- Main
- Journal "Development of education"
- Issue 1 (7)
The Results of Experimental Approbation of the Content-Language Integrated Module Introduction For 6th Grade Students in English Lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Oxana M. Loksha, Elizaveta O. Mikheeva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the essence of one of the innovative forms of educational process organization in foreign language lessons – content-language integrated learning. The purpose of the study is the development and the approbation of the educational module based on this technology for 6th grade students in English lessons on the topics «Mathematics», «Biology», «Chemistry» and the search for ways to introduce it into the programs of secondary educational institutions. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: structural analysis method (in order to identify the structure of lesson planning in the framework of content-language integrated learning); synthesis method (to characterize individual features of content-language integrated learning, to form a holistic view of it); comparative analysis, pedagogical experiment, method of concretization and generalization, systematization of the obtained data, as well as analysis of linguistic, scientific, methodological and pedagogical literature on the topic of research and methodological developments, manuals and materials of periodic publications. As a result, the advantages of using this technology in the modern educational process in secondary school were identified, they proved the feasibility and prospects of introducing this methodological model into the programs of secondary educational institutions, as well as the need to prepare future teachers for the development of teaching materials for content-language integrated lessons.
- Keywords:
- CLIL, content-language integrated learning, integrated lessons, content-language integration, learning module, innovative technologies
Potential of Internet Resources in Foreign Language Education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Author:
- Natalia A. Grinchenko
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to foreign language education which is more effective if a student becomes the subject of his own learning process. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) contain an enormous potential for increasing the share of independent work in the educational process. ICT is everything that helps and allows you to collect, process, store and transmit information in an electronic form. Today, the traditional carrier of the electronic information is increasingly being superseded by cloud services, allowing you to create a virtual workspace. The purpose of the research is to study the educational potential of the modern Internet space, review the main educational online resources on the Internet in English, which can be used, both for teaching and self-learning a foreign language. In the process of the research, both empirical research methods (studying various sources of information, including the Internet, observation, interviews) and theoretical ones (analysis, synthesis, classification of the information received, the descriptive method) were used. The result of our study is a review of the main online services that can be used in a foreign language education. Digital tools for the formation of language skills (lexical, grammatical, pronunciation) and the development of speech skills in all types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are considered. It is concluded that in the modern Internet space there are huge educational resources in English for teachers and students that allow them to promote foreign language education. These resources are an important tool in the educational process and allow you to increase the level of students’ independence.
- Keywords:
- Internet resources, language skills, information and communication technologies (ICT), digital tools, types of speech activity, teaching and self-learning a foreign language
Revisiting a Proof of the Sine Theorem
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Author:
- Victor A. Dalinger
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The author of the article outlines, that in school geometry course, the sine theorem and the cosine theorem are well known. In this course, they are proved by the authors of the textbook in a way different from the one that is presented in the article. The article considers the author's method of proving the sine theorem unknown in the literature sources and based on the vector-coordinate method; two more theorems are also proved, one of which concerns the calculation of the inscribed angle in the circle, and the other concerns the calculation of viewing angles of the chord of the circle; one task is proposed by the author for independent work, in which the object of research is the chord of a circle. Research results. A proof of the sine theorem, presented by the author on the basis of his technique, undoubtedly quicken public interest. The material can serve as a basis for organizing educational and research activities of students in mathematics. It is concluded that educational and research activities of students in mathematics can be effectively organized when: establishing the essential properties of concepts; identifying the relationship of this concept with other concepts; searching for other methods of proving theorems; formulating the inverse theorem and establishing its truth; classification of mathematical objects and relations between them; solving mathematical problems in various ways and methods; drawing up new tasks that result from already solved ones; providing examples and counterexamples that illustrate a particular fact, etc.
- Keywords:
- sine theorem, cosine theorem, vector-coordinate method, scalar vector product, inscribed angle in a circle, chord of circle, view of chord angles
First Outcomes of Implementing the New Model of Continuous Education in the System of Further Post-Graduate Training of Doctors
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Author:
- Irina V. Chesnokova
- Work direction:
- Education System in Russia
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of the continuing medical education (CME), which is a supplementary vocational education carried out through the implementation of qualification and further post-graduate training programs. The basic principles of the CME development in the Russian Federation are defined in the article. Among them: continuity in post-graduate training; harmonization with international standards; partnership of the state and professional organizations; comprehensive training of medical workers, that is convenient for them; the use of innovative technologies; quality control and independence, the motivation of employees to improve their skills. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis, comparison and observation. The author of the article outlines that the current regulatory framework for the CME development is the federal laws in the field of healthcare. The results of the study. The majority of doctors accepted a new model as a principal one and registered at the CME website for training. It is concluded that the fundamental difference between the new educational model and the traditional one is that in the СME system an individual 5-year cycle educational plan is drawn up, including 250 credits (hours) of educational activity, which are evenly divided into 50 credits (hours) annually. It is also stated that during the process of implementing the model, certain problems arose: a significant increase in the number of students per year, the increase in the number of organizations accredited for training since it is difficult to control it at the first stage. The СME model needs to be improved and developed, relying on all the best achievements and developments of the traditional system of post-graduate training of doctors.
- Keywords:
- continuing medical education, distance learning technologies, post-graduate training of doctors, accreditation and certification of specialists, further post-graduate training in medicine
Performing Homework on Physical Education by Students to Increase the Level of Physical Qualities
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Sergey A. Leshkevich, Vadim A. Leshkevich, Nataliya N. Lipovaya, Elena I. Potyomkina, Svetlana I. Kargina
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The question on the need to perform homework on physical education for students in the form of additional physical activity is considered in the article. The problem of motor activity lack is studied and a solution presented in the form of certain exercises set in order to accustom the student to regular physical activity is found. The positive and negative aspects of this innovation are considered. Method of research. To confirm the theoretical assumption about the benefits of doing homework, a study that lasted for three months was conducted. The study engaged 60 students (30 young males and 30 young females) aged 17-19 years, in which they were divided equally by gender into 2 groups – control (CG) and experimental (EG). The results of the study. As a result of experiment, after doing homework for 3 months, improvements in student’s physical qualities in the experimental group could be observed. Among them: strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements. It is concluded that due to physical exercises performed independently at home, the blood supply to the muscles and regulation of their activity by the nervous system improves – muscle mass increases, the immune system strengthens and, consequently, health improves, endorphins are produced in the body, so students feel better after training. Also, training the muscular system increases endurance in conditions of both physical and mental stress, thanks to an active lifestyle, the body's metabolic rate remains at a high level for long time, which prevents aging. Regular exercise makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep.
- Keywords:
- students, physical exercises, physical education, homework, regular physical activity, improving physical qualities
Organizational and Content Aspects of Implementation of Inclusive Education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Nadezhda P. Polyakova, Svetlana N. Silanteva, Valentina I. Trofimova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the implementation of a model of inclusive education in general education organizations and the construction of an educational route for students with disabilities. It is through the substantive and organizational sections of the adapted basic general education programmes that special conditions are created and observed to ensure that children with special needs and disabilities have equal access to quality education in general education organizations, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development and the recommendations of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions. The main aim of the study is to systematize and improve the professional competencies in supervisors and teachers – members of the working groups on the development of adapted basic general education programs of educational organizations. In order to achieve the aim of this study, the following analytical methods have been employed: retrospective analysis of scientific literature, content analysis of periodical press and proceedings of scientific conferences on the subject; as well as practical methods (including own experience of working in the fields of specialized education and advanced training). In addition, BE of FVE “Chuvash Republican Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia” proposed a program of advanced training “Organizational and Substantive Aspects of Inclusive Education,” based on legal, theoretical and methodological principles. The results of the conducted study show that supervisors and teachers – members of the working groups – are gaining significant practical knowledge of developing adapted basic general education programmes. It can be concluded that the planned results of the program suggest elimination of professional deficiency concerning the organizational and substantive issues of constructing an educational route for children with disabilities in conditions of inclusive education, as well as development of adapted basic general education programs of an educational organization.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, students with disabilities, adapted basic general educational program of an educational organization, individual child development program, Federal state educational standard for elementary general education of students with special needs, Federal state educational standard for the education of students with intellectual disabilities
The Role of the On-Line Multi-Media Library "Eco-School" in Extracurricular Activities of Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Olga M. Truneva, Lyudmila V. Munkoeva, Irina V. Rubtsova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The experience of the urban secondary school on the development and implementation of its own model of the on-line multi-media library of environmental orientation as one of the clusters of multifunctional school information and library center is presented in the article. The purpose of the article is to consider the purpose, objectives, principles, expected outcomes of implementing this model, its structure, components, material and technical parameters and conditions of forming of networking cooperation between educational institutions, ready-to-use possibilities of multi-media library «ECO-school». The authors outline that in general, the multi-media library «ECO-school» is defined as a sphere of media education with special means and methods to ensure the educational process aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of students’ individual trajectories and expanding the digital space of extracurricular activities on the basis of networking cooperation. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis, observation, and comparison. The model developed by the MAEI "Secondary school №26" in Ulan-Ude of the Republic of Buryatia is considered in the article. It is based on the principles of introducing electronic resources based on the school library as a factor that directly affects the quality of education. It is concluded that on the one hand, the multi-media library provides remote access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space represented on the Internet. On the other hand, the multi-media library «ECO-school» forms information resources created directly at the school or by members of the network community. In addition, the article provides brief guidelines for the application of the on-line multi-media library resources in students’ extracurricular environment-related activity.
- Keywords:
- model of the on-line multi-media library, school information and library center, students’ extracurricular activities, guidelines for the application of the on-line multi-media library resources
The Application of Pilates Exercises for Optimization of Functional State of Students’ Bodies
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Sergey A. Leshkevich, Vadim A. Leshkevich, Nataliya N. Lipovaya, Elena I. Potyomkina, Svetlana I. Kargina
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the study of the possibility of applying Pilates exercises for optimization of the functional state of students’ bodies by performing the basic principles of technology and its implementation in students’ educational process. The characteristic of basic Pilates exercises is given. Among those exercises are: twisting, body-rocking, and strain of the spine bone. Methods of research. During the study the methods that allow us to assess the dynamics of the functional state of the body (determination of heart rate, blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), hypoxic samples «Stange and Genchi», the Rufier tese, the Kerdo index, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, assessment of general state, activity and mood) were applied. The results presented indicate the effectiveness of the Pilates exercises implementation in the program on the subject «Physical Culture» for optimization the functional state and improvement of bodies of female students at the age of 17-20 years. It is concluded that this set of exercises increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, physical performance, as well as reduce the level of state and trait anxiety, and the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.
- Keywords:
- students, physical qualities, Pilates exercises, body harmony, peace of mind, physical performance
Modern Aspects of Contents Adaptation in Teaching Literary Reading to Blind Elementary School Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Elena V. Zamashnyuk, Tamara A. Kruglova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article is focused on the problem of teaching blind elementary schoolers in literary reading lessons in elementary school. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to bring into compliance the content of the education of children with severe visual impairments with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for blind students (option 3.2). At the present time, teachers of schools for blind children continue to experience difficulties in adapting the content of education in this subject. The aim of the article is to analyze and summarize the existing typhlopedagogical experience of teaching this group of children and to determine the directions for adapting the content of teaching literary reading to blind elementary students. Methods used in this study include analysis, description, and comparison. An analysis of the typhlopedagogical heritage suggests that teaching reading to blind elementary schoolers has a number of peculiarities due to the negative impact of visual impairment on their speech and cognitive development, motivation for activity; this can be overcome by adapting the content of education. In their turn, the directions of adaptation can be reached by adjusting the contents of textbooks, enriching the children’s sensory experience, developing their speech and thinking, and using a differentiated approach in teaching by redistributing educational material and developing assessment criteria that are appropriate for the blind students’ needs. The results of this study have important meaning for employees of schools for visually impaired children because they allow to implement a differentiated approach in teaching and to adapt the contents of the Literary reading school subject according to the special educational requirements of children.
- Keywords:
- sensory experience, special educational needs, literary reading, blindness, residual vision, adaptation of learning content, development of speech and thinking, motivation to read, tools for teaching reading
Modern Approach of Kinesiology For Students’ Recreational Activities Development
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Olga V. Korkishko, Sergey A. Leshkevich, Nadezhda V. Antonchenko, Maksim A. Zhukov, Nataliya N. Lipovaya
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the basics of the theory and approaches to defining the concept of kinesiology, current trends in its development and prospects for using the kinesiological approach in the process of students’ recreational activities. Practical aspects in the field of sports kinesiology are presented. The purpose of the article is to consider issues related to the use of kinesiological exercises for the development of students’ recreational activities. During the study the following research methods were applied: analysis, comparison, and observation. The authors conducted a questionnaire on the topic “Why do students attend physical education classes?” and a survey of students of 1-3 courses of FSAEI of HE "Sevastopol State University", during which a deterioration of health and a decrease in the level of students’ physical fitness during study at the university could be observed. Research result. Analysis of the responses showed that students pay more attention to improving their health than getting a credit for physical education classes. The authors also note that many people are skeptical about this innovative method of treatment, and therefore an exemplary set of exercises for restoring and strengthening health has been proposed. According to statistics, the positive effects of exercises from kinesiology can be observed after the first weeks of classes. It is concluded that the body accumulates its strength to fight various diseases through exercise. Kinesiology tools not only relieve pain, but also strengthen and heal the entire body, and help to relieve not only muscle but also mental stress. Kinesiology itself is used at any age and has no counter-indications. In addition to rehabilitation, kinesiology is used to determine the potential capabilities of a person for a specific type of sports activity, to maximize the disclosure of abilities and ensure their greatest implementation, to maintain good shape and ensure prevention of injuries.
- Keywords:
- students, kinesiology, kinesiological exercises, recreational activities
Visual Modeling as a Means of Teaching Creative Storytelling to Senior Preschoolers with Severe Speech Impairments
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Author:
- Elena Y. Bukhtayarova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article is specifically concerned with the fact that the search for new ways of improving corrective logopedic work with children diagnosed with severe speech disorders is directly associated with changes in the requirements concerning the content of preschool education. Today, the corrective work aimed at addressing emerging or existing impairments of speech and its grammatical structure, as well as phonemic hearing is prioritized in the Russian logopedics, being the most well-developed. The aim of this study is to establish the theoretical basis for the research problem and to develop a course of logopedic classes using visual modeling for developing creative storytelling skills in senior preschoolers with severe speech impairments. The following methods have been used in the study: analysis of literature on the research subject, experiments, methods used in mathematical statistics, qualitative and quantitative methods of processing the experimental findings, observation. It can be concluded that creating motivating communication associated with creative activity or a visual situation creates conditions for children’s independent will to speak out and share their opinion. Developing creative storytelling skills in children of senior preschool age with severe speech disorders presents great difficulties. Creative storytelling is an effective means of speech development. The method of visual simulation can be used when working on all types of coherent expression, in particular, this applies to creative storytelling. In the course of visual modeling children will become familiar with graphic ways of presenting information: images of outlined objects with a minimal amount of details, symbolic images of objects, plans and symbols used in them.
- Keywords:
- coherent speech, dialogue, monologue, severe speech disorders, creative storytelling, visual modeling
Executable Business Process Modeling
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Natalya V. Bogoslovskaya, Aleksandr V. Brzhezovskiy
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- As noted in the explanatory note to the «Information Systems Specialist» professional standard, the success of implementing information systems is largely determined by the accuracy of their adaptation to the business processes of the customer organization. Today, BPMN notation is often used as a tool for extracting requirements for information systems. BPMN provides executable semantics that make it possible not only to draw up a detailed specification of a business process, but also to model it with numerical estimates. The aims of this study are to choose tools for teaching students from the number provided by BPMN notation: descriptive, analytical and executable, which allow to implement the third level of modeling; to define a methodology for teaching business modeling, including the ability to execute business processes in the universal BPMN runtimes and as an add-on on the configuration of the information system. The following methods have been used: comparative analysis and testing of the functionality provided for the development of business processes in the Bizagi and 1C: Enterprise tool environments, including the creation of the data and presentation layers necessary for BPMN execution. As a result, the main stages of business modeling are formulated, a functional comparison of tools for working at the following stages has been carried out: development of a business process model; development of a data layer that supports the execution of the process; mapping data to process tasks – forms of user tasks; programming business rules governing the process; execution of a business process by user-performer. The peculiarity of 1C: Enterprise is that the business process is essentially a superstructure over the layers of data and representations of the finished configuration of a process-oriented information system. The authors believe that both the first and the second approach deserve attention in terms of the educational process at the university for students of 09.03.02 «Information systems and technologies» specialty.
- Keywords:
- Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN Execution Semantics, tools for developing and executing BPMN models
Extracurricular Self-Guided Work As a Means of Intensifying the Process of Teaching Professionally-Oriented English to Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties at the University (Specialty "Ecology")
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Author:
- Elena A. Kostareva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article touches upon some actual issues on the organization of extracurricular students’ self-guided work in teaching English at non-linguistic specialties at the university and its impact on the learning process intensity. The article discusses the methodological foundations of the intensification of extracurricular students’ self-guided work. The purpose of the article is to consider the current issue caused by the need to apply in modern education such new forms of organization of students' self-guided work that can be effective and contribute to increase of students’ educational motivation and active cognitive activity. It is proposed to combine established, structured topics with controversial topical issues in teaching professionally-oriented English to students and take this principle into account when developing educational materials for extracurricular students' self-guided work and include them in a separate section when writing textbooks or teaching aids. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis, observation, comparison. Research result. It was found out that creation and application of practically-oriented teaching materials require greater individualization of tasks, greater freedom of research, orientation toward the professional competencies formation, and an increase in students’ creative activity. It is concluded that practically-oriented approach in the organization of students' self-guided work in teaching English can be one of the ways to improve practical language skills and an incentive for students’ personal qualities formation.
- Keywords:
- cognitive activity, extracurricular self-guided work efficiency, practically-oriented approach, organization of educational activities, extracurricular students' self-guided work