Analiz sovremennykh metodov i tekhnologii distantsionnogo obrazovaniia, postroenie reitingov

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-53585
Open Access
monograph «Education: theory, methodology, practice»
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monograph «Education: theory, methodology, practice»
Natalia V. Sizykh 1 , Dmitrii S. Sizykh 1
Work direction:
Глава 2. Цифровые технологии в образовании
Received: 24 October 2019

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1 National Research University Higher School of Economics


The analysis of modern methods and technologies of computer training, distance education is presented in the article. The issues of building one-factor and multi-factor ratings for assessing the quality of online courses were separately considered. For the first time, an approach to the construction and use of flexible ratings is considered and proposed.


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