List of publications on a keyword: «student»
Using the cinquain method at the lessons of Russian for foreigners at nonlinguistic university
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article considers modern interactive teaching strategies including cinquain method. This play-based task aims strengthening of cognitive work of foreign students while teaching Russian. The paper describes the rules of cinquain structure and the ways of its using. The author focuses on the forms of work, gives some examples of such a classroom technology.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, cinquain, play-based acting devices, learning process effectiveness, using of acting teachimg strategies
Psychological training program to support student technological entrepreneurship: “psycho-correctional targets” and the basics of construction
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Anna N. Zakharova, Aniuta N. Erlygina, Denis V. Gartfelder
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- The psychological training program for supporting student technological entrepreneurship in the Russian educational environment of an educational institution of higher education is discussed in the article. Ways to develop entrepreneurial activity are proposed, based on the “psychocorrectional targets” identified by the authors and the psychological problems of beginning entrepreneurs.
- Keywords:
- university students, student technological entrepreneurship, psychological training program, psychocorrectional targets, Russian educational environment
Aspekty psikhologicheskoi pomoshchi studentam v meditsinskom vuze
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Galina V. Sych, Olga I. Gordeeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to some aspects of psychological assistance to students at a medical university. This topic is currently very relevant for a number of reasons that can lead to the need for psychological support and even help for students: from some aspects of the learning process itself at a medical university, which is quite complex, especially due to the introduction of new State training standards, as well as modernization and optimization processes covering the medical environment and the medical education environment in particular; to the complex processes occurring in society, especially against the background of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. The purpose of the study was an attempt to analyze the awareness of future doctors about the free psychological help and support existing at the university, as well as to evaluate some aspects of psychological support for medical students. The subjects of the study were 200 students of the Faculty of Medicine of VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko, divided into 2 groups of 100 people. The 1st group included 100 representatives of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Medicine, while the 2nd group included representatives of the 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine. The authors developed and implemented a specialized questionnaire covering questions of general awareness of specialized psychological services. Then the subjects were asked to carry out a certain gradation of existing services and distribute them using a ranking method, according to importance, in the opinion of the subjects. Then the respondents were asked to answer the question of whether they had resorted to specialized psychological help and support, and also to assess the importance of it among medical students. This study is of great interest to all those involved in the educational process with students, including those at medical universities.
- Keywords:
- support, student, psychological assistance, hotline, VSMU named after N.N. Burdenko
Pedagogicheskie funktsii volonterskoi deiatel'nosti kak sfery samorealizatsii studencheskoi molodezhi
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Andrey I. Shutenko, Marina A. Ananeva, Ivan E. Kharchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents a complex of formative capacities for volunteer activities for the development of university students. Based on the methodology of a holistic approach to the analysis of the pedagogical process in the sphere of student volunteering, as well as empirical data from a survey of students and experts on volunteering, the authors propose a construct of the pedagogical functions of this sphere within the framework of a three-component structure of functions – developmental, educational and upbringing. The developmental capacities of volunteering are represented by such functions as: identification, referential, integrating, cognitive, orientation, reflective, communicative, empathy, facilitation, catharsis, functions of self-disclosure and self-consciousness. The educational component of volunteering includes the functions of social competence, as well as civil, legal and cultural competence, a team-building function, the functions of project modeling, professional adaptation, professional testing, professional-practical, career and self-education functions. The upbringing influence of volunteering is expressed in such functions as: social-motivating, innovative-initiative, harmonizing, human-istic, labor, value-worldview, spiritual-moral, functions of hardiness, self-organization, self-determination, and self-formation. The study concluded about the leading role of the moral function of volunteering for students’ self-realization. The study concluded about the leading role of the moral function of volunteering for the full-fledged self-realization of students in society. Key words: volunteering, university students, pedagogical functions, productive self-realization, education, students' moral development.
- Keywords:
- education, university students, volunteering, pedagogical functions, productive self-realization, students' moral development
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- This article deals with the issues related to the use of special vocabulary and medical terminology in the classes of Russian as a foreign language in a non-language university. Foreign students should be familiar not only with the basic vocabulary of the Russian language, but also with the basic terminology of their specialty, read and understand special literature. It helps to develop speech competencies in the professional field. The author focuses on the gradual introduction of special vocabulary at classes of Russian as a foreign language (RFL).
- Keywords:
- foreign students, interdisciplinary relations, professional activities, language for special purposes, term
Postroenie novykh meditsinskikh ekosistem: aktual'nye ekonomicheskie aspekty
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: economic aspects- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Liudmila V. Kretinina
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to some aspects of studying the construction of new ecosystems and, in particular, medical ecosystems. This topic is very relevant, in view of the fact that currently all over the world and in the Russian Federation there is a process of transition to a new model of the existence of individual systems and industries, which are beginning to include full-fledged ecosystems. Medicine was no exception. All over the world, including in our country, medical ecosystems are beginning to form, the goal of which should be to improve the quality of medical care provided, as well as improve the quality of medicine in general. The purpose of this scientific work was an attempt to analyze the awareness of medical students and doctors about medical ecosystems, as well as to identify the main problems, including those of an economic nature, that arise during the creation and construction of new medical ecosystems, according to the subjects of the study. The subjects of the study were 200 people: 100 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine of Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko; 100 people became representatives of practical healthcare – doctors of the Voronezh Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1. The study was based on a questionnaire developed by the authors, containing several blocks of questions relating to the gender and age of respondents, their awareness of existing ecosystems and medical ecosystems, in particular; about their attitude to the above systems and about the opportunity to become part of such a medical ecosystem. But, directly, the most important part of the presented research was the study of existing problems that arise, according to the respondents, during the formation and formation of various ecosystems, including medical ones. As well as a more detailed study of various economic problems and their ranking. The data obtained allow us to take a fresh look at the problems of building ecosystems, including medical ones, and are also of interest to representatives of many specialties and professions – for economists, for lawyers, for doctors, for higher education teachers involved, for example, in the process training medical students, etc.
- Keywords:
- student, medicine, problem, ecosystem, doctor, medical ecosystem
Opyt programm i proektov po podderzhke i razvitiiu studencheskogo tekhnologicheskogo predprinimatel'stva v sisteme rossiiskogo obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva (na materialakh federal'nykh innovatsionnykh ploshchadok)
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: economic aspects- Authors:
- Anna N. Zakharova, Tat'iana A. Lavina, Tat'iana I. Gritskevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents the experience of programs and projects to support and develop entrepreneurial education, student entrepreneurship, including technological entrepreneurship, and the formation of business competencies among students in the system of the Russian educational space, identified based on the analysis of materials from federal innovation platforms of the Russian Federation.
- Keywords:
- entrepreneurial education, student technological entrepreneurship, student entrepreneurship, engineering entrepreneurship, educational organizations of higher education
Pedagogical assistance to the personal - professional development of the student - volunteer
ProceedingRegions of Russia in a changing world: stable priorities and new opportunities- Authors:
- Svetlana N. Zhdanova, Aleksandr T. Mukhametshin
- Work direction:
- Кадровая политика в регионах: актуальные тренды и стратегии
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study of assistance to the personal and professional development of student-volunteers is revealed. It is conditioned by the necessity of searching for effective forms and methods of training new active volunteers, the social significance of their contribution to the functioning of volunteer organisations and society as a whole. The interpretation of the concept of "pedagogical assistance" is given. The definition of "professional and personal development" of a student is clarified. The contradictions of students' volunteer activity are revealed. The degree of development of the problem is highlighted. The precepts of volunteering and the influence of volunteer practices on the development of empathy, responsibility, reliability, active citizenship, sociability, creativity and teamwork are revealed
- Keywords:
- pedagogical assistance, personal and professional development of a student, student-volunteer
Mesto sistemy obrazovaniia v realizatsii mekhanizmov akkul'turatsii migrantov iz stran Tsentral'noi Azii
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Lenar I. Zainullin
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Global migration processes are one of the factors of the growth of cultural diversity in the world, which necessitates the awareness and formation of new paradigms of interaction between different cultures. The promotion of new paradigms of interaction of ethnic groups within the framework of educational processes is possible on the basis of studying and generalizing the existing positive experience. For the Russian Federation, the problem of preserving national culture, in the context of growing migration, is extremely important, since more than 190 different ethnic groups live on its territory. The study of the education system within the framework of acculturation is, in our opinion, of great importance for the successful socio-economic and cultural progress of the whole country and its individual regions.
- Keywords:
- education, students, adaptation, acculturation
Nastavnichestvo v studencheskoi srede v meditsinskom vuze: sushchestvuiushchie problemy studencheskogo i prepodavatel'skogo nastavnichestva
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Galina V. Sych
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses the issue of mentoring in a medical school. This topic is very relevant due to the fact that the process of forming a new doctor as a specialist is not only one of the priority tasks of the social sphere and medicine in particular, but also an important task for the state as a whole. Since ancient times, the deepest knowledge and experience have been passed on from mentor to student – future physician. Recently, in addition to pedagogical mentoring, student mentoring has begun to emerge in the world. However, the continuation of the existence of mentoring and its development is impossible without identifying possible difficulties and problems, which was the goal of the presented work. The subjects of the study were 150 people – students and teachers of VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko. Group 1 included 50 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine; group 2 – 50 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine; Group 3 – 50 university teachers from various departments. After processing and assessing the gender and age composition, the subjects were asked to evaluate various aspects related to mentoring, in particular – the level of awareness of mentoring, both pedagogical and student; determine the need for mentoring of both types in general and assess their impact on the educational process and on the choice of further specialty. The final part of the study was an analysis of various problems associated with both pedagogical and student mentoring. The data obtained allow to take a fresh look at mentoring in general and at existing problems, and to think about possible ways to solve them. This article may be of some interest to higher education teachers and medical university teachers involved in mentoring, as well as participating in the formation of student mentoring.
- Keywords:
- teacher, student, mentoring, problem
Approbation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional self-esteem of college students
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Mariia N. Prozorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- Changes in a person are inextricably linked with changes taking place all over the world. The author analyzes the problem of pedagogical sources for the study and formation of professional self-esteem of students of the healthcare system. The purpose of this chapter is to develop the theory and present current methods for the formation of professional self-esteem of a medical college student.
- Keywords:
- structure, professional activity, content, student, professional self-assessment, methodological approaches, theoretical analysis, medical college
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Valeriia A. Balasanova
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Annotation. The article shows the relationship between new educational requirements and the content of training of a future elementary school teacher. For the analysis of existing educational programs it is important to pay attention to the goals and objectives of the program, the content of the program, methods and approaches in training, practical component, practical component of future teacher training, evaluation of students' performance and quality of training. In the framework of the competence model of professional training of a future teacher of primary grades, the author in the training of students highlights trainings on inclusive education, communication skills, the program of development of intercultural competence, the program of psychological and emotional support, methods of differentiated training.
- Keywords:
- education, competence, Training, students, Key words: teacher, research approach, research training, training program
Traditional approaches and innovative technologies in teaching students of non-linguistic specialties
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Author:
- Olga N. Narykova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses the main approaches and principles of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. The author pays special attention to the description of innovative technologies used in teaching students of non-linguistic specialties of the university, justifies their role in improving the quality of professional training of future specialists. The chapter provides an analysis of various organizational forms of work in teaching a foreign language, discusses the features of their use for the development of students' language competence.
- Keywords:
- intercultural communication, students of non-linguistic specialties, cross-cultural competence, university foreign language education, individual-differentiated approach, sociocultural approach
Distantsionnoe obrazovanie v meditsinskom vuze: otnoshenie studentov, vrachei, pedagogov
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Galina V. Sych
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to studying the attitude of various representatives of the medical community towards the introduction of distance learning elements into the educational process of a medical university. This topic is very relevant in view of the just ended pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. At the same time, the composition of the research objects, which included 150 people, men and women, divided into 3 groups of 50 people, also arouses additional interest in this work. Group 1 consisted of 5th year students of the Faculty of Medicine of VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko. The 2nd group included practicing doctors of various specialties of the BUZ VOKB No. 1. Group 3 consisted of teachers from VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko. Respondents were asked to give a general assessment of various elements of the complex learning process at a university – practical classes, lecture material, and to evaluate not only full-time education, but also distance learning. Moreover, all of the above points received high marks from respondents of all 3 groups, which may indicate the high quality of the educational process at the university. The next stage was to clarify the attitude towards distance learning elements, in particular about the possibility of using distance learning elements in general, about the possible transfer of lecture material to a distance course, about the possible complete transfer of the learning process to a distance format, including CME. At the same time, the possibility of transferring lecture material, CME and the general use of distance learning elements found live confirmation and approval among the subjects. Only the complete transfer of the learning process to a distance channel caused a negative reaction, because it is impossible to raise and train a full-fledged, competent and qualified specialist only remotely, which is especially important in relation to medical education. This chapter may be of some interest to higher education teachers and medical university professors.
- Keywords:
- lecture, student, advanced training, full-time classes, distance classes
Variable ways to support the adaptation of young people with disabilities to the workplace
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Olga A. Denisova, Olga L. Lekhanova, Tatiana V. Gudina, Olga A. Glukhova, Denis A. Bukin
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problem of theoretical and practical understanding of the issue of designing variable trajectories to support adaptation in the workplace of young disabled people. The problem is solved through consideration of support trajectories and mechanisms for promoting employment of this category of citizens. An analysis of the main barriers to adaptation and issues of overcoming them was also carried out. The authors analyze and evaluate the success of adaptation to the workplace of young disabled people. For this purpose, a comparative study of graduates with disabilities and normotypical peers was conducted. It was revealed that adaptation of graduates with disabilities is a multicomponent neoplasm. This should be taken into account when strategically planning the content of mentors’ work, when building a system of employee motivation, as well as when implementing adaptation measures to reduce the anxiety and uncertainty of young professionals with disabilities.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, limited health opportunities, students with disabilities, mentoring, employment of people with disabilities, inclusive higher education
Social Dispatch Assistance with Iron Deficiency Anemia in Students with the Consequences of Early Organic Damage to the Central Nervous System
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Author:
- Sergey V. Zinin
- Work direction:
- Глава 14
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to determining the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in students with the consequences of early organic damage to the central nervous system. The increased interest in this disease is due to a number of circumstances. Firstly, hypoxia of the brain in IDA affects the cognitive abilities of minors. Secondly, this disease in children with intellectual disabilities provokes diseases of the cardiovascular system in 62.5%, visual impairment in 31.2%, and pathology of the urinary system in 38.7%. Research methods. For the presence or absence of iron deficiency anemia, in the period from 2015 to 2023, medical documents of 653 students from different nosological groups associated with cognitive impairment were examined. The study made it possible to draw the following conclusions: the prevalence of IDA in children with F80 (expressive speech disorder) is 20%, with F83 (mixed specific disorders of psychological development) – 31%, with F70 (mild mental retardation) – 52%, with F71 (moderate mental retardation) – 33%. The total number of minors with a history of iron deficiency anemia is high. More than 40% of all students and pupils with disabilities (HIA) who study according to adapted programs due to intellectual and speech disorders may need social dispatching assistance from specialists of PMPC and school councils. The results of the study may be of interest to a wide range of medical and pedagogical specialists. Doctors are asked a problematic question about why, with moderate mental retardation and more pronounced (significant) cognitive impairments, the prevalence of IDA is significantly lower compared to mild mental retardation. Using specific clinical examples, teachers are described various algorithms of social dispatching assistance to families to prevent possible secondary violations in minors.
- Keywords:
- psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, school psychological and pedagogical council, social dispatching assistance, students with cognitive impairments, iron deficiency anemia
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Author:
- Natal'ia A. Lozovaia
- Work direction:
- Инженерная подготовка в условиях модернизации высшего профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The work updates the role of reflection in the engineering training of students. The methods and means of developing the reflective component in the professional training of future engineers when studying mathematics in the conditions of digitalization of education and the strengthening of the role of independent work of students are considered.
- Keywords:
- project, engineering competence, reflection, independent work, student, mathematical preparation
Individual-personal and subjective qualities of technical university students: psychological portrait
ProceedingSocial-Psychological Issues of a Contemporary Family: psychological and pedagogical support and mentoring- Authors:
- Elena V. Balakshina, Svetlana I. Filippchenkova
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогические факторы развития личности
- Abstract:
- The article constructs a psychological portrait of a technical university student and analyzes the configuration of students’ individual, personal and subjective qualities. The results of a theoretical analysis of the psychological characteristics of student age are described, a number of approaches in modern psychological science that reveal their content are considered. The results of a psychodiagnostic study of students' subjective control, life-meaning orientations, level of reflexivi-ty, rationality and risk-taking are presented. The subjective position of students in the process of professionalization is considered as a determinant of profes-sional self-determination.
- Keywords:
- students, life meaning orientations, reflexivity, subjective control
Visualization of educational material when teaching mathematics to foreign students of preparatory faculties of technical universities
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Iuliia O. Gubskaia, Tatiana K. Smykovskaia
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в профессиональной школе и среднем ПО
- Abstract:
- This scientific article discusses the importance and effectiveness of the use of visualization in teaching mathematics to foreign students at the preparatory faculties of technical universities. The analysis of the available visualization methods contains interactive demonstrations, graphs, diagrams, animations and other techniques that contribute to improving the understanding of mathematical concepts and stimulate the active participation of students in the educational process. This study also examines the advantages and limitations of visualization, offers recommendations for the effective use of this tool in teaching mathematics to international students.
- Keywords:
- preparatory faculty, international students, visualisation, visualization methods, mathematics teaching
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Aleksei N. Birzul', Dmitry A. Pitilyak
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в высшей профессиональной школе
- Abstract:
- The article makes an attempt to generalize the experience of using educational, fiction and memoir literature when lecturing on the course on strength of materials. Specific methodological recommendations are given for using of fiction in certain topics of the strength of materials course. There are creative tasks offered to students and which contain literary subjects.
- Keywords:
- literature, teaching methods, interdisciplinary connections, strength of materials, student science
Ensuring psychological safety of the educational environment
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Elizaveta A. Sorokina
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the role of psychological safety in the educational environment. The author emphasizes the role of all participants in the educational process in creating a psychologically safe environment at school.
- Keywords:
- teacher, educational organization, student, psychological safety
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Natalia I. Eshkina
- Work direction:
- Развитие профессиональной компетентности специалистов в области обеспечения безопасного детства
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the features of the professional formation of students of philology, the formation of professional motivation. The specifics of the formation of professional motives in the process of preparing philology students for the aesthetic education of schoolchildren at a pedagogical university are described. The results of the study are presented.
- Keywords:
- professional motivation, internal and external motives, training of philology students
Novaia model' vysshego obrazovaniia v Rossii: problemy i perspektivy ee vnedreniia
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical in High School- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- More than 20 years the two-level system of higher education within the framework of Bologna system has been developing in the Russian Federation. However, it proved to be untenable for the Russian Federation, as it significantly reduced the quality of training of university students as professionals demanded by domestic organisations. Under the conditions of economic sanctions against Russia by the USA and a number of countries, it became necessary to implement the import substitution strategy. But its implementation required the development of industry, opening of new enterprises and production facilities, which, in turn, required professionals capable of doing this. As a consequence, it was necessary to change the system of training the necessary specialists in domestic universities. The study of the identified problems was carried out taking into account the practical experience of the author, using the method of included observation and discussion of the identified problems at various conferences, as well as the study of various studies on this issue.
- Keywords:
- higher education, employers, Bachelor, Specialist, Master, quality of specialist training in higher education institutions, new model of student training in Russian higher education institutions, Bologna system of education "Bachelor – Master"
Neobkhodimost' razvitiia refleksivnoi kompetentnosti u budushchego pedagoga na etape vuzovskoi podgotovki
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical in High School- Author:
- Tat'iana F. Usheva
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- In considering the theoretical and methodological development of the validity of the reflexive competence of the future teacher in research, presenting the implementation of innovative practice on experimental conditions for the reflexive activity of students – experienced teachers. Reflective teaching of ideas in educational activities in higher education implements: subjectivity in the educational process, individualization, dialogicity and metasubjectivity. Research work was carried out with students of different levels and areas of training: bachelors, masters, specialists (in the areas of training: 44.03.01 and 44.04.01 «Pedagogical education» and 44.03.02 and 44.04.02 «Psychological and pedagogical education»). Research results show that the development of the reflective competence of the future teacher at the university occurs as a result of the systemic work of the university and the pedagogical community. The author comes to the conclusion that it is possible and necessary to develop the reflective competence of a teacher not only on the basis of his many years of professional experience, but also in a reflective environment at the stage of studying at a university.
- Keywords:
- higher education, Bachelor, student, Specialist, Master, reflective education, individual educational program
Organizatsiia raboty po formirovaniiu gotovnosti k vypolneniiu materinskikh funktsii u studentok vuza
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical in High School- Author:
- Inna V. Illarionova
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- A higher educational institution, being an important institution for the development of society, ensures the full implementation of targeted psychological and pedagogical influence on students in matters of the formation of a system of values, knowledge, skills, and targeted development of individual personality traits. Modern approaches of researchers note the importance of determining the readiness to perform maternal functions in the younger generation and carrying out a set of activities that enrich students with knowledge about motherhood and child rearing. The purpose of the work is to determine the pedagogical aspects of the organization of work on the formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among girls in higher education institutions. The study emphasizes the importance of carrying out work in this direction, notes the leading role of psychological disciplines, namely the organization of classroom work, consisting of lectures and practical classes, extracurricular activities and independent work of students. A special role in the work with students on the formation of the maternal principle is given to the use of the educational potential of social partners (representatives of the healthcare system and museums).
- Keywords:
- motherhood, independent work, readiness to perform maternal functions, students of higher education, psychological disciplines, classroom work