Submission Requirements

The editorial board of the journal accepts for publication articles reflecting the results of original research in the field of pedagogy, psychology and sociology that correspond to a high scientific level and are of value to the scientific community. The percentage of authenticity of the work cannot be less than 75%.

The authenticity of the works implies that they have not previously been published or posted on the Internet, and at the same time are not sent simultaneously to several publishing houses. The authors’ actions are subject to a code of ethics adopted by the editorial board.

The authors are also responsible for the accuracy of the data, facts, figures and other information provided in the publication.

Articles can be written in Russian, English or Chuvash.

The journal does not charge a fee for reviewing and peer-reviewing of author's works. However, in order to ensure high-quality issue of academic journal with open full-text access, the corresponding services are paid according to the approved tariffs. Payment is made only after passing the scientific peer review and approval of the Article by the editorial board of the journal. After that process the article will be published in the next issue.

I. General Requirements

The articles must be typed in the Microsoft Word text editor in the following formats: *.doc (*.docx) or *. rtf. Font of an article should be Times New Roman. Text is fully justified without using automatic word break. Font size – 14, paragraph indention – 1 cm, one-and-a-half spacing, A4 series, margin on all sides is 2 cm.

You can download a sample of correctly formatted article in English or Russian.

To submit an article, the author (s) should prepare:

  • 1. Information about the article (metadata)
  • Type of the article
    • Review Papers is most often built according to the following scheme: the author first gives the main points, thoughts, which will be further analyzed, that is, the author's provisions will be compared with the already available scientific provisions or data and interpreted in the light of the theories mentioned earlier. A review implies offering one's own interpretation followed by a conclusion.
    • Full Articles, using a number of theoretical methods, mainly rely on practical methods of measurement, observation, experiment, etc.
      For example:
      Empirical article – presentation of the results of original research.
      The structure of the text of the article should correspond to the stages of the research conducted and contain the following sections:
      - statement of the problem;
      - history of the problem.
      Research program
      - stages of research;
      - description of the sample: the number of participants, gender, age and other characteristics;
      - methods and techniques with their description;
      - the purpose and hypothesis of the study;
      - conducting procedure.
      - description of results (with tables and/or graphs);
      - analysis of the results.
      - summary;
      - relevance to theory and practice.
      A case study is an report of a case study from a person, group, community, or organization.
      An article of this type can focus on:
      - illustration of the identified problem;
      - an analysis of ways to solve an identified problem;
      - justification of the need for research in an area;
      - an analysis of the theoretical difficulties that exist.
      The authors of a case study should remember to maintain a balance between illustrative detail and confidentiality.
  • CSCSTI (Code of State Categories Scientific and Technical Information) and code of scientific specialty
    Specify the field of knowledge to which the publication belongs, use the service.
    Indicate the code of the scientific specialty VAK (Higher Attestation Commission).
  • The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
    To define the UDC for the research topic, the appropriate reference guide can be used.
  • Title of the article in Russian and English

    The title of the article should be informative, concise, in keeping with the scientific style of the text, and correspond exactly to its content. It should reflect the subject of the research and contain the main key words.

    It is not recommended to use such general words as "research", "study", "observation", "important", "significant", etc. in the title. It is not recommended to include in the title terms that are not used in international scientific research (including author's terms), as well as abbreviations (except common) and formulas.

  • Keywords in Russian and English

    Keywords are the 5-10 main terms used in the article. Key words should be ordered – from the most general, relevant to the problem, to more differentiated ones.

    Laboratory jargon and neologisms, unnecessarily long phrases, and phrases with homogeneous members should not be used as keywords. It is better to use keywords frequently found in other publications on the subject.

  • Abstract in Russian and English

    The abstract should be informative and clearly structured. The abstract is not divided into paragraphs, but it should indicate the purpose, materials, methods and conclusions.

    The volume of the abstract should be 150-250 words (no more than 210 words in English). The abstract is a source of general information about the article in international and Russian databases, as well as other abstract resources. It should contain the necessary terms to detect this article with the help of search systems.

    The abstract (the author's summary) serves as a reference tool (for the library, the abstract service), allowing the reader to understand whether he should read the full text of the article.

    The abstract in English should be written without the use of online translators. Russian version is not a tracing paper, but is a stylistically literate translation, therefore, abstracts in Russian and English may differ in volume.

    When translating, it is necessary to follow one of the styles of the English language (American or British) and avoid mixing them. It is necessary to split long sentences into several short ones containing a clearly expressed thought, to monitor the clarity of the wording when translating into English.

  • Acknowledgement (if necessary)
    The author(s) is(are) grateful to their colleagues for their help and to the backers for their financial support for the research (grant projects must also be indicated). It is appropriate to mention all sources of research funding, including direct and indirect financial and technical support (for example, the provision of equipment/materials). The consent of individuals to mention their names in acknowledgment is mandatory. The "Acknowledgement " section should contain no more than 100 words.
  • References in Russian and English

    The list of references should be from 15 to 30 sources, at least 50% of which should represent modern (not older than 10 years) publications in editions reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission and/or international journals. The share of references to publications from foreign sources should show international interest in the subject of the article. It is recommended to refer to foreign publications published during the last 5 years, as well as articles published in the editions indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.

    Dictionaries, encyclopedias, normative documents, abstracts and dissertations, educational and training manuals, fiction, abstracts and materials of local conferences, etc. that are not freely available on the Internet are not included in the list of literature. If necessary, they can be mentioned in the text of the article and make a footnote to them, but not included in the list of literature. The reference in the text of the article to the bibliographic source is given in square brackets in the form: [Ivanov, 2019, p. 57]. It is highly recommended not to include any editions without ISSN (for a periodical) and ISBN (for any print edition) in references. Referencing unpublished works is not allowed.

    The sources in the list are sorted alphabetically: first Cyrillic, then Latin alphabet.

    Self-citation should be substantiated, it makes no more than 10% of the entire list of references and is justified when, for example, it is necessary to refer to previously obtained experimental data, if the content of the article is based on these data. The percentage of references to other articles previously published in our journal cannot be higher than 10%.

    The requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 should be followed when compiling the list of references. The list of sources is not numbered. At all sources in the bibliographic list it is necessary to check the assignment of code END, DOI and URL (electronic link to the placement of the article in the RSCI, for example) and indicate it in the bibliographic description if available. The DOI of the article should be checked at or The EDN code can be found on the site eLIBRARY.RU at the top in the publication card (variant 1) or in the right menu of the publication card by clicking "Link for citation" (variant 2).

    For the Russian-language article two lists of references are given: 1. GOST literature (Russian-language sources first, then foreign sources. 2. Reference by APA; for English-language – only Reference.

    The APA 7 (American Psychological Association 7th edition) standard should be followed when compiling the English-language reference list. Sources in Russian should be transliterated according to the international transliteration system BGN. In transliterated references it is unacceptable to use separation signs of Russian GOSTs (//, -, etc.).

    We recommend using the Citation Generator for a proper article formatting.

    Poor quality of the reference list may be a reason for refusing to accept an article for review.

    From the point of view of the editorial board, poor quality includes:

    • the presence of errors in the description of sources, including incomplete output information;
    • the prevalence of references to little-known, hard-to-find sources that cannot be verified or identified;
    • the presence of references to unpublished works;
    • the presence of references to sources where the incomplete text of the article or monograph is presented;
    • the excessive self-citation;
    • the presence of references to non-scientific sources.
  • 2. Information about the author(s)
  • Contribution of co-authors. If there are more than three names in the author's list, it is obligatory to indicate the contribution of each of the authors to this work: the share starting from 100% and types of works performed by each co-author (it is not published in the journal, but it is required to assess the actual role of each co-author and to protect against unjustified attribution of authorship). Surnames are arranged in decreasing order of the size of the co-authors' contribution.
  • Surname, name, middle name in Russian and English

    When transliterating authors' surname, name, middle name, it is necessary to adhere to the unified spelling of surnames in all articles. Authors' surname and name in English should be presented according to international rules, with the indication of the initial of their middle names.

  • Academic degree, academic title in Russian and English
    Are indicated if available.
  • Full name of the institution (author's affiliation) and position in Russian and English

    Information about the institution includes the full name of the institution in accordance with the license documents, indicating the city and country of the institution’s location.

    The translation of information about the institution into English is given in full form without using an abbreviated name.

  • Email address, phone number
    Data must be specified for each author.
  • ORCID code of author

    Each author of the article must be registered in the ORCID system and have a corresponding ID. The author's profile in the ORCID system should be filled in as much detail as possible.

    Instructions for working with the ORCID system are available by the link.

  • SPIN code, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID (if available)
    Specifying a SPIN code helps the author automatically attach an article to his or her profile in eLIBRARY.RU
  • Author responsible for correspondence
    It is necessary to select one from the list of authors as a correspondent who will hold all correspondence with the publishing house regarding the article.
  • 3. Main text of the article
  • The structure of the article should comply with the international standard IMRaD. The article should contain 4 main sections: 1) introduction; 2) material and research methods; 3) research results and their discussion; 4) conclusions.
  • 3.1. Sections of the article
  • Introduction

    The “Introduction” section must contain the following: research topic, review of literature on the topic studied, problem statement, the aim of the study, information about the relevance and significance of the proposed study.

    A clearly formulated aim of the research, justification of the scientific novelty and significance of the study carried out must be specified in the introduction. In the introductory part of the article, a meaningful analysis of the existing modern literature (monographs, articles, manuals, etc., published, as a rule, over the past 3-5 years) on the scientific field of the research performed should be provided by the author. It is assumed that this analysis will be problematic, i.e. the formal transfer of the existing works on the subject mustn’t be observed, but the author's vision on scientific works already conducted by other scientists, the advantages and disadvantages of these works with access to subject of specific (conducted by the author and reflected in the article) study and, therefore, the rationale derived from the presented analysis of modern scientific works chosen by the author.

  • Material and methods of research

    This section is intended to describe the methodological approaches, methods, research base, the scheme of the study, the sequence of execution of the study and justification of the choice of methods used.

    Material for scientific research is a set of relevant information or any material object, corresponding to the topic of the study.

    Depending on the type of article and the content indicates the conditions for conducting experiments or observations, a description of the sample (number, composition, method of involvement) and stimulus material. When describing techniques, reference to the authors and literature is mandatory. Reference to literary sources without a description of the essence of the method is possible only if it is standard.

    The point of the information presented in this section is to allow another scientist of sufficient qualification to reproduce the study, based on the methods cited.

    If your article is a reproduction of previously described experimental models and the method you use has been published in detail in other articles, you may refer the reader to that source and simply give a brief overview of the method in this section. Example:

    We present the results of a cross-sectional and longitudinal study of adults aged 55-84. The memory assessment tasks were the same as those we used in a previous study (Zelinski et aI., 2010; Zelinski, Gilewski, & Thompson, 2013).

    It is recommended to describe well known methods without excessive details, while giving a reference to the sources where they can be consulted. Unknown or proprietary methods, choice of methodology, and research procedure should be described in detail.

    It is possible to designate subsections. It is common and expedient to allocate additional subsections in the Methods section. These are usually subsections describing the participants in the experiment and the subjects, as well as a subsection describing the procedures used in the study. The latter subsection often includes a description of (a) any experimental manipulations or interventions and how they were carried out, such as a description of the experimental instrument used to carry out the manipulation or intervention; (b) the procedure for drawing the sample of subjects, sample size, and representativeness; (c) the assessment approach (including the psychometric properties of the assessment instruments used); and (d) the study design. If the research design is complex or additional stimuli are required during the experiment, additional subsections with appropriate subheadings may be introduced to make it easier for readers to find specific information in the text of the article.

    Characterization of study participants (subjects). A proper description of study participants is crucial for science and practice in psychology, especially for the generalization of findings, the ability to obtain comparable data when replicating the experiment by other researchers, and the use of study data for scientific synthesis and analysis of secondary data. If people participated in the study, report the criteria for inclusion and non-inclusion in the sample, including any limitations based on demographic characteristics.

    Describe the composition of the participants. Detail the demographic characteristics of the sample, such as: age; gender; ethnicity or race; education level; socioeconomic status; generational characteristics; immigrant status; disability status; sexual orientation; gender identity; preferred language; and parameters important to your research topic (such as achievement rates in studies with pedagogical interventions). In other words, describe the subject groups as accurately as possible and pay special attention to those characteristics that may influence the interpretation of the results. Often, the characteristics of the subjects may be important for understanding the characteristics of the sample as a whole and may influence the reliability of the results. An example of useful information about the sample:

    The second group consisted of 40 women aged 20 to 30 (M = 24.2, SO = 2.1), all immigrants from El Salvador; educational background of at least 12 years of education; at least 10 years of permanent residence in the United States; living in Washington, D.C.

    To allow for generalization of the data, additional subgroups can be identified in a given group of subjects:

    The Asian sample included 30 Chinese and 45 Vietnamese. Among Latino and Hispanic-American men, 20 were Mexican-American and 20 were Puerto Rican-American.

    Sampling procedures. Describe the procedures for selecting subjects, including (a) the method of selection, if a systematic selection of subjects was used; (b) the percentage of experimental participants who were determined to be suitable for participation in the experiment; (c) the number of participants who themselves expressed a desire to participate in the experiment. Describe the conditions and location in which data collection took place; all types of agreements that were made with participants in the experiment and payments that were made; agreements with Institutional Review Boards; information about ethical standards; and safety measures for monitoring subjects.

    Sample size, representativeness, and possible sampling error. Along with information about the subjects, provide information about the expected sample size and the required number of subjects with certain characteristics, if these characteristics were stipulated in the design of the experiment. Note whether the sample you formed differs from the target population in a number of known characteristics. Conclusions and interpretations should not go beyond what the research on the sample can guarantee.

    Specify how the sample size was determined (e.g., analysis of representativeness and possible bias). If interim analysis and restrictive rules were used to modify the desired sample size, describe the methodology and results.

    Also be careful when discussing the role that sample size plays when it is undesirable to reject the null hypothesis (that is, when someone claims that differences are not found); when testing the various assumptions underlying the accepted statistical model (e.g., normality, homogeneity of variance, homogeneity of regression) and when selecting an experimental model.

    Alternatively, use calculations based on a predetermined level of precision (confidence interval width) to determine the sample size. Use the resulting confidence intervals to support conclusions about sampling error (e.g., that the effect of sample size is negligible).

    Indicators and independent variables. Include in the Methods section, the definition of all primary and secondary performance measures and independent variables, including indicators that were obtained but were not included in this article. Describe the methods used to collect data (e.g., written questionnaires, interviews, observations) and the methods used to improve measurement quality (e.g., training or refresher training for experts assessing subject behavior and increasing the number of observations). Provide information about the measurement instruments used, including their psychometric and biometric properties, as well as evidence of their cultural validity.

    Study design. Under "Methods," state the design of the study. Were the subjects placed in special conditions or were they observed in their natural environment? If there were different conditions for different groups of subjects, how were the subjects chosen for the experiments under these conditions, by random assignment or using a different selection mechanism? Was the research conducted in an inter- or intra-group comparison format?

    Different research designs require different forms of presentation in scientific publications. When reporting on studies that did not use variation variables or interventions (e.g., observational or natural developmental studies), provide a sufficiently detailed description of the research procedures so that the reader can understand the complex details of the study and be prepared to conduct similar research.

    Variation in variables or remedial influences. If the study used interventions or variable variation, describe their specific content. Include details about the nature of the interventions or variables analyzed for each episode of the experiment, including control groups (if any) and describe how and when the corrective intervention (introduction of a new variable) was implemented.

    The description of variable manipulation or interventions should include a number of required elements. Carefully describe the content of the interventions or specific variable manipulations. This is usually a brief description of the instructions to participants. If the instructions are not standard, or if they are complex interventions, they can be given verbatim in an appendix or in an additional archive on the website. If the instructions are brief, they can be presented in an article, as long as they do not overload the text or distract from the main idea.

    Describe methods of manipulating variables and collecting data. If a device was used for manipulation or data collection, include the operations performed with it, the model number of the device and manufacturer (when important, as in neuroimaging studies), its basic parameters (e.g., pulse setting) and resolution (e.g., stimulus arrival rate, accuracy of data recording). As with descriptions of corrective interventions or experimental manipulations, this material can be presented in the text of the article, in an appendix to the article, or in an online archive. If necessary, when clinical or pedagogical interventions are planned, describe who delivered the intervention, their level of general professional training, and their professional preparedness for interventions of this type. Provide data on the number of experimenters who delivered the intervention, the mean and standard deviation in subjects' outcomes following their interventions, and the number of subjects exposed by each experimenter.

    Provide information about: (a) the conditions under which the intervention or manipulation of variables occurred, (b) the number of exposures and their duration (i.e., how many experimental sessions, episodes, and events involved exposing subjects and what was their duration), (c) the frequency with which subjects were exposed (for example, whether the variable variation experiment ended after a single experimental session or whether participants were exposed repeatedly, and in this case, what was the time interval between the first and the last session?) and (d) specific actions and incentives, in terms of their compliance with the objectives of the study.

    Describe the principle of grouping the subjects when collecting the data (were the subjects exposed individually, in a small group, or in a large group such as a school class?) Describe the smallest unit of exposure in your experiment (individual, work group, class) that was analyzed in terms of effect size. If the unit used for statistical analysis is different from the unit used for impact (i.e., different from the group formed by randomization), describe the analytical method used to account for this discrepancy (e.g., the standard deviation method of estimation or the multilevel analysis method).

    Selection of subjects. Specify the time frame in which subjects were selected and the main locations in which they were selected, if important. If your data differ from the group standards, evaluate each group.

  • Research Results and Discussion

    Review Papers is most often built according to the following scheme: the author first gives the main points, thoughts, which will later be subjected to analysis, i.e. the author's provisions will be compared with already available scientific provisions or data and interpreted in the light of the theories mentioned earlier. A review implies offering one's own interpretation followed by a conclusion.

    Full Articles, using a number of theoretical methods, mainly rely on practical methods of measurement, observation, experiment, etc.

    In the Results section, describe only the data that were obtained in the study. State the data in as much detail as possible in order to draw valid conclusions, and to support them. Note all results obtained, including those that contradict your initial ideas; be sure to mention small effect sizes (or statistically insignificant coefficients), in cases where the theory assumed a large effect size (or statistically significant figures). Do not hide uncomfortable results. Do not cite individual subject rates or raw data, except in cases where a single case is analyzed or an illustrative example is needed.

    Statistics and data analysis. Data analysis and publication of results are fundamental aspects of research. Accurate, objective, complete, and in-depth reporting of processed data (whether quantitative or qualitative analysis) should be a component of all research work. Researchers in psychology use a variety of approaches to data analysis, and their choice is based primarily on the extent to which a particular method is appropriate for answering the questions posed to the study and on the nature of the data obtained. The methods used should be appropriate to the amount of work performed, be reliable to use, and provide a clear and unambiguous understanding of the data.

    When reporting the logical results of a statistical analysis or effect size indices, provide sufficient information to help the reader better understand the analysis performed and consider alternative explanations for the results of the analysis. Since analytical techniques are chosen according to the nature of the data being analyzed and the assumptions being made, it is impossible to specify what constitutes an "effective set of statistical procedures" for each type of analysis. However, such a set usually includes, at a minimum, the following estimation parameters: sample size in each subgroup; mean values in each subgroup (or frequency of phenomena for each category of subjects for categorical variables); and standard deviations in each subgroup or deviations of subgroup values from values in the overall sample.

    For readers to appreciate the magnitude or importance of the study's conclusions, the effect size data should be used in the Results section. Wherever possible, report the confidence interval for each effect size to demonstrate the accuracy of the estimate. Sometimes it is better to present the effect size not in the original units but in a standardized form (e.g., Cohen's d-value or standardized regression coefficient). A coefficient of effect size with several degrees of freedom is often less useful than a coefficient of effect size with one degree of freedom, especially when the latter is the subject of discussion. However, the general principle to be followed is to give the reader enough information to allow him to estimate the magnitude of the observed effect.

  • Conclusions

    As a rule, the volume does not exceed 10% of the text. Includes a recapitulation of the main results and their relevance (evaluation) to science. This section should contain all the answers to what the author stated as goals, objectives, and hypotheses, as well as research questions.

    The text is written in the present tense.

  • 3.2. Graphical Elements
  • Tables
    Tables should contain experimental data and represent generalized and statistically processed research materials. Each table must have a title, must be numbered and mentioned in the text.
  • Figures

    Figures should not repeat the information specified in tables. Figures should be clear, easily reproducible, numbered, mentioned in the text and have image-related text and explanations of the meanings of symbolic notations. All explanations that clutter figures up are placed in image-related text. All tables and figures are assumed to have been created by the author, unless otherwise indicated. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of names, quotations, formulas, data, and references to other works presented in the article.

    Figures should be presented in tiff and png formats. For scanned images, the resolution must be at least 300 dpi.

  • Formulas
    Formulas and letter symbol in the text must be typed in the Microsoft Equation Editor. The font for Greek letters is Symbol, while for all others it is Times New Roman. Formulas shouldn’t be large. They are placed in the center of the page and numbered if necessary.

II. Files that need to be sent to the publishing house

  • Information about authors
    A separate file in Microsoft Word format containing information about the authors (see point 2).
  • Manuscript File
    A separate file in Microsoft Word format containing the text of the manuscript (see point 3), including metadata (see point 1) without specifying information about the authors.
  • Graphical Elements
    All graphic elements used in the article (tables, diagrams, block diagrams, figures, formulas, etc.) should be presented in the following formats: MS Word, MS Excel, MatLab, MathType, PDF, png, tiff (with a resolution of at least 300 dpi).