List of publications on a keyword: «test»
Itogi realizatsii federal'nogo proekta po rannei professional'noi orientatsii uchashchikhsia 6-11-kh klassov obshcheobrazovatel'nykh organizatsii Chuvashskoi Respubliki "Bilet v budushchee"
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Zhanna V. Murzina, Larisa A. Stepanova, Alla V. Shtykova
- Work direction:
- Глава I. Национальный проект «Образование»: раннее профессиональное самоопределение обучающихся
- Abstract:
- This material describes the implementation of the Federal project "Ticket to the Future", which includes familiarizing students of 6-11th grades of general education institutions with modern professional occupations, determining children’s professional interest, forming recommendations for building an individual educational trajectory in accordance with the selected professional competencies (professional areas of activity) and in accordance with the control point 3.1. The action plan for the implementation of the Federal project "Success of every child" which is "Education" National Project Charter. The organizer of the project "Ticket to the future" in 2019 is the Union "Young professionals (WorldSkills Russia)", the operator of the project for the Chuvash Republic for 2 years in a row is the budget institution of the Chuvash Republic of additional professional education "Chuvash Republican Institute of Education" of the Ministry of education and youth policy of the Chuvash Republic.
- Keywords:
- professional self-determination, competence, professional education, project "Ticket to the future", individual educational trajectory, professional route, mini-test, unconscious incompetence, festival of professional occupations, teacher-navigator, improvement of practical skills and abilities, professional test, career guidance platform for large-scale and significant educational events
Obrabotka i uchet prioritetov grazhdan Rossii pri planirovanii i realizatsii programmy ispytanii kompleksa "Gotov k trudu i oborone"
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Elena G. Kostenko, Vadim V. Lysenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Наука
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study is associated with the study of the priorities of various age categories of the working population when choosing the tests of «Ready for Labor and Defense» Complex, and the formation of appropriate testing programs based on those priorities.
- Keywords:
- priority tests, age categories, data analysis, appropriate programs
Цифровая образовательная среда – новые возможности для современного урока математики как средство повышения качества знаний обучающихся
ProceedingDigit: A Teacher's Helper- Author:
- Elena N. Shevchenko
- Work direction:
- Лучшие практики обучения по предметной области «Математика» с использованием цифровой образовательной среды с последующей диссеминацией позитивного опыта
- Abstract:
- Статья знакомит с ресурсом Online Text Pad и виртуальной доской Padlet. Описаны возможности ресурса и онлайн-доски, что позволит улучшить качество знаний обучающихся.
- Keywords:
Ispol'zovanie traditsionnykh kazach'ikh sredstv fizicheskogo vospitaniia v obshcheobrazovatel'nom protsesse
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education- Authors:
- Vladimir L. Sokolov, Elena G. Kostenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of traditional Cossack means of physical education in educational process. The authors point out that the educational process in the Cossack classes forms a high level of applied readiness of schoolchildren to changes of the dynamic conditions of modern society. The study experimentally substantiated the option of passing the program material on the subject of physical education with a basic variational approach to students’ physical education.
- Keywords:
- testing, physical fitness, level of physical development, dynamics analysis
Актуальные проблемы производства проверки показаний на месте
ProceedingLaw, economics and management: current issues- Authors:
- Anton O. Zernov, Elena V. Voskresenskaia
- Work direction:
- Уголовное право и криминология, уголовно-исполнительное право
- Abstract:
- In the scientific article the actual questions of production of check of indications on a place are considered. The authors conclude that the production of verification of indications on the spot has distinctive features. To date, in criminal procedure science and partly in practice, there are discussions about the independence of verification of testimony on the spot as an investigative action. The authors formulated proposals to improve the norms of criminal procedure legislation.
- Keywords:
- verification of testimony on the spot, investigative actions, investigation, criminal case, criminal law
Analiz sovremennykh metodov i tekhnologii distantsionnogo obrazovaniia, postroenie reitingov
Book ChapterEducation: theory, methodology, practice- Authors:
- Natalia V. Sizykh, Dmitrii S. Sizykh
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Цифровые технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- The analysis of modern methods and technologies of computer training, distance education is presented in the article. The issues of building one-factor and multi-factor ratings for assessing the quality of online courses were separately considered. For the first time, an approach to the construction and use of flexible ratings is considered and proposed.
- Keywords:
- distance education, computer training, knowledge testing, quality assessments, ratings
Elektronnye testy dlia obuchaiushchikhsia 4 klassa shkol s russkim iazykom obucheniia
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- G A. Kerukova, L V. Nikiforova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии и электронные цифровые ресурсы в преподавании родных языков и литератур
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается опыт использования электронных тестов, разработанных авторами с целью развития у обучающихся интереса к изучению чувашского языка, литературы и культуры чувашского народа. Авторы представили инструментарий для выявления образовательных достижений по чувашскому языку обучающихся 4 класса с позиций деятельностного, комплексного и уровневого подходов. Контрольно-оценочный материал содержит пояснительную записку, краткую характеристику заданий, примеры тестов, инструкцию для применения, эталон выполнения, критерия оценивания.
- Keywords:
Development of test tasks for assessment of listening skills in online English language school
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Irina A. Kail
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article attempts the features of the compilation of test tasks for assessing listening skills in an online school. The hypothesis about the correlation of the results of assessment of the listening skills by the developed test tasks and expert evaluations is tested.
- Keywords:
- assessment, listening, online school, testing, correlation
Development of tools for testing technologies applied for monitoring knowledge level of the trainees educated within multifunctional technological educational system
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Tatiana V. Stebeniaeva, Tatiana S. Larina, Galina S. Khudolei
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики как инструмент принятия решений
- Abstract:
- The main purpose of this article is to present the contents of a number of modern innovative technologies for monitoring students' level of knowledge. To achieve it, the task of justifying the advantages of using the testing technology tools to control students' level of knowledge solved. In addition, the article shows the practical features of the use of testing technologies to monitor students' level of knowledge by creating an evaluation fund for educational discipline «Computer Science», which is an integral part of multifunctional educational technological complex in the «Manager-programmer of information systems», using a rating approach and multi-point measurement scales. The results are usable in practice of educational institutions work to control students' level of knowledge during the qualified specialist’s preparation.
- Keywords:
- level of knowledge, control, tools, testing technologies, rating, measuring scales
Educational and methodological support of students of universities of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on the subject "Legal statistics»
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Elena V. Vetrova
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики как инструмент принятия решений
- Abstract:
- This article reveals the main approaches in the development of educational and methodological support of independent work of cadets in the discipline "Legal statistics".
- Keywords:
- educational process, knowledge control, professional training, independent work, legal statistics, educational and methodological support, test tasks
Main requirements for the modeling of pedagogic tests for the purpose of’ knowledge level control of the students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Authors:
- Larisa Y. Lazareva, Tatiana S. Larina, Tatiana V. Stebeniaeva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The given article says about the process of IT development of education. Nowadays the said process becomes the most important factor of the extension of the practice of the implementation of innovative technologies in the educational process. The authors of the article gave the detailed definition of the pedagogic test. The article contains requirements for pedagogic tests and its main characteristics, expressed by such indices as reliability, validity and efficiency, as well as discloses its essence and provides formulas for its calculation. The opinion was made that in terms of the application of module educational technologies the testing becomes one of effective forms of the control of students’ knowledge level.
- Keywords:
- modeling, field of education, IT development, module educational technologies, knowledge level control, pedagogic tests, expert evaluation of knowledge
Tsirkonievye keramicheskie materialy tribotekhnicheskogo naznacheniia
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Author:
- Valerii V. Alisin
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The problem of improving the reliability and service life of friction units operating in extreme operating conditions, especially at high temperatures, is mainly solved by the use of ceramic materials. The paper analyzes the tribotechnical properties of ceramic materials based on partially stabilized zirconium dioxide and formulates proposals for the optimal selection of friction pairs based on experimental data.
- Keywords:
- friction, wear, zirconium ceramics, zirconium dioxide crystals, tribotechnical tests
Kriterii i urovni gotovnosti uchitelia k prepodavaniiu diskussionnykh voprosov istoricheskoi nauki po itogam obucheniia v organizatsii povysheniia kvalifikatsii
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Authors:
- Viktor I. Variushchenko, Oksana V. Gaikova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The article presents criteria and indicators that serve as the starting point for identifying levels of theoretical and practical teacher’s readiness to teach controversial issues of historical science in the process of advanced training. The proposed criteria take into account the multi-dimensionality, complexity of pedagogical concepts and phenomena, allowing you to select the characteristics necessary for the effectiveness evaluation developed and implemented the experimental model of teaching «Formation of teachers readiness to teach controversial issues of historical science in the organization of additional professional education».
- Keywords:
- criteria, pedagogical system, practical willingness, program of a modular course, theoretical readiness, empirical testing
Metodicheskie aspekty proektirovaniia i ispol'zovaniia setevykh elektronnykh uchebno-metodicheskikh kompleksov
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 3- Author:
- Elena V. Shchedrina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The paper deals with the design technique of network electronic educational and methodical complexes with elements of adaptive learning. According to the author, this is a structured process that contains several interrelated stages – conceptual, logical and physical.
- Keywords:
- test, design, adaptation, electronic educational resource, network electronic educational-methodical complex
Multimedia technologies in education: positive and negative aspects
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Ilia P. Mikhnev, Aleksandra D. Reut
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- This article analyzes the state and development of multimedia technologies in the educational process. The reasons for the emergence of multimedia educational technologies are shown. The decoding of the concept of "multimedia education" is given. The advantages and disadvantages of learning with the use of multimedia technologies are presented.
- Keywords:
- higher education, information technology, multimedia technologies, computer literacy, electronic testing, multimedia educational process