List of publications on a keyword: «quality of education»
Features of the formation of the fundamentals of industrial engineering at an engineering and technical university
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Morev
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- In the process of forming the elements of industrial engineering, practical classes in physics at a technical university play a significant role. A rational selection of the tasks under consideration determines the level of mastery of educational material and influences the potential capabilities of future engineers. Solving standard, frontal, cognitive and multi-level problems contributes to an in-depth understanding of the material and the development of practical skills and competencies among students. The process of solving physical problems with applied technical content motivates students to innovate, develops creativity and practical interest in scientific and seminar research. Combining different teaching methods develops problem-solving skills and contributes to a more complete mastery of the training program.
- Keywords:
- quality of education, methodological support, practical classes, methods of teaching physics
Formation of a Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Regional Education Quality Assessment System: Regulatory Frameworks and Social Challenges
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Iuliia V. Manannikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the consideration of relevant issues of forming a strategy for the sustainable development of the regional education quality assessment system. The paper examines the regulatory framework and social challenges associated with this process. The author analyzes the existing approaches to assessing the quality of education in foreign and Russian practice, determines their common features and key problems. The research methodology includes a theoretical review of the regulations governing the field of education quality assessment at the federal and regional levels, as well as the study of the participants' opinions of educational relations based on the results of a sociological survey. The results of the analysis show the need to develop new approaches to assessing the quality of education at the regional level, taking into account the modern requirements of society and the demands of the labour market. The author emphasizes the importance of developing cooperation in scientific and methodological work at all levels of education management and offers a number of practical recommendations aimed at optimizing the existing system of education quality assessment in the entities of the Russian Federation.
- Keywords:
- quality of education, region, assessment, system, development strategy, social challenges
Formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren as a didactic problem (regional aspect)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Anastasia V. Koreneva, Inna V. Ryzhkova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the urgent problem of formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren, which is interpreted as the most important type of functional literacy, based on the ability to operate various types of texts, understanding their deep meaning and correct interpretation. The authors reveal the specifics of the formation of reading literacy in Russian language classes, using regionally colored texts as a meaning-forming content component. The materials of the article reflect the data of the pedagogical experiment, which allows to adjust the methodological strategies of the teacher in a significant way. The authors state that despite the need to comply with the normative requirements set forth in the updated FSES, modern teachers do not work on the formation of functional literacy in the system. A comprehensive analysis of the educational results of the educational process allowed the authors of the article to argue that the content basis of lessons aimed at the formation of functional literacy can be regionally colored texts that allow building lines of in-depth dialogue against the background of understanding the meanings of the culture of the small homeland.
- Keywords:
- regional component, quality of education, reading literacy, text analysis, functional literacy, educational outcomes, lesson design, academic failure, cognitive motivation of schoolchildren
Moral and environmental education as an indicator of the quality of education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Authors:
- Svetlana V. Sokolovskaia, Svetlana V. Afinogenova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article considers the concept of isomorphism of the quality of the educational process and the quality of its result − the education/upbringing of the Student's personality from the position of ecologization of his consciousness and behavior. The relevance of this approach has been confirmed by many researchers of the scientific school of noospherism. The purpose of the research presented in the article was to establish the relationship between the value-moral-spiritual characteristics of a person and such parameters of her moral and ecological consciousness as: the level of subjectivization of natural objects; the personal orientation of the motivation of the attitude to nature in the aggregate of cognitive, aesthetic, pragmatic-consumer (deficient) and spiritual-moral attitudes. The study was conducted using diagnostic methods of value-moral-spiritual orientations of the individual, subjectivization of the natural object, the dominant orientation of the individual in relation to nature, egocentric associations and correlation analysis (according to Pearson) of the individual results of the study obtained in the diagnosis. The subjects were 75 high school and first-year students. The authors revealed the dominant aesthetic and cognitive attitude of boys and girls to nature, the pragmatic-consumer attitude took the last place, which indicates good prospects for greening the educational process and achieving high quality moral and ecological education of Students in it.
- Keywords:
- the quality of education, the greening of the educational process, moral and ecological education, attitude to nature, spiritual and moral orientations
Application of the principle of isomorphism in determining the result of the quality of education and the characteristics of the Teacher's personality
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Authors:
- Vasilii V. Ryzhov, Svetlana V. Sokolovskaia, Aleksandr V. Sinipalov
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of literary sources on the problem of human qualimetry and education. The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that at the moment the education system is undergoing serious changes due to the transition to the national system of higher education, which is largely determined by the spiritual and moral attitudes of specific teachers, Teachers, heads of the education system, both at the level of a specific educational organization and at the level of the Russian state. The scientific hypothesis of the theoretical study is the position that the Teacher's pedagogical skills, his professional and personal qualities, educational and educational technologies that he uses are fundamentally isomorphic to the quality of education reflected in the qualities of the Student's personality (education, upbringing). As research methods, the theoretical analysis of more than 100 works by A.I. Subetto and other authors is used from the position of applying the principles of isomorphism of professional and personal qualities of a Teacher in the educational, educational process of a Student. As a result of the theoretical analysis, 7 main positions of the Russian scientific qualimetric school in the field of education and personality are identified.
- Keywords:
- the quality of education, quality, qualimetry, the principle of isomorphism, the personality of the teacher, human qualities
Model' upravleniia kachestvom obrazovaniia v uchrezhdenii dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniia na osnove situatsionnogo podkhoda
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Natalia V. Korznikova, Alfiia I. Gazizova, Gennadii E. Solovev
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- In the framework of the study, the situational approach is considered in conjunction with systemic, process and functional scientific approaches, as the management of an institution is a process, educational institution is a form of system organization, which exists in a certain environment, has functional definiteness and goal setting. The authors define quality management of education using situational approach as a purposeful, operative and systematic process of using technologies and functions of managerial activity taking into account environmental factors, which determine the achievement of quality educational indicators. The situational approach in management implies the interrelation of five components in the management system of an educational institution, including additional education: optimality, variability, flexibility and efficiency. A structural and functional model of quality management of educational institution of additional education on the basis of situational approach was developed, which includes: resources, management process and result and ensures the development of additional education institution in an innovative mode. The model was developed on the basis of the modeling method, taking into account elements of the system approach, taking into account the relationship and application of the situational approach in management and in combination with the methodology of functional and process approaches. The quality of education in the model is presented as a goal, as a management process and as a result, with the possibilities of its achievement in the form of using internal potential of the institution (resources, conditions) and taking into account external environmental factors, as well as taking into account the specific qualities and components of effectiveness of situational approach. The testing of structural and functional model for quality management of education on the basis of situational approach will allow structuring, adapting and optimizing the process of quality management in the institution.
- Keywords:
- quality of education, quality management, situational approach
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Maksim A. Zhitnikov
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- At present, in Russia, the development of basic general and secondary education is given a lot of attention by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as by various scientists who are developing educational standards, methods and teaching technologies. All modern research in the field of directions for the development of basic general and secondary education, in general, is aimed at one thing - ensuring quality education. In connection with the foregoing, in this article, the author made an attempt to scientific analysis and critical understanding of modern problems of improving the quality of education in a secondary school.
- Keywords:
- quality of education, general education school, development of education, basic general and secondary education, innovations in education, education technologies
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Svetlana F. Barannik
- Work direction:
- Well-Being and Security of a Person in Contemporary Educational Environment
- Abstract:
- The health and well-being of students and the improvement of the quality of education are directly related to each other. Health-saving technologies are being introduced into educational institutions more and more often. With the help of digital technologies and other measures to improve the health of students, there will be a leap in the quality of education. In this article, we consider the problem of the relationship between children's health and the development of education.
- Keywords:
- educational process, quality of education, student, Psychological state of the student, psyche, psychologically safe learning environment, health of students
Testing as an Effective Method for Assessing the Quality of Students' Training Achievements
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Larisa V. Sokolova, Alla V. Molchanova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Electronic educational resources including testing, which simplify the process of searching and structuring educational information have been used more often in educational organizations recently. They have made learning more accessible and interesting for students of higher and vocational education institutions, especially in the context of a pandemic. The article provides a brief theoretical justification of the advantages of testing students' academic achievements. The emphasis is placed on the importance of testing as a tool for remote control of students' knowledge, the advantages and disadvantages of using tests both in the educational process of higher and secondary vocational education and in order to control the acquired knowledge are revealed. The study was carried out by the authors on the basis of a comprehensive use of theoretical and empirical methods. The leading theoretical methods were: analysis, generalization, concretization, forecasting, modeling. The work used such empirical methods as conversations, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, testing, analysis of performance, generalization of pedagogical experience, methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The results presented in the article of the study of testing of students of MPSU at the initial (entrance test), current and final stage of measuring the level of educational achievements of students demonstrated an increase in the values of the effectiveness of testing at all stages of its implementation, an increase in the effectiveness of test control at the intermediate and final stages of the study. The results of the study made it possible to formulate promising directions for the development of problems of testing the quality of education of students of higher and professional education organizations: improving the forms and methods of analysis and interpretation of test results based on the invariant application of test models: improving the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the use of the testing algorithm for personalized learning trajectories in the practice of mass education, etc.
- Keywords:
- testing, evaluation, knowledge quality, training achievements, remote knowledge control, modular rating system for evaluating the quality of education
On the substantiation of monitoring conflicts in educational environment in higher education
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Golikova, Ekaterina V. Shakhtorina
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The authors consider the current problem of improving the quality of education at a university by studying the specifics of conflicts and their monitoring. The author presents a theoretical substantiation of the possibilities of implementing conflictological monitoring of the educational environment.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, improving the quality of education, monitoring conflicts in educational environment in higher education, conflict management
Formy gosudarstvennoi podderzhki doshkol'nykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdenii
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Lidiia A. Dylevskaia, Nadezhda P. Sovetova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- Current regulatory legal act regulating educational activities in the Russian Federation is considered in the study. Special attention is paid to the legal framework for state regulation of preschool institutions engaged in correction of children's speech disorders. The analysis of the existing measures of state support was conducted, the quality of services provided in child care center is assessed, problem areas are identified, ways of improving the forms of state support were proposed according to the materials selected as research area of a municipal education.
- Keywords:
- state support of preschool institutions, forms of support, assessment of the quality of education
Mechanism of Educational Services Quality Management on the Basis of Innovative Implementations
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Authors:
- Anait S. Basyuk, Rodion V. Antipenko
- Work direction:
- Education system in Russia
- Abstract:
- The article raises the question of improving the quality of educational services of a higher educational institution through innovative implementations, since it is the quality of education that forms the high level of competitiveness of a university, and therefore, there is a need to create a mechanism for educational services quality management. To create this mechanism, the main subjects, objects and functions of market relations in the field of educational services were identified, and the most optimal types of innovations for institutions of higher professional education were considered. The aim of the study is to determine the essence of quality management of educational services of a modern university on the basis of innovative implementations. During the study the following methods were used: theoretical, analysis, comparison. The result: the developed model allowed us to identify the most complex areas of the quality management mechanism development. Based on this, a five-block model of the cycle of harmonizing the quality of educational services with the task of implementing innovations was developed, which will contribute to the creation of a single set of educational services and the goals of innovative potential development. Conclusion: considering the results obtained, evaluative combinations of the university’s efficiency and effectiveness indicators were identified for determining the direction of innovative development, which allow us to characterize the level of the university development and, in accordance with it, introduce the optimal type of innovations that will contribute to the successful development of the institution of higher education.
- Keywords:
- innovative activity, quality, quality of education, educational services, university, innovations
Pedagogical maintenance of algorithmic system of federal state educational standard results’ monitoring in educational establishment
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Stanislav P. Russkov
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- This article looks through the current problem of the modern educational system – the need of pedagogical maintenance of algorithmic system of monitoring of FSES requirements in educational establishment in order to deduce and fetch out the results of pedagogical activity. The author analyses the system of quality evaluation of education, used in schools, points the possible forms and types of formalisation of FSES requirements’ results in educational establishment. The article also suggests to use different ways to get the information for the purpose of evaluation and diagnostics of the quality of education.
- Keywords:
- quality of education, monitoring, pedagogical maintenance, formalization, types of monitoring, intraschool monitoring
Prerequisites for the development of a universal template of an interactive simulator for a foreign language at the University of Telecommunications
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (5)- Authors:
- Tatyana S. Ilina, Anastasiya V. Oshkina
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the need to create an interactive simulator for a foreign language at the University of Telecommunications. The advantages of such a simulator for use in classroom and out-of-class work are given. The prospects of using a universal simulator in the educational process for students and teachers of the university are identified and presented. The article describes the interrelation of various university disciplines through a universal simulator, that is, it is shown that competent application of an interactive simulator leads to the integration of disciplines, which increases the level of education.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, interactive technologies, interactive simulator, improving the quality of education, universal tool
Integratsiia i ee otrazhenie v praktike estestvenno-nauchnogo obrazovaniia
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Morev
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The tasks of increasing the motivation and cognitive activity of students in the process of studying the natural sciences are considered in the article. Improving traditional and introducing non-standard pedagogical technologies, improving the efficiency and quality of education in preparing students are analyzed by the author. It is shown that with the help of interdisciplinary connections, the tasks of developing natural science and practice, developing the ability of future specialists to adapt to rapidly changing production conditions are solved. The main direction of collective creativity in conducting lectures and practical exercises is interpersonal integration. It is shown that the laboratory practicum is a stimulus for the development of an integrative style of thinking.
- Keywords:
- integration, quality of education, educational content, natural science education, laboratory practicum
The problem of university crisis in modern postindustrial society
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Authors:
- Evgeniya S. Timofeeva, Oleg Y. Efremov
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the main problems of modern post-industrial University education as an element of society and culture. Modern definitions of the University concepts are given, its increasing role in the formation of human capital in a society of high production and consumption is defined. The most dominant problems and ways to solve them are identified, namely: the topical issues of the learning process, the problems of the quality of education and commercialization of universities, the problems of unity and inseparability of education and culture.
- Keywords:
- education, Training, quality of education, crisis, university, personal development, post-industrial society, socio-cultural Institute, culture, University space
Features of education quality evaluation of technical universities graduates
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Oleg V. Grigorash
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The main tools and conditions for the effective implementation of evaluation tools for assessing the education quality of technical universities (faculties) graduates are defined in this paper. The author reveals the main approaches to the notion of the quality of education and its evaluation, defines the concepts of "quality of preparation" and "quality of education" of graduates of universities. Analytical expressions are proposed for calculating the coefficient of student`s preparation level based on the semester results and the quality of education during the training period, including the indicator of the quality of training, assessment of practices and final qualification papers, and the scores of the labor potential.
- Keywords:
- competence approach, quality of preparation, quality of education, assessment tools, rating system of evaluation
On the state and improvement of the educational system in Russia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Oleg V. Grigorash
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- Disadvantageous features of the education system reform implementation in Russia, worsening the quality of education of university graduates are identified in this article. The author suggests measures to modernize (improve) the education system. On the basis of research`s results made by domestic and foreign scientists, the difference between the concepts of "quality of preparation" and "quality of education" is revealed in the framework of the competence approach widely applied in the system of higher education. The researcher concluded that the result of quality education of students is their ability to work independently, to work in a competitive environment, the success and relevance on the labor market, as well as adaptability to rapidly changing social and economic conditions, effectively using the education received.
- Keywords:
- competence, educational system, educational program, quality of preparation, quality of education
Uchitel' i kachestvo obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Khristo B. Iordanov
- Work direction:
- Педагог – ключевая фигура создания условий развития успешного ребенка
- Abstract:
- The author of the article believes that the quality of education is primarily determined by the quality of the knowledge creator (teachers, lecturers) who transfers this knowledge to students using different methods.
- Keywords:
- teacher, quality of education, scientific method
Infokommunikatsionnye tekhnologii kak faktor v optimizatsii obucheniia studentov
ProceedingDesigning the mechanisms for the implementation of educational initiatives- Author:
- Sesegma D. Otboeva
- Work direction:
- Цифровые технологии в обеспечении качества образования
- Abstract:
- The article examines the effectiveness of information and communication technologies to achieve the quality of education, and describes the problems that arise in the implementation of technology in the educational process.
- Keywords:
- information and communication technologies, the educational process, the quality of education