List of publications on a keyword: «management»
ProceedingLaw, economics and management: current issues- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Golikova, Iuliia G. Timofeeva
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- The article defines the «Delphi» method, identifies its place in risk identification and assessment and describes the method as well: its advantages and disadvantages. A study is being made of the occurrence and trends of using the «Delphi» method abroad and in Russia.
- Keywords:
- questionnaire, risk management, risk identification and risk assessment, «Delphi» technique, expert estimates, experts, analysts
Modern approaches to budgeting as a method of financial control
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 4- Author:
- Anna E. Tochilkina
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- Abstract: the article discusses the need for the introduction of financial planning as the main management tool in a competitive and unstable environment. Several definitions of the term "budgeting" from different points of view are given. The goals and functions through which the economic content of budgeting is revealed are considered. The current budgeting model, its advantages and disadvantages are also described. The key problems of traditional budgeting are identified, new tools and methods for its replacement are proposed. Each proposed method, its features and principles are described in more detail. In conclusion, the article describes the positive impact of new budgeting tools as a method of financial planning.
- Keywords:
- Key words: inancial planning, budgeting, management tools, budgeting models, sliding budgeting, balanced scorecard, value management, method of Beyond Budgeting «outside the budget»
Problems of management theory development in educational publications (incisive analysis on the basis of I.V. Ponkin's tutorial «Theory of public administration»)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (5)- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Analysis and reviews
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problems of management theory development in educational publications. The author emphasizes that today one of the problems of various educational publications is a formal approach to their preparation and provision of educational material. I.V. Ponkin's tutorial «Theory of public administration» was used as the basis of the analysis. The author comes to the conclusion that at the present time there is a need to prepare and give such a tutorial on management, which would be based on the scientific positions of the management theory and create a basis for graduates in the formation of their managerial competencies in accordance with the Federal state educational standards of higher education and professional standards.
- Keywords:
- management, public management, the concept of public administration, state and municipal management, principles of management, regulatory management (ensuring) of public administration, tutorial
Smart education: kontekstno zavisimaia sistema-assistent
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Viktoriia V. Bova, Sergei I. Rodzin, Oksana N. Istratova, Iurii A. Kravchenko, Viktor M. Kureichik, Natalia A. Lyz
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- Developments in the field of smart education – trend in the world educational space. Smart education is the result of the evolution of the application of information and communication technologies (the first personal computers), e-learning (personal computers for working in the Internet), m-learning (laptops) and u-learning (smartphones) in education. Key elements to support smart education: mobile computing, smart electronic textbooks, and cloud computing. The model, architecture and scenario of context-dependent system-assistant for smart education, able to analyze the individual characteristics of the student, the environment, adapt their work when conditions change are presented in the article. The novelty of the approach lies in the formalization of the context model so that the context-dependent system-assistant «computes on the fly» a specific scenario taking into account the individual characteristics of users and the current educational situation. When building a content management system, it is proposed to use a model based on biologically plausible machines. Context-dependent smart system should be able to personalize the best learning style, help to choose the optimal educational trajectory. For this purpose the device of Bayesian networks and biologically plausible methods are used. Prospective developments aimed at expanding the research base of smart education are the creation of adaptive systems that support an individual approach to learning, content management systems that provide for the possibility of contextual use of educational resources repositories and provide mobility and deep personalization of educational services. In Russia, nowadays there are the necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the smart education system: the focus in training are educational, social, civil, professional competencies, forms and methods for the individualization of the educational trajectory change, focus on open world intellectual resources, the emphasis is shifted to self-control and self-assessment of students, to assessment the education quality by employers, professional communities.
- Keywords:
- smart education, context-dependent system, content management, probabilistic automaton, learning scenario, Bayesian network, evolutionary algorithm
Quality and Engineering Management
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Sergei I. Gusev, Iuliia V. Zhukova
- Work direction:
- Логистический менеджмент
- Abstract:
- The principal aspects of existing approaches to management of organization are considered and their ability to form new competences is stressed. The major part of the attention is paid to the importance of modern innovation and communication technologies for logistically complex infrastructural systems of transport industry.
- Keywords:
- transport, information, quality management, engineering management
Internet marketing as a basis for increasing demand for products and services of cultural institutions
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Elena N. Lvova, Lkhagvazhav Gansukh
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes use of the potential internet technologies in marketing communications of organizations and cultural institutions museum-type to increase the demand for cultural products and develop new technologies of interaction with the youth audience. Internet marketing is considered, on one side, as a condition of actualization cultural heritage and preservation of value attitude to it, and from other side – as a condition of competitiveness cultural institutions on the basis of their reflection in the "digital environment". The article presents information on the use of museum podcasts as well as sociological data showing the impact of marketing on museum attendance.
- Keywords:
- Keywords: Internet communications, marketing, culture management, Museum product, media resources
Otsenivanie kachestva v dopolnitel'nom obrazovanii detei
Book ChapterQuality assessment in additional education of children- Author:
- Larisa G. Loginova
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- The book is devoted to the actual, but little developed problem - the evaluation of quality in the additional education of children. The author's position of understanding this activity is presented, which is a logical continuation of the book «The quality of additional education of children. Management», published in 2012. The book is addressed, first of all, to the current leaders of organizations of additional education of children, who begin to master management skills, managers and specialists who manage in this area, employees of methodological and resource centers, institutes of advanced training and professional retraining, quality assessment centers, as well as employees and teachers involved in quality assessment processes and wholeheartedly dedicated to their work, a wide range of readers interested in the problems of assessing-operation in education.
- Keywords:
- educational service, quality, independent assessment, self-assessment, additional education of children, object of assessment, subjects of assessment, quality description, quality definition, quality assessment, assessment, quality assurance, processes, use value, quality management, organizational norms, standard, requirements, humanitarian expertise, measurement, monitoring, diagnostics, audit, information resource, teacher of additional education of children, organization of additional education of children
Razrabotka i realizatsiia regional'noi investitsionnoi politiki v sovremennykh usloviiakh
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Authors:
- Viktoriia A. Borovkova, Valeriia A. Borovkova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- In the modern context complex, stable and balanced development of the region is possible only with the presence of developed and effectively implemented regional investment policy. In this regard, there is a need for the continuous development of scientific, methodological and practical aspects of the effective formation and implementation of RIPs, the search for methods and mechanisms for attracting investment resources to the regional economy, and ensuring a favorable investment climate. The research involves general methods for studying: observation, comparison, comprehensiveness, consistency, analysis, synthesis, as well as modeling and logical approach. The study clarified the concept of “regional investment policy” and its content, identified RIP types, identified the goal, objectives and principles of RIP development and implementation, proposed a model of RIP development and implementation, disclosed factors and problems of RIP formation and implementation, improved efficiency measures process of formation and implementation of the RIP. Application of the presented approach and model makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the development and implementation of the RIP, to ensure the region’s high competitiveness, stability, security, and improved adaptation to changing conditions.
- Keywords:
- management, investments, policy, region, regional investment policy, process of regional investment policy implementation, investment activities, regional development
Korporativnye preobrazovaniia v agrarnom sektore
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Author:
- Vladimir V. Shevtsov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The article states that the APC of Russia moves from the stage of growth to a phase of stabilization, that is a reason for serious corporate transformations. Based on the theory and practice of successful companies in Russia and abroad, in particular using the theoretical development of Deming, one of the creators of the Japanese «economic miracle», it is concluded that there is a necessity and feasibility of the maximum humanization of the agricultural management of Russia and turning it into agricultural management with a human face.
- Keywords:
- quality, agricultural management, humanization, crisis, APC of Russia, Deming, orgculture, delegation, staff, lean manufacturing, corporate transformation
Sovershenstvovanie upravleniia protsessom formirovaniia i funktsionirovaniia industrial'nykh parkov v regionakh Rossii
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Authors:
- Georgii M. Samostroenko, Olga V. Shatokhina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The creation of industrial parks is one of the promising trends in the development of real economic sectors of the regional economy. The condition for maximizing the use of industrial parks is the organization of effective management. This monograph sets out recommendations related to improving management efficiency and creating industrial parks in the regions of Russia.
- Keywords:
- management, industrial parks, the process of forming industrial parks, the process of functioning of industrial parks, key performance indicators, assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of industrial parks, marketing complementarity
Investments in education – investments in the future
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Educational policy
- Abstract:
- In this article, the problem of quality education in general and the question of investing in education in particular are studied. Modern consumers invest in their education, seeing in these investments the opportunity to increase their attractiveness and value in the labor market, and large organizations, industries invest in training of personnel, considering this contribution as a guarantee of their own survival in the conditions of global competition. The author notes changes and updates of investment directions in the field of education, as well as promising areas of activity in the secondary vocational education of Sevastopol.
- Keywords:
- getting quality education, effective investment of free money, the education system and management of the education system, administrative competence of the administrative structure of educational organizations, quantitative and qualitative indicators of secondary vocational education, standards of academic performance of students
Professional'naia obshchestvennaia akkreditatsiia: gosudarstvennaia politika, vozmozhnosti, strategiia, innovatsii, obrazovanie, perspektivy
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Aleksandr M. Chernopiatov, Ekaterina I. Bondareva
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- There are examined professionally-public accreditation of educational programs and direction to identify the features and strengths of programs, the specificity of their implementation, which in consequence will have a positive impact on the quality of training of future specialists. The relevance of the topic to present the new paradigm in the relationships between educational institutions and employers. Employers ' requests for training of specialists due to the ever-increasing demands of the market. In modern conditions the labour market permanently updates its requirements to the quality of graduates of educational institutions. The challenges posed by employer to educational institutions, lies in the fact that the future specialist must be suitable not only on educational performance but also on psychological, individual, management and most importantly on professional qualities, are widely demanded at the present stage.
- Keywords:
- education, innovation, professional public accreditation, educational institution, specialists, employers, professional standards, market, economy, educational programs, quality, management, task, employment, Training
Sotsiologicheskii vzgliad na khod reformy v sisteme sotsiologicheskogo obrazovaniia
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Igor K. Masalkov
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- В работе анализируются последствия принятия положений об университетской реформе, сокращения государственной финансовой поддержки. Автор считает, что в российском научном сообществе никто не отрицает настоятельной необходимости проведения реформ исследовательской деятельности и университетского образования в целом, и в ряде стран борьба идет не с самой идеей этой реформы, а главным образом с той концепцией, которая за ней стоит.
- Keywords:
The Japanese education framework: creating effective governance
ProceedingDesigning the mechanisms for the implementation of educational initiatives- Authors:
- Aida R. Nurutdinova, Elena V. Dmitrieva
- Work direction:
- Современные организационные основы создания сети взаимодействия образовательных организаций для обеспечения доступности качественного образования
- Abstract:
- Being in the process of intensive transformations, the system of higher education requires the presence of specialists with new competencies. As a result of the Bologna process, the intensity of international integration and modernization is occurring all over the world, particularly in Japan. For Russia’s successful educational reform, it is crucial to study international experience and tendencies in education policy.
- Keywords:
- education policy, modernization, integration, Japan, national management, studies