List of publications on a keyword: «culture»
Ethnocultural Component of Content of Education in Intercultural Context
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 3- Author:
- Tatyana N. Nikolaeva
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The work is devoted to the problem of co-learning of languages and cultures in a multiethnic region. Introduction. Addressing the problem of ethnocultural education in the context of the ongoing changes in the life of society is due to reasons that require timely response and adjustments to the process of education and upbringing, especially among young people. The purpose of the study is to generalize the theoretical and practical approaches to teaching a foreign (German) language, taking into account local ethnographic material. Methods. The work represents the author's reflections on the problems of ethnocultural education. Research results. To solve the problem of filling the content of ethno-oriented education based on knowledge of the elements of everyday culture, traditional culture, linguistic picture of the world, it is necessary to include in the process of teaching a foreign language topics, issues related to the sphere of everyday life of northerners, their living conditions, family relations, rules of behavior, traditions, rituals. Conclusions. Currently, educational institutions are changing the approach to teaching foreign languages towards the development of communicative and intercultural competence of students, which involves the co-learning of languages and cultures of both the country of the target language and the native land. This can be facilitated by a balanced selection of the content of the «Foreign language» subject at the expense of the ethnocultural component as a reserve that forms intercultural competence for socialization in the world space.
- Keywords:
- intercultural competence, multicultural environment, ethnocultural component, ethno-oriented learning, training of teaching staff, co-study of language and culture
The Influence of Ski Training on the Development of Physical Qualities in Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Elena G. Ermakova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the topic of the influence of ski training on the development of physical qualities in students, since today there is a tendency to increase chronic diseases in young people, many diseases have become younger, which leads to the search for new types of activities or simply the introduction of proven improved techniques for decades, and skiing is one of the main types of activities in our region. A list of the main muscle groups involved in skiing is given, some exercises of ski training are presented as part of the program for the main department of the university, an experiment was conducted with students of the Perm State Technical University in order to identify the influence of ski training on the development of students ' basic motor qualities. Research methods. The method of pedagogical experiment was applied, and during the exercises a variety of effective methods used in practice were applied – variable, repeated, competitive, control. Conclusion. The obtained results are analyzed and compared, conclusions are made, as well as some recommendations are given, the positive impact of ski training on the basic physical qualities of students and health in general is revealed.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, physical qualities, sports, health, ski training
The Importance of Forming a Value-Based Attitude to the Heroic past Of the Ancestors through Spirituality among Modern Youth
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Marina L. Vartanova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The most relevant and useful for today's Russia and its historical heritage is, first of all, the tradition of the organic unity of our peoples, which was developed and postponed in the course of our history as a result of everyday exercises in justice, mutual respect and harmony. Despite the fact that every Russian people has its own traditions, customs, languages, and heroic past – together they make up a common heritage. To revive it, to always remember it – and not lose sight of it – is the urgent task of time. We must believe that the troubled times, poverty and disenfranchisement of ordinary people-workers, disrespect for the moral and legal norms of human society are a temporary phenomenon. Its elimination consists in a good, comprehensive preparation of every young person entering an independent life. Our research has confirmed the assumption that in the conditions of today's acute ideological struggle for the minds and hearts of young people, it is necessary to turn to the her
- Keywords:
- values, people, culture, experience, Russia, traditions, customs, folk pedagogy, ancestors, heroism, heroic past, homeland, country, value relations
Education and Identity: Crisis Localizing in Postmodernism Culture
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Kirill V. Sevastov
- Work direction:
- Chapter 1
- Abstract:
- The chapter analyzes the crisis of education as a phenomenon of postmodern culture (the crisis of education is considered as an aspect of the general postmodern crisis). The localization of the crisis is shown as an integral part of the integrity of the crisis status of postmodern culture. A method of phenomenological application is developed, on the basis of which the direction of the exit of education from the crisis status is outlined.
- Keywords:
- education, globalization, personal identity, informatization, postmodern culture, crisis of culture, anti-traditionalism, the principle of acentrism, non-polarity, multivectorness, game theory, Professional Identity
Sovershenstvovanie kreativnoi mezhkul'turnoi kommunikativnoi kompetentsii studentov kolledzha (na primere Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo gornogo universiteta)
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Lialia G. Iusupova, Kristina D. Tabatchikova, Arzu I. Sadygova
- Work direction:
- Chapter 5
- Abstract:
- The scientific work is devoted to topical issues of intercultural communication. The problem is considered in the paradigm of improving the creative intercultural communicative competence of FSBEI of HE "Ural State Mining University" college students. Creative intercultural communicative competence is called the integrative quality of a linguistic personality, capable of knowing the surrounding reality by language means presented in the text-culture, and aimed at creative implementation in the process of conflict-free communication, and the text-culture is considered as a unit of information transfer and as a pedagogical condition for improving creative intercultural communicative competence of college students. In the article, the authors build a connection between language, culture, text and communication and touch upon the issues of modeling and a complex of pedagogical conditions for improving the creative intercultural communicative competence of college students.
- Keywords:
- creativity, language, competence, intercultural communication, culture, communication, text, text-culture
On the issue of digital transformation of agriculture
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Marina L. Vartanova
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- Digital technologies are able to ensure a high increase in the efficiency of agribusiness. However, they are not being implemented as actively in the Russian agro-industrial complex as in many other industries, and in order for it to become truly digital, it is very important to stimulate communication between agricultural enterprises and innovative technology centers, and such a system should be built at a level closer to companies. The article examines the features of the application and development of digital technologies in the agro-industrial complex in Russia. It is noted that the creation of a unified information and analytical system of agriculture in the country, integrated with the information systems of Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, Roshydromet and other departments will allow performing the functions of operational monitoring, analysis of the state and prospects of development of agricultural facilities, as well as carrying out a set of mea
- Keywords:
- agriculture, information technologies, digitalization, digital transformation, food security, blockchain, agribusiness, agro-industrial complex( AIC)
The introduction of information services for the involvement of employees working remotely in the infrastructure of the bank PJSC VTB
ProceedingDigital Transformation of State and Municipal Governance- Authors:
- Mikhail V. Kuzmin, Olga A. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Цифровая трансформация и человеческий капитал
- Abstract:
- The main goal of creating an electronic platform for involving employees working remotely in the infrastructure of PJSC VTB Bank is to interest them in a remote work format, create a favorable climate in the company, make employees loyal to their company, and reduce staff turnover. The article reflects the main methods for creating an information service to maintain the corporate culture of bank employees working in a remote format.
- Keywords:
- corporate culture, methods, recommendations, VTB Bank (PJSC), remote work format, information service, content management systems, corporate website
Characteristics and Practical Role of the Mechanism of Organizational Culture in Managing the Staff of the Enterprise: Current Problems and Prospects for Their Solutions
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Author:
- Tatiana S. Orlova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The scientific article is devoted to the research analysis of the theoretical aspects of the characteristics and the practical role of the mechanism of organizational culture in the framework of the formation of the human resource management system of the enterprise. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that today the attention of managers of Russian organizations to the issues of the formation of the mechanism of organizational culture is insufficient to form a method of stimulating labor productivity and the effectiveness of using human capital from this tool. The article examines the theoretical aspects of the concept of «organizational culture». The tasks and the practical role of the application of the mechanism of organizational culture in the management of the stuff of the enterprise are analyzed. The analysis of urgent problems of the human resource management system and the formation of organizational culture, which negatively affect the efficiency of labor activities of stuff. The main directions of improving the management system of the organizational culture of the enterprise in the framework of its stuff policy and activities are considered. In the conclusion of the scientific work the author found that organizational culture is the most important element not only of the stuff management system of an enterprise, which allows to form the principles of HR management and increase interaction between employees, but also a way to increase the economic efficiency of the company's business activities.
- Keywords:
- corporate culture, labor efficiency, organizational culture, stuff management, human resource management, labor capital management
Eventuality of Application of SRH-Technologies Under the Conditions of Education's Digital Transformation
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical Issues of Modern Education- Authors:
- Viktoriia E. Kuznetsova, Marina E. Ivanova, Elena N. Starkova
- Work direction:
- Chapter 5
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the study is to provide a methodological basis for the development and application of an innovative general pedagogical technology (called by the authors SRH-technology) of organizing the pedagogical process at a university, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of teaching bachelors through the use of innovative forms – research studies, networking with the work of students in reading groups, hackathon and foresight sessions aimed at developing hard-skills and soft-skills among undergraduate students. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of an innovative general pedagogical technology for teaching undergraduate students (called by the authors SRH-technology), based on a combination of personality-oriented, activity-based and systemic approaches. As a result, the effectiveness of the use of SRH technology in the educational process has been proved, and the main recommendations for the effective organization of work with students in the framework of the listed forms of classes are given.
- Keywords:
- hackathon, networking, convergent reality, pre-adaptation, network culture, SRH technology, foresight session, educational trends, reading groups, research lesson, AR module
Tatar Gastronomic Culture Through the Prism of Proverbs and Sayings
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 2- Author:
- Elena L. Iakovleva
- Work direction:
- Folklore Studies
- Abstract:
- A significant layer in the culture of an ethnic group is folklore, which includes a variety of folk art. It expresses the knowledge and experience of the people. Proverbs and sayings, where the centuries-old wisdom of the ethnic group is conveyed in a concise form, concerning different spheres of life, are of interest for learning. Thanks to proverbs and sayings, it is possible to reconstruct the national picture of the world and its components, but often this aspect remains out of the field of attention of scientists. In this regard, the aim of the study was the proverbs and sayings of the Tatar people concerning food. The hypothesis is put forward that the proverbs and sayings of the Tatar people are able to identify the characteristic features of the gastronomic culture of the Tatars, which includes culinary culture, the culture of eating and gastronomic reflection. The key research methods are analytical and hermeneutical. On their basis, the Tatar proverbs and sayings collected in the 6th volume of the publication «Tatar Folk Art» of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan edited by H.Sh. Makhmutov are studied. As a result of the analysis, the respectful attitude of the ethnic group to food, the production and preparation of which is associated with hard work, was highlighted. The Tatars reflected their love for certain products and dishes, formulated tips for housewives on farming, paid attention to moderation in food and etiquette in proverbs and sayings. The study confirmed the hypothesis. It is concluded that the acquired knowledge allows us to reconstruct the national picture of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Urals from a new perspective through the prism of proverbs and sayings, to interpret their national culture and many of its components, including everyday life and everyday life.
- Keywords:
- folklore, tradition, national cuisine, gastronomic culture, proverbs, sayings, Tatar culture, food
Assessment of the Level of Physical Fitness of Future Specialists of the Agro-Industrial Complex
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Author:
- Oksana A. Sbitneva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problems of the development of physical qualities, physical fitness of future specialists of the agro-industrial complex. The significance of physical activity on the level of physical fitness is revealed. The assessment of the level of health of students, the level of physical fitness is made. The features of the activity of specialists of the agro-industrial complex are considered. It is stated that successful professional activity of specialists requires from graduates theoretical knowledge, functional stability, physical fitness, professionally important mental qualities. The results of the control standards for the requirements of the university are analyzed. The article gives an assessment of the development of the main motor qualities. Research methods. In the course of the study, the results were analyzed. We used search, analysis, generalization of methodological literature; we used a survey, a method of control tests. The results of the study. According to the results of the survey to identify the level of health, a high indicator was recorded, having any deviations in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature. When passing the control standards of the university, the level of development of physical qualities and physical fitness was revealed. It is concluded that the average level of development of speed, agility, and strength is recorded. Endurance and flexibility have a low level of physical development. Physical fitness is an indicator of the general condition, level of health, physical development, development of basic physical qualities.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, physical fitness, physical qualities, specialists of the agro-industrial complex, level of health
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Iuliana D. Kuchaeva
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article gives overview on problems and solutions of enriching the socio-cultural image of Russia with the help of theoretical studies and opinions of experts on the state's modern cultural sphere. Export potential, priority directions and opportunities for the development of culture were discussed, as well as the problem of insufficient popularity of modern Russian culture in the West, ways of possible stimulation of its attractiveness and political benefits from this process were considered. There is also emphasized the importance of combining sociological and culturological approaches in creating conditions for a productive dialogue between the state and artists, art marketers, art historians for the formation of an attractive, worthy and wholesome image of the country.
- Keywords:
- image, culture, Russia, cultural image, modern art, art market
Visualization tools for the environmental component in the context of graphic design
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Zoia I. Chernaia
- Work direction:
- Искусствоведение
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of the ecological direction in modern graphic design. The issues of attention and attitude of man to the environment, their harmonization, the result of which is the preservation of natural balance; defining several means of visual interpretation of the ecological component and bionic.
- Keywords:
- visualization, ecological culture, graphic design, ecological design, ecological component, design product, bionic stylization
To the Question of Interaction of Chuvash and Azerbaijan Cultures: Ancientry and Modernity
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Author:
- Vladimir A. Vasilyev
- Work direction:
- Special Theme of the Issue: Research of Chuvash Language and Culture of Chuvashia
- Abstract:
- In the development of modern ethnic cultures, there is a paradoxical situation: the more powerful the onset of comprehensive globalization, aimed at the destruction of national cultures, the more actively they develop. “To blame”, in our opinion, is the ethnocultural code, which rebelled against the dominance of the virus of the death of national cultures and thus led to the flourishing, boom of ethnic cultures. Convincing evidence of this is the deep fundamental processes of revival taking place in the Chuvash national culture. Thus, the unique Kokelev International Plein Air has rightfully become a synthesis of the picturesque national schools of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The national TV and radio company “Chavash En” was established. Recreated “Chuvashkino”, designed to develop their national culture. There is a return from oblivion of the runic writing of the Chuvash people. A program for the development of the Chuvash language was adopted. And, as it were, the apotheosis of the renaissance of the Chuvash ethnic culture was the establishment of the Chuvash Embroidery Day on November 26 by the Decree of the Head of the Chuvash Republic. Globalization pressure is also causing an increase in interest in learning about other cultures. we tell about this phenomenon on the example of Chuvashia and Azerbaijan. In soviet times in Azerbaijan, few people knew that the Chuvash were a Turkic people. Tatarstan knew, Bashkortostan knew, and the Chuvash – the Turkic people – didn't [6]. The aim of our work is to study the interaction of Chuvash and Azerbaijani cultures in historical retrospect, as well as to draw the attention of scientists of Chuvashia, Russia and Azerbaijan to this problem, which is of great cognitive and scientific importance. The author comes to the conclusion that scientists-humanitarians of Chuvashia, Russia and Azerbaijan can and should combine their efforts to create a comprehensive study of the interaction of the cultures of the Chuvash and Azerbaijani nations in historical retrospect.
- Keywords:
- history, Cheboksary, ethnic culture, Chuvashia, Azerbaijan, Suvars, Bulgarians, Bilasuvar, Vata Suvar, pagan religion, Zoroastrianism, runic writing, embroidery, ethno-cultural code
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Dmitrii A. Balachenkov, Ekaterina I. Rabina
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- According to the model of the basic educational programme of higher education, an important condition on which the modernization process depends is the formation of the IEE (information and education environment) in higher education. The information and educational environment is defined as a set of information systems containing different types of support: technical and software, methodological, organizational and mathematical. These types of support are used in the educational process with the aim of effective training of specialists. Compliance with all the principles of construction ensures the effective functioning of the IT, which, in turn, ensures the quality training of a competitive specialist able to navigate in extreme situations and make adequate and timely management decisions.
- Keywords:
- information culture, information and education environment, education process, content component of the information and education environment, principles of IEE
Phraseological Units that Denote the Evening Time of Day in the Kyrgyz and Russian Languages
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Nargiza E. Erkinbek kyzy
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- Introduction. At the present stage of comparative linguistics, the study of the linguocultural specificity of phraseological units attracts the attention of modern linguists. In this regard, a large number of works devoted to linguocultural issues have appeared in science recently. Scientists of various directions in the last two decades have especially intensively investigated the problems of translating cultural meanings, namely, in phraseological units. But phraseological units with the meaning of time in a comparative terms, namely, in the Russian and Kyrgyz languages, have not yet been considered. Research methods. The article discusses the linguistic and cultural features of phraseological units, denoting the evening time of the day in Russian and Kyrgyz languages, in a comparative terms. So, with the help of phraseological units, an image of the evening time of the day is presented in Russian and Kyrgyz linguocultures. A comparative analysis was carried out in order to identify the features, similarities and distinctive features of the two studied languages. As an example, Kyrgyz and Russian phraseological units were selected from dictionaries and phraseological units were analyzed, such as «каш карайганда», «иңир талаш», «көз байлаган кез», «вечер жизни», «еще не вечер». Research results. In the Kyrgyz language, there are a lot of phraseological units denoting the evening time of the day, since since ancient times the Kyrgyz people led a nomadic lifestyle, being in the mountains, having neither a clock nor a calendar, perfectly navigated by the sun and used the solar calendar. Thus, the analysis of the presented phraseological units leads to the idea that the Russian language is inclined to more generalized designations, while the Kyrgyz language prefers more fragmented periods of time. And all this was influenced by the way of life.
- Keywords:
- culture, components, time, evening, the sun, phraseological units
Features of Physical Training of Students to Pass the Standards of the GTO Complex for Strength
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Elena G. Ermakova
- Work direction:
- Education System in Russia
- Abstract:
- The sphere of activity of students is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, they are at risk of many diseases that develop due to lack of physical activity. That is why there is a subject «physical education» in their curriculum. Educational institutions use the standards of the complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO) to assess the physical fitness of students. This article provides information about the history of the complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» (GTO) and its contribution to the lives of students, characterizes and reviews the features of physical training of students of strength orientation to pass the standards of the GTO for strength, lists the reasons for choosing the complex GTO as a way to assess students and conducts research to identify the effectiveness of using strength exercises necessary for students to achieve the standards of the complex GTO for strength, in the framework of physical education. Research Methods. Developed strength-oriented physical exercises were carried out in physical education classes, the method of a step-by-step increase in load with an individual approach, the method of control exercises and the method of comparative analysis of the first and second stages of the study. Results of the study. With the help of the conducted experiment a significant dynamic of all the results is observed, the comparative indicators are presented in the diagram, conclusions are drawn that systematic lessons strength orientation with a gradual increase in load, with improvement of technique of correct exercise contribute to the development of the physical quality «strength».
- Keywords:
- physical culture, student, strength, strength-oriented exercises, GTO complex
Lexico-Semantic Groups of Chuvash Hydronyms
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Anna S. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Ethnopedagogics
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the lexical and semantic analysis of Chuvash hydronyms. The purpose of the study is to classify the names of water bodies by lexical and semantic groups, to identify the main principles of the nomination of hydro-names. The article deals with the names of rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, swamps and swampy places, the names of springs and wells. The main material for the analysis was collected by the author during field research, data from the toponymic file of the Scientific Archive of the CSUH and various cartographic sources, maps of land stored in rural administrations of the Chuvash Republic were used. The main methods are descriptive, comparative, typological, and statistical ones. The results of the study showed that according to the lexical and semantic classification, Chuvash hydronyms are divided into two groups: 1) hydronyms that reflect the physical and geographical properties of water bodies and their environment; 2) hydronyms that have arisen as a result of practical human activity. Most of the names of water bodies are based on a specific feature of the geographical realities themselves. Their Chuvash language can be grouped into the following subgroups: 1) names containing a significant feature of the object; 2) names indicating the ground, soil; 3) names related to the plant world; 4) names associated with the animal world; 5) names indicating the location of the water body; 6) names expressed by numerical indicators; 7) figurative and metaphorical names. Hydronyms that have arisen as a result of the practical activity of a person are divided into the following subgroups: 1) hydronyms related to the life and economic life of the population; 2) hydronyms whose meanings are related to the social life and spiritual culture of the population; 3) hydronyms derived from anthroponyms; 4) hydronyms derived from ethnonyms; 5) hydronyms derived from toponyms. It is concluded that as a result of lexical and semantic analysis, it is possible to establish the principles of the nomination of hydronymes, to identify the physical and geographical characteristics of the area, to obtain new information about the material and spiritual culture of the Chuvash people.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash hydronyms, Chuvash oikonyms, names of water bodies, lexico-semantic analysis, lexico-semantic groups, physical and geographical properties, material and spiritual culture of the Chuvash people
Somatisms in the Structure of the Paremiological Means of the Kyrgyz Language
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Sabira Z. Zhancharbekova
- Work direction:
- Ethnopedagogics
- Abstract:
- This article provides a semantic analysis of somatisms in the proverbs of Kyrgyz folklore, examines the ability of somatic units to metaphorize and convey in an allegorical form the cultural and everyday features of the life of the people. Proverbs from Kyrgyz folklore containing a somatic component were selected for analysis. The purpose of the study is to carry out a semantic analysis of somatisms and determine their role in the linguistic picture of the world of native speakers of the Kyrgyz language. It is shown that the most significant somatic concepts reflect the cultural, value and worldview guidelines of the people, their centuries-old history and everyday life. In the analysis, special attention is paid to the ability of somatisms to metaphorize complex everyday, historical, and cultural concepts. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the systematic analysis of various somatic groups in the proverbs of Kyrgyz folklore (communicative, denoting the senses, etc.) has been led for the first time. As a result, it was revealed that the image of "corporeality" is widely represented in the linguistic picture of the world of Kyrgyz speakers, somaticisms are an effective way of conceptualizing objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, as well as abstract concepts. It is concluded that the communicative function is often conveyed in Kyrgyz proverbs using the somatism “language”; somatism “head” replaces concepts similar in meaning (“mind”, “intellect”). The functional and external characteristics of body parts are used in folklore to denote a person's role in a social group, status, age, etc. Somatisms reveal complex folk images and metaphors that make up the linguistic picture of the world of native speakers of the Kyrgyz language.
- Keywords:
- concept, somatism, somatic culture code, Kyrgyz worldview, proverb, phraseological unit, conceptual sphere, metaphor
Tekhnologii vizualizatsii informatsii v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Nadezhda O. Buzina, Irina L. Belova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article covers issues related to the specifics of teaching students design activities using various information visualization technologies, examines the role of various means of information transmission, pays attention to the concept of "visual culture", focuses on the role of infographics as an effective way to visualize information, reveals the essence of such technologies for visualizing educational content as scribing presentation, infographics.
- Keywords:
- visual culture, visualization, pictography, infographics, mind map, video content, scribe presentation, infographic summary
Razvitie issledovatel'skikh umenii studentov-bakalavrov v protsesse ekologicheskogo obrazovaniia
Book ChapterTopical Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology- Author:
- Svetlana B. Barashkina
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Современные педагогические практики
- Abstract:
- The author pays special attention to the development of research competencies of undergraduate students in the conditions of the educational space of the university. According to the author, it is the selection of technologies of the educational process using a system-activity approach that makes it possible to make the student's work productive, scientifically significant. The research method is actively used in the subjects of the natural science cycle and allows the teacher to form the general pedagogical competencies of a bachelor student.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, innovative technologies, ecological culture, search and research activity, system-activity approach, worksheet
Issledovanie urovnia sformirovannosti kul'tury bezopasnosti obuchaemykh starshikh klassov
Book ChapterTopical Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology- Authors:
- Irina V. Lapshina, Nataliia V. Popova
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Особенности педагогического процесса
- Abstract:
- The authors analyze the current state of formation of the level of life safety culture of secondary school students. The results of the pedagogical experiment aimed at increasing the level of life safety culture of young people, which was carried out on the basis of the educational institution, are given. The result of testing by the Schubert’s method of diagnostics of the degree of readiness for risk and the scale of control over the action is shown.
- Keywords:
- educational process, personal development, life safety, risk, life safety culture
Creative potential of physical education teacher as one of the key elements of professional competence
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Iuliia S. Krasil'nikova, Kseniia D. Surkova, Ekaterina A. Bruslanova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers the creative potential of a teacher as one of the key indicators of professional competence, and in particular a teacher of physical education. Further, the concept of "creative potential" is given and detailed and the professional competencies of the teacher of physical culture are presented. In addition, possible ways to develop the creative potential of the teacher were identified. In conclusion, the possible inclusion of creative options for solving professional pedagogical problems is presented.
- Keywords:
- educational process, personality, physical culture, self-realization, creative potential, pedagogical activity, Professional competencies
Development of Communicative Culture of High School Seniors in Different Age Groups as a Pedagogical Problem
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Vera V. Belokurova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The problem of development of communicative culture of modern high school seniors for modern pedagogical science on the basis of the needs the permission of the identified contradictions is revealed in the article. The author proposes the solution to indicated problem by utilizing the potential of intergenerational learning and interaction in mixed-age groups. Another, different from the traditional meaning of the term «high school senior», that is typical for schools implementing multiage training is represented.
- Keywords:
- different-age interaction, communicative culture, high school seniors, educational resource of environment, different-age learning
Modern Education System in Russia: Analysis of the State, Problems and Solutions
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Denis V. Lejman, Kristina V. Astrakhankina, Vera V. Kolesnikova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The problematic aspects of the modern education system are reviewed, the causes of imperfections in the educational process are defined and ways to solve these problems are suggested. The functions of public institutions are considered. Six groups of objective regularities that every person needs to know are presented. The authors also conclude that it is important to know the laws of dialectics.
- Keywords:
- educational process, education system, culture, hybrid war