List of publications on a keyword: «method»
Methodology material`s preparationfor distance learning
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Pavel V. Budanov
- Work direction:
- Инновационные технологии как ресурс повышения качества образования
- Abstract:
- The article covers the specifics of the material presentation and methods of monitoring acquired skills in the process of developing distance learning courses as well as methodology of preparation and production of educational material. Factors, which are to be considered during the preparation and production are also presented. The author describes general requirements for levels of knowledge, sections and course modules.
- Keywords:
- methodology, distance learning, preparation of materials
O nekotorykh prichinakh nesootvetstviia rezul'tatov tekushchego i itogovogo kontrolia v metodike prepodavaniia inostrannykh iazykov
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Liudmila V. Turkina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The article focuses on the analysis of the functions of current and final control in methods of teaching foreign languages and on the identification of the causes of the inconsistency of the results of current and final control in methods of teaching foreign languages. The author analyses the following causes of the inconsistency of the results of current and final control: forgetting of a certain part of the material studied at the beginning of the module, the specificity of the final control, lack of motivation among the students.
- Keywords:
- motivation, communicative competence, methods of teaching foreign languages, quality of teaching, activity in a foreign language, the inconsistency of the results of current and final control, lack of motivation
Educational and methodological support of students of universities of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on the subject "Legal statistics»
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Elena V. Vetrova
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики как инструмент принятия решений
- Abstract:
- This article reveals the main approaches in the development of educational and methodological support of independent work of cadets in the discipline "Legal statistics".
- Keywords:
- educational process, knowledge control, professional training, independent work, legal statistics, educational and methodological support, test tasks
The use of cloud technologies while teaching future speech therapists (on the example of special «mathematics teaching technique» discipline)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- Inna M. Zentsova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the features of using cloud technologies in training future speech therapists. The subject of the analysis is cloud services. The purpose of the article is to reveal cloud technologies allowing to increase the effectiveness of training on the example of the discipline «Special methods of teaching mathematics». The research is based on experimental and theoretical methods. The tasks based on cloud technologies in the field of methods of teaching mathematics are offered. The results of the study can be used by teachers of higher educational institutions for organization of academic activity.
- Keywords:
- future speech therapists, cloud technologies, special mathematics teaching methods, Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education
Theory and practice of language education of technical universities students
Book ChapterTheory and practice of language education of technical universities students- Author:
- Galina A. Krasnoshchekova
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- The monograph "Theory and Practice of Language Education for Students of Technical Universities" summarized many years of experience in a technical university, presents the author's concept of the fundamentalization of language education for students in non-linguistic universities, embedded in the process of teaching students a foreign language to prove its effectiveness. In the first chapter of the monograph, the author describes the new requirements for proficiency for a foreign language specialists, written into the federal state educational standard of the new generation for higher education; problems that arise while teaching students foreign languages in technical universities, and ways to solve these problems. The methodological basis for the concept of the fundamentalization of language education of technical university students and the creation of conditions necessary for the implementation of this concept are described in details. The second chapter describes the modern system of teaching foreign languages of technical university students, the multi-level structure and content of language education at each stage of this structure, as well as the methods of teaching all types of students' speech activity using innovative communication and information technologies. The author of the monograph describes the important role of the teacher in the process of teaching students a foreign language, creating modern educational content that provides the learning process. The monograph contains scientific and methodological recommendations on the development and use of original pedagogical technologies, new forms of working with students using computer capabilities, creating computer training programs for self-study work of students, writing professionally oriented textbooks in foreign languages. The implementation of this system of training of technical university students proved its effectiveness, as evidenced by the results of experimental training conducted at the Department of Foreign Languages at the Southern Federal University. The quality of student learning improved due to the implementation of the concept of the fundamentalization of language education and modern educational technologies into the educational process.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical technologies, educational standard, fundamentalization of education, multi-level structure, teaching methods, computer-based educational programs
Innovatsionnaia deiatel'nost' s obuchaiushchimisia s tiazheloi umstvennoi otstalost'iu v usloviiakh realizatsii FGOS obrazovaniia obuchaiushchikhsia s intellektual'nymi narusheniiami
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Authors:
- Elena V. Mishina, Marina V. Kozikhina, Tatiana V. Lezina, Elena A. Kolotygina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- This monograph contains a description of the innovative potential of a separate educational organization carrying out educational activities with students with intellectual disabilities, presented a portrait of the student team and analysis of the teaching staff, the normative local acts governing the educational activities of the institution with students with severe mental retardation are indicated. The authors present an exclusive software and methodological support for the development of children with severe mental retardation, reflect the system of methodical work and the direction of dissemination of pedagogical experience, the technical support necessary for the education of children with severe mental retardation, the characteristic of practical importance, educational and social effects of the implementation of innovative activity is given.
- Keywords:
- innovation activity, human resources, innovative idea, innovation potential, students with severe mental retardation, material and technical resources, informational resources, software and methodical support, practical significance, educational effects, social effects
Methodology for the implementation of numerical modeling in the university space
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects- Authors:
- Vladimir A. Mukin, Maksim I. Koshcheev
- Work direction:
- Математические методы и информационные технологии в экономике
- Abstract:
- This article analyzes the concept of university space and the role of numerical modeling in modern education. The positions of various authors on the role of the university in society and the development of the student’s personality are given. The problems of modern education and the influence of studying numerical modeling on a person’s thinking are noted.
- Keywords:
- thinking, numerical modeling, methodology, modern education
Improving the learning process using computer technologies in a foreign language communication
Book ChapterImproving the learning process using computer technologies in a foreign language communication- Authors:
- Tatiana P. Avanesova, Anna V. Popova, Lialia K. Vychuzhanova, Lena K. Gruzdeva, Dmitrii I. Gruzdev, Marina V. Meflekh, Ol'ga S. Aketina, Tat'iana D. Kurshakova
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- The monograph presents materials on the following topics: the experimental formation of algorithms of professional activity of a military specialist in a foreign language environment; features of the implementation of educational functions in classical and distance learning methods; communicative competence of future bachelors of cultural science and subject-language integrated learning (on the example of the disciplines "Art History" and "English language"); foreign language as a component of professional training of ship radio engineer; analysis of the paradigm of cognitive linguistics; the use of thematic corpuses of texts when translating specialized discourse; expressiveness in the scientific and technical text; representation of linguistic personality in the field of maritime professional activity. The monograph is intended for researchers, university professors and students of psychological, pedagogical, methodical and linguistic specialties.
- Keywords:
- communicative competence, professional activity, algorithms of professional activity, information educational module, information units, professional foreign language communication, typical task of labour, distance learning methods, self-training, corpus, corpus-manager, concordancer, concordance, translation into native language, wild card, fuzzy search string, paradigm of cognitive linguistics, expressiveness in scientific and technical text
Receptions of mechanical equipment used to stimulate the memory process in the department of medical biology and genetics UGMU
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Authors:
- Vasiliy M. Petrov, Elena A. Shorikova, Olga V. Kostromina, Daria A. Proshchenko
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of finding productive pedagogical and psychological techniques that help to structure a large amount of information in a short time. As a solution to this issue, it is proposed to use methods of mnemotechnics for students to master complex biological material. The paper presents the results of a study by the authors, which showed that the most difficult for students of the course of cytology are associated with a large amount of memorization units, and the most effective technique used to study this topic is the letter code.
- Keywords:
- mnemotechnical methods, memorization process, molecular biology, letter code
Organizatsiia samostoiatel'noi raboty kak odnogo iz glavnykh napravlenii nravstvennoi sotsializatsii starsheklassnikov
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 3- Author:
- Gulmira I. Biisova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In the article the author considers the forms of independent work as a way to disclose the creative potential of schoolchildren, increase the interest and motivation for learning, develop behavioral skills and apply etiquette norms in different communicative situations, which generally contributes to the moral socialization of students.
- Keywords:
- positive motivation of learning, reflection, self-esteem, social marking, speech-behavior strategy, cultural universals, personality-activity approach, design methodology
Komparativnye issledovaniia sistem vysshego obrazovaniia: analiticheskii obzor dostizhenii i tendentsii
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 3- Author:
- Olga A. Burukina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The work covers theoretical and practical aspects of comparative studies in education systems. Aiming at acquainting the readers of the journal with the fundamentals of comparative studies in higher education systems, the author describes basic levels, principles, methods, aims and tasks, as well as the streamlines of comparative studies in the sphere. The author analyzes comparative studies of different levels conducted by foreign researchers for the last 15 years identifying research streamlines (including comparative researches of higher school administrations, distant education, ECTS and other credit systems), their key characteristics, their advantages and prospects. The researcher also determines the aggregate subject of comparative studies in higher education systems at the initial level; formulateы tasks, set before the Russian comparative researchers of higher education systems and highlights possible ways to solve them.
- Keywords:
- comparative studies, comparative microstudies, comparative macrostudies, aggregate subject of comparative studies, systemic characteristics of the research object, comparative research methods, classification of higher education systems, heterogeneous criterion, research context
Metodicheskie aspekty proektirovaniia i ispol'zovaniia setevykh elektronnykh uchebno-metodicheskikh kompleksov
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 3- Author:
- Elena V. Shchedrina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The paper deals with the design technique of network electronic educational and methodical complexes with elements of adaptive learning. According to the author, this is a structured process that contains several interrelated stages – conceptual, logical and physical.
- Keywords:
- test, design, adaptation, electronic educational resource, network electronic educational-methodical complex
Organization of methodical work in pre-school educational institution at the current stage of education development
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Olga A. Kovtun
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- In present article the main requirements to the organization of methodical work in the pre-school educational institution are considered. The author identified the problems associated with professionalism and interest of teachers in the work, as well as possible ways of solving these issues by introducing non-traditional methods and forms of interaction with the team. The work contains examples of the most modern ones of them: dispute, business game and team building. The article also examines the main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of methodical work in pre-school educational institution.
- Keywords:
- professionalism, education, education system, methodical work, FSES, pre-school educational institution, teacher, efficiency, method, strategy, dispute, business game, team building
Formirovanie issledovatel'skikh kompetentsii shkol'nikov v obuchenii matematike
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Olga N. Zhuravleva, Zhanna A. Sarvanova, Sergei N. Dorofeev
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of formation of research competencies of schoolchildren, which are one of the most important in the modern information society. The aim of the study is to substantiate and describe the content of the formation of research competencies of students in teaching mathematics. The study was carried out on the basis of the methods of analysis of pedagogical, methodical literature, modeling method. The paper describes in detail the principles and stages of the formation of research competencies in the process of the entire period of schooling, describes the model of the formation of research competencies of students in teaching mathematics. The structural elements of research competences, determined on the basis of the understanding of competencies as the knowledge, ways of activity and experience, taking into account the specifics of the mathematical content, the characteristics of learning mathematics. The described step-by-step preparation of students for research activities can be used in teaching mathematics at school.
- Keywords:
- research, research competence of schoolchildren, stages of research, methodological model
Kompleksnaia model' fundamental'noi matematicheskoi podgotovki v voennom vuze
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Tat'iana I. Abanina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The authors consider the complex modeling of fundamental mathematical education in the military technical university based on the main parameters of the education process and individual characters of students. The authors formulate some research results on the influence of these parameters on the efficiency of the mathematical education. In our investigations we used the statistical analysis.
- Keywords:
- mathematical education, military technical university, complex modeling, technology of professional education, statistical methods
Uchebno-metodicheskoe obespechenie vuzovskogo kursa khorovogo sol'fedzhio
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Anna V. Makina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In this work the question of educational and methodical ensuring discipline «Choral solfeggio» in the Higher educational institution in the direction of preparation «Conducting» is brought up. Various methodical approaches in a number of not numerous grants addressed to choral conductors, in particular the last years, based on use of constructive and «live» material in teaching this discipline, and the works devoted to the main forms are analyzed: intoning, acoustical analysis, dictation. The purpose and problems of a course as link between basic discipline of solfeggio and practical skills of a choral class reveal, and also two positions in teaching «Choral solfeggio» are presented.
- Keywords:
- choral solfeggio, ear for music of the choral conductor, educational and methodical grants, methods of development of hearing of the choral conductor, constructive and art musical material
To the problem of innovation techniques in forming communicative and professional oriented competencies
ProceedingTrends in the education development: teacher, educational organization, society – 2018- Author:
- Elena A. Petrova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of effective teaching of a foreign speech activity, provided by the innovation of active and interactive teaching methods. A theoretical analysis of various methods that contribute to the formation of communicative and professional competencies in a foreign language is carried out. It is justified that training should be oriented, in particular, to such a new education paradigm as modular training.
- Keywords:
- speech activity, competence, communication skills, communicative orientation, professional orientation, interactive methods of education, modular training techniques
Formation of socio-cultural competence in foreign students of the Irkutsk State Medical University
ProceedingTrends in the education development: teacher, educational organization, society – 2018- Author:
- Tatiana N. Russkaia
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The article considers the role of socio-cultural competence in teaching and adaptation of foreign students. The author shares a positive experience of usage of different forms and methods of inclusion of linguo-cultural and cultural information in the process of teaching foreign students at the Irkutsk State Medical University.
- Keywords:
- regional component, cross-cultural communication, socio-cultural competence, socio-cultural adaptation, project method, educational project
To the problem of additional vocational training in conditions of export of Russian educational services
ProceedingTrends in the education development: teacher, educational organization, society – 2018- Author:
- Olga V. Antipina
- Work direction:
- Инновационные технологии как ресурс повышения качества образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers the problem of additional vocational training in the system of higher education of the Russian Federation. The author gives main characteristics of a modern refresher course or a course of vocational training, based on the experience of attending courses of additional vocational training by the teachers of the Department of foreign languages of the Irkutsk State Medical University (ISMU). In the end, there is an example of an innovative course of vocational training worked out by the specialists of the mentioned department that can answer the challenges of the modern system of higher education.
- Keywords:
- additional vocational training, refresher courses, vocational training, English-speaking students, study guidance, methodical literacy
Innovative technologies for teaching students in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Ilia P. Mikhnev, Olesia I. Popova, Margarita S. Kitanina
- Work direction:
- Инновационные технологии как ресурс повышения качества образования
- Abstract:
- In this article, the actual problem of using innovative technologies in higher education institutions is considered. The work also substantiates the advantages of the innovative approach in comparison with the traditional forms of teaching students. The analysis of modern innovative tools, which is used by teachers of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, is carried out.
- Keywords:
- higher education, information technology, educational process, innovative methods, multimedia lectures, innovative tools
Ispol'zovanie aktivnykh metodov obucheniia na raznykh etapakh zaniatiia uchitelia-logopeda s obuchaiushchimisia nachal'nykh klassov s narusheniiami rechi
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Ekaterina N. Domracheva
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the using of active teaching methods at different stages of a speech therapist teacher with elementary school children with speech disorders.
- Keywords:
- speech therapy, active teaching methods, the structure of speech therapy
Uchitel' i kachestvo obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Khristo B. Iordanov
- Work direction:
- Педагог – ключевая фигура создания условий развития успешного ребенка
- Abstract:
- The author of the article believes that the quality of education is primarily determined by the quality of the knowledge creator (teachers, lecturers) who transfers this knowledge to students using different methods.
- Keywords:
- teacher, quality of education, scientific method