List of publications on a keyword: «student»
Features of using neural network platforms for teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Elena G. Liakhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- This study was conducted to find out the advantages and disadvantages of teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university using neural network platforms and to compare such training with traditional teaching of foreign languages. During the research, an analysis of the features of neural networks and learning platforms based on them was carried out. The author of the article conducted experimental training in order to compare the success of mastering lexical and grammatical foreign language material when learning on the Duolingo neural network platform with traditional foreign language teaching. As a result of the study, the author discovered that when learning on neural network platforms, students experience difficulties at the stages of forming and maintaining motivation, presenting new foreign language material, comprehending and rethinking. These difficulties are associated with the risk of cognitive devaluation of students’ memory, the Google effect, the inability of neural networks to structure information, clip thinking, and the lack of comparison of new foreign language phenomena with their analogues in the students’ native language and native culture. At the same time, in the process of experimental training, the author found that vocabulary acquisition occurs more effectively when learning on neural network platforms. In addition, according to the results of the survey, students like to study a foreign language on neural network platforms due to the abundance of game components of such learning. In conclusion, the article provides ways to mitigate and level out the identified shortcomings of learning on neural network platforms, the main of which is the organization of blended learning, in which the teacher forms and maintains student motivation, presents new foreign language material, activates students’ conceptual critical thinking with the help of appropriate exercises, and students perform lexical and grammatical exercises on the neural network platform.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, clip thinking, teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university, neural network learning platforms, cognitive devaluation of students' memory, conceptual thinking
The System of Work of a Class Teacher in a Secondary Professional Educational Institution for the Pedagogical Prevention of Smoking (Vaping) Electronic Cigarettes
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Olga S. Tsaregorodtseva
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- Pedagogical prevention of smoking (vaping) electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) among students, like any prevention, should be ongoing and diverse. We have developed a set of activities for class hours and parent meetings (survey, presentation, booklet for parents, a selection of articles, videos and trainings) that takes into account the reasons for the popularity of vaping, informs students and their parents about the real impact of electronic cigarettes on physical and mental health, helps to increase the motivation to quit smoking e-cigarettes, offers alternatives to vaping based on the principles of healthy lifestyle.
- Keywords:
- educational organization, students, pedagogical prevention, addiction, electronic cigarettes, vaping, a set of activities for classroom hours, physical and mental health, motivation to quit smoking, curators of groups, secondary vocational educational institutions
About Some Aspects of Targeted Training at a Medical University
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Galina V. Sych
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses some aspects of targeted training in a medical school. This topic is very relevant, in view of the fact that every year the number of targeted places allocated by the Ministry of Health not only for students, but also for resident doctors is increasing. In this regard, studying the attitude of graduates themselves to targeted training is of great interest, which became the purpose of the study. The subjects of the study were 200 graduate students, who were divided into 2 groups of 100 people, depending on the type of training – on a general basis and according to a targeted program. The basis of the study was an anonymous survey, the purpose of which was to find out the general awareness of students about various aspects of targeted training, as well as to determine its main positive and negative aspects. The data obtained in the study can provide new insights into aspects of targeted learning and can help set new vectors for research activities. This study is primarily of interest to all higher education teachers involved in the educational process of a medical university.
- Keywords:
- student, profession, residency, targeted training
Training Foreign Students in the Use Of Reflexive Verbs of the Russian Language in Speech: the Specifics of this Category and Paying Attention to Features
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Lilliia G. Petrova, Anna V. Elfimova, Sofia A. Chumakova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter considers the verb as the nuclear center of the grammar of the Russian language. Particular attention is paid to reflexive verbs, the method of their selection for study by foreign students. This is due to the fact that Russian reflexive verbs are part of speech, which is a certain difficulty for foreigners to study. The authors believe that studying the semantics and functioning of the Russian-language reflexive verb, as well as developing ways to teach foreign students how to use it in speech, it is important to focus on its position in the Russian dictionary system, the functions of phrasal organization of speech and text. It is necessary to pay attention to the complexity and relationship of grammatical categories, which are the form, tense, methods of verbal action in close adhesion with lexical meanings of verbs. An attempt is made to systematize the reflexive verbs selected for study, grouping them by topics in a more concise form.
- Keywords:
- Training, foreign students, Russian as a foreign language, grammar, reflexive verb
Organization of project training in an institution of higher education (on the example of Kemerovo State University)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Olga Y. Glukhova, Alexander M. Gudov, Svetlana M. Sirik
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The requirements of federal state educational standards, professional standards and the labor market contribute to the introduction of project-based learning into the educational process of the university. Despite the fact that issues related to project training are actively being investigated, however, a system of interrelated procedures regulating the activities of project participants has not been developed. This paper presents a methodology for the organization and support of project training aimed at the formation of universal and professional competencies of students, including the development and implementation of the project. The article describes ways to assess the level of competence formation. The study examines the specifics of determining all aspects for the creation and implementation of the project. To verify the theoretical and practical provisions of the developed methodology for the organization of project-based education at the university, the formation of professional competencies is evaluated. The verification of the level of formation of professional competencies of the project participants is carried out on the basis of diagnostic sections described in detail on the example of the industrial practice "Research work" of students of the project master's degree in Mathematics 01.04.01, the orientation (profile) of the educational program "Teaching mathematics and computer science".
- Keywords:
- project, project training, students' project activities, methods of organizing project training, method of organizing project activities
Socio-psychological features of a high school student blogger
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Author:
- Kristina D. Kostareva
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The Internet environment is becoming one of the factors of socialization of the younger generation. Nowadays, more high school students are opening up their own lives, emotions and behavior to the public when running a video blog on the Internet. The study of the socio-psychological characteristics of a high school student blogger represents a considerable interest, since, the number of domestic and foreign studies on this problem is not sufficient. The article arises the problem of acquiring socio-psychological characteristics by the young people using the Internet for blogging. As methodological tools of the study the author used various research methods including the author's questionnaire, "Scale of measurement of self-presentation tactics", "Scale of social trust of J. P. Blavatsky", "N. Hall's methodology for determining the level of emotional intelligence" etc. The article discusses the results of the comparative analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics of high school students, active Internet users and bloggers. The article describes an attempt to consider video blogging as a factor of socialization. As a result of the study, the definite features were identified, which consisted in the fact that a high school blogger having a low reflected self-attitude, may feel antipathy towards himself, and may actively use defensive-type tactics, that is, a defensive style of self-presentation.
- Keywords:
- emotional intelligence, high school student, blog, blogger, level of social trust, user of social networks, tactics of self-presentation, reflected self-attitude, self-attitude, self-acceptance
Indicators of adaptation of psychology students to the digital transformation of education during their university studies
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Viktoria V. Usoltseva, Polina S. Shitova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of adaptation of psychology students, their adaptation in accordance with the indicators identified in the process of theoretical analysis, the definition of the concept of adaptation in general and to the digital transformation of education in particular. The study of adaptation indicators of psychology students to the digital transformation of education is relevant, since in the modern world digital technologies play an increasingly significant role in all spheres of life, including education. Digital technologies are a reliable assistant to the psychologist at all stages of the educational process. To study the ability of psychology students at a pedagogical university to adapt in their lives to changing conditions and the process of digital transformation of education, survey and questionnaire methods were used. The level of adaptation was determined using a standardized questionnaire and the author's questionnaire. The paper presents the results of a study of four indicators of general adaptation: neuropsychic stability, communicative ability, moral stability and adaptive ability. Four indicators of adaptation to the digital transformation of education have been identified: interest, readiness to use digital tools, knowledge of digital tools and the ability to use them, ease of learning digital tools. Based on the results obtained, data on the adaptation of psychology students of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of different courses are presented.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, digitalization, digital tools, psychology students, digital transformation of education, communicative features, adaptation indicators, neuropsychic stability, moral normativity, adaptive ability
Tools for developing the life building competence of high students in the educational environment of school
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Author:
- Yulia V. Olkhova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the life-building competence of high school students as a guideline for building an age-oriented educational environment at a school. The category of life-building competence is introduced within the framework of the existential approach in psychology, designating a high school student as the subject of his own life path, the author of a life strategy, which in a specific life situation is presented as the development and implementation of a life plan. Life-building competence is understood as an integral property of an individual, characterizing the desire and ability to realize one’s potential (knowledge, skills, experience, personal qualities, etc.) for the responsible creation and implementation of life plans. Based on the analysis of the components of competence of various authors, the components of competence and their diagnostics are considered: motivational, cognitive, value-semantic, emotional-volitional, operational, reflexive, proactive. The article provides characteristics of high, medium and low levels of development of life-building competence of high school students and the percentage of subjects with the corresponding level. For each component of competence, the personal qualities that ensure its development are noted, and specific tools used in the educational environment of the school are given.
- Keywords:
- competence, educational environment, mapping, high school students, life-building competence, components of competence, structured diary, concept of "being-in-the-world"
Measures to develop motivation for schooling in younger students with mental retardation
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Anna B. Tivikova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- Abstract: among the main tasks of teachers and educational psychologists working with younger schoolchildren with mental retardation, the tasks of developing their motivation to study at school and the formation of educational motives are highlighted. Based on this, this article presents the results of the analysis of the works of the authors who are developing issues of organizing and conducting activities aimed at stimulating and developing motivation for schooling in younger schoolchildren with mental retardation.
- Keywords:
- primary school students, mental retardation, Keywords: motivation for school education
Formirovanie motivatsii pervoklassnikov k obucheniiu v shkole
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Alina V. Khmelnitskaia, Natalia G. Ivanova
- Work direction:
- Практическая психология в сфере образования
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the possibilities of forming the motivation of first-graders to study at school: the relevance of such work and its directions are determined. The program of formation of motivation of first-graders to study at school, tested in practice, is briefly described. The results of the effectiveness of the program are presented.
- Keywords:
- motives for learning, first grade students, correction of motivation of first graders
Features of motivation of students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports when studying disciplines of the psychological block
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Iuliia S. Fedotova, Iia A. Semenova
- Work direction:
- Практическая психология в сфере образования
- Abstract:
- The results of a survey of students at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports are discussed using a modified methodology for studying the motivational sphere of students by O.S. Grebenyuk. The authors formulate recommendations for the effective organization of training student-athletes in the field of psychology, taking into account the specifics of their future professional activities.
- Keywords:
- soft skills, hard skills, Educational motivation of students, interest in studying disciplines of the psychological cycle, professional development of the individual
A study of the attitude of students towards unregistered cohabitation and official marriage
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Daria L. Poleshchuk, Liudmila I. Bochantseva
- Work direction:
- Психология семьи и детско-родительских отношений
- Abstract:
- In this article, the authors consider the concepts of "unregistered cohabitation" and "official marriage" from the perspective of sociology and psychology. The results of the conducted research on the attitude of students aged 18 to 25 years to unregistered cohabitation and official marriage are of interest. Analyzing the results of the survey, the authors identified peculiarities in the views of young people regarding issues of cohabitation and official registration of marriage, the main reasons for cohabitation and marriage, the preferred age of marriage and other aspects. The results show that for students, the factor of love is important when entering into a marriage union, as well as the conditioning of cohabitation by the desire to check the relationship before the official registration of marriage. However, there is a variety of views on the unregistered union and its role in the relationship, as well as different opinions about the optimal age for marriage.
- Keywords:
- youth, students, family, relationships, marriage, love, cohabitation, unregistered cohabitation, official marriage, preferences, views
Involvement of design students in the design activities of universities
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Varvara A. Pugach, Marina G. Plotnikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter discloses interrelationships of a ‘teacher – student – project activity’ system with the construction of the design concept of printed products and well-established graphic advertising images of the established higher school of design. The chapter deals with the issues of students’ practical activity during the preparation of specific printing products. The chapter presents an overview of the experimental planning of the booklet design, which is the basis for collaboration of various professional design areas, including communicative design and costume design. In the course of the research, real experience is presented and the stages of involving design students in project activities are revealed, identifying the peculiarities of presenting information and career guidance material in modern printing products, suggesting methodological recommendations. The chapter explores new aspects of information about the experience of design schools. New methods of collaborative work of ‘teacher – student – project activity’ system are shown in the chapter. The study considers the algorithm of student's work in the project activity of creating a booklet. The research results in defining improved methodological recommendations for the involvement of design students in the project activity of higher education institutions.
- Keywords:
- project activity of design students, booklet, professional culture of future designers, design education
Sotsial'no-psikhologicheskie faktory v fizicheskom vospitanii studentov
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Elena S. Aivazova, Iurii A. Gorchaniuk, Elena N. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- This chapter studies a complex interaction of socio-psychological factors in the context of students' physical education. Recognising the central importance of both social and psychological aspects, the work considers how these factors influence students' engagement, motivation and general well-being during physical education. Based on multidisciplinary frameworks, the authors use qualitative and quantitative techniques to analyse the multifaceted influence of social and psychological factors on students' attitudes, performance and predilection for physical activity. The outcomes obtained make a valuable contribution to educational practice by highlighting the importance of individual strategies that take into account socio-psychological dynamics to increase the impact of physical education programmes.
- Keywords:
- motivation, physical education, educational practices, physical activity, student engagement, socio-psychological factors, multidisciplinary frameworks, educational strategies
Theoretical foundations of the formation of the readiness of students of pedagogical classes to choose a teaching profession
ProceedingThe Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology- Author:
- Anastasiia M. Lykova
- Work direction:
- Современные подходы в обучении и воспитании
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes approaches to determining the readiness of high school students to choose a teaching profession. The author presents the essential characteristics of the concept of "readiness", examines the interpretation of the term "readiness to choose a teacher's profession." In the context of modern specialized education, readiness to choose a teaching profession was interpreted taking into account the individual characteristics, interests, values and capabilities of current high school students.
- Keywords:
- high school students, professional self-determination of students, pre-professional pedagogical training, readiness to choose a teaching profession, specialized psychological and pedagogical classes
Understanding riddles by third grade students with severe speech impairments
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article describes the difficulties of guessing riddles by students of third grades with severe speech disorders. The presented answers are distributed by puzzles and can serve as the basis for the development of the relevant areas and methods of speech therapy work to expand knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality in third -class students with severe speech impairments.
- Keywords:
- severe speech disorders (TNR), 3rd grade students, riddles
Assessment of the subjective well-being of agricultural university undergraduates: gender differences
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Evgenii N. Tumashov, Liudmila I. Bochantseva
- Work direction:
- Реализация в образовательном процессе субъектной позиции обучающихся
- Abstract:
- The problem of subjective well-being has recently become an analysis of a wide range of researchers interested in improving the quality of life of an individual and his satisfaction. The article reveals the concept of "subjective well-being", presents an analysis of recent research on this issue. Screening diagnostics "Scale of subjective well-being" made it possible to determine the features of the emotional state, social behavior and some physical symptoms in undergraduate students of the agrarian university. Minor gender differences in the assessment of subjective well-being among students have been established.
- Keywords:
- students, gender differences, subjective well-being, life satisfaction
Studying the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the twentieth century by foreign students in Russian universities
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Lena R. Bakirova
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the twentieth century in a foreign audience. Using the example of two classes devoted to the study of the topic, the author of the article examines the main stages of practical classes in literature for foreigners: the introductory part, the introduction of the lexical minimum, working with the text, completing assignments to the text, watching a fragment of a film, the final part.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, literature, prose, poetry, the theme of war, stages of the lesson
In memory of Mikhail Fedorovich Vishnyakov - participant of the Great Patriotic War
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Vladimir S. Eshpanov, Kuliash B. Omarova
- Work direction:
- Наследие Великой Победы и преемственность поколений
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the life path of Mikhail Fedorovich Vishnyakov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The work is of an informative and educational nature in memory of a person who has passed away, whose activities deserve to be reflected in the memory of the residents of our region. The authors aim to promote the formation of feelings of citizenship and patriotism, respect for the history and culture of their country. The upbringing of the younger generation should be carried out precisely on the example of such heroes as our fellow countryman. His story had a strong impact on the public consciousness of the villagers, especially on the consciousness of young people.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, students, Great Patriotic War, school, veteran
Managing academic and free time in the process of academic education
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- This chapter presents various ways to effectively manage time in the process of academic learning, given as a premise that it is an abstract resource, which is difficult to manage, although it has a significant impact on student life. In general, a modern person is becoming increasingly busy, feeling a gap between the number of activities he wants to complete and the ability to complete them in a timely, stress-free manner. During the process of academic learning, students face the need to rebuild their way of using time as a resource, as well as other resources associated with it, thus becoming more organized, which has an impact on the results of their activities. In the event of academic environment, as for students participating in the educational process, sources of stress are either at the academical level: people in a group with close relationships, individual teachers, group membership, competition with peers. Also, tense relationships with decision makers, who makes amendments at the level of the system, institution, various events in public life. Regarding sources of stress, they can also be found at the level of the educational activity itself: the nature of tasks, their volume, complexity, deadlines, restrictions, learning conditions, unjustified rules and habits, ambiguity of functions, student’s lack of desire to assign them. The study aims to outline several effective principles of action related to time management that could be useful for both students and educators.
- Keywords:
- education, management, efficiency, students, time
Подготовка студенческих команд к спортивному турниру по силовым видам спорта «Богатыри Ярослава»: методический аспект
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Authors:
- Ol'ga N. Kirsanova, Evgenii E. Karpov
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- This chapter reveals the toolkit for students’ training for the traditional endurance sports tournament «Bogatyrs of Yaroslav». The description of bogatyr is presented in the chapter based on the analysis of the literature. To conduct the experiment, special sets of exercises were developed for building the power abilities of the participants. A comparative analysis of the results of training the control and experimental groups indicates a significant advantage of the winners using the developed set of exercises.
- Keywords:
- tournament, student teams, set of training exercises, characteristics of bogatyr
Developing Spiritual and Moral Values of High School Students in English Lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Natalia A. Fedotova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article describes an experimental study aimed at developing the spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. It was assumed that the use of debatable teaching methods would contribute to the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. The study included 3 stages: the primary diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of the personality of students of experimental and control groups – M. Rokich's methodology "Diagnosis of value orientations", diagnosis of moral education by M. I. Shilova, methods of studying patriotic education by I.D. Lushnikov, methods "Study of self-esteem of personality" by S. A. Budassi; development, testing and implementation in the educational process in an experimental group of discussion methods of teaching; conducting a control diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of students and analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed exercises. The analysis of the research results showed that the use of debatable teaching methods has a positive impact on the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. Proven and implemented discussion methods in the educational process are important for understanding the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students and can be useful for educational practices.
- Keywords:
- spiritual and moral values, high school students, English lessons, debatable teaching methods
The Relationship between High School Students' Entrepreneurship Needs and the Frequency of Entrepreneurship Consulting Activities by Teachers in Vietnam
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Trung Hoc Hoang, Thi T. Nguyen
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Under the impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0, promoting entrepreneurship among students is an important direction to contribute to the economic and social development of Vietnam in the current period. The study was conducted to determine the characteristics of high school students' needs for entrepreneurship, the frequency of entrepreneurial consulting activities of teachers and the relationship between them, like the basic foundation for the effective organization of entrepreneurial consulting activities for high school students. Questionnaire is the main method using in this study. The questionnaire includes 35 items, which were tested for reliability by using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The research subjects include 3185 Vietnamese high school students. Statistical data is processed by using SPSS version 20.0. Research results show that, the need for entrepreneurship is popular among high school students, but is not yet clear. Entrepreneurial consulting activities are implemented in schools, but the frequency is not high, conducted by teachers in the form of group classes. There is a positive, statistically significant relationship between students' need for entrepreneurship and the frequency of counseling activities for them. The research data is scientific basis for establishing the model of entrepreneurship counseling and building measures to improve the effectiveness of entrepreneurship counseling activities for Vietnamese high school students.
- Keywords:
- entrepreneurship, high school students, consultation, entrepreneurship consulting, entrepreneurial consulting activities of teachers
Formation of Critical Thinking among University Students (using the Example of Teaching a Foreign Language)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Nailya F. Plotnikova, Timur R. Usmanov, Landysh A. Gizyatova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The relevance of this study lies in the fact that modern society is putting forward more and more requirements for graduates of higher educational institutions, to have a certain set of professional competencies, critical thinking and teamwork. The purpose of this study is to consider the concept of critical thinking, to identify the stages and levels of formation of critical thinking among students of higher educational institutions. To achieve these goals, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature of Russian and foreign scientists on the topic under study. The purposeful introduction of critical thinking elements into the process of teaching students a foreign language contributes to the formation of their critical thinking skills. The authors of the study cite individual fragments of the developed foreign language training sessions aimed at developing critical thinking skills. The conclusions of the study emphasize the main role of teachers, who help students interpret, analyze, evaluate and implement the acquired knowledge in practice. Teaching students a foreign language in line with critical thinking requires university teachers to master language competencies, purposeful, systematic preparation for conducting training sessions aimed at completing tasks related to the formation of students’ critical thinking skills.
- Keywords:
- formation, foreign language, Training, students, skills, critical thinking
Professionally oriented intercultural communication of Chinese students in Russian
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 1- Authors:
- Shanzhi Zhang, Ludmila P. Muhammad, Victoria R. Potemkina
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the ethnocultural component of the educational process of Chinese philology students. The purpose of the study is to build a professionally oriented model for preparing foreign students for intercultural communication in Russian. The research material consisted of video and audio recordings of educational work in Russian in the conditions of Russian preparatory faculties. Research methods – analysis of theoretical models presented in modern literature on teaching the Russian language in Chinese audiences; generalization of one’s own practical experience; modeling the educational process with the inclusion of an ethnocultural component in the model. As a result of the study, the authors come to the following conclusions: as an optimal methodological basis, one should choose a variable model of personal-activity learning, based on anthropological, communicative and cognitive principles in a complex, which will allow to include in training, on the one hand, ethnocultural component, on the other hand, will not disrupt the processes of comprehensive learning and the formation of a linguistic personality as an integral phenomenon. As an integrative component, the model presents a metatext that is relevant for Chinese philology students, based on the standardized intention «General characteristics of an object». As a result, students, relying on ethnocultural potential and the ability to build communication in Russian, by the end of the first semester master the A2+ level and are ready to work in the second semester to study special philological disciplines directly in Russian.
- Keywords:
- intercultural communication, language personality, Russian as a foreign language, Chinese students, the ethnocultural component, professionalization of the educational process