Potential of Internet Resources in Foreign Language Education

Research Article
EDN: QECEHK DOI: 10.31483/r-74798
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Natalia A. Grinchenko 1
Work direction:
Theoretical and Applied Education Research
Received: 16 February 2020

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Yelets State University named after Ivan Bunin
For citation:
Grinchenko N. A. (2020). Potential of Internet Resources in Foreign Language Education. Development of education, 8-15. EDN: QECEHK. https://doi.org/10.31483/r-74798
UDC 372.8; 374


The article is devoted to foreign language education which is more effective if a student becomes the subject of his own learning process. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) contain an enormous potential for increasing the share of independent work in the educational process. ICT is everything that helps and allows you to collect, process, store and transmit information in an electronic form. Today, the traditional carrier of the electronic information is increasingly being superseded by cloud services, allowing you to create a virtual workspace. The purpose of the research is to study the educational potential of the modern Internet space, review the main educational online resources on the Internet in English, which can be used, both for teaching and self-learning a foreign language. In the process of the research, both empirical research methods (studying various sources of information, including the Internet, observation, interviews) and theoretical ones (analysis, synthesis, classification of the information received, the descriptive method) were used. The result of our study is a review of the main online services that can be used in a foreign language education. Digital tools for the formation of language skills (lexical, grammatical, pronunciation) and the development of speech skills in all types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are considered. It is concluded that in the modern Internet space there are huge educational resources in English for teachers and students that allow them to promote foreign language education. These resources are an important tool in the educational process and allow you to increase the level of students’ independence.


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