- Main
- Journal "Development of education"
- Issue 4
Features of Physical Preparation of Students for Passing the GTO Standards
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Oksana A. Sbitneva
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problems of motor activity, the development of physical qualities and speed abilities of students. The importance of physical culture and physical fitness is revealed. The search for effective means and methods of physical culture in preparation for passing the GTO standards is analyzed. The features of physical training of high-speed orientation of students to pass the GTO standards for speed are considered. The effectiveness of the use of speed-oriented exercises, which are necessary for students to achieve the norms of the GTO complex for speed, within the framework of physical culture classes, is revealed. Research methods. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the results was carried out. The method of control tests was used. The overall assessment of the effectiveness of the above tools and methods is expressed in positive dynamics. The results of the study. According to the results of the study, there is a positive trend. The analysis of the results according to the table of GTO standards in the framework of physical culture classes allows us to note the growth of indicators for all established tests. Systematic classes using high-speed, high-speed and power-oriented exercises with a gradual change in the load, improving the technique of performing exercises, contribute to the development of the physical quality «speed». Conclusions. Regular physical education classes with the use of speed exercises contribute to the development and improvement of physical qualities, the achievement of growth rates of GTO standards. The level of readiness of students to fulfill the norms and requirements of the GTO complex at the average level. Affordable, effective means and methods of physical training make it possible to actively use the scientific and educational potential of the university. The purposeful organization of the educational process contributes to achieving the proper level of physical fitness necessary for the successful implementation of the regulatory requirements of the AR PCS Complex GTO.
- Keywords:
- physical culture, physical fitness, physical qualities, GTO standards, physical activity
N.N. Iordansky: about Social Education in the Soviet School (First Post-October Decade)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to consider the views and assessments on the issues of social education of one of the prominent representatives of the Russian scientific and pedagogical community N.N. Iordansky, to trace their connection with the present. Research material. Scientific and pedagogical works of N.N. Iordansky became the material for the research. Research results and conclusions. One of the main directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of N.N. Iordansky was the issues of social education. The ideas and recommendations formulated by him were aimed at preparing a thinking and practically oriented graduate at school, capable and striving to independently acquire knowledge, determine his place in life and who is ready to successfully move along the intended path. They represent not only an important contribution to the history of pedagogical thought, but are also relevant for modern pedagogy.
- Keywords:
- social education, social environment of the child, activity and amateur performance of pupils, individuality and collectivity work of pupils, school government
Testing as an Effective Method for Assessing the Quality of Students' Training Achievements
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Larisa V. Sokolova, Alla V. Molchanova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Electronic educational resources including testing, which simplify the process of searching and structuring educational information have been used more often in educational organizations recently. They have made learning more accessible and interesting for students of higher and vocational education institutions, especially in the context of a pandemic. The article provides a brief theoretical justification of the advantages of testing students' academic achievements. The emphasis is placed on the importance of testing as a tool for remote control of students' knowledge, the advantages and disadvantages of using tests both in the educational process of higher and secondary vocational education and in order to control the acquired knowledge are revealed. The study was carried out by the authors on the basis of a comprehensive use of theoretical and empirical methods. The leading theoretical methods were: analysis, generalization, concretization, forecasting, modeling. The work used such empirical methods as conversations, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, testing, analysis of performance, generalization of pedagogical experience, methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The results presented in the article of the study of testing of students of MPSU at the initial (entrance test), current and final stage of measuring the level of educational achievements of students demonstrated an increase in the values of the effectiveness of testing at all stages of its implementation, an increase in the effectiveness of test control at the intermediate and final stages of the study. The results of the study made it possible to formulate promising directions for the development of problems of testing the quality of education of students of higher and professional education organizations: improving the forms and methods of analysis and interpretation of test results based on the invariant application of test models: improving the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the use of the testing algorithm for personalized learning trajectories in the practice of mass education, etc.
- Keywords:
- testing, evaluation, knowledge quality, training achievements, remote knowledge control, modular rating system for evaluating the quality of education
Pedagogical Conditions Aimed to Involve the Blind and Visually Impaired Students into School Extracurricular Activities
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Anastasia A. Kolchina, Victoria S. Pusvatset
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The basic problem of the visually impaired students’ integration into different spheres of public life through educational practices is considered in this scientific article. The purpose of the work is designing of specially organized pedagogical conditions for disabled students’ involvement into extracurricular activities. Key issues of the maintain of the school extracurricular activities are identified, basic examples of school activities in the frame of Federal State Educational Standards are presented. Special pedagogical conditions are usually identified after having studied the students’ readiness for creative activity, their participation in the school events, after having penetrated into the students’ problems and preferences. The article involves results of the research held on a bias of Grot boarding school. 215 students of the 5th–12th grades participated. These special conditions should help to the involvement of the disabled students into educational process, the main goal of which is upbringing of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person. A set of the best pedagogical conditions is proposed in the article. The development of mixed aged communities at school and providing pedagogical assistance in their productive work is analyzed. The content of the school community activities is often connected with the solution of the participants’ personally important problems. There’s sense in the students’ being involved into working out and discussing a plan of extracurricular activities, it’s vitally important to support and initiate their ideas. It’s necessary to make a spectrum of different methods of education work wider and to involve students to design them. Development of the teachers’ professional competence and building relationships with the students on a bias of human values are urgent for the successful solution of educators’ tasks. The article concludes that the proposed set of pedagogical conditions will contribute to the successful socialization of schoolchildren and the development of their life competencies.
- Keywords:
- integration, pedagogical conditions, extracurricular activities, educational practices, socialization of students, disabled students
On the Problem of Personalization of Higher Education in Russia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Natalia G. Mironova
- Work direction:
- Sociology of Education
- Abstract:
- The process of social transformation taking place in the world and in Russia, expressed in education reform programs, is changing the role of educational organizations in society and the economy and, probably, in culture as a whole. New players on the educational services market that has emerged in Russia (international IT corporations, etc.) in many ways initiate these changes or have a great impact on the structural and substantive restructuring of Russian higher education. The purpose of the article is to investigate what is happening with Russian higher education, the preconditions and trends of transformation of the domestic model of education are analyzed. Within the framework of the goal, the task to explore the components of this transformation is solved: digitalization and personalization (individualization) of the learning process. The source of the study was strategic documents on the development of national education and the practice of their implementation in individual educational institutions. Research methods – theoretical analysis and synthesis. The results of the research are set out below: the problems of educational institutions that arise in the implementation of the «request» for the personalization of education have been identified; some conceptual gaps in strategic documents are identified that make it difficult for performers to comprehend the goals of digitalization of education; some organizational reasons are indicated for which the implementation of the concept of individualization (personalization) of education for students in practice is difficult.
- Keywords:
- problems of higher education, information technology in higher education, personalization of training, individual trajectory
The Center for Continuous Professional Development “Ashmarin-Center” as an Instrument of Individual Trajectory of Professional Development
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Tamara V. Andrushchenko, Olga L. Bogatyreva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to present the practical experience of the regional center for continuing professional skills of pedagogical workers in the framework of the national project "Education", to describe the algorithm for the development and implementation of an individual educational route of pedagogical workers and management teams in the Chuvash Republic. Methods. In order to effectively organize the process of continuous improvement of professional skills of teaching staff, monitoring studies and analysis of professional skills of teachers at various levels of the education system - primary, general and secondary vocational - were carried out. Results. Based on the data obtained, advanced training courses for teachers with a focus on the practical part and individual work were reformatted. The practice-oriented component of the courses has been expanded by increasing the number of hours allocated for internships, practical classes and master classes by leading teachers. The methodological work of the Center is inextricably linked with the activities of professional communities, subject associations and methodological services. There is a constant exchange of experience and best practices to solve the problems of professional growth, in the process of discussing significant professional problems. Conclusions. The application of these techniques allows us to build an effective system of continuous professional development, which ultimately contributes to the development and strengthening of education in the region.
- Keywords:
- the center for continuous professional development, professional deficits, individual educational route of a teacher, professional counseling
Open Resources in the Process Management of an Educational Organization in the Context of Integration and Inclusion
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Alica Vančová, Terézia Harčaríková, Ildan G. Idiyatullin, Mongush N. Chochagay
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The formation of a digital education space is an important moment for the development of the education system in the modern world. The article analyzes the problems of ensuring the security of information technologies in the management of the educational process of organizations, the risks and threats of open Internet resources in the context of integration and inclusion. It is proposed to identify the process of forming digital mentors in a pandemic Covid time as a safe expert space that can reduce risks and threats. Materials and Methods. Using the method of descriptive analysis of datasets voluntarily made publicly available on the Internet by educational organisations allowed the authors to investigate examples of large-scale projects of virtual schools in the formats of exchange models for information subscribers and system integrators. The issues of ensuring the safety of underage users, legal shortcomings of access and protection of Internet consumers of open educational resources were discussed. Results. The study has shown that the evidence from innovative processes of developing and producing open educational resources is complex, context-specific and difficult to generalise. Such initiatives require significant organisational change, including external partners of educational organisations and stakeholders with different cultures and educational practices. The authors highlight the use of benchmarking technology as a tool for the quality of intellectual integrations and the effectiveness of educational activities as a whole as an important condition for the success of the processes taking place. In the context of the research, the authors raise the issue of computer addiction among pupils and students and their safe interaction with multifaceted information online, drawing attention to the need for legal and educational measures for online safety, which should be planned and implemented in the educational organisation on a regular basis. Open educational resource OER initiatives are related to institutional change and require appropriate pedagogical and psychological approaches and legal support to help all actors in the educational space adapt to changes in the IT culture. The materials of this article will be useful to specialists and educational managers, including inclusive education, in developing prospective strategies for digital education and models for the development, production and maintenance of open educational resources.
- Keywords:
- integration, information technology, open resource security, control management system, inclusion, benchmarking
Learning to Write Titles for Research Articles
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Irina V. Kochkareva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the basic guidelines for writing titles of articles intended for publication in scientific journals. The relevance of the topic touched upon in this article is due to the fact that currently teachers are faced with the need to train master degree students at both linguistic and non-linguistic faculties to write scientific articles in English. The title is a very important part of the article, since it presents in a concise form the main information about the content of the publication. A well-formulated title can interest the reader and make him or her eager to read the article. On the contrary, titles which are too complicated to understand, cumbersome, and vague are unlikely to attract attention and arouse the interest of a potential reader. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of guidelines for writing titles that can be found in the English-language literature. The author also analyzes the typical mistakes that Russian-speaking authors make when writing titles of articles in English. Research methods include analysis, description, observation, comparison. The results of the study showed that the most common causes of errors in the formulation of titles are linguistic interference and ignorance of the peculiarities of the English-speaking communicative culture related to written communication in the scientific field. It is concluded that the course «Written academic communication in English» should be included in the Master course program, which will familiarize students with the main features of scientific articles in English and teach future authors to correctly formulate the titles of their publications.
- Keywords:
- communicative culture, title, research article, typical mistakes, research style
Scientific Foundations of the Chuvash Language Textbook for 10-11 Grades
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Yuriy M. Vinogradov
- Work direction:
- Дискуссия
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to familiarize the reader with the content, structure and scientific foundations of the presentation of topics in the manuscript of the future textbook on the Chuvash language for students of grades 10-11 of schools with their native language of instruction. The research material is the manuscript of the textbook "Chuvash language" for grades 10-11 of schools with a native (Chuvash) language of instruction. The comparative-analytical method of research is used in the work. The manuscript was prepared in accordance with the program approved by the resolution of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association (Protocol No. 3/20 of September 17, 2020). This program is aimed at repeating and fixing the material of grades 5-9. In this regard, the manuscript includes relevant material for this purpose. The new topic is mainly the topic of "Language and speech economy". All topics are presented in accordance with the achievements of modern language theory. The author, as well as professor I.A. Andreev, believes that the study of the topic "Phraseology" is inappropriate. Studying a word out of connection with syntax does not reveal the essence of the use of certain affixes. For example, syntactic affixes can take both individual words and phrases. Therefore, morphemics and morphology should be presented in school taking into account syntax.
- Keywords:
- language, society, culture, graphics, vocabulary, lexicography, phonetics, spelling, word composition, word formation
Learning Toponyms at School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Anna S. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Дискуссия
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the issues of learning toponyms at school. The relevance of the topic is determined by the effectiveness of using toponyms to form students' cultural competencies, to achieve their personal, meta-subject and subject results. Practice shows that the names of geographical objects always arouse great interest among students. Methods used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on this topic; study and generalization of the experience of teachers working on this topic; observation of the educational process. The results of the work are identification of the most effective methods of using toponyms in the lessons of the Chuvash language and literature for the implementation of educational and educational tasks, compilation of a questionnaire for collecting toponyms, development of methodological recommendations for the organization of research activities of students on this topic. The practical value of this work is determined by the possibility of applying its results by teachers in the classroom and outside of school hours. The author comes to the conclusion that studying the names of geographical objects helps to achieve the planned results, develop cultural competence, learn the history and culture of the native land, realize that language is not only a means of cognition and communication, but also a form of expression of national culture.
- Keywords:
- toponyms, types of toponyms, methods of teaching the Chuvash language, achievement of planned results, questionnaire for collecting Chuvash toponyms, lexical and semantic analysis of toponyms, word-formation analysis of toponyms