to find their place in the world. Education is presented as highly motivated and personally-oriented, ensuring the maximum demand for personal potential, recognition of the person around and awareness of own importance.
- Keywords:
- education, enlightenment, healthy lifestyle, soul ecology, spiritual and moral culture
Criteria for evaluation of corporate culture of the general education organization
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Anastasia A. Mikhailenko
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- In article criteria for assessment of corporate culture at school as the organizations of special type are offered. The main approaches to assessment of corporate culture of the organizations on the basis of which the system of criteria for it assessment in the educational organizations is developed are considered. Within article rather independent system of criteria and indicators for assessment of corporate culture, in relation to specifics of the educational organization is offered. Offered systems assumes assessment of corporate culture in points. It allows to conduct monitoring and to compare the level of this culture at different schools and in dynamics.
- Keywords:
- corporate culture, educational organization, analysis of corporate culture, evaluation criteria, independent assessment, assessment indicators
Scandinavian walking as a mean of maintaining a healthy lifestyle among university students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Authors:
- Igor M. Dobrynin, Vadim A. Shemiatikhin
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the questions of Scandinavian walking development as one of the types of physical culture among students. In practical terms this means that such physical preparation of students is necessary, which would maximally contribute to the formation of a sustainable motivational attitude to physical education. The article examines the history of the development of Scandinavian walking in Russian universities, the specifics of preparing for this type of physical activity: the correct choice and individual adaptation of the inventory, the effective and technically correct methods of applying Scandinavian walking and its impact on the physical health of students.
- Keywords:
- healthy lifestyle, students, Scandinavian walking, physical culture, sedentary lifestyle