Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia

- Published in:
- International Scientific and Practical Conference «Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia»
- Author:
- Mikhail I. Fedulov 1
- Work direction:
- Все направления
- Received: 16 January 2019
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 4341
- Published in:
For citation:
Fedulov M. I. (2018). Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia. Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
DOI: 10.31483/r-22098
The book presents the materials of the conference “Peoples of the Volga-Ural region in the history and culture of Russia”. The issues of history, ethnography of the peoples of the Volga-Ural region and the scientific and pedagogical activity of P.V. Denisov are represented.
For ethnographers, historians, archaeologists, local historians, students of humanities, as well as a wide range of readers.