List of publications on a keyword: «readiness»
Исследование специфики и коррекция психологической готовности студентов с умственной отсталостью к самостоятельной жизни
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Diana V. Riazantseva, Ellada V. Shelispanskaia
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- The issues of psychological readiness for independent living turn out to be extremely relevant for students with mental retardation, who face many difficulties due to their developmental characteristics, as well as the conditions they find themselves in when starting an independent life in a dormitory. In this regard, the article presents the results of the analysis and generalization of the authors' works on the problem of psychological readiness for independent living among students with mental retardation.
- Keywords:
- professional orientation, self-esteem, value orientations, mental retardation, independence, interpersonal communication, psychological readiness for independent living
"Formation of pedagogical readiness of university students for summer pedagogical practice (using the example of the "School of counselors")"
Theses of ReportModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Authors:
- Alina A. Arutiunian, Музыка Тамара Владимировна
- Work direction:
- Методическое сопровождение профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Summer teaching practice is an opportunity for students to test their professional expectations and ambitions, to understand their strengths and weaknesses as a future teacher. Teaching practice of students in modern society is incredibly relevant and important for several reasons: Many countries around the world are facing an acute shortage of qualified teachers and educators. Teaching practice provides an opportunity for future specialists to gain practical experience working with children and adolescents, which increases their competitiveness in the labor market and helps to fill the personnel shortage. Theoretical knowledge obtained at the university is not sufficient for successful work in the educational sphere. Practice allows students to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to practice the skills of communicating with children, managing a team, developing and conducting lessons or educational events. This forms the professional competencies necessary for effective work wit
- Keywords:
- pedagogical process, formation of competencies, pedagogical support, pedagogical readiness, summer pedagogical practice, children's health camp, counselors
The methodology of using online courses in the subject-methodical training of a future teacher at a pedagogical university
ProceedingDigitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices- Author:
- Veronika A. Korsunova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии обучения в условиях цифровой трансформации образования
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the importance of embedding online courses in the process of subject-methodical training of a future mathematics teacher in pedagogical universities. The author describes the methodology of using online courses in the process of subject-methodical training of a future mathematics teacher at a pedagogical university. The result of this training is the formation of readiness for methodological activities.
- Keywords:
- readiness, online courses, subject-methodical online course, methodical activity, subject-methodical preparation, future mathematics teacher
Theoretical foundations of the formation of the readiness of students of pedagogical classes to choose a teaching profession
ProceedingThe Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology- Author:
- Anastasiia M. Lykova
- Work direction:
- Современные подходы в обучении и воспитании
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes approaches to determining the readiness of high school students to choose a teaching profession. The author presents the essential characteristics of the concept of "readiness", examines the interpretation of the term "readiness to choose a teacher's profession." In the context of modern specialized education, readiness to choose a teaching profession was interpreted taking into account the individual characteristics, interests, values and capabilities of current high school students.
- Keywords:
- high school students, professional self-determination of students, pre-professional pedagogical training, readiness to choose a teaching profession, specialized psychological and pedagogical classes
Formation of readiness of future teachers of mathematics for the organization of teaching mathematics in engineering classes by means of online courses on the subject-methodical module
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Authors:
- Veronika A. Korsunova, Irina F. Igropulo, Tat'iana M. Petrova, Anzhela A. Makhonina
- Work direction:
- Методические аспекты подготовки кадров для школьного инженерного образования
- Abstract:
- The article gives the author's understanding of the future teacher's readiness to teach mathematics to students of engineering classes. The role of online courses on the subject-methodical module in the formed indicated readiness is substantiated. An example of the use of the online course "Production (cince-research work) practice" for the formation of the readiness of the future teacher for the organization of teaching mathematics in engineering classes is presented.
- Keywords:
- online course, engineering class, readiness for the organization of teaching mathematics, subject-methodical module, formation of readiness of the future teacher
Organizatsiia raboty po formirovaniiu gotovnosti k vypolneniiu materinskikh funktsii u studentok vuza
Book ChapterPsychological and Pedagogical in High School- Author:
- Inna V. Illarionova
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- A higher educational institution, being an important institution for the development of society, ensures the full implementation of targeted psychological and pedagogical influence on students in matters of the formation of a system of values, knowledge, skills, and targeted development of individual personality traits. Modern approaches of researchers note the importance of determining the readiness to perform maternal functions in the younger generation and carrying out a set of activities that enrich students with knowledge about motherhood and child rearing. The purpose of the work is to determine the pedagogical aspects of the organization of work on the formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among girls in higher education institutions. The study emphasizes the importance of carrying out work in this direction, notes the leading role of psychological disciplines, namely the organization of classroom work, consisting of lectures and practical classes, extracurricular activities and independent work of students. A special role in the work with students on the formation of the maternal principle is given to the use of the educational potential of social partners (representatives of the healthcare system and museums).
- Keywords:
- motherhood, independent work, readiness to perform maternal functions, students of higher education, psychological disciplines, classroom work
Readiness of military units and subunits to carry out tasks for their intended purpose
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 2- Authors:
- Elena V. Bogomolova, Sergei V. Kiselev, Alexei V. Fediushkin
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the study is to define the concept of “readiness of military units and subunits to perform tasks for their intended purpose”, its essence and structure, criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of readiness. Based on the analysis of the main documents in the field of security of the Russian Federation, psychological, pedagogical, scientific and military literature, documents in the field of readiness, professional readiness, combat training, readiness of military units and units to perform tasks for their intended purpose in a short time; the results of observations of the practice of training military units and units, conversations with teachers and officers the concept of “readiness of military units and military units to perform tasks for their intended purpose” has been clarified, which means integrative quality, due to their personal characteristics and determining the possibility of carrying out official tasks, acting in concert as part of a unit in various physical and geographical conditions and against any opponent, represented by a set of motivational-value, cognitive, operational and reflexive components.
- Keywords:
- readiness, military personnel of airborne units and units, tasks for their intended purpose
Approbation of the Bachelor's preparation model for sports selection
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 2- Author:
- Gennadii M. Nikolaev
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The great importance of sports selection to increase the interest and motivation of the younger generation to go in for sports, identify the most promising athletes, achieve the highest results in the chosen sport by athletes, increase the competitiveness of domestic athletes on the world stage, require the training of highly qualified specialists who are able to carry out sports selection at various stages of a long-term training process and in different types of sports disciplines. But, the complexity and multidimensionality of sports selection, due to the wide variety of sports, complicates the process of creating a unified methodology for sports selection. This produces difficulties in the training of specialists capable of competent and effective implementation of the sports selection methodology. To overcome the formed contradiction between the high need of society for the implementation of sports selection and the lack of qualified specialists in physical culture, ready for the full and effective implementation of the sports selection methodology, we conducted a study. The purpose of the study is the development and implementation of pedagogical conditions that ensure the functioning of the model for the formation of bachelors' readiness in the direction of preparation “Physical culture” for the implementation of the sports selection methodology. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Mari State University in the period from 2017 to 2022, with the participation of 300 students of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. In the course of the study, the methods of theoretical analysis, pedagogical experiment, control tests, questionnaires, and the proximetric method were applied. Conclusions. The results were obtained, indicating that the implementation of the developed pedagogical conditions contributes to a significant increase in the motivational, cognitive, activity and reflexive readiness of bachelors in the direction of training “Physical culture” to implement the methodology of sports selection.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical conditions, sports selection, readiness to implement the sports selection methodology, bachelor training, bachelor training model
Use of museum resources in forming readiness to perform material functions in higher school students (by the example of the Chuvash Republic)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 2- Author:
- Inna V. Illarionova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among students of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the work is to consider the role and possibilities of museums in solving this problem. The material for the study was the content of events held on the basis of the National Museum of the city of Cheboksary, namely tutor workshops. Based on the use of methods of theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, as well as systematization and generalization of work experience, the pedagogical potential of the Chuvash National Museum in the formation of readiness to perform maternal functions among students was revealed. The article emphasizes the importance of carrying out work in this direction, notes the leading role of museums in solving the problem of forming constructive maternal behavior in girls. The museum is considered as an educational center designed to implement the process of transferring cultural norms and experience of generations that are in demand in society at a certain stage of its functioning. The article describes the experience of introducing the tutor workshop “Motherhood” into the work of the national museum. The conclusions emphasize the importance of involving students in the work of a tutor workshop aimed at forming a value attitude towards motherhood.
- Keywords:
- motherhood, maternal behavior, readiness to perform maternal functions, higher school students, educational activities, tutor workshop
Tekhnologiia formirovaniia professional'no-didakticheskoi gotovnosti budushchikh uchitelei fizicheskoi kul'tury
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Omar M. Omarov, Natal'ia B. Novikova, Bablina M. Borlakova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses the didactic aspects of the professional training of future teachers in higher educational institutions. The article reveals the structural components and pedagogical conditions of the technology of formation of didactic culture among future teachers of physical culture, as an integral set of qualities of the personality of the teacher, providing him with a successful solution in the professional activity of teaching tasks. The results of the study on the formation of a system of professional didactic knowledge, skills and abilities of students of physical education training profiles are presented. The experience of work on the introduction of multi-level educational and professional tasks based on the technologies of didactic design and problem-based learning into the educational process of specialized sports disciplines is described.
- Keywords:
- modeling, professional didactic training, criteria of didactic readiness, sports and pedagogical discipline, typical and creative practice-oriented tasks
Professional'no-tvorcheskaia samorealizatsiia kak tsennostno-tselevoi orientir professional'noi podgotovki spetsialistov sfery kul'tury
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Evgeniia E. Gorbunova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- Chapter of the monograph reflects the problems of training specialists of a new creative type, who are distinguished by a high level of professionalism, who are ready for professional and creative self-realization, who have a need for constant professional and personal development and growth. Professional and creative self-realization was not previously considered as a value-target reference point for the professional training of specialists in the field of culture, which makes our study relevant, given the current priorities of higher education. The model of the process of training specialists in the sphere of culture for professional and creative self-realization developed by the author is built in accordance with the logic of a holistic approach in the unity of its internal structure (goal – content – means – result). In the process of implementing the model, a gradual increase in the quality of formation of the studied readiness was carried out. In the system of pedagogical means to form the readiness of specialists for professional and creative self-realization, innovative technologies (playing, projective, creative) are leading. The implementation of these technologies contributed to the acquisition of experience in personal, professional and professional-creative self-realization by future specialists in the field of culture. The special course «Theory and methods of training specialists for professional and creative self-realization» developed by the author is aimed at summarizing and mobilizing the knowledge of a block of general professional and special disciplines, developing special professional abilities (projective, pedagogical, creative) of professional qualities (creativity, general professional competence, competitiveness), as well as the gradual formation of readiness for personal, professional and professional-creative self-realization.
- Keywords:
- professional training, self-realization, value-target reference point, cultural specialist, professional and creative self-realization, readiness for professional and creative self-realization, model of the professional training process, system of pedagogical means of training specialists, projective technologies, creative technologies, means of personal self-determination, means of professional self-development, means of creative self-realization
Employment strategies for future teachers
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Maksim A. Karaulov
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- This article examines the employment strategies of future teachers according to the following criteria: professional motivation, professional intentions, professional identity, knowledge and skills associated with the employment process. The author identified 4 strategies: strong, neutral, instrumental, weak.
- Keywords:
- professional motivation, Professional Identity, readiness for employment, future teachers, employment strategies, professional intentions
Conditions for the formation of one's own pedagogical readiness for the development of creative play in older preschoolers
ProceedingCurrent Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences- Author:
- Viktoriia A. Guroma
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the need to develop the gaming competence of teachers, presents the organizational and pedagogical conditions and ways to increase the level of readiness for organizing a children's creative game. The role and importance of play activity in preschool education and the development of the child's personality is noted.
- Keywords:
- Playing competence, free play, playing activity, pedagogical readiness
The Readiness of Modern Parents to Effectively Implement Their Social Role of “Parent” (On The Example of Studying the Fathers of Preschool Children)
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Tatiana A. Serebriakova, Svetlana V. Dvoriantseva, Svetlana I. Shibalkina, Elena A. Anisimova, Elena A. Rechinskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- The article reflects the results of experimental testing of the monitoring program, focused on studying the specifics of the manifestation of modern fathers' readiness to effectively implement their most important social role – «parent». Based on the results of research by scientists in the field of parenting (research by V.V. Abramenkova, A.I. Antonov, V.V. Boyko, V.I.Brutman, A.I. Zakharova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova, R.V. Ovcharova, V.A.Petrovsky, N.Yu. Sinyagina, G.G. Filippova, A.G. Kharcheva; D. Bassin, E. Galinsky, M. Honey, M. Kaplan, etc.) and an experimental monitoring program was implemented, aimed at a detailed study of the readiness of the fathers of our pupils for responsible fatherhood. Having summarized the data obtained by us as a result of the monitoring program, we conclude that only a quarter of dads are responsible for the implementation of the role of «parent». Most fathers need help for raising their children. We define the development and subsequent implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical support for dads in the upbringing of their children in the practice of preschool educational institutions as the target guidelines for our future activities.
- Keywords:
- parenting, responsible parenting, readiness to parenthood
Psychological readiness of children with speech disorders to study at school
ProceedingPedagogy, psychology, society: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Tatiana S. Vershinina, Galina S. Galitsina
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the issues of psychological readiness of preschool children with speech disorders to study at school. The results of a study carried out in the preparatory group of a preschool educational organization among children with speech disorders are presented. The article describes the regularities of the conditionality of psychological readiness for school by the type of speech disorder. Recommendations for working with children at home are offered, which are most accessible to parents; the problem of timely diagnostics of readiness for school and the need to develop comprehensive approaches to psychological and pedagogical work with children in preschool educational organizations is also raised.
- Keywords:
- psychological readiness for school, speech disorder, diagnostic methods, level of psychosocial maturity, ability for voluntary behavior, psycho-speech development
Informatsionnaia gotovnost' studentov-psikhologov k obucheniiu v tsifrovoi obrazovatel'noi srede kak uslovie formirovaniia professional'nogo potentsiala pedagoga-psikhologa
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Viktoria V. Usoltseva
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Психологическое сопровождение образования: теория и практика
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of information readiness of psychology students to study in the digital educational environment. The theoretical analysis includes the description of statistical indicators of the study of the problems of the transition of the Russian educational system to dis-tance learning; the description of the relationship between the concepts of digital educational environment and distance learning; the definition of readiness for learning and the structure of information readiness for learning in the digital edu-cational environment; the description of professional potential and the features of its formation in the process of distance learning. The practical part describes the pilot study of part-time and full-time students using the author's questionnaire and the results of this study. Among the distinctive characteristics of information readiness of psychology students are awareness, attitude and tools of the digital educational environment. The same characteristics – the ability to choose sources and select the necessary information from them.
- Keywords:
- distance learning, digital educational environment, Internet technologies, structural components of the digital educational environment, interactive learning process, information readiness for learning, information readiness for professional activity
Analiz metodologii psikhologicheskoi podgotovki liubitel'skoi komandy po voleibolu
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Natalia A. Ambartsumian, Elena G. Kostenko
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Психологическое сопровождение образования: теория и практика
- Abstract:
- One of the aspects of the implementation of the strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation is the popularization of mass sports. The process of psychological preparation of an amateur team plays an important role. In this regard, the urgency of modernizing the methods of psychological preparation of an amateur sports team is ripe. The aim of the study was the development of methods of increasing the effectiveness of the physical readiness of men of the amateur volleyball team, based on the study and consideration of the level of their psychological preparation. For the psychological diagnosis of the examined volleyball players, such methods as the Spielberger questionnaire, the Eysenck test "Self-assessment of mental states" were used. In the experimental group, a program of psychological training was used, in the preparation of which the authors were guided by the general principles of their conduct, based on existing programs. According to the results of the experiment, the upgraded method proved its effectiveness.
- Keywords:
- data analysis, physical readiness, psychological preparation
Preparing Preschool Children for School During the Quarantine Period
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Nadezhda A. Timoshkina
- Work direction:
- Security of educational activities during quarantine measures
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the features of preparing children for education during a difficult epidemiological situation. Special attention is paid to the work of parents with their children in the process of play activities. Traditional folk games and exercises of modern teachers that can be effectively used for the development of preschool children are presented.
- Keywords:
- self-esteem, game, school readiness, mental development, mental cognitive processes
Searching Means for Forming Readiness for Health-Saving Activities in Future Specialists in Medical and Preventative Care
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (8)- Author:
- Olga I. Ilina
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The results of experimental work on the elective course “Health-saving activities of a doctor in health care organizations” for students studying in the specialty of medical and preventive care, in accordance with the competencies proposed by the Federal State Educational Standard is highlighted in the article. Methods. As the main methods aimed at forming the components of professional and psychological readiness for health-saving activities, test, creative assignment, project method were included to the elective course. A general assessment of the effectiveness of the above mentioned methods is based on an analysis of subjective and conditionally objective assessments on the formation of readiness for health-saving activities, which were obtained on the basis of specially developed questions and the method of pedagogical assessment, the criteria of which took into account the type of students' assignments. Results. The analysis of the results allowed us to draw the following conclusions: it is meaningful to take into account the stages of knowledge assimilation and experience in the discipline when selecting training methods; the effectiveness of the project method and its place in achieving mastery of course – the stage of consolidation and deepening of knowledge, mastering skills in professional activities – is demonstrated;it is necessary to include elements of active, interactive and simulation methods as means of stimulating the reflection of one’s own psychological readiness for professional activity among future specialists.
- Keywords:
- project, project method, competencies, project activity, readiness for health-saving activities, method of creative tasks
Formation of readiness of future teachers to professional activity in inclusive educational space
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- Marina P. Malinovskaya
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The article defines the essential characteristics and structural components of the readiness of future teachers to work in the conditions of inclusion. The problem of formation of inclusive competence of students is considered in terms of the requirements of modern standards of higher education, as well as three models of formation of readiness for professional activity in an inclusive educational space. The article also shows the experience and results of activity of teachers of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University on preparation of students for work in the conditions of inclusive education are presented.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, inclusive readiness, structural components, readiness of the future teacher, work in the conditions of inclusion, models of formation
Kriterii i urovni gotovnosti uchitelia k prepodavaniiu diskussionnykh voprosov istoricheskoi nauki po itogam obucheniia v organizatsii povysheniia kvalifikatsii
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 4- Authors:
- Viktor I. Variushchenko, Oksana V. Gaikova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The article presents criteria and indicators that serve as the starting point for identifying levels of theoretical and practical teacher’s readiness to teach controversial issues of historical science in the process of advanced training. The proposed criteria take into account the multi-dimensionality, complexity of pedagogical concepts and phenomena, allowing you to select the characteristics necessary for the effectiveness evaluation developed and implemented the experimental model of teaching «Formation of teachers readiness to teach controversial issues of historical science in the organization of additional professional education».
- Keywords:
- criteria, pedagogical system, practical willingness, program of a modular course, theoretical readiness, empirical testing
Understanding the scientific nature of competence in higher education as problem to improve its quality
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- The article shows the problems of improving the quality of Russian education related to the understanding of the essence of competencies. In spite of the constant «updates» of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education (FES of HE), there is no obvious qualitative change in the solution of this problem. And first of all, it refers to what is not clear: what and how students should be taught, although the standards define that students should have the necessary competencies to perform a professional activity. However, despite numerous discussions, a clear understanding of the scientific essence of the concept of «competence», as a rule, is not given anywhere. And this today, in our opinion, is the main problem and obstacle in the qualitative improvement of the educational process in domestic universities.
- Keywords:
- competence, knowledge, skills, professional activity, labor operations, readiness, preparedness