Socio-psychological features of a high school student blogger

Research Article
EDN: HVIRDP DOI: 10.31483/r-109213
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 7
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International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 7
Kristina D. Kostareva 1
Work direction:
Psychology in Education
Received: 3 December 2023 / Accepted: 27 May 2024 / Published: 14 June 2024

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1 Perm College of Entrepreneurship and Service
For citation:
Kostareva K. D. (2024). Socio-psychological features of a high school student blogger. Development of education, 7(2), 66-73. EDN: HVIRDP.
UDC 159.9


The Internet environment is becoming one of the factors of socialization of the younger generation. Nowadays, more high school students are opening up their own lives, emotions and behavior to the public when running a video blog on the Internet. The study of the socio-psychological characteristics of a high school student blogger represents a considerable interest, since, the number of domestic and foreign studies on this problem is not sufficient. The article arises the problem of acquiring socio-psychological characteristics by the young people using the Internet for blogging. As methodological tools of the study the author used various research methods including the author's questionnaire, "Scale of measurement of self-presentation tactics", "Scale of social trust of J. P. Blavatsky", "N. Hall's methodology for determining the level of emotional intelligence" etc. The article discusses the results of the comparative analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics of high school students, active Internet users and bloggers. The article describes an attempt to consider video blogging as a factor of socialization. As a result of the study, the definite features were identified, which consisted in the fact that a high school blogger having a low reflected self-attitude, may feel antipathy towards himself, and may actively use defensive-type tactics, that is, a defensive style of self-presentation.


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