The introduction of innovative technologies in the logistics of synthetic rubber production

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-115843
Open Access
Monograph «Vectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities»
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Monograph «Vectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities»
Liudmila F. Shaibakova 1
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Глава 11
Received: 9 January 2025

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1 Ural State University of Economics
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The chapter describes the characteristics of rubber production in world and Russian practice. There is a growing demand for rubber worldwide due to the development of the production of rubber products, in particular, tires for the automotive industry, sports shoes, the needs of healthcare and the production of medical equipment, and the development of the construction industry. Synthetic rubber has become a serious alternative to natural rubber as a material with greater durability and higher productivity in its production. An assessment of the Russian market for the production of synthetic rubber in primary forms is given. It is noted that this market is highly concentrated with obvious signs of monopolization. The sales leader in this market is PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, whose share in 2023 amounted to more than 75%. An assessment of the trends in the development of the production activities of this organization for the period 2010–2023 was carried out, conclusions were drawn about the general trend of sales growth with deviations during the pandemic and in modern conditions of sanctions pressure on the economy of the Russian Federation. There is a decrease in the financial stability of the organization, which, however, has maintained its profitability and return on sales above the industry average. The business process of material and technical support of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim is considered. It is noted that the procurement service employees spend most of their working time applying for low-value goods. It is proposed to solve this problem by developing a logistics module within the framework of the implemented Unified Corporate Template, which allows approving procurement documents in electronic form, as well as by introducing the MarketPlace online store as an innovative technology for purchasing low-value goods. The research used general scientific (analysis, synthesis, analogy, generalization), as well as private (observation, comparison, measurement and description) methods. The methodology of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia for assessing economic concentration in commodity markets is used. The object of the study was the type of economic activity – the production of synthetic rubber in primary forms (OKVED code: 20.17).


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