List of publications on a keyword: «culture»
Maslenitsa in the Historiography of Socio-Cultural Activities
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Vladimir M. Riabkov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of "Maslenitsa" in the historiography of social and cultural activities. It is noted that "Maslenitsa" as a national holiday appeared before the baptism of Russia. The author emphasizes that the study of the historiography of the holiday is of undoubted interest, both for scientists and practitioners of the leisure sphere, since such research is conducted for the first time. The purpose of the research is to reveal how historians, ethnographers, and folklorists studied Maslenitsa in various periods of Russian history. The author's task was to show the structure of Maslenitsa, the organization of its holding and numerous leisure forms of its holding, as well as to show through numerous studies how each day of Maslenitsa was celebrated. Methods. Various sources (monographs, articles, dissertations) that reveal the content and conduct of Maslenitsa in various historical periods are used in the study. The article provides a historiographical analysis of the national holiday "Maslenitsa". The author points out that at present the historiography of social and cultural activities, as a branch of pedagogical science, has become an independent section of research on a par with the history and theory of social and cultural activities. It is emphasized that the study of forms of holiday and entertainment culture in the history of socio-cultural activities is one of the directions of historiography in socio-cultural activities. Historiography of socio-cultural activity in its scientific development makes the first independent steps. The scientific novelty of this research is undeniable. Based on the fundamental historiographical material, the author shows the emergence of the "Maslenitsa", its structure, organization and conduct. In the article each day of the holiday and entertainment ways for its conduct are defined. Keywords: Maslenitsa, historiography, sociocultural activities, meeting, zaigryshi, lakomka, shirokij Chetverg, mother-in-law’s evening, sister in law’s gatherings, Sorry and Forgive day, holiday, holiday and entertainment culture, leisure.
- Keywords:
- holiday, leisure, Maslenitsa, historiography, sociocultural activities, meeting, zaigryshi, lakomka, shirokij Chetverg, mother-in-law’s evening, sister in law’s gatherings, Sorry and Forgive day, holiday and entertainment culture
Ethnic Musical Culture of Moscow Mari (I)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of maintaining and preserving the ethnic musical culture of the Mari people in the conditions of the diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects for preserving the ethnic musical culture of members of the Mari diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural Moscow region. Methods. The article is based on the data obtained when conducting a sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling includes 100 respondents, all of them are natives of the Republic of Mari El or places of traditional compact settlement of the Mari ethnic group, currently living in Moscow or in the Moscow region. One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic musical culture. In particular, the respondents were asked questions about the language or languages in which they are likely to sing or listen to songs, about the value and significance of Mari songs in their lives. Based on their answers, tables, reflecting the results, were drawn. Results. According to the results of the sociolinguistic survey in the Mari diaspora, a vast majority of the respondents (96%) listen to (and/or sing) songs in their ethnic language one way or another, under completely different circumstances and using a wide range of modern technologies and telecommunications. The representatives of the Mari Diaspora take an active part in various cultural and musical events, which are held not only within the framework of the ethnic Mari community in Moscow, but also on the private initiative of young Mari activists. The author concludes that the ethnic musical culture, which the members of the Diaspora maintain both independently and in groups, undoubtedly plays an important role in uniting the Moscow Mari people and attracting new members of the Mari Diaspora, it slows down assimilation processes and contributes to the preservation of their ethnic and cultural identity.
- Keywords:
- Moscow region, Mari diaspora, Mari ethnic culture, Meadow Mari, Hill Mari, Eastern Mari
Features of the Interior Environment of the Dwellings of the Peoples of the Middle Volga Region at the End of the XIX – the First Half of the XX Centuries
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Vladimir A. Krasnoshchyokov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article pays attention to the interior environment of the dwellings of the Middle Volga region at the end of the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries, which due to ethnonational and historical and cultural factors, may have some specific features. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of the interior environment of the dwellings of the peoples of the Middle Volga region at the end of the XIX – the first half of the XX centuries. It is emphasized that the interior elements allow us to judge the spiritual and material spheres of life of their carriers. The methods of the article are based on a combination of cultural, historical (in combination with comparative) and systems approaches. As a result of studying the culture of the peoples living in the region as well as literature devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the organization of the internal space of the traditional dwellings of the peoples of the Middle Volga region during the study, various documents, data from field studies, as well as museum funds, it is concluded that, with the inevitable variety of interior environment the dwellings of the peoples of the Middle Volga region, the same type of internal layout of the living space is observed. It is noted that one can observe the interpenetration of national cultures, expressed in the presence of common features in the interior of the dwellings of diverse ethnic groups, which makes it possible to talk about the regional Middle Volga culture, which is manifested in the object-household environment and design of interior.
- Keywords:
- traditional culture, Middle Volga Region, housing, life, interior, ethnic mutual influence
Ethno-Cultural Code of Altai
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Irina A. Zhernosenko
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the essence of the ethno-cultural code of the indigenous people of Altai, based on a complex of stable worldview concepts: the mythologema of the crossroads, the filosofeme “Jol” (“Path”), the sacral center concepts, etc., which make up the framework of the spiritual system of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia – Tengrianism. The study exposes key markers of the mentality of the indigenous inhabitants of Altai, manifested both in everyday life and in ritual practices; their actualization in the current sociocultural situation is substantiated and their potential for developing a strategy for the sociocultural development of the region, based on the integration of the biosphere and noosphere potential of the territory with its cultural code is revealed. It is emphasized that the mentality of the Altai people is free from religious and political dogmas; it is sensitive to changes that occur in the natural and social environment; it is focused on events occurring today. Methods. The methods of structural and functional and semiotic analysis were applied in the study. It is concluded that the sacral centers on the territory of Altai are of great significance in modern conditions, so the new model of socio-economic development of the region – the noosphere model – is based on the synthesis of science, ecology, veneration of the holy places of their people, ethno-cultural diversity and natural laws of social structure as the basis for the stability of life.
- Keywords:
- Altai, nomadic culture, sacral center, Tengrianism, the mythologema of the crossroads, the filosofeme “Jol” (“Path”), noospheric model of society development
Food Design and Film Art in the Preservation of Ethnic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Valeri I. Kukenkov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that the study of food design and film art as part of the country's ethnic culture examines the preservation and development of traditions and interethnic ties. Given that folk traditions have a peculiarity to develop, being in constant search of new solutions, taking into account the emergence of new materials, technologies and information tools, an idea to combine the potential of film art and food design in research has started up. It is noted that the search for analogues of the issue studied has no positive effect. The purpose of the study is a theoretical justification for the possibility of using different art forms as tools to unlock the possibilities and diversity of the art of food and filmmaking. Based on the study of various sources, it has been found that the topic of preserving the ethnic cultures of Russia is relevant and new, due to the unusual combination of the art of food and filmmaking. Hypothesis. It is suggested that the preservation and development of the country's ethnic cultures and intercultural ties is possible if best practices and achievements of food design as an essential part of people's culture will be applied while modelling different forms and spaces in film art. Results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the hypothesis put forward has historical evidence in the works of such scientists as: Kostomarov N.I., Orlovskaya A.V. and Pokhlebkin V.V. Based on their experience and knowledge the following is possible: formation of new approaches, serch for new solutions and development of new forms and spaces, using advances in food design, film art and people's culture.
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, intercultural exchange, folk traditions, film art, food design
Experience of the International Cultural Relations Formation in Students and Pupils
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Nina P. Shishliannikova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The author of the article pays special attention to the fact that in modern world with its mass migration of the peoples as well as the formation of the international information sphere, the threat of the interethnic conflicts in the frame of rejecting another culture has become aggravated. The author outlines that motive for appearance of the negative phenomena in society is underlined in shortcomings of education of interethnic culture in family, in primary and secondary education in school. The problem of ethnic conflicts prevention by the formation of the sphere of positive international relationship on the base of tolerance, understanding each other, reception of the values of the human approach to the ethnic problems in school and university surroundings introducing the students of different nations to the music culture of the Khakass people, upbringing interest in it, love and affection to little motherland is reviewed in the article. It is suggested to solve the problem by the means of the musical art in process of preparing future teacher – musician for the work in multicultural sphere. The purpose of the article is to consider the formation of international cultural relations among students and schoolchildren. Methods. The practical implementation of the educational potential of the Khakass music at the music lessons in general school is demonstrated. The description of the preparation to the music lesson on the base of material of the Khakass Region, which was presented by the student-teacher is pointed out. The video clip about Khakass nature accompanied by the sounds of the original national Khakass Instruments was shown. After listening the piece “Solar sign” from the cycle of children pieces “Sunny chathan” by composer T. Shalginova, the discussion about original music language of the piece took place, and then the lyrics of the song “Land of mother” by the first local professional composer G. Chelborakov were learnt by heart. Results. At the end of the cycle of the lessons dedicated to Khakassia, the student held the survey in school classes. The results of the survey confirmed the validity of the general methodological approach to the formation of interethnic cultural relations in the student and school environment
- Keywords:
- interaction, culture, music lesson, international relationship, Khakassia, school practice of students
Cognitive Substrate of Linguistic Thinking: The Semiotic Aspect
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Authors:
- Ekaterina V. Savitskaya, Vladimir M. Savitskij
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to a description of cognitive attitude complexes that underlie linguistic thinking and function in the form of cultural codes. Such complexes form a cognitive substrate of linguistic thinking. It has ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic specificity. Research methods: analysis, comparison, descriptive method, interlinguistic comparison of mercantilist and military cultural codes on the basis of English and Russian linguocultural materials. Research results. It is outlined that the cognitive substrate of the linguistic thinking performs the function of modelling reality, acting as a complex of cultural codes. It is shown that the codes used by a person in his / her linguistic thinking are divided into internal and external ones. Internal codes are spiritually close to their user; he / she forms thoughts in them, and as for external codes, he / she only verbally formulates thoughts, translates them from internal to external code. Among the internal codes, there is a cultural code that is closest to the person because of his / her state, occupation, etc. It is concluded that the person views the surrounding world through the prism of the most familiar sphere of life, making it a model of the world and a cultural code.
- Keywords:
- linguistic thinking, cognitive substrate, cultural code, linguoculture, inner form of language unit
Methodological Bases of Studying National Cuisine as a Phenomenon of Gastronomic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Elena L. Iakovleva
- Work direction:
- Methodological Questions for Studying Ethnic Processes
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that in “current modernity” (Z. Bauman), among the urgent problems of research, one can name tradition, which is the foundation of culture. Many of its components are among those that are difficult to comprehend, and national cuisine is among them. Methods of research. In the presented article, national cuisine is examined through the prism of an analytical method that allows you to identify authentic ways of studying and showing its versatility. In the course of the research, a theoretical analysis of the methodological basis for the study of national cuisine as a phenomenon of gastronomic culture was carried out. It is noted that being a unique phenomenon of the traditional ethnic culture, national cuisine has its own gastronomic code and contains information about the specifics of the people’s life, encrypted through processes related to food and its preparation. The author pays special attention to the fact that the most effective methods of researching national cuisine are structural, phenomenological and hermeneutic. They help to identify designs and highlight the structural components of national cuisine (culinary culture, culture of eating and gastronomic reflection), study and analyze them with the help of feelings and experience as a direct connection to each of them, comprehend the process of cooking based on the culinary recipe and the process of tasting, reveal the symbolic meanings of the elements of national cuisine and establish their origins. Results of research. The simultaneous use of phenomenological, structural and hermeneutic methods contributes to the comprehension of the gastronomic code of the people and the peculiarities of their cuisine. The knowledge gained allows us to interpret not only the secrets of national cuisine, but also the history and culture of the ethnos from new perspectives.
- Keywords:
- tradition, national cuisine, gastronomic culture, gastronomic code, phenomenological approach, structural approach, hermeneutic approach, culinary culture, food culture, gastronomic reflection
Teaching the Russian Language as a Native at Elementary School: Problems and Ways of Their Solution
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Natalya Y. Yashina
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural and Socio-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The relevance of studying the Russian language as a mother tongue for the formation of national identity, spiritual and moral values, and communication and speech skills in younger schoolchildren is reviewed in the article. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to overcome the problems of a substantive and methodical nature in teaching of the new subject “Native Russian Language” by primary school teachers. Methods. Methods of analyzing the content of the basic course of the Russian language, a generalization of pedagogical practice and research activities of the Primary Education Department of SBEI of SVE “Nizhny Novgorod Institute of the Education Development” on the problem of the formation of communication and speech skills in primary schoolchildren and the development of communicative competence of a teacher, allowed identifying priority tasks, substantive blocks, practice-oriented and regional orientation of the program of the subject. Results. As a result of the study, the feasibility of the national and cultural and regional nature of the content and effective technological methods are highlighted. It is concluded that taking into account the specifics of the program, correctly selected by teachers relevant and appropriate content of educational material that meet the needs of younger schoolchildren, as well as effective teaching methods and tasks, contributes to solving problems, awareness of the national identity of the Russian language, cultural traditions and spiritual values of their people by students, and preserving the linguistic diversity of our country.
- Keywords:
- spiritual values, people, culture, traditions, native language, national identity, communication and speech skills
The Phenomenon of Culture in the Philosophy of the French Enlightenment
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Author:
- Svetlana G. Gutova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The most relevant features of the French Enlightenment are studied in the article. One of the features is ambivalence, that was expressed in most of the theoretical judgments by representatives of the era. The main ideas of the French Enlightenment are presented through the prism of the historical formation of the basic concepts: nature, human brain, culture. It is emphasized that the main achievement of the enlighteners in the cultural reformation of society was to combat religious and moral prejudices. It is noted that the value of enlighteners is in their innovative attempt to create a progressive model of cultural development based on a naturalistic and mechanical and deterministic picture of the world. The philosophical and cultural analysis revealed the internal dynamics of the enlighteners' ideas from civilizational optimism to criticism of civilizational progress. It is concluded that the philosophical and theoretical legacy of the Enlightenment, in the framework of the development of a single paradigm, is integral, logical and actually complete, that made the most use of its methodological and heuristic potential.
- Keywords:
- enlightenment, society, culture, ideology, rationalism, French enlighteners, nature, encyclopedism, social progress
Organization of the Health Protection Process in the Educational Space (On the Example of the "Innopolis Lyceum")
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Rustem N. Galimullin, Kamilla B. Sabitova
- Work direction:
- Психическое здоровье и здоровьесбережение одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The managerial aspect of educational work on health protection of students of the lyceum-boarding school are analyzed, the main results of the organizational and pedagogical process are presented. The study was conducted on the basis of a lyceum-boarding school in Innopolis, the educator of which is one of the authors of the work. The educational system of the lyceum is aimed at training and upbringing of gifted children who have demonstrated exceptional abilities in the field of natural science. The specificity, content, and forms of implementing the health protection program for students of the Innopolis lyceum are pointed out.
- Keywords:
- educational process, management, educational work, health protection, educational culture
National Cinematograph and National Mind-Set
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Eduard O. Krank
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of national cinematograph in the conditions of the dominance of mass cinema products at the market, especially the American film industry. Paradigms and criteria in the definition of national (ethnic) cinema are presented. The aim of the article is to confirm its working hypothesis, which is that the development of national cinematograph becomes significant only when, reproducing by filming their own narratives, imbued with national mind-set, the authors create cinematographic artifacts with their own manner, style, language, which is able to develop and enrich the film language. The descriptive and analytical methodology used in conjunction with the historical and genetic method allows us to come to certain conclusions. These findings consist in the position that such national cinematograph becomes pervasive, which is permeated by the national mind-set and at the same time responds to both ethnic and world cultural challenges, creates national narratives that due to their relevance become meta-ethnic narratives. An analysis of the existing definitions and properties of what should be understood as national cinematograph allows one to discuss the topic of what the essence of national cinema is: in the local and regional desire to establish itself as having a right to exist, or in the meta-ethnic aspect, which allows national cinema to become a direction in cinema. Thus, the necessary property of national cinematograph for its equal existence among others, the author singles out such a feature as the situation of passionarity in which the nation lives. Its mind-set creates its own national narrative, and therefore its own cinema language. The article is the part of a fundamental study on the theory of cinema, in which the main points are categories such as "film narrative", "conventionality of cinematograph" and "film language".
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, national cinematograph, national mind-set, German film expressionism, new wave, Ingmar Bergman, dogme 95, film language, film narrative
Traditions and Innovations in the Dynamics of Ethnosocial Organism Development: Problem Statement
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Authors:
- Kazbek I. Ashkhamakhov, Roman S. Kozlov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- Authors of the article pay a special attention to the consideration of traditions and innovations in the dynamics of ethnosocial organism development, since the last decade, the blurring of lines of ethnocultural identity on a global scale has become more obvious. Aggressive penetration into the territory of many states by a pro-Western faceless pseudo culture led to a loss of life orientation at the genetic level and the prospects for the existence of most ethnic groups. The aim of work is to search, identify and analyze the main structure-forming principles, the main provisions of which can preserve a unique and inimitable core of ethnocultural organism in a practical application, give a vector of a further more qualitative state. Methods. Using the principles of formal logic, functionalism, and a systematic approach, it was possible to determine the stages of the origin, transformation, and structural integration of cultural innovations in the ethnic environment. Characteristics of each stage from the side of a positive direction as well as a negative one, leading to the degeneration and decay of the ethnocultural system, is presented. As a result of the study, methodological approaches to preserving ethnic cultures, based on traditional ties in relations within the people were identified. These principles are, in authors’ opinion, invariable mechanisms of the dynamic, progressive development of any ethnic group, if the ethnocultural identity of all mankind is perceived as a conscious, creative way for the development and preservation of an ethnos.
- Keywords:
- culture, traditions, ethnos, selection, modification, structural integration
Ethno-Cultural Education in the Republic of Buryatia: Problems and Prospects of Solution
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Svetlana A. Kharitonova
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consireation of problems arising in the implementation of ethno-cultural education. The purpose of article is to consider the main problems of modern ethno-cultural education in the Republic of Buryatia and suggest ways to solve them. The methods of the article are based on a theoretical analysis of research on this issue and monitoring data on ethno-cultural education in the Republic of Buryatia. As a result of this work, the main existing problems of ethno-cultural education in Buryatia are highlighted. It is concluded that modern ethno-cultural education should be aimed at the formation of multi-ethnic cultural competence of the individual and be implemented at all levels of education. State authorities, public and interested organizations whose activities are aimed at the development of multi-ethnic culture of modern youth should be involved in solving the problems that arise in the implementation of ethno-cultural education.
- Keywords:
- ethno-cultural education, multi-ethnic culture, problems of ethno-cultural education, multi-ethnic cultural competence
A System of Ethnojournalism Assignments for Students of “Folk Art Culture” Curriculum
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Viktoriya Y. Prokofeva
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The “Journalism in the Ethnocultural Sphere” discipline belongs in the basic part of “Folk Art Culture” higher educational field of study curriculum, which is in the process of theoretical development and search for methodological approaches to its teaching. The article represents a development of practical assignments in this discipline. Methods. Based on the author’s own pedagogical experience in the field of teaching ethno-journalism to students of this curriculum in FSBEI of HE “Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television”, a system of practical exercises aimed at development of general cultural and professional competencies has been developed. The assignments are divided into five topics; the students are expected to work in the field of both ethnocultural studies and journalism. For each practical lesson there are two types of assignments: analytical, which are based on a theoretical understanding of ethnocultural material (discussion questions), as well as work with mass media data, and creative tasks, which include creating journalistic texts of different genres on ethnocultural topics. It can be concluded, that the results of preparatory and classroom work with the proposed tasks suggest a successful completion of the discipline by future specialists in the field of folk art culture, as well as demonstrate their interest in ethnocultural knowledge and ethnojournalistic activity.
- Keywords:
- higher education, ethnojournalism, Journalism in the ethnocultural Sphere academic discipline, assignments for practical exercises, folk art culture as field of study
Gumanitarizatsiia vysshego obrazovaniia i ee realizatsiia v podgotovke magistrantov k nauchno-pedagogicheskoi deiatel'nosti v tekhnicheskom universitete
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Natalia M. Babaeva, Natalia G. Belova, Aleksandr P. Morozov
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The dominance of the technocratic model of civilization development has led to a number of global problems, each of which threatens the destruction of humanity. The most terrible of the threatening catastrophes is the anthropological one, the destruction of the human being in man. The necessity for comprehensive humanization of all spheres of human activity is argued. Humanitarization of higher technical education is considered the most important mechanism and means of forming a professional's humanitarian culture. The article presents the results of a study where a technical university students’ attitude to the study of Humanities was analyzed. The article reflects the problem of training teaching staff for technical universities and considers the reserves for improving the quality of training of undergraduates as prospective teachers. A three-stage model of undergraduates’ comprehensive training for professional and pedagogical activities of a technical university teacher is presented.
- Keywords:
- humanization, higher technical education, anthropological crisis, humanitarization, humanistic culture of a professional, preparation of undergraduates for scientific and pedagogical activity, model of complex preparation of undergraduates
Autentifikatsiia arkhetipicheskikh struktur rossiiskoi massovoi kul'tury v sovremennykh politicheskikh imidzhakh (sotsial'no-filosofskii prognoz)
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Author:
- Larisa S. Nabokova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The theoretical assumptions and empirical data on the application of technology of integrated concepts of archetypal structures in the sphere of modern mechanisms of influence on the consciousness of social groups in Russian society, as well as conclusions on the results of research on the authentication processes of archetypes of Russian national consciousness in modern representations of youth subcultures. It is assumed that modern technologies of influence on mass consciousness can become a fundamental basis for the formation of a new mass culture.
- Keywords:
- integrated concepts of archetypal structures, mass culture, mass consciousness, political technologies, archetype
Traditsiia prazdnovaniia Navruza kak element mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii v molodezhnoi srede
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Zukhra A. Tselishcheva, Elena V. Kuznetsova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- This article examines the essence and existence of traditional historical roots of culture, which have their expression in various forms, for example, in holidays. As a result of humanity's understanding of itself in the framework of real life, a holiday creates a portrait of the society of each era. It reflects the whole system of aesthetic, moral, ethical, religious criteria of society accumulated in the historical run of time. It is important to note that the article attempts to study not the history of the holiday tradition when we are dealing with the past, but with the way people relate to the past. The unique cultural image of each era is reflected in the festive sphere, representing a set of values, norms, cultural patterns of the state.
- Keywords:
- symbol, culture, tradition, public holidays, consolidation, national wealth, national holiday, custom, rite, holiday, holiday culture, traditional culture, ritual, ceremony
Oriental'nye ekologicheskie peremennye: ekologiia kul'tury cherez tekstovye ekzemply novopersidskogo kontinuuma nach. KhKh - 10-ykh gg. XXI v.
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Natalia V. Khalina, Denis V. Anikin, Ekaterina V. Valiulina
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The ecology of a new Persian continuum culture, represented in two hypostases-states: the Iranian discourse and the Iranian dispositif is examined in the work. The Iranian discourse is considered on the basis of the introduction to the English translation of «Shahnameh» by Firdausi, composed and published by Arthur George and Edmond Warner in the early twentieth century. The Iranian dispositif is studied on the material of the Iranian media at the beginning of the twenty first century. The methodological basis of the work is the hermeneutical method, the phenomenological approach, and the linguistic topology. The structural units of analysis are linguoecological variables, or existentials, represented by text examples. The analysis makes it possible to draw conclusions about the ontological dimension of the Iranian discourse and the strategic imperative of the Iranian dispositif, determined by the ontological security of the Iranian society and the institutional culture of the Shanghai cooperation organization.
- Keywords:
- ecology of the culture, Iranian discourse, Shahnameh, Iranian media, text examples, mental landscape, topology of cultural reflection, existential topology
Creation of Hardware and Software Complex for Identification by Photos and Classification of Artificially Grown Plants
ProceedingDevelopment and dissemenation of best practices in the field of digital skills development in an educational organization- Authors:
- Arai B. Zhanys, Ainur M. Dzhumagulova, Nazerke Muftaeva
- Work direction:
- Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и развития цифровых образовательных технологий
- Abstract:
- The long-term strategic program of development of the country until 2030, the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan «stability and security of the country in the new century» defines the scientific support of agricultural production. With the creation of a hardware and software complex designed for photo recognition and classification of artificially grown plants, it is possible to determine the type and physiological state of plants, external and internal factors. It is the most necessary hardware and software complex for solving problems of phenotypic plants and other biological systems. Artificial plants are considered in Northern Kazakhstan. The research is effective and relevant for the development of this programming language. We cannot achieve great results without developing the agricultural sector with the help of digital technologies. For example, developed countries increase economic growth by 80–85% using digital systems. The introduction of IT technologies in production will reduce costs by 20%. Kazakhstan farmers should make extensive use of digital technologies such as GPS systems, mobile applications, high-tech sensors, algorithms, and satellite monitoring.
- Keywords:
- Java, Html, grain crops, sorting of grain crops, automation of agriculture, мobile applications
Coverage of Methodologıcal Problems of Turkıc Ethnoses of the Caucasus Under Globalızatıon
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Vugar G. Kerimli
- Work direction:
- Methodological Questions
- Abstract:
- The article draws attention to the current socio-cultural problems of the Caucasus, it emphasizes the relevance of research in this region. The purpose of the article is to identify important methodological problems in the study of the history, culture and language of the Turks, taking into account the spiritual and intellectual revival of the Turkic world based on various approaches and methods. The application of the comparative historical method and the method of interpreting cultural and historical phenomena allowed us to reveal that the concept of Caucasian civilization is more static compared to a dynamic European civilization. The result of the study showed that ethnicity in the Caucasus is still relevant. In Caucasian culture, the main direction of studying the behavior of the subject is ethno-identification. It is concluded that this feature is a serious problem for the peoples of the region, including the Turks. In general, the ethnic factor is one of the mechanisms governing the life of a person belonging to Caucasian civilization. Along with this, it is emphasized that the Turkic peoples living in the Caucasian region are the peoples that enrich the Caucasian civilization.
- Keywords:
- methodology, Turks peoples Caucasus, art culture, folk art, art
Preservation of the Chuvash Ethnic Culture in the Conditions of the Moscow Region Diaspora Group
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of preservation of Chuvash ethnic culture in the conditions of diaspora. The purpose of the article is to determine the prospects of preserving the ethnic culture of the members of the Chuvash diaspora in the framework of integration processes in the multicultural environment of the Moscow region. Methods. The author of the article conducted a sociolinguistic survey in the Chuvash diaspora of the Moscow region; the selective sampling included 100 respondents (85 respondents belong to the first generation of the Chuvash diaspora, 15 – to the second). One of the aspects of the survey was to study the respondents’ language loyalty, which indirectly manifests itself in in the knowledge and observance of ethnic traditions and customs. The respondents were asked questions concerning the criteria of their belonging to the Chuvash ethnic group, observance of national traditions and customs, features of the Chuvash ethnic culture, intergenerational transmission of ethnic culture. Based on their answers, tables on age cohorts for representatives of both generations were compiled. Results. More than half of the respondents in the sampling in the first generation (55%) observe Chuvash traditions and holidays, especially representatives of younger and middle cohorts; in the second generation, ethnic culture is somewhat fading (27%). More than half of the respondents in the first generation (58.6%) intend to transmit knowledge about their ethnic culture to children. Women in the sampling rather tend to transmit material culture, while men spiritual one. The author concludes that, despite the fact that living far from the small homeland affects the preservation of ethnic culture, however, at present, in the conditions of polycultural urban environment, the diaspora is the most demanded form of social adaptation, especially among the younger generation, among whom many demonstrate an active life position and involvement in the process of preserving Chuvash ethnic culture in the Moscow region.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash diaspora, Moscow region, Chuvash ethnic culture
Poles in Latvian Republic as a Positive Example of Mutual Acquisition of Cultures
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Olga V. Raina
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to present a historical and cultural review of the fourth largest national minority living in the territory of modern Latvia, namely the Polish ethnic group. Based on the comparative historical method, the issues of preserving the identity of the Poles, as well as their role in the history, scientific life and cultural life of the country, are considered. As a result of this work, the facts of the interpenetration of Polish and Latvian cultures were revealed, which the author considers as a positive factor for the coexistence of different peoples in a multi-ethnic environment. It is concluded that the lack of hostility and hostility of the ethnic majority towards national minorities living in the territory of their state is extremely positive and has a significant contribution to the further formation and development of the nation.
- Keywords:
- history, ethnography, culture, Latvia, Latgale, Poland, Poles
The Priority of Spiritual Values of Traditional Culture During Students’ Learning Process at the Specialty "Ethnophonology"
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Natalia V. Matylitskaya
- Work direction:
- story, Theory and Practice of Ethnocultural Education
- Abstract:
- The article reveals some features of the innovative specialization «Ethnophonics». The purpose of the article is to actualize its significance for education and culture in Belarus. Based on the methods of generalizing pedagogical experience, the scientific and methodological activity of the Department of Ethnology and Folklore of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts in teaching students authentic folklore was studied and generalized. The research results revealed the actual content of students' professional training and determined the priority pedagogical task – the development of the spiritual values of traditional culture. Conclusion: it is necessary to teach students authentic sound through the disclosure of the semantics of traditional rites and their practical reconstruction.
- Keywords:
- ethnophonology, processing folklore, authentic phonation of folklore, spiritual values of traditional culture, semantics, ethnopedagogy
The cognitive-research projects as part of the system of introducing preschool children to traditional folk culture
Article in CollectionDevelopment education system: theory, methodology, experience- Authors:
- Tatiana I. Zakharova, Ekaterina A. Lastochkina
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article discusses one of the components of the system of introducing preschool children to traditional folk culture - the use of cognitive-research projects dedicated to traditional folk holidays. The article is of practical importance and can be used in pre-school organizations of any types.
- Keywords:
- project, cognitive-research project, traditional folk culture, traditional folk holidays