List of publications on a keyword: «management»
Quality management of the technological process through the development of a statistical control system model.
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Bogdan V. Grushenko, Iurii A. Orlov, Dmitrii I. Orlov
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- A model of a statistical process control (SPC) system has been developed for the production of wood-polymer composite (WPC). The main goal is to improve the stability of technological processes and reduce the amount of defective products. The economic effect lies in reducing the costs associated with defective items. The developed model is tailored to the specifics of WPC production and can be applied at other enterprises.
- Keywords:
- data analysis, quality management system, Statistica, SPC (Statistical Process Control), WPC profile, technological processes, quality control, economic effects, defective products, consumer
Improving the Management System of a State-Owned Enterprise (Using the Example of the Kaluga Region State-Owned Enterprise Kaluga Machine and Technological Station)
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Author:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the research topic lies in the need for continuous improvement of the management system of state-owned enterprises based on the analysis of estimated performance indicators and identification of existing problems. The object of the study is the state unitary enterprise of the subjects of the Russian Federation of the Kaluga Region Kaluga MTS (hereinafter abbreviated as MTS). SE KO «Kaluga MTS»). The subject of the research is the management system of the Kaluga MTS State Enterprise. The theoretical basis of the research was domestic and foreign scientific periodicals, textbooks, and materials from scientific and practical conferences and monographs. The information base was the official website of the enterprise, its financial statements and reports of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kaluga region. During the preparation of the material, such methods as computational-analytical, structural-logical, monographic, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis were used.
- Keywords:
- management system, leasing, intellectual property, labor motivation, economic effect, agricultural sector, state-owned enterprise, indicative approach, synergy effect, multiplicative approach
Digitalization of the sports economy in Russia: problems and prospects
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Author:
- Elena G. Kostenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The latest technologies are being actively introduced into the Russian sports industry, opening up new opportunities for all participants in the sports process. Digitalization of the sports economy opens up new prospects for increasing the efficiency of development of all areas of physical culture. According to the author, in the future, the role of information systems in football will only grow, making the sport even more entertaining and accessible.
- Keywords:
- management, data analysis, planning, information systems, forecasting, digital platforms
Optimization of the transport and logistics model in the field of food wholesale
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Kurdiumov
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study lies in its practical focus on solving real management and financial problems that arise in the course of business activities of many trade organizations. After all, business analysis and optimization of the transport and logistics model is a critical issue that determines not only the success of the company, but also its long-term perspective on the market. In this study, the author set a goal to form, based on the studied theoretical sources and business analysis of the enterprise, recommendations for optimizing the transport and logistics model for AGROTORG LLC. A business analysis of the transport and logistics model of AGROTORG LLC was carried out, and measures were proposed to optimize the transport and logistics model. The object of the study is AGROTORG LLC. The subject of the study is the optimization of the transport and logistics model of the analyzed enterprise.
- Keywords:
- efficiency, transport and logistics model, Supply chain management competition, distribution center
The introduction of innovative technologies in the logistics of synthetic rubber production
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Author:
- Liudmila F. Shaibakova
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The chapter describes the characteristics of rubber production in world and Russian practice. There is a growing demand for rubber worldwide due to the development of the production of rubber products, in particular, tires for the automotive industry, sports shoes, the needs of healthcare and the production of medical equipment, and the development of the construction industry. Synthetic rubber has become a serious alternative to natural rubber as a material with greater durability and higher productivity in its production. An assessment of the Russian market for the production of synthetic rubber in primary forms is given. It is noted that this market is highly concentrated with obvious signs of monopolization. The sales leader in this market is PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, whose share in 2023 amounted to more than 75%. An assessment of the trends in the development of the production activities of this organization for the period 2010–2023 was carried out, conclusions were drawn about the general trend of sales growth with deviations during the pandemic and in modern conditions of sanctions pressure on the economy of the Russian Federation. There is a decrease in the financial stability of the organization, which, however, has maintained its profitability and return on sales above the industry average. The business process of material and technical support of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim is considered. It is noted that the procurement service employees spend most of their working time applying for low-value goods. It is proposed to solve this problem by developing a logistics module within the framework of the implemented Unified Corporate Template, which allows approving procurement documents in electronic form, as well as by introducing the MarketPlace online store as an innovative technology for purchasing low-value goods. The research used general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, generalization), as well as private (observation, comparison, measurement and description) methods. The methodology of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia for assessing economic concentration in commodity markets is used. The object of the study was the type of economic activity – the production of synthetic rubber in primary forms (OKVED code: 20.17).
- Keywords:
- logistics, synthetic rubber production, digitalization of the management process, PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim
The essence of the crisis and factors of entrepreneurship development
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Liliia M. Parfenchuk
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- The article explores the phenomenon of crises of entrepreneurial activity, their causes, signs and stages. Their dual nature - a threat and a stimulus for renewal - is emphasised. The article considers the system approach to analysing and managing crises, as well as the need to adapt management to changing conditions in order to increase the sustainability of business.
- Keywords:
- crisis, system approach, entrepreneurial activity, crisis management, business processes, development strategy, retrospective analysis, crisis factors
Problemy razvitiia otechestvennoi teorii upravleniia organizatsiiami v usloviiakh sovremennoi rynochnoi ekonomiki i perspektivy ikh resheniia
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- At present, the domestic theory of organizational management is going through a difficult period of adaptation to the new conditions of the market economy, to the scientific rethinking and justification of the inclusion of foreign concepts and terms in its conceptual apparatus, giving relevance to modern scientific provisions of the domestic theory of organizational management in their practical activities. It should be noted that today it is important to remove from use a number of foreign terms that have no scientific feasibility for their inclusion in the conceptual apparatus of the domestic theory of management and at the same time to determine the scientific essence and place in the conceptual apparatus of those foreign concepts that are actively used by both researchers and practitioners in their professional activities. And an important condition for the effectiveness of the development of the domestic theory of organizational management in modern conditions is, firstly, the exclusion of «blurring» and «rewriting» by researchers the content of the basic concept of «management» for each specific situation, and secondly, the need for scientific justification of the essence and content of the concept of «management» introduced into the conceptual apparatus of the domestic theory of organizational management, as well as its place in the conceptual apparatus in relation to the concept of «management».
- Keywords:
- management, control, domestic theory of management of organizations, conditions of market economy, foreign concepts in domestic theory of management, relationship between the concepts of «control» and «management»
Marketing territorii v optimizatsii upravleniia sotsial'no-ekonomicheskim razvitiem malykh gorodov Rossii
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Viacheslav I. Lapshin
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The study focuses on the demand for marketing tools in modern conditions in managing the development of problematic territorial-administrative entities of Russia. Despite the increase in the number of studies of individual aspects of territorial marketing (image, destinations), there is a lack of a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of optimizing the structure of the economy and ensuring sustainable development of small towns in Russia. The need to consider not individual areas of territorial marketing, as applied to small towns, but to develop a unified approach to resolving the problems of development lags based on a study of typical representatives in this category is substantiated. In modern conditions, the definition of «unique» market positions, based on the introduction of marketing technologies into the management of a problematic municipality, with their subsequent «business conversion», their most optimal positioning.
- Keywords:
- management, strategy, sustainable development, optimization, monitoring, resource potential, small towns, territorial marketing
Continuation of Financial Activities in Bankruptcy Proceedings
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Irina A. Fedorova, Silvi G. Dashian
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- This chapter discusses the possibilities of continuing activities during bankruptcy through financial recovery and external management procedures. Attention is focused on the use of mechanisms such as transfer of obligations, attracting investors, debt restructuring and business sale.
- Keywords:
- bankruptcy, financial rehabilitation, external management, transfer of obligations, new legal entity, judicial practice, creditors' meeting, continuation of activities, restructuring
The role of mentoring in the system of educational project practices of economic and managerial orientation
ProceedingPedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of Professor V.P. Manukhin in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Moscow University of Humanities and Economics- Author:
- Mariia U. Utkova
- Work direction:
- Наставничество как эффективная форма развития профессиональных компетенцией
- Abstract:
- Abstract: The material of the scientific article presents the actual problems of the organization of mentoring practices in order to form the professional competencies of students in economic and managerial areas of training. The methods used are factor analysis, comparison, and generalization. The results of the study include an assessment of the diverse forms of application of educational design practices in the learning process of courses (modules).
- Keywords:
- project, economics, technology, management, mentoring, project practices, environmental and economic security, Arctic
Ways to ensure economic security at the regional level
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Author:
- Andrei V. Minakov
- Work direction:
- Угрозы экономической безопасности и пути их преодоления
- Abstract:
- Abstract. The search for ways to ensure economic security is a necessity for stable and sustainable development of regions in conditions of turbulence, and also allows to reduce the scale of intra-regional and inter-regional imbalances. The article examines the state of economic security of the Republic of Buryatia, which is part of the Far Eastern Federal District, assesses the weaknesses that hinder the socio-economic development of the republic, and proposes relevant ways to ensure economic security. It is recommended to accelerate the creation of new industries in Buryatia based on advanced technologies, develop the tourism industry, intensify cooperation with Mongolia, and create industrial and agro-industrial parks. As a result, the Republic of Buryatia will be able to develop according to the optimistic scenario and demonstrate GRP growth rates exceeding the average values for Russia and the Far Eastern Federal District.
- Keywords:
- regional development, regional economy, economic security, regional security, ensuring economic security, regional management
Methodology for implementing an interdisciplinary project based on no-code technology in the process of teaching students of the master's programme "Multimedia design"
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 4- Author:
- Tamara S. Severova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Teaching Internet technologies to Multimedia Design students contributes to their success in the labour market, provided that the project method and other similar approaches are used in the learning process. The article analyses the experience of teaching modern Internet technologies to students of the Master's programme "Multimedia Design" at the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Pedagogical University. Research methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and pedagogical experiment. It was established that the problem of teaching students in creative training areas technical skills required for creating Internet products can be solved by using no-code technology and the individual project method. Using creating a website for a randomly selected customer and developing one's own art and pedagogical Internet project as the example, we analysed the application of the individual practice-oriented project method. The results allowed us to draw conclusions that creating digital products without writing code enables students to perform completed Internet projects using special services and platforms, and the method of individual practice-oriented project allows them to perform personally significant Internet projects and helps to increase motivation for learning and the formation of universal and professional competences. The results of the study can be used in teaching Internet technologies to creative students.
- Keywords:
- internet technology education, interdisciplinary project, individual project method, no-code technology, web design, Internet project management
Ecosystem approach in transport infrastructure projects as a basis for classification of factors affecting their economic efficiency
Book ChapterPrinciples of building a new ecosystem: Economic, legal and social aspects- Author:
- Mikhail S. Malov
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The results of the application of ecosystem connectivity in research on the management of infrastructure projects in the transport sector are presented based on management theories and energy management theories. Given the understanding of the project ecosystem, its tasks are defined within the framework of different approaches to understanding the project life cycle. The purpose of the study is to determine the list of economic subjects of the project (stakeholders) and factors influencing the economic efficiency of infrastructure projects in the transport industry. The results obtained have scientific novelty and can be used to enrich the theory of project management, as well as practical significance for organizations – project developers and other interested parties.
- Keywords:
- economic efficiency, quality management, economic factors, ecosystem, transport infrastructure projects
Risks in the managerial activity of the head
Book ChapterPrinciples of building a new ecosystem: Economic, legal and social aspects- Author:
- Vladimir B. Kvasov
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the specifics of the managerial activity of the head, methods of identifying adverse aspects affecting the effectiveness of such. The specifics of the stabilization of the work of the team as a result of the implementation of administrative forms and methods, both internal and external. The author presents a number of predicted results in the implementation of the application of a set of administrative resources.
- Keywords:
- team, managerial activity, administrative activity, head, factors influencing management
Optimizatsiia skladskoi logistiki na promyshlennom predpriiatii
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Olga A. Prokopeva
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- В статье предложены мероприятия по оптимизации складских работ на промышленном предприятии. Рассмотрен вопрос поиска и внедрения современных подходов, а также инструментов, которые помогут повысить эффективность организации складских работ.
- Keywords:
Main directions of human resource development in the civil service of the Russian Federation: state, problems and prospects for the implementation of the national project «Staff”
ProceedingSustainable Development of Russian Regions in the Age of Transformation Processes- Author:
- Sofia V. Sagan
- Work direction:
- Финансовые факторы демографической политики и формирования кадрового потенциала
- Abstract:
- The article discusses issues related to human resources technologies in the public service. The problem of the topic of the study is the acute shortage of staff of state authorities of the Russian Federation. The activities to improve public sector personnel policy are proposed within the framework of the national project «Human resources».
- Keywords:
- personnel, mentoring, time management, state civil service, national project «Personnel», human resources capacity, corporate universities
Supply chain management under constraints (using the example of Business Car Caspian LLC)
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Olga V. Krutova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- In the conditions of restrictions caused by market changes, political, economic factors, effective supply chain management becomes a key factor to ensure the stability and competitiveness of the enterprise. On the example of «Business Car Caspiy», an analysis of the economic performance and logistics activities of the company has been carried out. In order to mitigate the impact of constraints, several measures have been proposed, including optimizing the product assortment and introducing a dynamic stock buffer management practice using a new information and accounting system that optimizes relations with suppliers and customers.
- Keywords:
- economic efficiency, management, theory of constraints, supply chain, logistics information system
Production of anti-unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as part of the innovation management strategy at enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Aleksandr I. Kashirin, Ilia V. Poletaev
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses the managerial aspects of the development of new technologies at enterprises of the Russian defense industry in the digital economy. The relevance of the study is determined by several circumstances. Firstly, it is the market of anti-UAVs that has been studied to a lesser extent than the UAVs themselves. Drones, both as a military solution and as civil technologies, are currently in the focus of attention of the scientific and professional community. At the same time, systems aimed at countering UAVs do not receive due attention. Secondly, for military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation, the market of anti-UAVS is of great interest: since UAVs themselves are being adopted almost everywhere, it can be expected that in the near future the market will require appropriate solutions aimed at countering these systems. Thirdly, the international arms market itself is in a constant state of change, and these changes should receive proper scientific assessment.
- Keywords:
- unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, UAV countermeasures, the market of unmanned aerial vehicles, defense industry enterprises, innovation management at defense industry enterprises, the market of UAV countermeasures
Economic Aspects of Automation of Production Management of a Modern Enterprise (by the Example of Kaluga Pjsc Cadvi)
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov, Dmitrii V. Tiutin
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines algorithms for improving automated production management systems. The epistemological roots of various stages of the process are analyzed: automated control systems (ACS), automated production development systems (APS), computer-aided design (CAD) systems and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), as a developing technology involving bots that imitate human actions. The relevance of the problems raised lies in the lack of alternatives to innovative development for the domestic economy. This concept inherently includes a component of artificial intelligence associated with the implementation of automated control systems in production cycles. Using the example of Kaluga PJSC CADVI, the authors prove the effectiveness of introducing self-developing technologies for management activities. Systemic, complex, process and situational types of analysis are used. Layers of monographic and statistical developments are taken as the initial base. Specific proposals are given for choosing the most effective and reasonable platforms, taking into account current production realities.
- Keywords:
- management, competitiveness, outsourcing, automation, production, informatization, economic effect, life cycle, functional connections, mathematical analysis
Program-Targeted Support for the Implementation of Priority National Meso-Level Projects (on the Example of the Promotion of the National Project "Culture" by the Institutional System of the Tula Region)
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- Due to the aggravation of sanctions by unfriendly states towards the Russian Federation, our country is closely facing the need for total import substitution and the introduction of an innovation management system. One of its key tools today is the implementation of priority national projects in business entities. Project management is becoming a priority area of activity in almost all sectors of both production and non-production structures. The direction of culture in the previously planned economy at the state level was often financed according to the system of the «residual principle», which could not but affect the final results. In the system of new approaches and values, the situation is beginning to change. The Culture project is among the leading national projects. The author examines its program-targeted (as well as financial and rating) support on the example of the institutional system of the Tula region. Statistical and monographic data, the legislative base of the federal and regional levels are taken as the basis of the research. From the point of view of the system. A multifactorial analysis of the promotion of the priority national project «Culture» in the Tula region is given for complex, process and situational approaches. The trend and mental characteristics of local territories are taken into account when carrying out systematic work on project management.
- Keywords:
- national project, program and target support, priority, institutional factor, regional specifics, quality of life of the population, budget transfers, economic feasibility, methodological base, innovative management
Improving the management of preschool education in the region
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Natalia A. Podgornova, Alina V. Kazakevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter conducted a study of the development of preschool education management in the Ryazan region in order to identify promising areas for improving the accessibility and provision of the educational process. The work has developed measures to improve the management of preschool education and proposals for optimizing the network of preschool institutions. As part of the development of preschool education management in the Ryazan region, it is proposed to consider the possibility of introducing new forms of provision of preschool education services, which can significantly increase the accessibility and provision of the educational process for children and their parents, especially for working young families, as well as expanding the network of preschool institutions and creating new sites for children's development.
- Keywords:
- management, development, security, preschool education, accessibility
Kontseptual'naia otsenka loial'nosti klientov banka
ProceedingSustainable Development of Russian Regions in the Age of Transformation Processes- Authors:
- Natalia A. Izmailova, Aleksandr V. Prokopev
- Work direction:
- Ответственные инвестиции и зеленые финансы. Будущее рынка устойчивого финансирования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассказывается о понятии лояльности клиентов банка и основных её видах. Описывается концепция оценки лояльности клиентов, в том числе порядок проведения оценки, её плюсы и минусы. Предлагается система оценки, которая была адаптирована в учреждениях банковской сферы на основе внедрения CRM-систем.
- Keywords:
Influence of automatic actions on emotional stability: research and practical insights
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Author:
- Alena D. Krasnobryzheva
- Work direction:
- Практические кейсы применения инструментов коучинга и наставника
- Abstract:
- The article explores the influence of automatic actions on emotional stability and offers practical approaches to managing these actions. Using a client as an example, the relationship between everyday rituals and their emotional state is examined. The author proposes methods for tracking, analyzing, and correcting automatic actions to achieve a more stable emotional state.
- Keywords:
- emotional regulation, emotional stability, automatic actions, rituals, mental well-being, emotion management, mindfulness, coaching practices
Project management of the development of transport infrastructure of a non-agglomeration territory in the economic space of the region
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Author:
- Natalia M. Zelepukina
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- The author proposed the use of project management tools in order to improve the spatial development of non-agglomeration territories of the Samara region. The results of the development and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures are briefly presented: 1) to create municipal road funds for rural settlements in need of construction/reconstruction of rural roads; 2) to organize co-financing of the construction of new roads of intermunicipal importance to ensure rapid communication with cities and regions within the Samara-Tolyatti agglomeration. To optimize management processes within the framework of the proposed activities, the “AS-IS” and “TO-BE” models were used.
- Keywords:
- project management, transport infrastructure, spatial development, non-agglomeration territory, municipal road fund
Types of funding sources for M&A transactions and LBO, MBO operations
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Author:
- Lianna V. Kekhian
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства
- Abstract:
- The author analyzes the methods and instruments of financing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. Special attention is paid to the buyout operations of a company with a large leverage (LBO) and the acquisition of a business by the organization's top management (MBO). The analytical data of the global M&A transactions market are considered as confirmation of the relevance of this topic. As a result of the conducted research, a comparative characteristic of external sources of financing for mergers and acquisitions was carried out, indicating the advantages and advantages of each of them.
- Keywords:
- amp, financing, M&amp, MBO, LBO, mergers and acquisitions, buyout by top management, buyout with high debt, external sources, internal sources