Testing as an Effective Method for Assessing the Quality of Students' Training Achievements

Research Article
EDN: TUOLGF DOI: 10.31483/r-100655
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 4
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 4
Larisa V. Sokolova 1 , Alla V. Molchanova 2
Work direction:
Pedagogy and Modern Education
Received: 25 November 2021 / Accepted: 20 December 2021 / Published: 22 December 2021

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1 College of FSBEI of HE “Moscow Pedagogical State University”
2 ANEO of HE “Moscow Psychologic-Social University”
For citation:
Sokolova L. V., & Molchanova A. V. (2021). Testing as an Effective Method for Assessing the Quality of Students' Training Achievements. Development of education, 4(4), 27-33. EDN: TUOLGF. https://doi.org/10.31483/r-100655
UDC 37.378.1


Electronic educational resources including testing, which simplify the process of searching and structuring educational information have been used more often in educational organizations recently. They have made learning more accessible and interesting for students of higher and vocational education institutions, especially in the context of a pandemic. The article provides a brief theoretical justification of the advantages of testing students' academic achievements. The emphasis is placed on the importance of testing as a tool for remote control of students' knowledge, the advantages and disadvantages of using tests both in the educational process of higher and secondary vocational education and in order to control the acquired knowledge are revealed. The study was carried out by the authors on the basis of a comprehensive use of theoretical and empirical methods. The leading theoretical methods were: analysis, generalization, concretization, forecasting, modeling. The work used such empirical methods as conversations, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, testing, analysis of performance, generalization of pedagogical experience, methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The results presented in the article of the study of testing of students of MPSU at the initial (entrance test), current and final stage of measuring the level of educational achievements of students demonstrated an increase in the values of the effectiveness of testing at all stages of its implementation, an increase in the effectiveness of test control at the intermediate and final stages of the study. The results of the study made it possible to formulate promising directions for the development of problems of testing the quality of education of students of higher and professional education organizations: improving the forms and methods of analysis and interpretation of test results based on the invariant application of test models: improving the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the use of the testing algorithm for personalized learning trajectories in the practice of mass education, etc.


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