Formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren as a didactic problem (regional aspect)

Research Article
EDN: QHCRZI DOI: 10.31483/r-110306
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 7
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 7
Anastasia V. Koreneva 1 , Inna V. Ryzhkova 2
Work direction:
Pedagogy and Modern Education
Received: 3 March 2024 / Accepted: 6 May 2024 / Published: 24 June 2024

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Murmansk Arctic State University
2 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
For citation:
Koreneva A. V., & Ryzhkova I. V. (2024). Formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren as a didactic problem (regional aspect). Development of education, 7(2), 21-28. EDN: QHCRZI.
UDC 372.881.161.1


The article is devoted to the urgent problem of formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren, which is interpreted as the most important type of functional literacy, based on the ability to operate various types of texts, understanding their deep meaning and correct interpretation. The authors reveal the specifics of the formation of reading literacy in Russian language classes, using regionally colored texts as a meaning-forming content component. The materials of the article reflect the data of the pedagogical experiment, which allows to adjust the methodological strategies of the teacher in a significant way. The authors state that despite the need to comply with the normative requirements set forth in the updated FSES, modern teachers do not work on the formation of functional literacy in the system. A comprehensive analysis of the educational results of the educational process allowed the authors of the article to argue that the content basis of lessons aimed at the formation of functional literacy can be regionally colored texts that allow building lines of in-depth dialogue against the background of understanding the meanings of the culture of the small homeland.


The study was carried out within the framework of initiative R&D No. 122061400030-3


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