List of publications on a keyword: «иностранные студенты»
Improvement of the strategy and tools for intercultural adaptation of foreign students
Book ChapterPsychological and pedagogical issues of modern education- Authors:
- Natalia L. Smit, Sergei V. Ilkevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The development of educational export is an important strategic task both for Russian universities at the institutional level, allowing them to increase the level of global competitiveness, and at the state level, ensuring the implementation of the principles of the «soft power» strategy. Both of these goal-settings contribute to the achievement of national interests through attraction and persuasion. To increase the efficiency of the export of Russian education and high-quality training of specialists for the global labor market, it is necessary to develop effective methods, mechanisms and technologies for improving the intercultural adaptive environment of educational organizations, which became the main goal of this study. Cultural diversity is a key value guide for the classification of cultures of peoples and countries, as well as an important criterion for the effective management of multicultural groups and organizations. In the context of educational organizations, cultural diversity is becoming a powerful driver for the development of competencies in the host institutions for foreign students, but it is important to systematically approach all components of an intercultural adaptive environment based on the implementation and scaling of best practices. In this study, based on a sociological survey of foreign students in Russian universities, priority adaptation tools are systematized both along the internal contour of the educational organization, as well as and in external bilateral and network interactions. The research recommendations are both strategic in nature, defining the fundamental tasks of educational organizations to create an intercultural adaptive environment, and of an applied and methodological nature, based on proposals regarding the development of specific tools for intercultural adaptation.
- Keywords:
- higher education, educational organization, tutor, university, student-centered learning, internationalization, intercultural interaction, international students, cultural adaptation, academic adaptation, adaptive environment, intercultural communications, cultural intelligence, diversity management, cross-cultural trainings
Vliianie kursa "Osnovy rossiiskoi gosudarstvennosti" na inostrannykh grazhdan, obuchaiushchikhsia v obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniiakh Rossiiskoi Federatsii
ProceedingUniversity humanities education in Russia: on the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor A.V. Arsentieva- Authors:
- Elena L. Fedorova, Ekaterina S. Pliasunova
- Work direction:
- Методика преподавания «Основы российской государственности» и дисциплин, направленных на формирование патриотических компетенций у обучающихся высшей школы
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается влияние основ российской государственности на иностранных граждан, обучающихся в высших учебных заведениях на территории Российской Федерации. В работе анализируется исторический контекст формирования российской государственности и ее основные принципы, такие как верховенство закона, права и свободы человека, а также роль многонациональности и языкового разнообразия в социально-политической жизни страны. Статья также затрагивает вопросы адаптации и восприятия иностранцев российским обществом, исследует влияние государственной политики на интеграцию мигрантов и формирование их правовой идентичности. Авторами эксплицируется необходимость преподавания основ российской государственности для иностранцев в стенах университета.
- Keywords:
Sotsial'naia adaptatsiia inostrannykh studentov v usloviiakh tsifrovizatsii: zadachi i vyzovy dlia rossiiskikh vuzov
ProceedingPedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of Professor V.P. Manukhin in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Moscow University of Humanities and Economics- Author:
- Firaia F. Bulatova
- Work direction:
- Воспитание как основа педагогического процесса
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается теоретический анализ задач и образовательных практик социальной адаптации иностранных студентов в России. Подчеркивается важность системного подхода к профилактической работе с мигрантами, реализации задач, стоящих перед российскими вузами в контексте цифровизации образования. Особое внимание уделяется вопросу создания благоприятной среды для студентов-иностранцев.
- Keywords:
Obrazovatel'naia sreda vuza kak faktor akademicheskoi adaptatsii inostrannogo studenta
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Natal'ia A. Maksimova
- Work direction:
- Technologies of Developing of Educational Environment’s Psychological Security Under Adverse Epidemiological Situation
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается влияние характеристик образовательной среды вуза на академическую адаптацию иностранных студентов, обучающихся в рамках программ международного обмена. Полученные данные демонстрируют значимые взаимосвязи между доминантностью, мобильностью и широтой образовательной среды, и компонентами академической адаптации, подчеркивая важность активного взаимодействия, гибкости подходов к обучению и осознаваемости среды для успешной интеграции студентов в образовательный процесс.
- Keywords:
Psychological support of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in the higher education system: results of the design and analytical session
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 3- Authors:
- Svetlana V. Gani, Zulfiya R. Khayrova, Elena Y. Brel
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The paper analyzes the experience of psychological support for the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students at universities of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the work is due to the significant socio-cultural, psychological, and academic difficulties that foreign students face when studying at Russian universities and, in this regard, the need to replicate the successful experience of organizing measures to adapt this target group of students in the higher education system. The results of a monitoring survey of psychological services specialists conducted at the sites of 13 universities participating in the pilot testing of the psychological service model in the higher education system in terms of psychological support for foreign students are presented. The results of the design and analytical session organized by the Federal Resource Center for Psychological Services in the Higher Education System of the Russian Academy of Education are presented in order to further replicate successful practices of psychological support for foreign students at the university. A comprehensive program of measures for psychological support of foreign students at the university is proposed. Conclusions are drawn about the expediency of integrating individual measures to accompany and support foreign students into the overall structure of the psychological service of the university.
- Keywords:
- socio-cultural adaptation, foreign students, psychological service, comprehensive program comprehensive program of socio-cultural adaptation, psychological support of acculturation
Spetsifika obucheniia inostrannykh studentov biologicheskim distsiplinam pedagogicheskogo napravleniia podgotovki
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Svetlana V. Kulanina
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в высшей профессиональной школе
- Abstract:
- Понимание особенностей подготовки иностранных студентов по биологическим дисциплинам важно для эффективного обучения. Статья рассматривает ключевые аспекты подготовки таких студентов, методы преодоления сложностей и создания благоприятной образовательной среды для успешного усвоения знаний в области биологии.
- Keywords:
Problemnye voprosy adaptatsii inostrannykh studentov k novoi obrazovatel'noi srede
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Natalia A. Nasonova, Mariya I. Soboleva, Vera N. Il'icheva, Olga P. Gundarova
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье отражены основные проблемы адаптации иностранных студентов к учебной нагрузке во время обучения в высшем учебном заведении России. В работе представлены к обсуждению пути их решения. По мнению авторов, обучение будущего высококвалифицированного иностранного специалиста требует комплексного методического подхода и особого отношения со стороны преподавателя высшего учебного заведения.
- Keywords:
Training Foreign Students in the Use Of Reflexive Verbs of the Russian Language in Speech: the Specifics of this Category and Paying Attention to Features
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Lilliia G. Petrova, Anna V. Elfimova, Sofia A. Chumakova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter considers the verb as the nuclear center of the grammar of the Russian language. Particular attention is paid to reflexive verbs, the method of their selection for study by foreign students. This is due to the fact that Russian reflexive verbs are part of speech, which is a certain difficulty for foreigners to study. The authors believe that studying the semantics and functioning of the Russian-language reflexive verb, as well as developing ways to teach foreign students how to use it in speech, it is important to focus on its position in the Russian dictionary system, the functions of phrasal organization of speech and text. It is necessary to pay attention to the complexity and relationship of grammatical categories, which are the form, tense, methods of verbal action in close adhesion with lexical meanings of verbs. An attempt is made to systematize the reflexive verbs selected for study, grouping them by topics in a more concise form.
- Keywords:
- Training, foreign students, Russian as a foreign language, grammar, reflexive verb
Using the cinquain method at the lessons of Russian for foreigners at nonlinguistic university
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article considers modern interactive teaching strategies including cinquain method. This play-based task aims strengthening of cognitive work of foreign students while teaching Russian. The paper describes the rules of cinquain structure and the ways of its using. The author focuses on the forms of work, gives some examples of such a classroom technology.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, cinquain, play-based acting devices, learning process effectiveness, using of acting teachimg strategies
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- This article deals with the issues related to the use of special vocabulary and medical terminology in the classes of Russian as a foreign language in a non-language university. Foreign students should be familiar not only with the basic vocabulary of the Russian language, but also with the basic terminology of their specialty, read and understand special literature. It helps to develop speech competencies in the professional field. The author focuses on the gradual introduction of special vocabulary at classes of Russian as a foreign language (RFL).
- Keywords:
- foreign students, interdisciplinary relations, professional activities, language for special purposes, term
Visualization of educational material when teaching mathematics to foreign students of preparatory faculties of technical universities
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Iuliia O. Gubskaia, Tatiana K. Smykovskaia
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в профессиональной школе и среднем ПО
- Abstract:
- This scientific article discusses the importance and effectiveness of the use of visualization in teaching mathematics to foreign students at the preparatory faculties of technical universities. The analysis of the available visualization methods contains interactive demonstrations, graphs, diagrams, animations and other techniques that contribute to improving the understanding of mathematical concepts and stimulate the active participation of students in the educational process. This study also examines the advantages and limitations of visualization, offers recommendations for the effective use of this tool in teaching mathematics to international students.
- Keywords:
- preparatory faculty, international students, visualisation, visualization methods, mathematics teaching
Obrazovatel'nyi menedzhment: integratsiia inostrannykh studentov v universitety Frantsii
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Tat'iana A. Kazakova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы в контексте глобализации
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена вопросам организации обучения студентов-иностранцев в высших учебных заведениях Франции. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам социально-экономического и культурного сопровождения данной категории обучаемых.
- Keywords:
Foreign applicants/students information support in the Russian University academic environment
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Authors:
- Alisa E. Mozheevskaia, Mariia V. Khairullina
- Work direction:
- Межкультурное пространство современной России
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to the question of attracting foreign students to study at Russian universities, which leads to the economic development of the city and region. The article discusses the main channels for presenting information for foreign citizens about education in Russia. The article is studying the role of the official website influencing the interest of foreign applicants when choosing an educational institution. Problems that impede effective information work are considered, and possible ways for their solution are presented.
- Keywords:
- motivation, foreign students, information support, foreign applicants
University lecture: experience of teaching chemistry to foreign students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 2- Authors:
- Irina A. Shtobbe, Olga V. Azarova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the experience of teaching chemistry to foreign students of a medical university. To facilitate the understanding of educational material in chemistry by foreign students, the didactic potential of university lectures has been expanded. Every year, Russian universities accept citizens from more than 170 countries to study. The annual growth in the number of foreign students corresponds to the national course for further integration into the educational and scientific community of the allied states. The relevance of the study is determined by the need of Russian universities to develop educational and methodological materials in a foreign language for training programs for foreign students. The aim of this study is to facilitate the understanding of lecture material, and, as a result, to increase the effectiveness of teaching chemistry to foreign students of a medical university through the use of an English-language course of lectures in the learning process. Within this work, using the method of students questionnaire survey, a pedagogical study of the attitude of foreign students to the use of a course of chemistry lectures in English was carried out. The study involved 80 foreign students of Altai State Medical University, citizens of far abroad countries. It was found that the described course of lectures minimizes the difficulties of foreign students' perception of large amounts of educational material (97.5% of respondents), increases the efficiency of independent work (92.5%), helps to overcome the language barrier when teaching in an intermediary language (67.5%), as a result, there is a general interest of foreign students in chemistry as a science (95%), facilitating of educational material understanding and an increase in academic performance (96.2% of those who successfully passed the exam in chemistry compared to 60% of students in the control group). Thus, we came to the conclusion that the use of a developed English-language course of lectures in the teaching chemistry makes it easier for students to perceive the lecture material and improve the quality of chemistry education for foreign students.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, English language, teaching chemistry, lecture course, pedagogical research
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Assessment of satisfaction with the quality of university educational activities is made up of the quality of services provided by the individual departments. This article focuses on the analysis of foreign medical students' satisfaction with the quality of teaching the discipline «Russian language in medicine». The anonymous questionnaire method, being the most accessible method of assessment, was used to determine the degree of learning satisfaction. The results of the questionnaire contribute to recommendations for improving the educational process in the department.
- Keywords:
- questionnaire, foreign students, quality of the educational process, result analysis, learning satisfaction
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- This article considers the issues related to the use of authentic texts in classes of Russian as a foreign language at a non-language university. Reading of literary texts helps foreign students to understand better the cultural and country-specific contents and to practice their knowledge more effectively. The author points out the problems encountered in teaching foreign students, which are solved by using literary texts in classes of Russian as a foreign language.
- Keywords:
- literary text, international students, authentic text, adapted text, verbal communication
Formirovanie bezopasnoi obrazovatel'noi sredy v protsesse professional'noi podgotovki inostrannykh studentov-farmatsevtov
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Aliona V. Aliasova, Inna L. Fedotenko
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- В настоящее время в университетах России большое значение уделяется межнациональному обмену студентами, что способствует интеграции культуры, традиций разных стран в образовательную среду вуза. Однако не каждый иностранный обучающийся готов сразу влиться в образовательный процесс, адаптироваться и найти непосредственно контакт с одногруппниками, преподавательским составом. На основе этого могут возникать недопонимания, конфликты, настороженность между ними и местными студентами, преподавателями. Поэтому цель нашего исследования – проанализировать различные психолого-педагогические условия, которые будут способствовать решению возникающих проблем, объединить категории субъектов высшей школы в процессе аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы. Для решения представленных проблем мы реализовывали теоретические и практические методы: контент-анализ, анкетирование, опросы, наблюдения, педагогический эксперимент.
- Keywords:
Privlekatel'nost' vuza dlia inostrannykh studentov (po rezul'tatam anketirovaniia v ChGU im. I.N. Ul'ianova)
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Marina N. Krasnova, Antonina S. Ivanova
- Work direction:
- История ЧГУ в документальных источниках и свидетельствах современников
- Abstract:
- В статье анализируются основные факторы, влияющие на выбор вуза иностранными студентами. Анализ построен на результатах анкетирования в ЧГУ им. И.Н. Ульянова. Авторами предложены пути повышения привлекательности вуза.
- Keywords:
Osobennosti prepodavaniia biologicheskoi khimii dlia inostrannykh studentov meditsinskikh spetsial'nostei
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Larisa V. Andreeva
- Work direction:
- Проблема организации учебного процесса и методического обеспечения в системе высшей школы
- Abstract:
- В статье изложены особенности преподавания биологической химии для иностранных студентов в институте медицинского образования Новгородского государственного университета имени Ярослава Мудрого. Приведены примеры использования традиционных педагогических методов в процессе обучения. Особое внимание уделено специфическим подходам: использованию индивидуальных практикумов, ситуационных задач, дистанционных курсов. Индивидуальный подход позволяет оптимизировать учебный процесс, выявить проблемы каждого обучающегося. В конечном итоге это приводит к повышению качества образования.
- Keywords:
Vliianie iazykovykh trudnostei na blagopoluchie inostrannykh studentov
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Klara V. Pushkina
- Work direction:
- Российское студенчество в историческом прошлом и на современном этапе
- Abstract:
- Языковые трудности являются самой актуальной проблемой, с которой сталкиваются иностранные студенты сегодня. Данное исследование посвящено изучению влияния языковых трудностей на благополучие иностранных студентов. В ходе исследования изучался субъективный опыт иностранных студентов из Индии, Египта, Марокко, Туркменистана и Таджикистана. Результаты были объединены в пять тем, все из которых подтвердили гипотезу о том, что языковые трудности влияют на уровень психологического благополучия иностранных студентов. Язык был главной темой, которая объединяла все остальные подтемы. Результаты исследования подтверждают вывод о том, что чем выше уровень владения русским языком, тем ниже уровень культурного стресса, академических трудностей и негативных эмоций у иностранных студентов.
- Keywords:
Features of Teaching Grammatical Material to Foreign Students Taking into Account the Characteristics of the Intermediary Language (Using the Example of Verbs with the Semantics of Reflexivity)
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Lilliia G. Petrova, Natalia N. Shevchenko, Anna V. Elfimova
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the category of verbs with reflexive meaning, draws analogies with similar verbs in some foreign languages, raises the problem of using an intermediary language when presenting grammatical material to foreign students, provides a comparative characteristic of verbal units with reflexive meaning in English and Russian, justifies the expediency of teaching foreign English-speaking students reflexive verbs of the Russian language on the basis of comparative analysis. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that the systematic analysis of didactic materials, submitted on the basis of comparison and comparison of reflexive verbal units with their correspondences or analogues in other languages, helps to create the necessary algorithms for task complexes aimed at teaching foreigners grammar of Russian as a foreign language not only in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher, but also with online learning on various educational platforms, both in remote mode and in the mode of independent work.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, teaching, comparative analysis, Russian as a foreign language, phraseological units, grammar, verbal units with reflexive meaning
Ispol'zovanie individual'nykh praktikumov v protsesse obucheniia inostrannykh studentov biokhimicheskim distsiplinam
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Larisa V. Andreeva
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- В статье изложены основные проблемы усвоения биологической химии иностранными студентами. Приведены примеры использования различных педагогических методов в практике медицинских вузов. Особое внимание уделено применению индивидуальных практикумов в процессе обучения. Рассмотрены результаты использования индивидуальных практикумов при изучении биологической химии в Новгородском государственном университета имени Ярослава Мудрого.
- Keywords:
Analiz distantsionnogo obucheniia inostrannykh abiturientov pri podgotovke k sdache ekzamena po distsipline "Biologiia"
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Vasiliy M. Petrov, Daria A. Proshchenko, Olga V. Koposova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы и перспективы дистанционного обучения
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается усиление промоции мобильности иностранных студентов в Уральском государственном медицинском университете. Утверждается, что в основу online-обучения иностранных абитуриентов положен тщательно методически спланированный курс подготовки к экзаменам по биологии, что дало возможность прохождения части курса в удобном для слушателей темпе и обеспечило адаптивное обучение.
- Keywords:
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Larisa V. Balakireva
- Work direction:
- Филология и журналистика
- Abstract:
- «Differentiated approach in teaching Russian for foreign students»(название статьи на англ.яз) This paper highlights the aspects of differentiated approach that becomes popular in the process of teaching the Russian language for foreigners. It is presented an argument that such approach has high efficiency. Differentiated approach recognizes personal qualities of each student, adds confidence in their knowledge and gives an opportunity to reveal creative potential. Eventually all this promotes interest of foreign students to study Russian.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, differentiated approach, motivation in language study, personal touch, cognitive interest of students
Formirovanie obrazovatel'nykh kompetentsii u inostrannykh studentov na nachal'nom etape obucheniia
ProceedingThe Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology- Authors:
- Natalia A. Nasonova, Dmitrij A. Sokolov, Anna G. Kvaratskheliia, Zhanna A. Anokhina
- Work direction:
- Вопросы развития профессиональных педагогических компетенций в образовательном пространстве Российской Федерации
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена вопросу формирования образовательных компетенций у иностранных студентов на начальном этапе обучения. Авторами сделан акцент на индивидуальный подход к обучению.
- Keywords: