Physical Education as the Basis of Students' Personality Development
Research Article

- Published in:
- International academic journal «Development of education»
- Authors:
- Olga V. Korkishko 1 , Sergey A. Leshkevich 1 , Svetlana I. Kargina 1 , Elena I. Potyomkina 1 , Nataliya N. Lipovaya 1
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Pages:
- 16-19
- Received: 5 November 2020
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 4246
- Published in:
- doaj РИНЦ
1 FSAEI of HE “Sevastopol State University”
UDC 796.011.3
DOI: 10.31483/r-96746
The article considers the process of studying the correlation between the development of personal qualities, the level of physical training of students in universities and the attitude of students to physical education classes.
Physical education is one of the main ways of educating modern youth, which should harmoniously combine moral purity and spiritual wealth, physical perfection and psychological purposefulness. It has an impact on increasing the social and labor activity of students during their study at university. An active and healthy person keeps youth for a long time, continuing creative activities, not allowing “the soul to be lazy”.
Methods. To achieve the research purposes, we used a specially developed questionnaire on the impact of physical education on the health and attitudes of boys and girls to the subject.
The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Sevastopol State University. The sample of probationers from the 1st year of study were 205 students (100 boys and 105 girls).
The results of the study showed that 42% of the 1st year students chose to conduct physical education in the educational format, 37% of them are against compulsory classes, and 21% are neutral about physical education. Statistics showed that 60% attend classes only to get a «credit», 33% are interested in studying and gaining knowledge in their sport, and 7% do not attend classes well for various reasons.
The authors come to the conclusion that the requirements for graduates of educational institutions presuppose the development of new competencies by teachers that allow them to organize the educational process qualitatively and develop a positive attitude of students to physical education.
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