Oriental'nye ekologicheskie peremennye: ekologiia kul'tury cherez tekstovye ekzemply novopersidskogo kontinuuma nach. KhKh - 10-ykh gg. XXI v.

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-74812
Open Access
Monograph «Culture. Science. Education: modern trends»
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Monograph «Culture. Science. Education: modern trends»
Natalia V. Khalina 1 , Denis V. Anikin 1 , Ekaterina V. Valiulina 1
Work direction:
Глава 1. Культура
Received: 17 February 2020

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1 FGBOU VO "Altaiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet"


The ecology of a new Persian continuum culture, represented in two hypostases-states: the Iranian discourse and the Iranian dispositif is examined in the work. The Iranian discourse is considered on the basis of the introduction to the English translation of «Shahnameh» by Firdausi, composed and published by Arthur George and Edmond Warner in the early twentieth century. The Iranian dispositif is studied on the material of the Iranian media at the beginning of the twenty first century. The methodological basis of the work is the hermeneutical method, the phenomenological approach, and the linguistic topology. The structural units of analysis are linguoecological variables, or existentials, represented by text examples. The analysis makes it possible to draw conclusions about the ontological dimension of the Iranian discourse and the strategic imperative of the Iranian dispositif, determined by the ontological security of the Iranian society and the institutional culture of the Shanghai cooperation organization.


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