List of publications on a keyword: «stress»
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Dar'ia A. Shchiogoleva, Lidiia V. Varchenko, Vera S. Nedelskaia
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes scientific theoretical provisions on the relationship between child-parent relations and the formation of adolescent aggression. The differences in the interpretation of family and child-parent relations are explained. The article describes aggression and styles of child-parent relations, types of dysfunctional families.
- Keywords:
- aggression, parents, conflict, socialization, adolescence, family values, psychological distress, child-parent relations, emotional attachment, psychosomatic problems
Modern approaches to psychological and pedagogical support in the educational environment: individualization, digitalization and prevention of emotional burnout
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Alla I. Matveeva, Ekaterina N. Yalunina
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article studies the actual aspects of improving the system of psychological and pedagogical support in modern educational institutions, where the growth of anxiety, stress and professional burnout is one of the key problems. The main objective of the study is to develop a scientifically grounded model of support, taking into account both the individual characteristics of the participants of the educational process and the potential of modern technologies to improve the effectiveness of the educational environment. To achieve the set goals, the methods of metaprogram analysis, standard diagnostic tools (Spielberger-Hanin scale to assess anxiety and Maslach-Jackson questionnaire to analyze professional burnout) were applied, and digital platforms of psychological support were integrated. The study covered more than 500 participants of the educational process from municipal schools of Yekaterinburg. The key results demonstrate a significant reduction in students' anxiety level by 15% and an increase in their academic performance by 12% (p < 0.01), which confirms the high effectiveness of personalized educational routes based on metaprogram analysis. The obtained data are of high practical significance and can be used to create a universal model of support adapted to the modern conditions of educational institutions.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, stress, digital technologies, psychological and pedagogical support, professional burnout, anxiety, emotional stability, individualization, metaprogram analysis, educational routes
Stress resistance of teaching psychologists and pediatrics students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Anna V. Mordyk, Tatiana Y. Udalova, Zulfiia A. Aksyutina
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The importance of the problem under study is due to the identification of the specifics of stress resistance of students of professions in the “person-to-person” group using the example of future educational psychologists and pediatric students. The purpose of the study was to identify differences in the stress tolerance of students of helping professions, using the example of pediatric students and students of educational psychologists. The hypothesis was that the manifestations of stress tolerance among students of pedagogical psychologists and students of pediatrics are due to differences in the organization and content of professional training and the commonality of future professions in the field of "human-to-human" and aimed at interacting with children. Test methods were used for the study. The study involved 257 students of medical and pedagogical universities. Analysis of the results showed that the majority of students' level of resistance to stress is within the average range; significant differences were found in lack of time. The results of the study are useful for the development of pedagogical technologies for the professional training of stress-resistant specialists in helping professions.
- Keywords:
- stress, stress resistance, factors determining stress resistance, student teachers-psychologists, students-pediatrists
O nekotorykh aspektakh psikhologo-pedagogicheskogo soprovozhdeniia studentov
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Oleg V. Sudakov, Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Galina V. Sych
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the study of some aspects related to psychological and pedagogical support of medical students using the example of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko (VSMU named after N.N. Burdenko). This topic is becoming increasingly relevant every year due to the ever-increasing stress factors, including those leading to the development of depressive states and even suicide attempts, which is especially relevant among young people. The objects of the study were 200 students, men and women, of the medical faculty of VSMU named after N.N. Burdenko. All of them were divided into 2 groups depending on the course of study: group 1 included 100 1st year students, the second – 100 6th year students. The study is based on a questionnaire specially developed by the authors, including both general questions about gender, age, and special ones concerning awareness of some aspects of psychological and pedagogical support for students, as well as finding out the general attitude to psychological and pedagogical support and directly to the psychological service. The need for psychological assistance from school years to university years was studied, and cases of visiting specialists of this kind were analyzed. In addition, the number of students exposed to stress in life, school, and university was studied. Interesting features of the study were the analysis of the strongest stress factors for students of both groups, as well as the analysis of positive aspects, according to students, of psychological and pedagogical support for students. The data obtained in the chapter are of particular interest not only for psychological services and psychologists directly, but also for higher education teachers involved in the educational process with students and medical residents.
- Keywords:
- stress, student, psychological and pedagogical support, doctor, medical faculty
Sports as a way to improve psycho-emotional state and combat stress
ProceedingEducation and the family in the context of sustainable development- Authors:
- Kristina D. Tataurova, Iuliia V. Bachurina
- Work direction:
- Физическая культура и спорт: методические и технологические аспекты
- Abstract:
- The article examines the positive impact of sports on a person’s psycho-emotional state. It examines the mechanisms through which physical activity improves mood and reduces stress and anxiety. It describes various types of sports and their effectiveness in the context of mental health, and presents the results of modern research confirming the positive impact of regular physical activity on emotional well-being.
- Keywords:
- stress, sports, anxiety, health, physical activity, emotional state, psychological state
Tendency to Psychosomatic Disorders in Children During Exams
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Ol'ga A. Kichigina, Iuliia V. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Практическая психология в сфере образования
- Abstract:
- This article discusses such a concept as a psychosomatic disorder and why the percentage of children suffering from psychosomatics increases during exams. The author describes the causes of psychosomatic disorder and gives recommendations to parents, teachers and psychologists on how to help a child.
- Keywords:
- stress, adolescents, anxiety, psychosomatic disorder, exams
The connection of coping strategies with psychological defense mechanisms in medical students
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Mikhail G. Kochurov, Taisia I. Krylova
- Work direction:
- Практическая психология в сфере образования
- Abstract:
- The analysis of the specifics of coping strategies and protective mechanisms in students and their interrelation is carried out. The results of an empirical study of the relationship between coping strategies and the manifestation of psychological defense mechanisms in medical students are presented.
- Keywords:
- psychological health, coping strategies, defense mechanisms, maladaptive response to academic stress
Empatiia, stressoustoichivost' i uroven' samootsenki sredi studentov-bakalavrov sestrinskogo dela
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Nataliia G. Petrova, Sarkis G. Pogosian
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The period of student life makes great demands on young people who are not yet always ready for psychological stresses, changed stereotype and lifestyle associated with higher education. Therefore, it is important to study various features of the psychological status of students taking into account the nature of the future profession. The study of a number of psychological characteristics among undergraduate nursing students showed that 55.6% of them had an average level of empathy. Type B stress tolerance (corresponding to optimal) was noted in 38.3% of the students. Self-esteem was adequate only in 16.7% of cases. The majority (73.2%) of students had a high level of tension of psychological defense.
- Keywords:
- empathy, self-esteem, bachelors of nursing, stress resistance, psychological defense
Postuplenie v ordinaturu meditsinskogo vuza: problemy sotsial'nogo i psikhologicheskogo kharaktera
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Oleg V. Sudakov, Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Evgenii V. Belov
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the study of various, important, according to students, aspects and problems associated with admission to residency, and conditionally consists of two main parts – a review (performed as an introduction) and an experimental one. At the beginning of the chapter (review part), general data on the profession of a doctor are given, the most significant requirements for a medical student, which are necessary in his future work, are considered and summarized. Among the many individual aspects, the importance of having a well-developed intellect, communication skills and stress resistance is especially emphasized. Then, information is summarized on the general modern «problems» of admission to residency, which is a logical continuation of 6-year study at a university and allows you to gain knowledge in one of the «narrow» specialties. The second part of the article is presented by a scientific study, which included 200 students of the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko, divided into 2 groups of 100 people, depending on the course: 1 group – 3 course, 2 group – 6 course. After studying the gender and age composition of the subjects, the students were asked to answer a number of questions on a questionnaire specially developed by the authors – about overall satisfaction with the learning process at the university and its various aspects, including lectures, practical classes, readiness to continue studying in residency, etc. Then the level of stress of students of both groups was studied and analyzed – in the normal state, during the examination session and when discussing / thinking about entering the residency. The final, but most significant part of the study was the identification and subsequent study of the most important aspects / problems of a social and psychological nature that affect admission to residency, according to students. The determination of these points was carried out by the ranking method. The results obtained indicated the existence of an acute problem of admission to residency and may be of interest to all higher school teachers involved in the educational process of a medical university.
- Keywords:
- stress, student, score, residency
Study of Psychosocial Interactions in Families of Medical Students during Distance Learning caused by the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus Infection COVID-19
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Oleg V. Sudakov, Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Evgenii V. Belov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Andrei V. Khatuntsev
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of some psychosocial and psychoemotional aspects of medical students and their parents and relatives living together. The work is relevant, as the pandemic of the new coronovirus infection COVID-19 is currently ongoing in Russia and in the world. The study is also interesting in that despite a number of works by various authors – scientists and teachers of higher education studying aspects of the psychoemotional state of students, very few works are devoted to their relationship and the dynamics of these relationships with their loved ones – parents and relatives, especially against the backdrop of a pandemic of a new viral infection., which was the aim of this study. The objects of the study were 359 people. The 1st and 2nd groups included 100 students, men and women, of the medical faculty of VSMU. N.N. Burdenko (5 course); Group 3 consisted of 159 people, men and women, who were related to representatives of group 2 and lived together with them. The study was based on an anonymous questionnaire specially developed by the authors, aimed at studying the gender and age composition of the respondents, identifying the main psychosocial and psychoemotional interactions of the objects of study, including determining the conditions of their residence and determining the circle of persons living with them; determining the main aspects of their interpersonal relationships, including their «warmth» and the frequency of quarrels and omissions; determination of susceptibility to stress in the objects of study, the severity of anxiety in certain periods of life and the possible presence of true depressive or depressive-like states in them. The data obtained are of particular interest not only for scientists and researchers involved in sociology and psychology, but also for higher education teachers involved in the educational process of medical universities. student, family, distance learning, COVID-19, anxiety, stress, depression
- Keywords:
- distance learning, family, stress, student, COVID-19, anxiety, depression
Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education students
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Aziza S. Nasretdinova, Aidar I. Nasretdinov, Elmira R. Khairullina
- Work direction:
- Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии
- Abstract:
- The 2019 COVID-19 pandemic poses a challenge to the psychological health of college students and learners. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis among college and university students in order to better understand the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as anxiety, depression, and stress.
- Keywords:
- stress, higher education institutions, pandemic, COVID-19, anxiety, depression, trauma disorder
About Psychological Adaptation of Medical Universities Students to the Process of Distance Learning During the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus Infection
Book ChapterTopical Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Natalia V. Iakusheva, Artiom N. Shevtsov, Evgenii V. Belov
- Work direction:
- Глава III. Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности
- Abstract:
- This work is devoted to some aspects of the psychological adaptation of students of a medical university to the distance learning process during a pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. The presented research is relevant for several reasons, the leading of which are: the ongoing reform of the education and health care systems in our country – both of which affect students of medical universities and various aspects of their educational activities, including their psychological adaptation to it; as well as the global pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 that emerged in 2020, as a result of which, almost all scientists at various levels around the world were forced to switch to distance learning. The purpose of this work was to identify and analyze some elements of psychological adaptation of students directly to the distance learning process. The objects of the study were 200 men and women, students of the medical faculty. A certain interest in the study is also due to the fact that the same students were involved in it for 2 semesters (spring and autumn) of 2020. In order to track the development of their possible adaptation mechanisms to distance learning, the level of anxiety, both personal and situational, was determined; identified various depressive states; determined the reasons for the main fears and concerns, both directly to the period of an unfavorable epidemiological situation, and to the distance learning process itself. The main points of psychological adaptation were identified, with the identification of factors contributing to them. This work is of certain interest for all higher school teachers involved in the educational process with students, as well as for psychologists and all kinds of researchers dealing with the psychological health of students.
- Keywords:
- distance learning, stress, student, anxiety, fear, psychological adaptation
Influence of the Family on the Psychological Well-Being of a Child with Disabled Health
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Liudmila V. Siminiakina, Natalia A. Peshkova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of psychological well-being of a child with disabilities. The influence of the family on the psychological well-being / ill-being of a child with disabilities is noted. An opinion was expressed about the need to provide timely consultative assistance to families raising children with disabilities, which helps to reduce psychoemotional stress in both parents and a child with disabilities, prevents them from developing personality disorders, the development of subdepressive states.
- Keywords:
- family, psychological well-being, a child with disabilities, psychological distress
Analysis of the Causes of Negative Mental States of Studentes During the Examination Session
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Alexander G. Privezentsev, Ellada V. Shelispanskaia
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the features of the occurrence and development of adverse mental states of students during the examination session. The main types of negative emotional states that occur with students throughout educational activities are considered. The reasons for the occurrence of adverse mental states during the examination session are given, and options for overcoming negative emotional manifestations of students are proposed.
- Keywords:
- students, examination session, adverse mental states, examination stress
Monitoring of Stress in Students Under Quarantine Measures
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Svetlana S. Filippova, Tatyana I. Kulikova, Kseniya S. Shalaginova
- Work direction:
- Security of educational activities during quarantine measures
- Abstract:
- The article presents an analysis of the results of a diagnostic study of students of a pedagogical university under conditions of quarantine measures. The aim of the study was to assess the psychological state of students in the conditions of forced distance learning as well as to evaluate a complex epidemic situation as a stress factor. The study made it possible to describe the personality profiles of students, to characterize the manifestations of protective neurotic reactions as a specific adaptive mechanism, to reveal the level of students' resilience, to determine the level of students' stress in a pandemic. The data obtained make it possible to predict risks and potential difficulties of students' adaptation to academic situations characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, to predict stress resistance as a professional quality of future experts in education.
- Keywords:
- students, distance learning, stress, epidemic situation, quarantine measures
Actions of police officers to ensure personal psychological security
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Igor V. Stepanov, Anna I. Ekimova
- Work direction:
- Трудовое и предпринимательское право
- Abstract:
- The authors consider the issues of ensuring the personal psychological safety of police officers as one of the topical issues of improving the activities of the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
- Keywords:
- psychological security, negative impact, qualified psychologists, Psychotrauma situation, stress, psychological trauma, extreme situation
The formation of the phonetic competence on the lessons of the Russian language in primary school
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Sharipat M. Iakubova, Aleksandr L. Bolkhovskoi
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The authors of the article focus on the difficulties experienced by younger students in mastering the spelling norms of the Russian language. This is the inability to immediately distinguish in the consciousness of the signified and signifying, the inability to correctly determine the word stress and a number of others. The teacher should know the methods of formation of students ' concept of "phoneme" and the ability to recognize other phonetic units of the language. It is emphasized that the phonetic work should precede the graphic one, based on the development of the speech-motor apparatus. The authors present a description of some methods of formation of the phonetic competence, such as: exercises on the distinction between words as lexical units and as a "phonetic word", the correct syllabification, accent, modelling, awareness similarsocial functions.
- Keywords:
- modeling, phoneme, phonetic word, word stress, slogodelenie, semantic function
The research of stress-resistance of students of the technical university
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- Irina F. Tolkach
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of stress resistance of students of technical specialties. Features of the reactions of students to the circumstances of life are traced. The situations that complicate the stress state of students are indicated. The propensities of students to psychosomatic diseases are shown. Destructive methods of stress relief are considered. Constructive methods of overcoming stress are revealed. The level of stress resistance of students, which is within normal limits, but close to increased sensitivity to stress, is revealed.
- Keywords:
- stress, stress-resistance, students of the technical university
The role of psychological training in optimizing the psychoemotional condition of teachers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Author:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the concept of «professional stress» and its impact on the professional activities of teachers; objective and subjective factors causing professional stress among teachers; the main reasons for the development of professional stress among teachers; types of occupational stress: informational, emotional and communicative. The importance of the development of stress tolerance and optimization of the psycho-emotional state of teachers is proved in the work; the results of the study of the influence of psychological training on the development of stress tolerance and optimization of the psycho-emotional state of teachers are analyzed.
- Keywords:
- research, psychological training, prevention of occupational stress, resistance to stress, optimization of psycho-emotional state, teachers of additional education
Shkola kak fokus pozitivnykh peremen v obshchestve. Proekt "Dar: vybor zhiznennogo puti"
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Nina E. Salnikova
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Abstract:
- For four years, created the project of reorientation of all participants of educational process to peaceful dialogue, cooperation and co-creation, self-improvement.
- Keywords:
- project, gift, unity, co-creation, choice, life path, career guidance, a unifying project, - improvement, professionalism, reorientation programme for parents, higher feelings, modules, prevention of emotional burnout, stress resistant