Identification and prevention of early signs of self-destructive behavior in adolescents

Regional Scientific-Practical Conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region»
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Regional Scientific-Practical Conference «Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region»
Sof'ia E. Maravina 1
Work direction:
Psychological Peculiarities of Manifestation and Prophylaxis of Deviant and Potentially Unsafe Behaviour
Received: 10 June 2021

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1 Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
For citation:
Maravina S. E. (2021). Identification and prevention of early signs of self-destructive behavior in adolescents. Psychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region, 153-155. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article discusses the basic concepts, forms and signs of self-destructive behavior in adolescents; the experience of implementing the program for the prevention of self-destructive behavior in adolescence is presented; recommendations were formulated for the organization of work with adolescents with signs of self-destructive behavior based on taking into account the revealed empirical data.


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  2. 2. Ипатов А.В. Аутодеструктивное поведение подростков в контексте отклоняющегося развития личности / А.В. Ипатов // Акмеология. – 2018. – №4 (68). – С. 25–31.
  3. 3. Польская Н.А. Аутодеструктивное поведение в подростковом и юношеском возрасте / Н.А. Польская, Н.В. Власова // Консультативная психология и психотерапия. – 2015. – Том 23, №4. – С. 176–190.


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