List of publications on a keyword: «развитие»
Family Assistance for Treatment of Developmental Psychomotor Defects in Children with ASD
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Sofia A. Ionova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the family's role in the correction process of psychomotor development in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Based on the analysis of pedagogical, psychological and specialized medical literature, the article reveals the specificity of the family work with a child. The description of the pedagogical and psychological strategies of work with the child with ASD to correct the psychomotor disorders is particularly important. It's pointed out that the necessity of including the families is important in the correction process.
- Keywords:
- family, correction, autism spectrum disorders, psychomotor development, strategies
Psychological and Pedagogical Interaction with the Family for the Development of Cognitive Processes in Mentally Retarded Children in a Preschool Educational Organisation
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Oksana I. Kokoreva, Ekaterina V. Kolycheva
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- The article presents the content and technological characteristics of the areas of interaction between an educational organization and parents in the field of cognitive development of preschool children with intellectual disabilities. The content of the stages of group lessons on teaching parents to interact with children in correction-development situations on the formation of cognitive processes in mentally retarded preschool children in family education is revealed.
- Keywords:
- family, mentally retarded preschool children, development of cognitive processes
Development of the Morphological Side of Speech in Senior Preschoolers with General Speech Underdevelopment in a Family Environment
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Oksana I. Kokoreva, Liliia E. Kasumova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the possibility of using games for the formation of a morphological part of speech of the senior preschool children with speech disorders in terms of family upbringing. The characteristic of game exercises as a method of training is given. The directions of work on strengthening the skills of word formation in the family and interaction of a speech therapist of a preschool educational organization with parents on methodological support of this process are presented.
- Keywords:
- family, general underdevelopment of speech, preschool children, morphological aspect of speech
Opportunities for the Development of Arbitrary Memory in Primary School Children with Mental Retardation in the Family
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Nataliia I. Samsonova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- This article discusses in detail the problem of the development of arbitrary memory in primary school children with mental retardation. Methods that increase the efficiency of random memorization are proposed and characterized. Parents are given recommendations on how to communicate and interact with children with mental retardation to improve their memory. Examples of specific methods of work that will achieve a positive result are given.
- Keywords:
- development, family, support, primary school children with mental retardation, random memory
Comparative Analysis of Desires and Ideals in the Structure of the Value Sphere of the Personality of Younger Schoolchildren
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Valerii S. Agapov, Liubov G. Ovda
- Work direction:
- Teching of family values: partnership of family, school and society
- Abstract:
- The article presents the generalized results of a comparative empirical study of the manifestation of desires and ideals in the structure of the value sphere of the personality of younger school choldren in secular (n=218) and orthodox (n=212) schools. The orientation of meeting the needs of younger schoolchildren and its classification is shown. The analysis of the identified ideals and role models of modern younger schoolchildren is compared with the results of a study of the ideals of children in Germany and America conducted in the early twentieth century. General and specific results of comparative analysis of empirical data are presented. The author proves the need to develop and implement in the practice of spiritual and moral education programs of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the structure of the value sphere of the personality of younger schoolchildren in cooperation with the school, family and Church. At the same time, the methodological significance of the anthropological principle of education with its religious-philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects is emphasized.
- Keywords:
- anthropological principle, upbringing, value sphere of personality, desires, ideals, younger schoolchild, spiritual and moral development
Methodology of Sociodemographic Development Research
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Aleksei A. Kliuev
- Work direction:
- Legal problems of the modern family
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the examination of the methods and the tools of social management. Due to modern demographic crisis the question raised is considered as relevant. The author highlights such methods as modeling, statistical analysis, project method.
- Keywords:
- social development, demography, social project planning, modelling
Issues of State Regulation of Social and Demographic Development
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Aleksei A. Kliuev
- Work direction:
- Legal problems of the modern family
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the problem of state regulation of socio-demographic development. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern Russia, in recent years, mortality rates have exceeded birth rates. The author emphasizes that in order to overcome the processes of depopulation, a set of measures is required at the federal and regional levels.
- Keywords:
- public administration, social sphere, national project, socio-demographic development, demographic policy, government intervention
Family Mediation as a Means of Favorable Child Development
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Anton A. Gavriliuk
- Work direction:
- Basic principles of family mediation
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the role and significance of mediation in the family, its impact on the child's development. Cases where mediation can be applied are considered.
- Keywords:
- parents, mediation, conflict resolution, family conflict, family mediation, child development
Sovremennye problemy s rossiiskim vysshim obrazovaniem i v rossiiskom vysshem obrazovanii i puti ikh resheniia
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Теоретические аспекты образования
- Abstract:
- The article examines current problematic situation that has developed in Russian higher education, when the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education (FSES HE) according to the bachelor-magistracy system does not provide the required quality of training students as professionals demanded by Russian employers. As a result, the government is losing a huge potential for the development of its economy in the form of graduates of Russian universities who are not employed in their specialty. Today we need a scientific approach to solving existing problems in Russian higher education from the standpoint of the interests of the government and the Russian economy.
- Keywords:
- problems, professional standards, Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, training of professionals, quality of higher education, bachelor-master system, specialist’s program, bachelor's program, master's program, economic development, government interests
Otsenka sostoianiia transportnoi dostupnosti dlia naseleniia regionov Dal'nevostochnogo federal'nogo okruga
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Shpak
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Экономика и менеджмент
- Abstract:
- The problem of ensuring the availability and quality of transport services for the population through the implementation of federal laws and state programs for the socio-economic development of the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District is being actualized. Based on the analysis of statistical reporting and the results of the implementation of state programs for the development of transport infrastructure in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District from the standpoint of the presence in them of goals, objectives, subprograms or activities related to solving the problem of increasing transport accessibility for the population, an assessment of the transport accessibility of regions is given and directions are proposed more active use of the transport infrastructure of the Far Eastern Federal District.
- Keywords:
- transport accessibility for the population, transport infrastructure of the region, socio-economic development of regions, implementation of state programs, criteria for assessing the transport accessibility of the territory
Tekhnologii i instrumenty upravleniia finansirovaniem ustoichivogo razvitiia
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Viktoriia A. Borovkova, Valeriia A. Borovkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Экономика и менеджмент
- Abstract:
- Transit to the new model of economy, to sustainable development is complex theoretical and practical problem. It is demand to research and develop social and ecological orientation mechanisms and instruments of the financing of sustainable development. In the research indicates the modern trends of managing the financing of sustainable development; the authors made own interpretation of «mechanisms of the financing of sustainable development» (MFSD); describes the specifics and evolution of the MFSD; indicates the structure of the MFSD; present author’s classifications of the MFSD, financial instruments, financial technologies.
- Keywords:
- sustainable development, financial mechanism, financial instruments, financial technologies, financial institution, finance management
Transportno-logisticheskie tsentry i klastery kak kliuchevye faktory sovershenstvovaniia transportno-logisticheskoi sistemy Iraka
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Abdulaziz M. Abdulkhasan, Boris N. Pan'shin
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Экономика и менеджмент
- Abstract:
- The main directions and approaches to the development of the transport and logistics system of the Republics of Iraq are considered in accordance with the national development plan of the country. Complex solutions for improving the transport infrastructure by creating transport and logistics centers and creating a national digital logistics platform are proposed.
- Keywords:
- transport and logistics system of Iraq, innovative development of transport, stages of creating a transport and logistics center, directions for creating logistics clusters, digital logistics platforms
Metodicheskie problemy protsessa ekonomicheskogo prognozirovaniia v sisteme nedropol'zovaniia
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Author:
- Cergei A. Miasoedov
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Экономика и менеджмент
- Abstract:
- The main problems of forecasting in the subsurface use system are considered, and basic forecasting methods, including those used in practice, are reflected. The main task of forecasting in the mining industry is aimed not only at obtaining maximum profit at minimum costs, but also at forming the foundations for sustainable development of the mining industry. The paper reflects the main distinctive features of the forecasting system in the field of subsurface use and highlights the properties of the dynamics of the subsurface use system that must be taken into account when forecasting.
- Keywords:
- subsurface use, forecasting, sustainable development of the mining industry, metal mining
Model' distantsionnogo konsul'tirovaniia roditelei v usloviiakh slozhnoi epidemiologicheskoi obstanovki
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Larisa V. Varaksina, Larisa N. Kustikova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- В статье авторы делятся опытом организации работы с родителями в условиях сложной санитарно-эпидемиологической обстановки, позволяющей значительно повысить качество оказания психолого-педагогической, консультативной, информационной, диагностической помощи родителям (законным представителям) детей от рождения до 18 лет в рамках реализации федерального проекта «Поддержка семей, имеющих детей».
- Keywords:
Sushchnostnyi podkhod k analizu raboty v detskoi studii
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Author:
- Daria G. Kushnareva
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- В данной статье рефлексируется работа детской студии, миссия которой – музыкальное воспитание, привитие эстетического вкуса, художественное развитие детей. Автор раскрывает эффект от ее деятельности, формирование универсальных компетенций, основные методические приемы работы педагога дополнительного образования с детьми.
- Keywords:
Vospitanie subekta v sfere kul'turnogo razvitiia sotsiuma
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Stanislav A. Bryl, Daria G. Kushnareva
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- Предметом рассмотрения статьи являются вопросы воспитания, структура формирования эстетического вкуса, проблемы восприятия музыки детьми и подростками. Выбор темы объясняется возрастными, педагогическими, психофизиологическими, эмоциональными факторами, влияющими на процесс музыкального воспитания обучаемых.
- Keywords:
Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniia art-dampinga v razvitii detskogo konstruirovaniia i modelirovaniia
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Viktoriia V. Romanova, Anna N. Romanova, Anna S. Slastina
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- В данной работе рассматривается актуальность применения арт-дампинга в детском творчестве. Проявив интерес к конструированию и моделированию альтернативных игрушек с точки зрения использования бросового материала, дети получают возможность стать активными преобразователями своего окружения.
- Keywords:
Ispol'zovanie igr i uprazhnenii dlia profilaktiki disgrafii i disleksii v rabote s det'mi s ONR
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Authors:
- Tatiana N. Kisenko, Svetlana A. Kuderko
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- В статье описаны эффективные приемы игр и упражнений по профилактике и коррекции чтения и письма у детей дошкольного возраста с ОНР.
- Keywords:
Vzaimodeistvie s pedagogom kak glavnyi faktor razvitiia lichnosti uchashchegosia
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Author:
- Oksana D. Mukhina
- Work direction:
- Педагог – ключевая фигура создания условий развития успешного ребенка
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются теоретические практические подходы к процессу педагогического общения. Акцентируется внимание на проблемах современного образования и необходимости распространения человекоцентрированного и личностно-развивающего образования.
- Keywords:
Socio-Philosophical Aspects of the Problem of Spiritual Safety of Personality and Society
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Aleksei A. Kliuev
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- The author of the article focuses on understanding spiritual security. The author considers this problem to be relevant. The social and philosophical foundations of the problem of ensuring spiritual security are considered, the components of the spiritual system of society, trends in the development of education and mass culture are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that the problem of ensuring the spiritual development of the individual and society is an integral element of national security.
- Keywords:
- national security, spiritual security, spiritual health, spiritual and moral values, cultural development
The Problem of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of Adolescents with Disorders of the Emotional and Volitional Sphere of Development in Modern Education Conditions
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Natalia S. Bobrovnikova, Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- Deviations in the development of the emotional and volitional sphere that significantly affect the level of socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents are considered in the article. The authors stated that in order for such students to integrate into the school environment successfully, they need to be provided with some psychological assistance and support.
- Keywords:
- adolescence, socio-psychological adaptation of the individual, maladaptation, emotional and volitional sphere, ontogenetic development
Communicative Development of Junior Preschoolers During Educational Cooperation
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Olga A. Surakova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The following article examines the issue of communicative development of senior preschoolers by the means of educational cooperation including the conditions of the use of digital technologies. Features of students' communicative and social development, their correlation and the principles of educational cooperation are studied in the present article.
- Keywords:
- social development, senior preschoolers, educational cooperation, communicative development
Risk Factors Affecting Psycological Safety in the Educational Environment
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Natalia I. Bubenova
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- The article examines the issues related to the implementation and formation of a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment. Such concepts as educational environment, psychological security, and psychological protection are revealed. Risk factors that threaten the psychological safety of the educational environment are highlighted and risk factors that negatively affect the development and health of students and, consequently, psychological safety are characterized.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, risks, psychological safety, personal development of students
Preparing Preschool Children for School During the Quarantine Period
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Nadezhda A. Timoshkina
- Work direction:
- Security of educational activities during quarantine measures
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the features of preparing children for education during a difficult epidemiological situation. Special attention is paid to the work of parents with their children in the process of play activities. Traditional folk games and exercises of modern teachers that can be effectively used for the development of preschool children are presented.
- Keywords:
- self-esteem, game, school readiness, mental development, mental cognitive processes
Conditions of the Educational Environment of Preschool Educational Institutions that Create and Ensure the Safety of Pupils
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Viktoriya A. Averina, Olga A. Gerasimenko, Elena V. Panferova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the problem of creating and ensuring the safety of the educational environment in PEI. The present work notes the characteristics that must be followed to create the safety of pupils. Such section as psychological safety is considered, the characteristics, observance of which is necessary to create a psychologically safe educational environment, are given. The tasks that ensure the safety of the educational environment of PEI are described.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, psychological safety, subjects of the educational process, child development in preschool conditions, psychologically comfortable environment