List of publications on a keyword: «culture»
Formation of value orientations of students towards physical culture and sports
Theses of ReportInnovative approaches to management in economic, technical and legal systems- Author:
- Pantelei V. Katsuba
- Work direction:
- Педагогические аспекты преподавания дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the main aspects of the importance of forming students' value orientations towards physical culture and sports. Thus, based on the results of the study, it was concluded that today, instilling a desire to play sports during the student years is of particular relevance. The conclusions obtained are justified and indicated in the article.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, physical education, physical development, sports, playing sports
The Cultural Field Development in a District-Type Municipality
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Marina G. Krutalevich, Galiia G. Aralbaeva, Olga M. Kharkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The role of culture in the modern world is of great importance. It is inextricably linked to every sphere of human activity and correlates with political and economic social changes. The chapter describes the cultural field of the Orenburg district of the Orenburg region, presents the results of a SWOT-analysis of the cultural field development, distinguishes the main directions of development of this field.
- Keywords:
- culture, cultural field, development of the cultural field
The specifics of the information security culture of technical university students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Svetlana A. Solovyova, Mikhail A. Kulebyaev
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of the information security culture of students of technical universities. The relevance is due to the globalization of digital technologies penetrating into all spheres of human life, both socio-political, state, professional and personal, which clearly determines the need for the formation and development of an information security culture. This issue is especially relevant in relation to students of technical universities – future specialists in the engineering industry, since they will work with technical systems and information that may be subject to various threats in the field of information security. The effectiveness of programs for the formation and development of an information security culture is largely determined by the study of the features and specifics of the manifestation of its components (technical, cognitive, behavioral, and value-semantic). The study was carried out in the form of a ascertaining experiment using the author's diagnostic questionnaire "The level of information security culture". 781 students of the Volga branch of MADI took part in the study. Based on the highlighted structure of the information security culture, the study established the specific features of the formation of its components among students of a technical university, namely, the results of the study revealed insufficient fixation in the minds of students of a technical university of the values of information security culture, a low level of patterns of safe behavior, with the general development of technical literacy in the digital space.
- Keywords:
- information security culture, technical component, cognitive component, behavioral component, value-semantic component
Features of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of professional motivation of future teachers of physical culture and sports in institutions of secondary vocational education
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Sergei A. Barmin
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- The article examines the basic concepts that form the conceptual and categorical apparatus of professional motivation of future teachers of physical culture and sports, provides the author's formulations of the concept of "motivation", describes the basic concepts related to motivation (interest, need, goal, orientation, incentives, motives, values, expectations and regulators of motivation), taking into account the specifics research topics.
- Keywords:
- professional motivation, educational institutions, future teachers, physical culture and sports, Conceptual and categorical apparatus
Physical Education as an Academic Discipline at the University
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Liudmila P. Fedosova, Ivan V. Karpenko
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- The paper reveals in detail the importance of physical culture as an academic discipline. The article notes that physical culture includes aspects and principles that allow a person to develop in accordance with the culture of society and achieve harmony in various spheres of life, which determines the relevance of this topic. Knowledge of the types of physical activity and their intensity is necessary for physical education and sports teachers.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, physical training, physical activity and their intensity, physical culture and sports activity
Involvement of design students in the design activities of universities
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Varvara A. Pugach, Marina G. Plotnikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter discloses interrelationships of a ‘teacher – student – project activity’ system with the construction of the design concept of printed products and well-established graphic advertising images of the established higher school of design. The chapter deals with the issues of students’ practical activity during the preparation of specific printing products. The chapter presents an overview of the experimental planning of the booklet design, which is the basis for collaboration of various professional design areas, including communicative design and costume design. In the course of the research, real experience is presented and the stages of involving design students in project activities are revealed, identifying the peculiarities of presenting information and career guidance material in modern printing products, suggesting methodological recommendations. The chapter explores new aspects of information about the experience of design schools. New methods of collaborative work of ‘teacher – student – project activity’ system are shown in the chapter. The study considers the algorithm of student's work in the project activity of creating a booklet. The research results in defining improved methodological recommendations for the involvement of design students in the project activity of higher education institutions.
- Keywords:
- project activity of design students, booklet, professional culture of future designers, design education
Vospitanie semeinykh tsennostei v sovremennoi shkole
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Svetlana B. Barashkina
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- In this chapter, the author pays special attention to the issues of education of family traditions among younger schoolchildren in a modern school. The discrepancy between the concept of “family values” to modern society and the age of students is considered as a problem. As a solution to this problem, the chapter suggests a selection of forms of work with children and parents, selects indicators that determine family values and correspond to the age of children. The author's judgments are based on the views of scientists who will be of interest to the pedagogical community.
- Keywords:
- family education, trust, family values, value space, prefigurative type of culture, parenthood, mutual assistance, active forms, intra-family communication, family year
Базовые рекомендации по организации занятий по формированию культуры безопасного поведения детей и подростков в сети Интернет
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Margarita gennadevna N. Nikitina, Natalia anatolevna N. Farakhieva
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- This paper examines the problems of security in the online space. The methodological recommendations presented in the form of an extracurricular event "Safe Internet for children" are intended for use in conducting events with students in the first three courses. This methodological complex is aimed at classroom teachers and teachers involved in the formation of information and communication culture among children and adolescents. The event plan includes both lesson elements and discussion elements, and also includes practical tasks. The lesson uses methods to stimulate critical thinking, which contribute to the active involvement of adolescents in the process of learning new knowledge.
- Keywords:
- information culture, threats, Internet security, computer technology, information space
Mobile games about the Great Patriotic War in native (Tatar) language lessons
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Raziia F. Akhtarieva, Rezeda R. Nurieva
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the possibilities of using mobile games at the lessons of native (Tatar) language and their adaptation to the study of the history of our region, especially to the study of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of the city of Yelabuga.
- Keywords:
- history, Great Patriotic War, culture, native language, mobile games, Tatar language, heroes of the Great Patriotic War, games
A worthy son of the Chuvash land: Hero of Russia N.F. Gavrilov and his activities to develop the culture of his native land
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Natalia N. Ageeva, Tatiana N. Ivanova
- Work direction:
- Наследие Великой Победы и преемственность поколений
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the outstanding representative of the Chuvash people, pilot, public figure, Hero of Russia N.F. Gavrilov. The main focus is not on the military service and exploits of the hero, but on his socio-political activities in the Chuvash Republic. This is his work in public organizations in Cheboksary and Chuvashia, his activities to foster patriotism among the youth of the republic, and promote a healthy lifestyle. Attention is also paid to his participation in the life of the Chuvash community in Moscow and as head of the Federal National Cultural Autonomy of the Chuvash People of Russia. The example of N.F. Gavrilov as a representative of Chuvashia contributes to increasing its prestige in Russia.
- Keywords:
- Gavrilov, propaganda and development of Chuvash culture
An embroidered map of Tatarstan as a means of patriotic education of children and youth
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Aigul L. Faizrakhmanova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article raises the actual problem of patriotic education of children and youth, in particular, by means of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts. Thus, the Embroidered Map of the Republic of Tatarstan project is presented as a wonderful and effective means of patriotic education.
- Keywords:
- patriotic education, means of education, embroidered map, multinational people, the year of national cultures and traditions
Labor productivity of workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District: factors and the shift effect
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Authors:
- Iuliia I. Shmidt, Irina V. Zhuplei, Evgeniia P. Zadvorneva, Elena V. Zaitseva
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Over 2012–2022, there were changes in the composition of the number of employees and revenue to the type of economic activity «Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming» in the context of the regions of the Central and Far Eastern federal districts. There were also changes in the structure of the analyzed indicators. Assessment of structural shifts in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District indicate the presence of both negative and positive ones. The assessment using the integral indicator made it possible to indicate the presence of insignificant structural differences in the number of employees and very significant structural differences in revenue for the analyzed type of economic activity. The noted changes led to the improvement in the industrial index of labor productivity and, as a result, the presence of a positive shifting effect due to changes in the structures of the number of employees and revenue in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District in 2017–2022.
- Keywords:
- forestry, labor productivity, Central Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, structural differences, number of employees, revenue, type of economic activity «Agriculture, hunting, fishing and fish farming», a shifting effect
Defiant advertising, or How advertisers attract the attention of young people to fast food products through outrage
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Authors:
- Svetlana A. Goriunova, Irina V. Mkrtumova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- Due to a noticeable decline in demand for advertising products, a decrease in sales and loss of profit in cafes and fast food restaurants, managers of some companies are forced to resort to extravagant ways of working with customers – involving epatage elements. The authors note that, to a greater extent, epathetic advertising causes negative emotions and makes a negative impression on older people, while in young people it evokes amazement, arouses interest, brings out laughter and the desire to buy fast food products precisely because of the original approach to their positioning. Based on the concepts of social field of P. Bourdieu, functional theory of R. Merton and others, the article outlines the features and peculiarities of difference between epatage and other attraction methods and techniques of influence on young people. Examples of socially significant epatage advertising, epatage in advertising products of catering restaurants Carl's Jr, Burger King, cafe ‘Shhelkunchik’ are given in this chapter. Understanding the impact of epathetic advertising, marketers also consider the possible consequences for brand reputation, including negative feedback and criticism. A strategy of ubiquitous social media presence not only maximizes audience reach, but also helps shape the consumer habits of young people. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that epathetic food advertising cannot bypass ethics, principles and postulates of morality.
- Keywords:
- youth subculture, consumer behavior, epatage advertising, epatage, social construction, catering restaurants, advertising content, attraction methods
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Sirazhitdin A. Temirkhanov, Saida V. Kaipbekova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- The article shows the importance of patriotism among young people in the field of physical culture and sports. And also how to cultivate patriotism in the student.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, patriotism, morality, patriotic education, sports
Ethnocultural traditions of the peoples of Tatarstan in the context of modern interethnic relations
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Danila V. Egorov, Gleb A. Ivanov
- Work direction:
- Культурологический подход в образовании
- Abstract:
- Within the framework of this article, national cultural events (festivals, holidays, exhibitions, etc.) held on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan by indigenous peoples (Tatars, Russians, Chuvash, Mari, Mordvins and Udmurts) were considered. As well as the specifics of the implementation of the state national policy aimed at the preservation and development of traditional culture in the Republic of Tatarstan.
- Keywords:
- state programs, ethnocultural traditions, interethnic relations, national cultural events, peoples of Tatarstan, national cultures, national policy
The image and culture of modern man's speech
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Guzel E. Gilmanova
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики как инструмент принятия решений
- Abstract:
- This article discusses various aspects of speech culture that can have a significant impact on a person's image. Special attention is paid to the formation of a personal image, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person. The analysis of methods of image building is carried out, considering it as the result of purposeful activity on the part of the individual. The importance of mastering the culture of speech as an important component of the general culture of a person is highlighted. The author highlights rhetorical techniques and linguistic expressiveness, which play an essential role in the formation of a convincing and attractive image.
- Keywords:
- image, features, communication, style, speech culture
“The song helps us to build and to live”: the role and functions of the ethnic song in Moscow Chuvash and Mari diasporic groups
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Marina V. Kutsaeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The paper studies the role and functions of songs in an ethnic language in the life of representatives of the internal diaspora. The article is based on the results of sociolinguistic surveys conducted in Chuvash and Mari diasporas of the Moscow region in 2014–2017 and 2019–2021, respectively. The researcher employed the following sociolinguistic methods: direct observation, participant observation, structured interviews of respondents, documentary recording of responses, statistical data analysis. One of the blocks in the sociolinguistic questionnaire included such aspects as the language – in – culture and ethnic culture maintenance in the context of the vitality of ethnic language. Ethnic culture, along with the ethnic language, is one of the key markers of ethnic identity in both samples. As the results of the survey demonstrate, songs in Mari or Chuvash occupy a significant place in the respondents’ life. Several functions of the ethnic song were identified: adaptation to new living conditions; co-optation of new members (i. e., through cultural ethnic events); creative self-realization; language learning (i. e., ethnic songs used for educational purposes in language courses); initiation into language and culture for new speakers of Chuvash and Mari. The role of ethnic song in the revitalization of the language has been equally determined.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash language, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, Mari language, ethnic language, internal diaspora, sociolinguistic survey
Bosnian phraseological units with a component-orientalism of the thematic group “Names of sweet dishes”
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Irina V. Kuznetsova
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The work is devoted to the analysis of Bosnian phraseological units with orientalism – the name of a sweet dish. The purpose of the article is to show the phraseological potential of borrowings-orientalisms naming sweets in the phraseology corpus of Bosnian Muslims. The relevance of the work is due to the need for a comprehensive study of phraseological units to identify common and idioethnic. The role of orientalisms in creating the imagery of phrasemes is shown in terms of ethnolinguoculturology. The material of the study is non-comparative phrasemes existing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods of material processing: component analysis; linguoculturological analysis; structural and semantic modeling; comparative and synchronous descriptive. Structural and semantic models illustrate the interlanguage commonality of motivational ideas and at the same time specific, revealed at the level of imagery of phraseology. The research material shows a different phraseological potential of the names of sweet confectionery products of oriental origin. Arabisms and Persiisms as part of phraseological units are «indirect» borrowing: they entered of the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina through Turkish; they, like Ottomans, are more frequent in Bosnian phrasemes due to various historical and relevant reasons today. Some of the analyzed phrases are recorded by lexicographic sources and in other regions of Southern Slavia, but the activity of their use in live colloquial speech is typical precisely for the language of the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who have the so-called Bosnian Turkish.
- Keywords:
- culture, phraseology, Bosnian language, oriental borrowings, oriental cuisine, thematic group, sweets
Teaching English using the subject-language CLIL methodology (on the example of the Republic of Tuva)
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Choduraa K. Irgit
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this work is to substantiate the ethno-cultural orientation in teaching English among bilingual students of Tuvan State University as the basis for the formation of intercultural competence. The strengthening of internationalization and mutual influence of polylinguocultural social communities in different spheres of life actualizes the question of the need to solve educational problems in a broad socio-cultural context and the dialogue of cultures. It is possible through a discipline in English, aimed at studying Tuvan culture by students in the context of the past and the present. We have defined the purpose of the discipline, the content of cultural knowledge, the planned competencies as a result of studying the discipline by students, and also formulated principles. The discipline is based on the application of the innovative subject-integrated methodology CLIL, combining content and language. Its combination with the ethno-cultural component in teaching English creates the potential not only to improve the skills of foreign language communicative competence, but also contributes to the formation of intercultural competence of students.
- Keywords:
- intercultural competence, bilingualism, English language teaching, ethno-cultural orientation of teaching, Tuvan culture, Republic of Tuva, integrated subject-language methodology CLIL
Tolling v sel'skom khoziaistve: poriadok oformleniia i uchet
Book ChapterLaw and economic development: current issues- Authors:
- Liubov I. Soldatova, Iuliia I. Shmidt
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- Tolling is quite often used in agriculture, it allows agricultural organizations to receive additional income and optimize their production processes [3, p. 42]. The chapter talks about the essence of tolling operations, documentation and their accounting. There is a problem of documenting and accounting for these operations at the enterprises that carry out tolling. The purpose of this research is to study the methodology of tolling relations and organization of their accounting. For tolling to work effectively, it is necessary to build the scheme of tolling operations correctly, and the big role is given to the accounting of this section. The methods of research were general logical and structural-dynamic analysis, as well as the general scientific method of deduction. The result of the research was the methodology of registration and accounting of tolling operations, illustrated by model examples.
- Keywords:
- accounting, agriculture, production, tolling, tolling raw materials, contract, processing, realization
Idei K.D. Ushinskogo i sovremennoe patrioticheskoe vospitanie studentov
ProceedingThe legacy of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky- Author:
- Lidiia V. Sidorova
- Work direction:
- Отражение педагогических идей К.Д. Ушинского в современном образовании и обществе
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the current ideas of K.D. Ushinsky about the education of patriotism and how these ideas are implemented in the education of students (as a methodological basis, the author of the article uses a personal-activity approach, the foundations of which are laid by K.D. Ushinsky). It is considered how patriotic education of students is organized during the educational process, how educational projects and tasks are based on digital, Internet technologies characteristic of the youth subculture for its effectiveness, attractiveness for young people (according to Ushinsky's idea, a person should be educated according to the "spirit of the times", the social environment, culture). The criteria for evaluating the results of patriotic education and the results of work (increasing the social activity of students, etc.) are disclosed.
- Keywords:
- patriotic education, Internet technologies, youth subculture, creative projects, joint network projects, network interethnic projects, network project interaction
The Universal Intention of Enlightenment in Russian spiritual culture
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Aleksandr D. Pokhilko
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Based on the sociocultural method, the essence of teaching in its correlation with apprenticeship was revealed; the prerequisites for the intention of enlightenment in Russian history are clarified. The poet is considered as a kind of Teacher of the people. The poet teaches to be a person and individuality. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the intention of enlightenment expresses the traditional nature of society and, at the same time, the desire of Russian society for rationalization and modernization based on the formation of a personal principle.
- Keywords:
- personality, enlightenment, teaching, the subject of teaching, forms of teaching, Russian spiritual culture, poet
Representation of culinary and gastronomic code of modern culture in demotivators: linguistic and cultural aspect
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 3- Authors:
- Olga A. Dimitrieva, Diana V. Andreeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- Culinary and gastronomic code of modern culture, represented in a polymodal text, namely in demotivators, is of particular interest from the point of view of axiological perspective. The relevance of this topic is connected with the study of the creolized text and the ways of explication of modern values in the verbal and visual components of the demotivator. The material for the study is demotivators of culinary and gastronomic topics that are freely available on the Internet. A distinctive feature is a verbal / non-verbal indication, firstly, of the cultural component of the region; secondly, of the way of representing professional activity or any distinctive character trait. The main method is a comprehensive analysis of a demotivator. “Tradition – innovation” dichotomy is realized in demotivators. If the verbal component of the demotivator contains an indication of a foreign dish, then the visual component includes typical, traditional dishes for a particular culture. Conversely, traditional names of dishes or food products receive an “innovative” interpretation. Professional activity is a distinctive feature in the design of the dish, the method of cooking and the contents. There is an appeal not only to the background knowledge about the stereotypes of the professional sphere and nutrition practices, but also to the general cultural background.
- Keywords:
- linguoculture, creolized text, demotivator, culinary and gastronomic code of culture, media discourse
Khoziaistvennaia deiatel'nost' naseleniia Krasnoslobodskogo uezda Penzenskoi gubernii vtoroi poloviny XIX - nachala XX veka
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Author:
- Liubov N. Shchankina
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the economic activities of peasants of the Krasnoslobodsky district of the Penza province in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The basis of the economy of the population of Krasnoslobodsky district was agriculture and animal husbandry. Gardening and horticulture played a large role in their economy. It was revealed that the formation of the economic activity of the population of the county was influenced by the following factors: natural and geographical (availability of a resource base), socio-economic (opportunities to supply food and products to other regions in connection with the expansion of the railway network in the Volga region; combining labor and commercial activities); ethnic (ethno-economic traditions, interethnic contacts).
- Keywords:
- agriculture, Penza province, Krasnoslobodsky district, animal husbandry
On the question of the influence of physical culture on the educational activities of students
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Authors:
- Arina S. Glusskaia, Spartak G. Aleksandrov
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- Physical education is an integral part of a student's education. This article examines the effectiveness of physical culture on the mental abilities of students during the period of academic activity.
- Keywords:
- students, physical culture, mental abilities, educational activity, health, working capacity