List of publications on a keyword: «prevention»
Identification and prevention of early signs of self-destructive behavior in adolescents
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Author:
- Sof'ia E. Maravina
- Work direction:
- Psychological Peculiarities of Manifestation and Prophylaxis of Deviant and Potentially Unsafe Behaviour
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the basic concepts, forms and signs of self-destructive behavior in adolescents; the experience of implementing the program for the prevention of self-destructive behavior in adolescence is presented; recommendations were formulated for the organization of work with adolescents with signs of self-destructive behavior based on taking into account the revealed empirical data.
- Keywords:
- prevention, adolescence, self-destruction, self-destructive behavior
Prevention of Conflicts in Adolescent Environment
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Bogacheva, Inna L. Fedotenko
- Work direction:
- Psychological Peculiarities of Manifestation and Prophylaxis of Deviant and Potentially Unsafe Behaviour
- Abstract:
- This article deals with the problem of conflicts in adolescence, which in the modern socio-cultural space has acquired unprecedented relevance. Dynamically changing society from day to day, dictates its own rules in the adolescent environment. Differences in views, preferences, thoughts and worldview are acutely perceived within the adolescent group. Due to the age and physiological characteristics that occur at this age, adolescents often do not know how to control their behavior and correctly respond to emerging controversial situations. All this sets the task of teachers and psychologists to help the teenager, to teach him a rational way out of the conflict, as well as to carry out preventive measures, to create programs to reduce the level of negative manifestations.
- Keywords:
- adolescents, conflict, prevention, adolescent environment
Factors of Medical School Lecturers' Professional Burnout
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Anna A. Agibalova, Oksana A. Ustimenko, Viktoriia G. Zenkina
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Психологическое сопровождение образования: теория и практика
- Abstract:
- In the context of the increasing level of requirements, new re-forms and standards in the modern educational system, teachers experience a significant emotional burden. The professional activity of a university lecturer is accompanied by increased moral responsibility and, consequently, is characterized by a high level of emotional, and in the future, professional burnout. Some socio-psychological and professional features, as well as risk factors for professional burnout of higher school teachers, are noted. The results of the study of the diagnosis of professional burnout of medical university lecturers are presented. It is noted that in specialists who are lecturers and doctors at the same time, professional burnout is more pronounced than in lecturers who are engaged only in pedagogical activities. The factors that mostly cause the process of burnout of teachers are identified: work experience, age, dissatisfaction with work, stress resistance. The recommendations on the implementation of the skills of self-regulation of the emotional state, aimed at preventing the syndrome of professional burnout, are given.
- Keywords:
- diagnosis, professional burnout of lecturers, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, professional success, degree of burnout, prevention of burnout syndrome, correction of burnout syndrome
K probleme povysheniia kompetentnosti pedagogov v voprosakh profilaktiki nasiliia v obrazovatel'noi srede
Book ChapterTopical Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology- Author:
- Svetlana A. Kirilova
- Work direction:
- Глава III. Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности
- Abstract:
- The article analyses the problem of violence in educational institutions and describeds the reasons and the forms of bullying and the reasons and the forms of auto-aggressive behavior as a consequence of bullying. The data of the study of the problem of violence in schools of St. Petersburg and recommendations on removing the conditions of manifestation of violence in educational institutions are presented.
- Keywords:
- bullying, intrapersonal conflict, suicidal behavior, intraschool violence, prevention of bullying
System Problems of the Mass Diseases Prophylaxis
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Dmitrii O. Lastkov, Aleksandr I. Klimenko, Tatiana V. Mikhailova, Tamara A. Romanenko, Aleksei L. Obornev
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Медико-социальные аспекты в образовании и психологии
- Abstract:
- Legislative and organizational provision of mass diseases prevention in the Russian Federation is analysed in the article. The qualitative model of this work has been developed based on the theory of functional systems. Recommendations for improvement of the higher medical education are given.
- Keywords:
- medicine, prevention, public health, functional system, higher medical education
Pedagogical Prevention of Aggressive Behavior in Sports College Students Engaged in Contact Sports
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Marina A. Kuvyrtalova, Yulia A. Tarasova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- In modern theory and practice of education, preventive activity is considered as one of the main in the prevention of aggressive behavior in various subjects of the educational environment. Aggression is most clearly manifested among students of a sports college who are mastering professional training programs in contact sports. It is noted that aggressive behavior affects the formation of certain risks for the educational environment of the college and its subjects. In this regard, pedagogical prevention is aimed at the formation of appropriate competence in students, as a result of which future athletes develop skills of reflection of aggressive behavior, protection and self-regulation of the psycho-emotional state during educational and training processes.
- Keywords:
- aggressive behavior, pedagogical prevention, subjects of the educational environment, contact sports, sports college
On the Issue of Comprehensive Prevention of Students' Self-Injurious Behaviour
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Svetlana A. Kirilova
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of organizing and implementing a comprehensive work on the prevention of self-injurious behavior among students in educational institutions. The author thoroughly analyzes the prevention of self-injurious behavior, as well as the stages of psychological and pedagogical support.
- Keywords:
- prevention, classification of preventive activities, preventive activities with students, work with the teaching staff, interaction with the family, interaction with centers of psychological-pedagogical, medical and social assistance
Preparing Students to Prevent Bulling in Adolescent Environment by Means of Cinematherapy
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Tatiana B. Kiseleva, Irina A. Gorbenko
- Work direction:
- Creating a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment: technologies, diagnostics, practice, expertise
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the content of the concept of «bullying». The authors present the experience of preparing students for the prevention of bullying in adolescent environment by means of cinematherapy at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.
- Keywords:
- bullying, bullying prevention, means of bullying prevention, cinematherapy, cinema club
An Analysis of Risks of School Anxiety in Children of The Pre-School Group
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Authors:
- Margarita S. Potapova, Tatyana V. Pershina
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- The article considered the diagnostic aspect of psycho-pedagogical prevention of school anxiety risks in pre-school age. The results of an empirical study, confirming the appropriates of an early prevention strategy for school anxiety are presented. The authors propose the complex of pedagogical conditions, which formulate the process to reduce the risks of school anxiety of older preschoolers.
- Keywords:
- school anxiety, risks of school anxiety, prevention of school anxiety
Learning a Foreign Language as a Method of Preventing Emotional Burnout of Medical Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (10)- Authors:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova, Elena V. Abdullaeva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article shows the need for knowledge of methods of prevention and psychocorretion of emotional burnout, lists methods of prevention, puts forward a hypothesis about the effectiveness of learning a foreign language in order to prevent emotional burnout of medical students. Research on methods of prevention and psychocorrection of emotional burnout describes such methods as training, methods of expressive therapy, and special psychological technologies. The purpose of this article is to study a foreign language as a method of preventing emotional burnout in medical students. We suggested that foreign language classes aimed at preventing emotional burnout of medical students should include awareness of the features of professional self-perception, development of empathy and training in ways to regulate the emotional state. The study presented in the article involved 2 groups: a control group (CG) and an experimental group (EG) consisting of master's students attending elective classes in English. Research methods. At the ascertaining and control stages, the questionnaire «Professional burnout» by N.E. Vodopyanova, the test by V.V. Boyko «Emotional burnout» and the questionnaire «Situational stress assessment» were used. At the formative stage of the study, an elective program in English was developed and tested for the participants of the experimental group, which consisted of a lecture-seminar, training sessions in English and individual consultations conducted by a professional psychologist. Research results. The article analyzes the results of the influence of learning a foreign language on the prevention of emotional burnout of medical students in the course of elective classes. Conclusion. The results of the study proved that learning a foreign language is an effective method of preventing emotional burnout in medical students. It is important that classes are aimed at understanding the features of professional self-perception, developing empathy, and include training in ways to regulate the emotional state.
- Keywords:
- prevention, burnout syndrome, psychocorrection, Learning a foreign language
Professional burnout of employees of internal Affairs bodies
ProceedingProspects for Socio-Economic Development of Russia- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Igor V. Stepanov, Vitalii V. Stepanovskikh
- Work direction:
- Проблемы социализации и профессионального становления личности
- Abstract:
- This article identifies the causes and conditions for the formation of professional burnout of employees of internal Affairs bodies, presents measures aimed at preventing professional burnout of employees of internal Affairs bodies
- Keywords:
- professional activity, prevention, professional burnout, employees of internal Affairs bodies, emotional burnout
Prevention of children's road traffic injuries
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Tatiana I. Levchenkova
- Work direction:
- Административное право
- Abstract:
- This article identifies the causes and conditions that contribute to the Commission of road accidents involving children. Questions on prevention and prevention of children's road traffic injuries are highlighted.
- Keywords:
- educational institution, traffic rules, prevention, children's road traffic injuries, road users
Problemy korrektsii deviantnogo povedeniia podrostkov s ispol'zovaniem khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniia i kul'turologii i napravleniia ikh resheniia
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Authors:
- Natalia A. Mikhalchenkova, Sergei N. Bolshakov, Iuliia M. Bolshakova, Nadezhda V. Kulikova, Svetlana V. Krasilnikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- Based on the results of sociological and complex research, the problems of using methods of art education and cultural studies in the prevention and correction of adolescents’ deviant behavior are analyzed. The selected tools of sociological measurement allowed us to identify a set of tasks for selecting the most required and effective tools for preventing and correcting deviant behavior in adolescents. The existing pedagogical experience on implementing artistic and creative programs in educational institutions is presented in the article. The pedagogical potential of art education and cultural studies programs in correctional work is defined. It is shown that despite the request for the implementation of these programs, the results of the study demonstrate a lack of resources available in educational institutions that are necessary for their full development and implementation. The results of the study allowed us to identify not only the types of adolescents’ deviant behavior, but also to point out the dominant (in the opinion of respondents) forms of manifestation of adolescents' deviations. The importance of the transition of educational institutions to the system of project management of the provision and promotion of social services in the region. In most of the institutions studied, there is an element of feedback and evaluation of educational programs in the format of monitoring their effectiveness.
- Keywords:
- education, deviant behavior, prevention, correction, sociology of education
Experience on mental health protection and integration of health saving technologies in SBI AE OF RR "Regional center for identification and support of gifted children "Stupeni uspeha"
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Lyudmila V. Parkhomenko, Valeriya S. Stolnikova, Elizaveta A. Voronina
- Work direction:
- Психическое здоровье и здоровьесбережение одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The experience of SBI AE of RR "Regional center for identification and support of gifted children "Stupeni uspeha" on the organization of preventive measures in crisis and difficulties during pupils’ social adaptation with the usage of health saving technologies is presented in the article.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, crisis, giftedness, health protection, mental prevention
Prevention of the Professional Burnout Syndrome in Teachers Working With Children With Disabilities
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Mariya A. Kartseva, Svetlana V. Pazukhina
- Work direction:
- Подготовка учителей, педагогов-психологов и вожатых к работе с одаренными детьми
- Abstract:
- The main approaches to determining the professional burnout syndrome in teaching staff who carry out activities with children with disabilities are analyzed in the article. The difficulties that teachers face in conditions of inclusive education are described in detail. Specific recommendations for overcoming professional burnout syndrome are proposed.
- Keywords:
- teacher, prevention, syndrome, burnout
The main aspects of educational work and psychological prevention of violations of official discipline in St. Petersburg Suvorov military school of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Igor V. Stepanov, Ekaterina D. Alita
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- He article deals with educational work, held in St. Petersburg Suvorov school of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. The methods, tasks and goals of education facing management and teaching staff, aimed at on the formation of a comprehensively professionally developed personality, a worthy employee of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Confederations.
- Keywords:
- education system, educational work, service discipline, psychological prevention, psychological support, best practices, planning system, disciplinary articles of association
Problemy standartizatsii deiatel'nosti obrazovatel'noi organizatsii po profilaktike deviantnogo povedeniia obuchaiushchikhsia: podkhody, instrumenty
Book ChapterEducation: theory, methodology, practice- Author:
- Svetlana A. Belousova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5. Современные подходы к профилактической работе в школе и коррекции агрессивного поведения в спорте
- Abstract:
- Difficulties that exist in the prevention of students' deviant behavior, implemented by educational institutions, are shown, requiring establishment of standards and activity regulations that would increase its effectiveness due to the integrative, regulatory, communicative and stabilizing functions of the standards. Effective methods and contents of standardization for this object are discussed. Necessary and sufficient to increase the effectiveness of prevention of deviant behavior in students is considered the following composition of minimal requirements: glossary; identifiers of issues/risks (by type) of a student/group; deficit competencies by types of issues/risks and means of their identification; task-oriented (for emerging deficit competencies) educational subprograms with a reference to their resource (for all types of resources) support; algorithm for establishing a profile/direction of preventive work with a selected subject (single, complex social), module assignments; algorithm for developing a generalized school preventive work program for the school year; administration of the school's preventive program; algorithm and protocols for data exchange during and after the implementation of educational subprograms; algorithm for the formation of an information system that supports the educational process in accordance with any preventive subprogram.
- Keywords:
- standards and standardization in education, prevention of deviant behavior
Metodologiia modernizatsii zaniatii v ozdorovitel'noi gruppe s det'mi mladshego shkol'nogo vozrasta
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Elena G. Kostenko, Vladimir L. Sokolov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The scientific novelty of this study is to expand the general theoretical and practical approaches to physical education of students. The positive effect of exercises aimed at the formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet in children of primary school age is justified and experimentally proved.
- Keywords:
- recreational swimming, corrective exercises, methods of training, prevention and correction of flat feet, posture disorders
The role of psychological training in optimizing the psychoemotional condition of teachers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Author:
- Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the concept of «professional stress» and its impact on the professional activities of teachers; objective and subjective factors causing professional stress among teachers; the main reasons for the development of professional stress among teachers; types of occupational stress: informational, emotional and communicative. The importance of the development of stress tolerance and optimization of the psycho-emotional state of teachers is proved in the work; the results of the study of the influence of psychological training on the development of stress tolerance and optimization of the psycho-emotional state of teachers are analyzed.
- Keywords:
- research, psychological training, prevention of occupational stress, resistance to stress, optimization of psycho-emotional state, teachers of additional education
Shkola kak fokus pozitivnykh peremen v obshchestve. Proekt "Dar: vybor zhiznennogo puti"
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Nina E. Salnikova
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Abstract:
- For four years, created the project of reorientation of all participants of educational process to peaceful dialogue, cooperation and co-creation, self-improvement.
- Keywords:
- project, gift, unity, co-creation, choice, life path, career guidance, a unifying project, - improvement, professionalism, reorientation programme for parents, higher feelings, modules, prevention of emotional burnout, stress resistant