List of publications on a keyword: «traditions»
Traditional values of the Russian State-civilization in the context of modern domestic education
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values are life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, citizenship, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate, high moral ideals, strong family, creative work, priority of the spiritual over the material, humanism, mercy, justice, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect, historical memory and continuity of generations, the unity of the peoples of Russia. They were formed in connection with the process of formation and strengthening of statehood. This led to the formation of Russia as a civilizational state. This quality captures the current state of Russian statehood, which, unlike a national state or a nation-state, accommodates an entire civilization that arose as a result of the unity of people who are different in their ethnic, confessional, cultural affiliation, but united on the basis of common spiritual and moral values.
- Keywords:
- Russian identity, the state is a civilization, falsifications of historical truth, threats to the civilizational foundations of Russia, the moral state of society, ensuring the security of the country, the values of the Russian people, the traditions of the Russian people
Social Psychological Analysis of Marital Relations in Kyrgyzstan
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology- Author:
- Rakhat S. Turdubaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter provides a socio-psychological analysis of marital relations in Kyrgyzstan with an emphasis on modern transformations and challenges facing the institution of family in a changing sociocultural context. Factors influencing the stability and dynamics of family relationships are examined, including socio-economic changes, cultural traditions and new social realities. Key aspects are covered, such as changing roles and functions of spouses, the impact of information technology on family interaction, as well as issues of self-determination and individualization in marital relationships. In conclusion, the prospects for the development of the family institution in Kyrgyzstan and the need to adapt traditional values to modern challenges are discussed.
- Keywords:
- social psychology, family, family institution, marital relations, marriage, transformations in the family, cultural traditions
THE DOORWAY TO THE FUTURE IS BEING OPENED TODAY (Education and Geopolitics: Meanings, Challenges, Risks, Threats and Hopes. The Russian Statehood, Society and Education at the Crossroads and Transit Ways of the Modern World). Brief sketches and analytical descriptions.
Book ChapterDoors to the future are opening today: education as a social phenomenon in modern geopolitics: the foundation of Russian education in the era of global change- Author:
- Gennadii I. Beliaev
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- Upbringing is the basis of educational environment. During the modern information age upbringing as a social phenomenon stands as one of the essential sides of geopolitics, it forms the core of cultural and spiritual tradition and practice of education. Upbringing is as a rule the foundation for the creative attitude to the systems of life-affirmative values, yet it can become a tool for the reframing these systems into something else, sometimes absolutely alien to the spirit and nature of a human, his social and biological essence. Upbringing is much more than adaptive socialization; it is the social and cultural tool for keeping or rebuilding society and social relations. They feed up heroes, defenders, creators but the others feed up cowards, destroyers and parasites. Our world has entered the times of irreversible global changes with non-defined historical perspectives. Author of this book connects the problem schedule of modern education within the context of deep, truly revolution changes in human attitudes to the possibilities and spheres of adaptation of high technology to the high humanitarian strategies and ideas about human anthropology. He also connects these ideas and strategies with the geopolitical crisis of the modern world, global problems and global order where Russia has to not only self-define in the foremost 20-40 years, but also adopt leadership functions to elaborate a new spiritual vision of the moral world order. They should help to overdue its own symptoms and consequences of deep system social crisis and overcome such system threats of the inflicted insane world order, that is possible to lead humankind to the biological dead-ends of anthropogenesis, that is why it is necessary for the citizens to beat these tendencies back. Time has come and the question if our children would be blessed by the enlightened future? Alternatively, there will be no future at all – the solution of this question depends on us.
- Keywords:
- education, science, paradigm, high technologies, upbringing, socialization, geopolitics, geopolitical revolution, digital revolution, social phenomenon, interdisciplinary knowledge, synergetic approach, cognitive revolution, ultraglobalism, world order – monopolar and multipolar, meanings and values, cultural forms and models of social and moral education, traditions and innovations
The role of family traditions in supporting the psychological well-being of the younger generation
ProceedingPsychology of Personal Interaction in Modern Society- Authors:
- Kirill A. Orlov, Elena V. Evdokimova
- Work direction:
- Факторы риска и благополучия развития личности в современной семье
- Abstract:
- The article touches upon the topical issue of psychological well-being of the young generation, emphasizing the importance of family environment and traditions in the process of socialization and upbringing. The influence of family customs on the formation of personality is studied, paying attention to their role in the transmission of cultural and moral values. Special attention is paid to the role of family traditions in creating a sense of identity, belonging and emotional security in children. Both positive and possible negative aspects of family traditions are analyzed, emphasizing the need for their flexibility and adaptation to changing sociocultural conditions. The article calls for further research into the impact of family traditions on mental health, contributing to the development of methods to support and update family practices.
- Keywords:
- family, socialization, psychological well-being, family traditions, family environment
An embroidered map of Tatarstan as a means of patriotic education of children and youth
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Aigul L. Faizrakhmanova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article raises the actual problem of patriotic education of children and youth, in particular, by means of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts. Thus, the Embroidered Map of the Republic of Tatarstan project is presented as a wonderful and effective means of patriotic education.
- Keywords:
- patriotic education, means of education, embroidered map, multinational people, the year of national cultures and traditions
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Olga S. Generalova, Nikita S. Smirnov, Kristina M. Grechanaia
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- This scientific article is devoted to the study of the influence of adults on the process of parenting in the East Asian region. The study was conducted in order to identify and analyze unique cultural, social and economic factors that influence pedagogical practices and approaches to education in this region. Studying the topic of parenting in East Asia not only expands the understanding of cultural characteristics, but also provides an opportunity to develop strategies in the field of education and upbringing.
- Keywords:
- education, education system, teacher, parents, traditions, upbringing, social education
Ethnocultural traditions of the peoples of Tatarstan in the context of modern interethnic relations
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Danila V. Egorov, Gleb A. Ivanov
- Work direction:
- Культурологический подход в образовании
- Abstract:
- Within the framework of this article, national cultural events (festivals, holidays, exhibitions, etc.) held on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan by indigenous peoples (Tatars, Russians, Chuvash, Mari, Mordvins and Udmurts) were considered. As well as the specifics of the implementation of the state national policy aimed at the preservation and development of traditional culture in the Republic of Tatarstan.
- Keywords:
- state programs, ethnocultural traditions, interethnic relations, national cultural events, peoples of Tatarstan, national cultures, national policy
Chuvash Proverbs and Sayings as an Ethnopedagogical Means of Introducing Traditional Family Values
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Author:
- Klara V. Pushkina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- In modern society, the family is an important component of universal culture that preserves traditional national values. In the conditions of ongoing social changes leading to the growth of national self-consciousness, return to the roots, destruction of stereotypes, change of attitude to family values, it is necessary to preserve the understanding of the family as a traditional social institution. In this regard, the study of proverbs and sayings reflecting universal and national family values is of great importance. The aim of the study is to identify and substantiate family values in the upbringing of the younger generation in modern Chuvash families. The article considers traditional family values as the foundation of a strong and friendly family. The analysis of Chuvash proverbs and sayings about family life and family relations in the article shows that the Chuvash people place family values highly, brought up on national cultures and traditions. Our practical research shows that children's attachment to their parents is increasingly weakening. The lack of understanding of their children's behavior is explained by the following reasons: 1) parents' lack of fundamental pedagogical knowledge and skills; 2) parents' neglecting the basics of Chuvash family upbringing based on spiritual and moral values in the upbringing of their children. The author argues that the study of the basics of ethnic pedagogy will give positive results in the upbringing of children. The article used both general theoretical methods, including both the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic under consideration, including encyclopedic and reference literature, folklore works, and empirical methods, including pedagogical observation, the use of questionnaires and surveys, and generalisation of ethnopedagogical experience. The experimental work was carried out to determine the moral potential of traditional family values in the Chuvash family. The author comes to the conclusion that Chuvash families have preserved national customs and traditions that they inherited from their ancestors in order to pass on to the next generations as a common reference point in their family life.
- Keywords:
- children, parents, spiritual and moral values, experimental work, ethnic pedagogy, modern Chuvash family, educational traditions, pedagogical means of education, proverbs and sayings
Traditional culture as a tool for working with the conflictness in the multicultural student group
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 3- Author:
- Svetlana S. Filippova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The current political situation emphasizes the necessity to maintain the image of the country, Russian culture and language, Russian-language education in the world. In the conditions of the educational process of the university, the problem of maintaining motivation to study among students of the international faculty, which directly depends on the atmosphere in the student group, is topical. The article reflects the results of the research aimed at approbation of the program of work with students of international faculty based on the application of elements of traditional cultures (traditional and folk games, communicative norms and traditions, elements of folk folklore, etc.) as a tool to overcome tension and conflict in student groups studying Russian as a foreign language. The method of questionnaire survey, psychological testing, and expert evaluations were used to assess conflict and distance. Conclusions: the organization of work with students of the international faculty within the framework of the psychological service of the university has its own specificity, different from the work with Russian-speaking students; the use of elements of traditional culture (traditional and folk games, communicative norms and traditions, elements of folk folklore, etc.) is appropriate for solving the problems of psychological support of foreign students during the period of study.
- Keywords:
- students, traditions, conflictness, multicultural community, psychological service
Traditions of Chuvash and Kalmyck fairy tale epic
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 3- Author:
- Anton K. Salmin
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to a long-term dispute about the peculiarity / non-property of the fairy tale genre of the typical features of the heroic epos. On the basis of the historical-typological method and the method of plot analysis, the corpus of texts of the Chuvash and Kalmyk fairy tale epic has been studied. The study considers the main works devoted to this problem, compares the relevant Chuvash texts with the Kalmyk fairytale epic, points to the incorporation of the biography and exploits of the fairytale hero in the heroic epic “Dzhangar”. The author also considers such blocks of heroic matchmaking as the childlessness of parents, a miraculous origin, heroic childhood and martial arts. All these motives are inherent in both the heroic tale and the heroic epic. The heroic traditions of the Chuvash and Kalmyk fairy tale epic are expressed in ethno-cultural realities, plot, epic motifs, and artistic devices. At the same time, researchers have no reason to talk about the complete identity of the ideological and artistic complex of the heroic epic and the heroic tale. The heroic epic and fairy tale are essentially differentiated genres. Here, one can speak as much as possible about the epic nature of heroic tales, about similarities and diffusion, but not about complete identity, and, naturally, there is no need to complete the magic-heroic tale to the classical epic. The publication contributes to the substantiation of the main features of the heroic epos in the heroic tale.
- Keywords:
- traditions, Chuvash, Heroic fairy tale, Kalmyks
Predictions as part of traditional culture in the modern society of the Republic of Korea
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Anna A. Narynskaia
- Work direction:
- Культурологический подход в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the problem of demand for divination rituals in modern Korean society. People of all nations have ever had a desire to know about the future, which gave rise to various forms of predictions that persist to this day. However, today this is especially actual for the Republic of Korea, where divination has existed since ancient times as a tradition and now plays an important role in the lives of most Koreans. Because of this, it is difficult to understand whether Koreans follow traditions or follow fashion trends.
- Keywords:
- traditions, traditional culture, ritual, predictions, divination, divination in the modern society of South Korea
Привлечение внимания родителей к русскому фольклору как средству духовно-нравственного воспитания и развития детей
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Olesia V. Prilutskaia
- Work direction:
- Семейные перспективы человека в изменяющемся мире
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to psychological and pedagogical means of spiritual and moral education and development of preschool children. The features of the influence of individual genres on the formation of a child's personality and their relationship are considered. The well-known teachers who noted the influence of children's folklore on the development of children are presented. The essence and tasks of family education are revealed. This material is of practical interest for parents, educators, speech pathologists and speech therapists.
- Keywords:
- development, spiritual and moral education, folklore, family, culture, traditions, childhood
Experience in the Formation of Interethnic Relations among Students
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 3- Authors:
- Natalya N. Dobrynina, Olga G. Barashkova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- In the article, the authors present a positive experience of working with students, aimed at creating a culture of interethnic relations among young people. The materials and methods of the study were examples of the organization of students' activities aimed at fostering values traditional for the Russian multinational culture, interethnic friendship. The student sphere, in which various attitudes of students develop in the context of interethnic and interethnic interaction. The results of the study and their discussion: activities are identified, the focus of which is shifted to the support and preservation of the Russian language. Organization of literary evenings dedicated to the life and work of Russian poets and writers. In the article, the authors gave an example of the organization of a volunteer detachment. Students actively participate in charitable events in the city of Kostroma (manufacturing of souvenirs, providing hairdressing services to vulnerable segments of the population, concert activities). Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn: the educational organization implements projects and activities aimed at forming a respectful attitude of young people towards the older generation, towards representatives of other nationalities and religions, the formation of an active life position, assistance, successful socialization.
- Keywords:
- culture, student environment, harmonization of interethnic relations, implementation of events, national traditions
Traditional Rites of the Khanty and Mansi Peoples in the Professional Training of Future Teachers of Visual Arts
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 2- Author:
- Irina N. Polynskaya
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problems of professional training of future teachers of fine arts. The purpose of the work is to consider the role and significance of the study by students of the Faculty of Arts and Design of traditional religious rites and holidays of the peoples of the Far North, the Khanty and Mansi. The material for the study was the traditional rites of the peoples of the Khanty and Mansi. Based on the method of theoretical analysis, the pedagogical potential of the traditional rites of the Khanty and Mansi peoples was revealed and the pedagogical conditions for the process of professional training of students – future teachers of fine arts were substantiated. The article describes in detail the traditions associated with hunting, fishing; the most common folk holidays associated with the bear, elk, crow day; national rites – wedding, funeral, rite of birth of a child. Comprehension and understanding of the world are reflected in oral folk art, legends, legends, myths, folklore. The future teacher of fine arts needs to know the traditional way of life of the indigenous people of Ugra, so that in his pedagogical work he can convey artistic and creative experience to schoolchildren. In conclusion, a description of the main pedagogical conditions for preparing students – future teachers of fine arts for professional activities, taking into account national traditions and the ethno-cultural specifics of the region, is given.
- Keywords:
- students, ethnography, folklore, professional training, traditions, customs, fine art, ethno-cultural competencies, Khanty and Mansi peoples, religious rites, way of life, beliefs
Observance of National Traditions as a Factor of Preservation of Kyrgyz Identity
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Author:
- Rahat M. Mukasheva
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The author emphasizes the importance of national traditions in preserving the Kyrgyz identity. The article represents the Kyrgyz national traditions, which are associated with the birth of a child and celebrated in the first year of life. The work introduces readers to the traditions and customs of the Kyrgyz people of the early XX century, described by Soviet ethnographers, and with their modern versions. The author pays attention to a detailed description of the rituals performed and explains the importance of Kyrgyz traditions for representatives of the Kyrgyz ethnic group. The purpose of the article is to familiarize a wide range of readers with the national traditions of the Kyrgyz people, their origins, and their significance. Research methods: The work is built on the methods of observation and description and uses folk traditions observed by members of the Kyrgyz ethnic group as a basis. As a result of this analysis, the author concludes that the traditions of ancient times are of importance to the Kyrgyz people. The author also notes the importance of preserving and observing folk traditions for the people's self-identification as a single ethnic group, not only for the Kyrgyz living on the ancestral territory but also for the Kyrgyz living outside their homeland.
- Keywords:
- people, ethnos, Kyrgyz, ethnocultural traditions
The Embodiment of Folklore Traditions in Art as the Antithesis of Postmodern Aesthetics
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 4- Author:
- Alesia I. Gurchenko
- Work direction:
- Folklore Studies
- Abstract:
- The aim of the research is to comprehend the folklore traditions embodied in art as an antithesis to the aesthetics of the postmodern era. The author puts forward a hypothesis according to which, against the background of a change in the socio-cultural paradigm from modernity to postmodernism, folklorism acted as a tool for returning to genuine values based on centuries-old authentic traditions. Folklorism is considered in the article as a phenomenon in which the potential of the collective memory of the people is laid, allowing a person to recognize himself as part of a single nation with deep historical roots and centuries-old cultural traditions. Research methods – the comprehension of folklorism as an antithesis in relation to the dominant sociocultural paradigms was carried out using the scientific principle of historicism, as well as the methods of synchronous and diachronous analysis. The results of the research – another surge of interest in authenticity against the background of the approval of postmodern ideas is presented as one of the examples of a cyclical return to true values in art. It is concluded that the analyzed bright and self-sufficient artistic phenomenon, over more than two centuries of its existence, has repeatedly acted as a mechanism to smooth out the existing contradictions in the sociocultural model of the development of society, thereby creating stable axiological foundations in art.
- Keywords:
- folklore traditions, folklorism in art, postmodern
The Importance of Forming a Value-Based Attitude to the Heroic past Of the Ancestors through Spirituality among Modern Youth
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Marina L. Vartanova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The most relevant and useful for today's Russia and its historical heritage is, first of all, the tradition of the organic unity of our peoples, which was developed and postponed in the course of our history as a result of everyday exercises in justice, mutual respect and harmony. Despite the fact that every Russian people has its own traditions, customs, languages, and heroic past – together they make up a common heritage. To revive it, to always remember it – and not lose sight of it – is the urgent task of time. We must believe that the troubled times, poverty and disenfranchisement of ordinary people-workers, disrespect for the moral and legal norms of human society are a temporary phenomenon. Its elimination consists in a good, comprehensive preparation of every young person entering an independent life. Our research has confirmed the assumption that in the conditions of today's acute ideological struggle for the minds and hearts of young people, it is necessary to turn to the her
- Keywords:
- values, people, culture, experience, Russia, traditions, customs, folk pedagogy, ancestors, heroism, heroic past, homeland, country, value relations
Pentecost Church-Ale in the Aksubaevsky District of The Republic of Tatarstan
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 1- Authors:
- Elena G. Gushchina, Danila V. Egorov, Arslan K. Mingaliev
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Anthropology and Folkloristics
- Abstract:
- In the article the authors on the basis of materials, consider the issues of preserving cultural traditions of the Russian population of the Middle Volga region, namely the revival of the Pentecost church-ale in 20–21 centuries on the example of the Russian national center of Aksubaevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. The experience accumulated over the thirty-year history of the revival of the holiday has not yet become an object of study of scientists, which determines the relevance of our work. The aim is to consider the features of the local version of the celebration of the Pentecost and the specifics of the revival of folk tradition in the modern world. The authors used general historical methods and special methods of ethnology: included observation and in-depth interview. Pentecost in its original meaning is a church festival. But it also incorporated folk traditions, customs and rituals. In Soviet times the celebration completely lost its former significance, the church service on the Whit Monday (Pentecost) was also not performed. Thanks to the initiative of local residents, the celebration of the Pentecost was resumed, which was a vivid example of the positive ethno-cultural experience of the revival of local ritual practices of the Russians of the Middle Volga region.
- Keywords:
- ethnography, tradition, ethnic festivals, Pentecost, national holidays, Pentecost church-ale, revival of traditions
Some Facts of Main Ethnic Groups’ Ceremonial-Game Traditions in Their Theatrical Aspect in the Chuvash Republic
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Veronika J. Arestova
- Work direction:
- Ethnic and Ethno-Cultural Processes in Modern Society
- Abstract:
- The article presents facts about ceremonial-game traditions of main ethnic groups living in Chuvash Republic, such as Chuvash, Russian, Tatar, and Mordovian. The purpose of the research was the survey of ceremonies, customs and celebrations which are kept in the present time in Chuvashia. The research was focused solely on theatrical aspect of rites or ceremonies where a person uses dressing up, masks, makeup, and acts for Mummers' plays. Furthermore, the research aimed to identify the mutual cultural influence of the above mentioned ethnic groups on each other. The field study was conducted using the methods of interviewing, observation with video and audio recording. The data were gathered from all of Chuvash Republic districts. In conclusion, it was established that mummering traditions are being revived in some rural areas of Chuvashia; traditions of mummering have not been changed since the second half of the XIX century, but people created new characters, especially in the second half of the XX century; the content of ceremonial-game traditions is fully demonstrates the worldview, mentality and value system of the main ethnic groups presented in Chuvashia.
- Keywords:
- Mummers' plays, ceremonial-game traditions, Chuvash, Russian, Tatar, Mordovian
Traditions of the Saratov Region in Ethnocultural Practices
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Irina Y. Zamchalova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the preservation of the cultural traditions of some peoples living in the territory of the Saratov Region. The aim of the study is to show that the preservation of traditions is a source of further development and the existence of ethnic groups. Methods. During the study the following methods are used: typological, system analysis, functional approach. There is a search for new forms of recreation of national traditions, and they are very productive. The characteristic of the historical reconstructions, national festivals successfully held in the Saratov Region is described. Results. It was found that such forms demonstrate effective partnership between representatives of different generations. They contribute to the popularization of cultural and historical heritage, spiritual and moral education. The author outlines that youth, children, elderly people demonstrate their creative achievements. It is emphasized that festivals perform cultural and educational functions, involve in the process of a detailed study of history, rites, art of the ethnic groups represented. Creative groups, historical reenactors, and participants in school ethnographic circles are active in creating an atmosphere of a traditional way of life. A heuristic principle is developing among the participants of events. When they are organized, social partnerships between administrative structures, universities, and private business representatives are demonstrated. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the results of ethnocultural events, we believe that it is necessary to improve such forms that help to develop traditions in the culture of ethnic groups. There is a growing interest in the topic of restoring the traditional ways of life of the Volga peoples. There is promise in the development of this direction and the need for further theoretical justification of the significance of ethnocultural practices.
- Keywords:
- ethnoculturology, traditions in culture, ethnocultural practices, ethnic festivals
Food Design and Film Art in the Preservation of Ethnic Culture
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Valeri I. Kukenkov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that the study of food design and film art as part of the country's ethnic culture examines the preservation and development of traditions and interethnic ties. Given that folk traditions have a peculiarity to develop, being in constant search of new solutions, taking into account the emergence of new materials, technologies and information tools, an idea to combine the potential of film art and food design in research has started up. It is noted that the search for analogues of the issue studied has no positive effect. The purpose of the study is a theoretical justification for the possibility of using different art forms as tools to unlock the possibilities and diversity of the art of food and filmmaking. Based on the study of various sources, it has been found that the topic of preserving the ethnic cultures of Russia is relevant and new, due to the unusual combination of the art of food and filmmaking. Hypothesis. It is suggested that the preservation and development of the country's ethnic cultures and intercultural ties is possible if best practices and achievements of food design as an essential part of people's culture will be applied while modelling different forms and spaces in film art. Results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the hypothesis put forward has historical evidence in the works of such scientists as: Kostomarov N.I., Orlovskaya A.V. and Pokhlebkin V.V. Based on their experience and knowledge the following is possible: formation of new approaches, serch for new solutions and development of new forms and spaces, using advances in food design, film art and people's culture.
- Keywords:
- ethnic culture, intercultural exchange, folk traditions, film art, food design
Teaching the Russian Language as a Native at Elementary School: Problems and Ways of Their Solution
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Natalya Y. Yashina
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural and Socio-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The relevance of studying the Russian language as a mother tongue for the formation of national identity, spiritual and moral values, and communication and speech skills in younger schoolchildren is reviewed in the article. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to overcome the problems of a substantive and methodical nature in teaching of the new subject “Native Russian Language” by primary school teachers. Methods. Methods of analyzing the content of the basic course of the Russian language, a generalization of pedagogical practice and research activities of the Primary Education Department of SBEI of SVE “Nizhny Novgorod Institute of the Education Development” on the problem of the formation of communication and speech skills in primary schoolchildren and the development of communicative competence of a teacher, allowed identifying priority tasks, substantive blocks, practice-oriented and regional orientation of the program of the subject. Results. As a result of the study, the feasibility of the national and cultural and regional nature of the content and effective technological methods are highlighted. It is concluded that taking into account the specifics of the program, correctly selected by teachers relevant and appropriate content of educational material that meet the needs of younger schoolchildren, as well as effective teaching methods and tasks, contributes to solving problems, awareness of the national identity of the Russian language, cultural traditions and spiritual values of their people by students, and preserving the linguistic diversity of our country.
- Keywords:
- spiritual values, people, culture, traditions, native language, national identity, communication and speech skills
Traditions and Innovations in the Dynamics of Ethnosocial Organism Development: Problem Statement
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Authors:
- Kazbek I. Ashkhamakhov, Roman S. Kozlov
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- Authors of the article pay a special attention to the consideration of traditions and innovations in the dynamics of ethnosocial organism development, since the last decade, the blurring of lines of ethnocultural identity on a global scale has become more obvious. Aggressive penetration into the territory of many states by a pro-Western faceless pseudo culture led to a loss of life orientation at the genetic level and the prospects for the existence of most ethnic groups. The aim of work is to search, identify and analyze the main structure-forming principles, the main provisions of which can preserve a unique and inimitable core of ethnocultural organism in a practical application, give a vector of a further more qualitative state. Methods. Using the principles of formal logic, functionalism, and a systematic approach, it was possible to determine the stages of the origin, transformation, and structural integration of cultural innovations in the ethnic environment. Characteristics of each stage from the side of a positive direction as well as a negative one, leading to the degeneration and decay of the ethnocultural system, is presented. As a result of the study, methodological approaches to preserving ethnic cultures, based on traditional ties in relations within the people were identified. These principles are, in authors’ opinion, invariable mechanisms of the dynamic, progressive development of any ethnic group, if the ethnocultural identity of all mankind is perceived as a conscious, creative way for the development and preservation of an ethnos.
- Keywords:
- culture, traditions, ethnos, selection, modification, structural integration
Revival of Folk Crafts as a Factor of Students’ Ethno-Cultural Competencies Formation in the System of Additional Education
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Julia V. Borovitskaya
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of students’ ethno-cultural competencies formation in the system of institutions of additional education in study clubs, trade shops as well as during creative master classes. The purpose of the study is to define the relevance and significance of folk crafts revival as a factor of students’ ethno-cultural competencies formation. The main works of Russian authors in the field of research of folk and art crafts are presented. Methods. A comparative analysis of the historical situation that reflects the content and importance of folk crafts, as well as its current state is presented. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis of Russian literature, legal acts, conversation with students and teachers, content-analysis of creative activity outcomes. The study was carried out on the basis of the institutions for additional education and culture of the Svetloyarsky District in Volgograd Region, among masters of decorative and applied art of Volgograd and members of the club of masters "Remaliya". The role of masters of decorative and applied arts in the system of additional education, as well as the main types of presentation of folk crafts products is described. The experience of interaction between universities, schools and institutions of additional education with masters of decorative and applied art, areas of joint activity of various age groups is outlined. Moreover, the article reveals the main directions in which the revival of folk crafts and traditions in the modern system of culture and education (study clubs, studios, trade shops) is implemented. At the same time, the author analyzes the main points of folk crafts revival regulation, including legislative ones. Research result. The article highlights the importance of forming ethno-cultural competencies in students in the context of working with their parents as carriers of traditions and customs. It is concluded that students’ ethno-cultural competencies formation in the context of the revival of folk crafts is a complex multi-component and step-by-step process, into which many subjects are involved.
- Keywords:
- educational process, competence, success, traditions, customs
Kul'turno-obrazovatel'naia sreda provintsial'nogo goroda
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Author:
- Tatiana I. Stepanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The issues on the cultural and educational environment of a provincial town are considered in the article. The author outlines that numerous proverbs, sayings, speech patterns, phrases interpreting the role of the environment in the human community have developed in the culture of the people: «left the environment», «dissolve in the environment», «product of the environment». Also, the author emphasizes that the cultural and educational environment of a small town in the context of its spiritual content is determined by the cultural level of the population; the degree of people’s spiritual needs development; cultural and educational institutions. The cultural and educational environment includes two components – cultural and educational, which closely interact with each other. The article analyzes the activities of educational organizations, describes the features of the musical environment of Stary Oskol of Belgorod Region.
- Keywords:
- cultural and educational environment, provincial town, educational institutions, historical and regional traditions