Searching Means for Forming Readiness for Health-Saving Activities in Future Specialists in Medical and Preventative Care

Research Article
EDN: USXFQP DOI: 10.31483/r-75504
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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International academic journal «Development of education»
Olga I. Ilina 1
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Received: 3 May 2020

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1 FSBEI of HE “Pacific State Medical University”
For citation:
Ilina O. I. (2020). Searching Means for Forming Readiness for Health-Saving Activities in Future Specialists in Medical and Preventative Care. Development of education, 69-73. EDN: USXFQP.
UDC 378


The results of experimental work on the elective course “Health-saving activities of a doctor in health care organizations” for students studying in the specialty of medical and preventive care, in accordance with the competencies proposed by the Federal State Educational Standard is highlighted in the article. Methods. As the main methods aimed at forming the components of professional and psychological readiness for health-saving activities, test, creative assignment, project method were included to the elective course. A general assessment of the effectiveness of the above mentioned methods is based on an analysis of subjective and conditionally objective assessments on the formation of readiness for health-saving activities, which were obtained on the basis of specially developed questions and the method of pedagogical assessment, the criteria of which took into account the type of students' assignments. Results. The analysis of the results allowed us to draw the following conclusions: it is meaningful to take into account the stages of knowledge assimilation and experience in the discipline when selecting training methods; the effectiveness of the project method and its place in achieving mastery of course – the stage of consolidation and deepening of knowledge, mastering skills in professional activities – is demonstrated;it is necessary to include elements of active, interactive and simulation methods as means of stimulating the reflection of one’s own psychological readiness for professional activity among future specialists.


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