Modern approaches to psychological and pedagogical support in the educational environment: individualization, digitalization and prevention of emotional burnout

Research Article
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 8
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 8
Alla I. Matveeva 1 , Ekaterina N. Yalunina 1
Work direction:
Psychology in Education
Received: 27 January 2025 / Accepted: 12 March 2025 / Published: 19 March 2025

Article accesses:
1 Ural State University of Economics
For citation:
Matveeva A. I., & Yalunina E. N. (2025). Modern approaches to psychological and pedagogical support in the educational environment: individualization, digitalization and prevention of emotional burnout. Development of education, 8(1).
UDC 37.015.31:159.922.8


The article studies the actual aspects of improving the system of psychological and pedagogical support in modern educational institutions, where the growth of anxiety, stress and professional burnout is one of the key problems. The main objective of the study is to develop a scientifically grounded model of support, taking into account both the individual characteristics of the participants of the educational process and the potential of modern technologies to improve the effectiveness of the educational environment. To achieve the set goals, the methods of metaprogram analysis, standard diagnostic tools (Spielberger-Hanin scale to assess anxiety and Maslach-Jackson questionnaire to analyze professional burnout) were applied, and digital platforms of psychological support were integrated. The study covered more than 500 participants of the educational process from municipal schools of Yekaterinburg. The key results demonstrate a significant reduction in students' anxiety level by 15% and an increase in their academic performance by 12% (p < 0.01), which confirms the high effectiveness of personalized educational routes based on metaprogram analysis. The obtained data are of high practical significance and can be used to create a universal model of support adapted to the modern conditions of educational institutions.


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