List of publications on a keyword: «method»
The Influence of Parents' Speech Disorders on the Speech Formation of Preschool Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Arina E. Duk, Natalia V. Zimovets
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- Speech is one of the most important aspects of a child's development, and its formation begins in childhood. Parents play a key role in this process, as they are the main role models and first teachers for their children. However, if parents themselves have difficulty with speech or have impairments in its use, this can have a negative impact on the development of language in preschool children.
- Keywords:
- parents, speech development, strategies and methods
Modern approaches to learning a foreign language
ProceedingRelevant problems of modern science and education- Authors:
- Kirill A. Belitskii, Anna A. Zakharova
- Work direction:
- Современные подходы в образовании
- Abstract:
- This article examines modern approaches to learning a foreign language. From the communicative method to the use of modern technologies, the authors describe in detail the main teaching methods that help students learn a new language more effectively. The article discusses the advantages of each approach, and also emphasizes the importance of choosing the appropriate methodology depending on the individual needs and preferences of students.
- Keywords:
- practice, online platforms, Learning a foreign language, modern approaches, communicative method, technological approach, individualization of learning, native speaker, holistic approach, structural and functional approach, cognitive approach
The project method as a technology of teaching physics to students of technical universities
ProceedingRelevant problems of modern science and education- Author:
- Pavel M. Kasimov
- Work direction:
- Передовой педагогический опыт среднего профессионального образования и высшей школы
- Abstract:
- This article defines the concepts of «project method», «independent work of students». The role of the teacher in the project method is defined, the main requirements for the use of the project method and its advantages are presented. The basic principles of teaching and a number of factors controlled by the teacher in the learning process and influencing the successful construction of knowledge and the effective work of the student on the project are presented. The application of the project method allows taking into account the individual characteristics of students and provides them with additional opportunities for personal and professional development.
- Keywords:
- engineering education, physics, design method, professionally oriented tasks
The National economy of Russia as a general meta-subject of scientific analysis
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The systemic world crisis testify to the complete invalidity of neoclassical economic theory and the neoliberal model of the national economy. In this regard, the development of a new economic theory that combines a political economy approach to the national economy with a national economic research methodology becomes of special relevance. The chapter highlights relevant issues of the development of world and domestic economic science, substantiates the importance of social sciences and humanitarian knowledge as the basis for the development of modern economics. It is important to observe the principle of historicism - orientation on civilisation conditions and national needs, adaptation of Russia to new geopolitical realities. The scientific content makes it possible to talk about the progressiveness of the ideas of nationally-oriented economic reform, consistent modernisation of the economic sphere of the Russian society.
- Keywords:
- neoclassical economic theory, systemic crisis of the global economy, national economy of Russia, neoliberal model of national economy, political economy approach to the national economy, national economic methodology of research
The Methodology of Logical Analysis of Socio-Economic Processes as an Instrument of Adaptation of the Russian Federation to the Conditions of the Sanctions War
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Andrei N. Fomichev
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- Sanctions imposed on Russia by international communities such as the European Union and the United States have serious consequences for the domestic economy. They affect international trade, financial flows and technological development. The development of a methodology for adapting to the conditions of the sanctions war becomes critical for ensuring the sustainability of the Russian economy, respectively. The chapter considers the methodology of logical analysis of socio-economic processes as a means of adapting the Russian Federation to the conditions of the sanctions war. The author considers the main problems faced by the Russian economy under sanctions and offers a methodology of logical analysis, which will help develop adaptation strategies.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, methodology of analysis, logical analysis, socio-economic processes, adaptation strategy, economy of the Russian Federation, sanction war
Sovremennye tekhnologii obucheniia v metodicheskoi podgotovke budushchikh uchitelei biologii
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Olga V. Khotuliova, Iuliia A. Iushchenko, Galina V. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The study analyses innovative teaching technologies that are used in methodological training of future biology teachers. The essence of the concept "teaching technology" is disclosed, the classification of technologies is presented. In contrast to traditional teaching, interactive methods are gaining popularity, the basis of which is a purposeful and monitored intensive independent work of a student. The author characterises the advantages of practice-oriented technologies for high-quality training of future biology teachers.
- Keywords:
- innovative technologies, methodological training, teaching methodology, teaching technologies, future biology teachers
“Thinking and Dancing”: Linguistic Plastic Code at the Heart of the Formation of the Theory of the Subject of Choreography
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Nadezhda A. Dogorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The historical and practical experience of choreography has a phasing and hierarchy of the levels of mental activity, which can be traced in the history of dance culture through plastic codes. The phenomenon of choreographic art in the classical ages lies in the fact that within the late XVI–XIX centuries in Europe (Italy, France, Denmark) complex cultural processes and intersections of a biosemiotic nature took place simultaneously: on the one hand, this is the formation of a ‘new’ human worldview, and on the other, the formation of a ‘new’ model of scientific and an artistic picture of the world. Where the boundaries of the art of dance (the emergence of new genres, language and style) and cultural and historical time in different countries do not always coincide. In all this, the dominant side should also exist: finding of means (a rule, a method, a norm) and forms (creative thought, will, creative impulses, creative spirit) in the transformation of the foundations of the world order.
- Keywords:
- language, method, ability, subject, choreography, pedagogy, movement, theory, body language, sign, sign system, physicality, plasticity, dance, ‘dance as a system’, plastic thinking, linguistic plastic code, ‘thinking and dancing’, spatial understanding, classical ages, creative paradigm, scientific-practical paradigm, physical reality of art
Saving a masterpiece of world architecture: chronicle of the war years
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Alexandr I. Skvortsov, Zakhar A. Kosterin
- Work direction:
- Система образования и культура в период Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article examines the extremely emergency condition of the white-stone Dmitrievsky Cathedral of the XII century in Vladimir on the eve and in the first months of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, provides methods for its operational strengthening and subsequent post-war restoration.
- Keywords:
- the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, an architectural monument, Dmitrievsky Cathedral of the 12th century in Vladimir, the construction of a white stone temple, methods of salvation from collapse
Syntactic analysis in Russian: methods and applications
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Daria I. Kaverina
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- This article provides an overview of the methods of syntactic analysis in the Russian language and their application. The main approaches to syntactic analysis, including morphological analysis, grammatical analysis, as well as their relationship with other linguistic aspects, are considered. Special attention is paid to the application of syntactic analysis in various fields such as computational linguistics, machine translation, natural language processing and linguistic research.
- Keywords:
- application, Russian language, methods, syntactic analysis, morphological analysis, grammatical analysis, computational linguistics, machine translation
Financial Analysis in the Strategic Development of the Company
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Authors:
- Varvara I. Konchakova, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- The paper presents the role of financial analysis in the strategic development of a company. The author has studied and presented ways to apply the results of financial analysis in developing actions to increase the efficiency of the company. The use of the method of financial ratios of financial analysis is presented as the most appropriate method in developing strategic development actions.
- Keywords:
- financial analysis, strategic development of the company, financial activity of the company, method of financial ratios
Evaluation of the Investment Attractiveness of the Company on the Example of the PJSC M.Video
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Perezhogina, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- This article considers the topic of investment attractiveness of the company in the framework of value-based management. The concept of profit maximization as the main goal of business operations is no longer actual and is being replaced by the concept of maximizing the value of the company. Potential investors shift their attention to value indicators, the components of which demonstrate the operational, investment, and financial performance of the corporation. In the article, two models of assessing company performance and investment attractiveness are reviewed.
- Keywords:
- investment attractiveness, company value, value based method, spread of effectiveness
K. Walsh's Approach to Managing the Company's Value Based on the Balanced Growth Equation
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Authors:
- Kseniia V. Kutyrova, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- The article considers the method for overseeing the organization's worth based on the equilibrium of the growth equation which was introduced by K. Walsh. It describes the theoretical foundations basing on K. Walsh’s book «Key management indicators», gives the comprehensive outlook on internal and external environment of PJSC «Rostelekom», which in turn will be used as an example for calculating balanced growth equation and giving the essential conclusions based on it. The used methods of research are: analysis, classification, measurement, description, comparison. The article provides the results of calculation of balanced growth equation, its interpretation and suggestions on management of company’s value.
- Keywords:
- sustainable growth, maximization of shareholder value, strategic company management, Walsh, value management methodology, balanced growth equation, organizational development, cost management, company’s value
Developing Spiritual and Moral Values of High School Students in English Lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Natalia A. Fedotova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article describes an experimental study aimed at developing the spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. It was assumed that the use of debatable teaching methods would contribute to the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. The study included 3 stages: the primary diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of the personality of students of experimental and control groups – M. Rokich's methodology "Diagnosis of value orientations", diagnosis of moral education by M. I. Shilova, methods of studying patriotic education by I.D. Lushnikov, methods "Study of self-esteem of personality" by S. A. Budassi; development, testing and implementation in the educational process in an experimental group of discussion methods of teaching; conducting a control diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of students and analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed exercises. The analysis of the research results showed that the use of debatable teaching methods has a positive impact on the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. Proven and implemented discussion methods in the educational process are important for understanding the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students and can be useful for educational practices.
- Keywords:
- spiritual and moral values, high school students, English lessons, debatable teaching methods
Modern Approaches to the Methodology of Teaching History at the University
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Rustem A. Idrisov, Marina N. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Historical education in the system of higher educations is designed to solve not only teaching, but also upbringing tasks. Therefore, it is called upon to quickly and effectively overcome challenges which the historical education faces with the help of a specific political situation and social need. The modern situation is particularly acute in this regard. The concept of teaching Russian history to individuals of non-historical specialties and fields, which are implemented in higher education organisations, adopted in 2023, also testifies to this. The renewal of the content of historical education in the country requires the introduction of innovations in the field of the methodology of teaching. The methodological basis of history teaching in Russia has a long tradition, formed within the framework of several directions. Modern researchers of the problem note the special importance of the technological approach, which has become widespread in educational institutions of the country. However, it is not enough for today. The methodology of teaching history should precisely reflect the changes in the content of the discipline. At the same time, the range of methodological techniques in the teacher's arsenal may not change significantly. It is even possible to appeal to the experience of pre-revolutionary and Soviet methodology. But the question of the content of the methodological base and its objective orientation is core.
- Keywords:
- higher education system, a methodology of teaching history, a concept of teaching history
The question of the syntactic status of substantives in Russian identity sentences
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Natalia V. Knyazeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- A multi aspect study of bisubstantive sentences of characterizing semantics is necessary to solve complex problems of syntactic analysis. The grammatical specificity of bisubstantial sentences lies in the morphological identity of the predicative minimum. The study has theoretical and practical tasks: identify the structural, semantic and communicative organization of sentences, propose methodological recommendations for syntactic analysis of sentences. The material of the study is modern literature. Analytical and descriptive methods are used to analyze the linguistic material. The problems of teaching syntactic analysis of sentences are identified through experimental methods. The main conclusions of the study: syntactic analysis of bisubstantial sentences should consist of traditional structural and semantic parameters, roles and functions in the semantic structure and communicative organization of a sentence, take into account context, stylistic and pragmatic factors. Syntactic phenomena should be studied from the functional position at all stages and levels of teaching syntax of the modern Russian language.
- Keywords:
- subject, semantic structure, syntax, methodology of teaching Russian language, identity sentences, bisubstantive sentence, communicative organization of a sentence, sentence syntax analysis, substantive, predicate
Defiant advertising, or How advertisers attract the attention of young people to fast food products through outrage
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Authors:
- Svetlana A. Goriunova, Irina V. Mkrtumova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- Due to a noticeable decline in demand for advertising products, a decrease in sales and loss of profit in cafes and fast food restaurants, managers of some companies are forced to resort to extravagant ways of working with customers – involving epatage elements. The authors note that, to a greater extent, epathetic advertising causes negative emotions and makes a negative impression on older people, while in young people it evokes amazement, arouses interest, brings out laughter and the desire to buy fast food products precisely because of the original approach to their positioning. Based on the concepts of social field of P. Bourdieu, functional theory of R. Merton and others, the article outlines the features and peculiarities of difference between epatage and other attraction methods and techniques of influence on young people. Examples of socially significant epatage advertising, epatage in advertising products of catering restaurants Carl's Jr, Burger King, cafe ‘Shhelkunchik’ are given in this chapter. Understanding the impact of epathetic advertising, marketers also consider the possible consequences for brand reputation, including negative feedback and criticism. A strategy of ubiquitous social media presence not only maximizes audience reach, but also helps shape the consumer habits of young people. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that epathetic food advertising cannot bypass ethics, principles and postulates of morality.
- Keywords:
- youth subculture, consumer behavior, epatage advertising, epatage, social construction, catering restaurants, advertising content, attraction methods
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Olga S. Generalova, Kristina M. Grechanaia, Nikita S. Smirnov
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- This scientific article explores the features and effectiveness of adaptive physical education for children with visual impairments. Various methods and approaches to organizing and conducting classes have been studied, based on the specific needs and capabilities of children with visual impairments. The positive results of such activities are analyzed, including increased levels of physical activity and improved general physical condition. The article also identifies the main obstacles and difficulties that specialists face when working with children with visual impairments in the context of adaptive physical education.
- Keywords:
- physical activity, children with visual impairments, adaptive physical education, organization of classes, adaptation methods
Ispol'zovanie neirosetei v prepodavanii vysshei matematiki v tekhnicheskom vuze
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Genvareva, Natalia G. Marchenkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- Due to the rapid development of information technology and artificial intelligence, the use of neural networks is becoming more widespread and significant in various fields of research and training. In higher mathematics, neural networks can be used to improve the learning process of students. For example, they can help create online courses tailored to the individual needs of students. Neural networks can analyze the results of students' work and offer individual recommendations for studying specific topics or problem areas. In addition, neural networks can be used to develop intelligent systems for automatic task verification and pattern recognition. This can help teachers in the process of evaluating students' work and providing feedback. Neural networks can also diagnose problems in understanding the material and offer additional materials or exercises to consolidate skills. Neural networks can also be used to study complex mathematical problems and develop new approaches and methods in higher mathematics. Their ability to process large amounts of data and find complex patterns can help in the study of mathematical structure and the creation of new mathematical models. It is obvious that the use of neural networks in teaching higher mathematics opens up opportunities for more effective and individualized student learning, as well as for the development of mathematics itself. Therefore, this topic is relevant and interesting for further research and applications.
- Keywords:
- higher mathematics, technical university, neural network, methods of teaching higher mathematics
Ideal'naia model' integratsii fundamental'nykh meditsinskikh distsiplin (anatomiia, gistologiia, latinskii iazyk) v Baltiiskom federal'nom universitete imeni Immanuila Kanta
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Valentina S. Gordova, Tatiana N. Stepanova, Vladimir A. Izranov
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- This chapter presents the result of the long standing integration of fundamental medical disciplines at one separate department (Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University), which was preceded by four stages. At the first stage, the discipline «Latin language» was integrated into the discipline «Anatomy», at the second stage, the discipline «Anatomy» was integrated into the discipline «Latin language», at the third stage, a joint lecture and methodological materials appeared in the course of each of the above disciplines, at the fourth stage it became possible to create an ideal model for the integration of fundamental medical disciplines. By the authors presents thedetailed explanedmodel, which includes four medical disciplines (anatomy, histology, pharmacology, propaedeutics of internal diseases) and illustrates a holistic view of their relationship. Two deliberately defective models for the integration of these disciplines reflecting variants of a discrete approach to learning are also proposed. The key role of Latin medical terminology in the development of the above disciplines is explained in detail, the differences in the forming and translation of Latin anatomical and histological terms into Russian are shown.The interrelation of anatomy, histology and pharmacology through a definite Latin term is shown. Arguments are given in favor of introducing the developed model into the educational process of medical students receiving higher medical education. The authors not only share their experience of the long standing interaction in teaching Latin and anatomy, Latin and histology, anatomy and histology, but also ask for necessity of cooperation between teachers of fundamental medical disciplines for creating (already at the initial stage of medical education) the holistic professional world outlook for students.
- Keywords:
- integration, methodology, teaching, medical education, terminology, latin language, anatomy, histology, morphology
Metody realizatsii kontseptsii dopolnitel'nogo nepreryvnogo obrazovaniia pozhilykh liudei v obrazovatel'nom protsesse universiteta
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Author:
- Marina G. Solnyshkina
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents socio-humanitarian and design methods for implementing the concept of continuous additional education for the elderly from the perspective of forming an educational space that should be focused on changing educational needs and requirements, to improve the quality of life through education. During the research, the following methods were used: analysis of statistical and demographic data, secondary data analysis; theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization; methods of monitoring educational needs; sociological research methods (expert, questionnaire); socioproject methods.
- Keywords:
- educational needs, the elderly, design methods, additional continuing education, the silver age university program, the concept of additional continuing education, socio-humanitarian methods, monitoring methods
Experience Using Drawing as a Tool Diagnostic Work of a Psychologist WITH Students With Health Disabilities
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Anzhelika A. Katsero, Iuliia V. Kozlova, Svetlana I. Putilina
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter raises the problem of using a projective approach in the activities of a school psychologist working within the framework of the model of psychological-pedagogical support of first-graders, as well as newly arrived students in other classes of primary school, at the stage of their adaptation. It is shown that psychological and pedagogical support solves important tasks of prevention, prevention and correction of many mental phenomena that can be actualized during the adaptation period. It is clear that isotherapy is a tool that allows you to understand and express hidden feelings and fears, which is the first step on the way to the child's mental health and well-being. Special attention is paid to the use of drawing as a method of isotherapy and a means of diagnostic work of a psychologist in the specified period of the school life of a child with limited health opportunities. The effectiveness of the application of the analysis of color choice and the drawing process itself, used in the diagnosis of the psycho-emotional sphere of a child with special needs, during the period of adaptation to school education, has been confirmed.
- Keywords:
- method, diagnostics, drawing, projection, children with limited health opportunities, learning with mental retardation
Primenenie tekhnologii kriticheskogo myshleniia pri formirovanii chitatel'skoi gramotnosti u shkol'nikov na urokakh literatury
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Author:
- Elena G. Belova
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the importance of critical thinking in the modern world and its development among schoolchildren, especially in the context of reading literacy in literature lessons. The author presents the technology of critical thinking as an effective method for analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing information, and provides examples of its use in teaching literature. In today's world, where information surrounds us from all sides, the ability to think critically is becoming a key skill for a successful life and professional activity. It is especially important to develop this skill among schoolchildren, since their ability to learn and adapt in an ever-changing world depends on it. The chapter discusses the application of the Cinquain method in the educational process, its usefulness for the development of creative thinking, critical analysis and communication skills. The advantages of using this method in literature lessons are considered and examples of its implementation in the educational process are offered. The author also presents the practical experience of a teacher in literature lessons at the middle level: a lesson summary, examples of cinquaines compiled by students in the classroom.
- Keywords:
- language competence, modern technologies, speech development, critical thinking technology, reader literacy, cinquain, effective innovative method, a versatile tool for reflection
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Tatiana V. Lukianova
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article presents the data of a study of the level of development of the vocabulary of older preschoolers with ONR. The specific features characteristic of the formation of the vocabulary of children with ONR are revealed. Preschoolers have a limited vocabulary. Passive vocabulary usually prevails over active vocabulary. The article defines the stages of work on the development of the vocabulary of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. Examples of games and exercises used in the course of correctional work on vocabulary development are given.
- Keywords:
- lexicon, dictionary, senior preschoolers with ONR, vocabulary development, methods and techniques of lexicon development
Possibilities to apply comparative approach to valuation for Russian companies
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Alina V. Gezha, Iuliia S. Tsertseil
- Work direction:
- Анализ и прогнозирование основных тенденций современной экономики на макро-, мезо- и микроуровне
- Abstract:
- This article considers the problems of applying the comparative approach to the valuation of Russian companies. The methods of comparative approach to business valuation are studied. PJSC Acron value by the method of companies – analogues is calculated. It is concluded that the method of companies – analogues with multiplicators is the most applicable for Russian companies and whole market.
- Keywords:
- company value, comparative approach, appraisal activities, capital market method, transaction method, industry-averaged multiples, companies – analogues, multiplicators
Aktual'nye problemy dogovora postavki v grazhdanskom prave: metodologicheskie aspekty
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Author:
- Rimnur M. Shaidullin
- Work direction:
- Проблемы и перспективы развития малого бизнеса
- Abstract:
- This article analyzes methodological aspects when studying current problems of a supply contract in civil law.
- Keywords:
- methodology, research methods, civil law, legal methodology, supply contract