List of publications on a keyword: «thinking»
Peculiarities of the Spot the Nonsense method performance in 5-year-old children with level III general delay in speech development. (report 1)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The introduction describes the features of thinking, perception and analyzing observation of children with ONR, which make it difficult to correctly analyze and evaluate visual information. The research methodology is the task «Nelepies» in the version presented by R.S. Nemov. The results of the study provide generalized quantitative results for individual absurdities. Qualitative analysis captures the correct answers and reveals the mechanisms of children's erroneous answers. Qualitative characteristics of the analysis carried out by normally developing children and children with OHP (III level) aged 5 years when considering this image are presented: options for explaining inconsistencies (whether everything is drawn correctly) and options for clarifying answers (how it should actually be). For each option for explaining and clarifying discrepancies, generalized quantitative data and a quantitative difference between the results of normally developing children and children with OHP (III level) are given. All variants of explanations and clarifications are illustrated by the children's answers and presented in accordance with the quantitative difference between the indicators of children with normal speech development and GR (III level). At the same time, variants with a quantitative predominance in the norm, variants with a quantitative predominance in OHP (level III) and variants that are noted only in OHP (level III) are indicated. In conclusion, a sequence of established options for explanations and clarifications is presented in terms of the degree of quantitative difference between the indicators of normally developing children and children with OHP (level III) from a larger difference to a smaller one.
- Keywords:
- Perception, general delay in speech development, 5-year-old children, visual thinking, analyzing observation, the method of “nonsense”
Features of the formation of critical thinking skills in future specialists in the service economy
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Elena N. Koroleva, Arina I. Timofeeva
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of an empirical study of the features of the formation of critical thinking skills in future service economics specialists - students of secondary vocational education in technical and creative specialties; it was found out whether there are significant differences between the levels of formation of the studied skills.
- Keywords:
- competence, soft skills, psychological diagnostics, critical thinking, secondary vocational education, economics of services
Razrabotka i pilotirovanie metodiki prepodavaniia innovatsii, sotrudnichestva i sovmestnogo tvorchestva v vysshei shkole na osnove dizain-myshleniia, tsifrovoi transformatsii i predprinimatel'stva
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Zalina M. Dzokaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- In higher education, In addition, educators need pedagogical support to develop teaching to meet the demands of 21st century skills, To achieve these goals, an experiential learning culture must be put into practice, The purpose of this paper is to implement and test a pedagogy for teaching innovation, collaboration, and co-creation in higher education, The proposed pedagogy is based on digital competencies and entrepreneurial spirit, and an experimental culture of creation, creativity, and collaboration in order to improve students' innovation, co-creation, and collaborative thinking, The main conclusion is that the proposed pedagogy improved students' innovative, collaborative, and co-creative competencies, Moreover, digital and entrepreneurial skills enabled students to create valuable new products and services.
- Keywords:
- education, innovation, entrepreneurship, pedagogy, digital skills, design thinking, collaboration
Sovershenstvovanie pedagogicheskikh priiomov razvitiia logicheskogo myshleniia doshkol'nikov posredstvom konstruirovaniia iz bumagi
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Roman E. Bulat, Anastasiia P. Sharipova
- Work direction:
- Глава 17
- Abstract:
- A study aimed at improving pedagogical methods for the development of logical thinking in preschoolers through paper construction revealed that: origami paper design is not part of the main educational program of preschool education, but is used either fragmentarily or in additional classes. At the same time, the pedagogical purposeful management of the development of thinking of preschoolers is based on methods and techniques, most often limited to the methods of imitation and repetition. The study reveals a contradiction between the objective need to introduce significant substantive adjustments to the basic educational programs of preschool education and the insufficient readiness of teachers to implement it. The development and implementation of the technology of pedagogical purposeful management of the development of thinking in preschoolers through the construction of paper using the origami technique made it possible to resolve the identified contradiction and increase the effectiveness of the development of thinking among students.
- Keywords:
- logical thinking, paper construction, origami, the main educational program of preschool education, pedagogical guidance, student development
Development of Future Teacher’s Pedagogical Thinking: From Social Situation to Pedagogical
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Galina N. Petrova
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The competence of a modern teacher is largely determined by the presence of a well-formed pedagogical thinking. The proposed chapter is devoted to the conditions of its development in the conditions of higher education. The ways of organizing the interaction of students are considered, in which the social situation is professionally problematized, the experience of self-determination is gained in solving the pedagogical situation.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical situation, pedagogical thinking, the principle of constructivism, mental activity, «horizontal» learning, analysis of the pedagogical situation, development of pedagogical thinking
Formation of reading literacy of primary school students using critical thinking development technology
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Galina V. Derbeneva, Polina G. Fritskovskaia
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the use of critical thinking development technology and its impact on the formation of reader literacy. The role of technology in the development of reading abilities of primary school students is described.
- Keywords:
- Training, development, pedagogical process, primary school age, methods, reading, critical thinking development technology, reader literacy, techniques
Features of the Application of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Methods in the Work of a Psychologist With Adolescents
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 2- Author:
- Svetlana G. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the using of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy methods in the work of a psychologist with adolescents. Based on the analysis of literary sources devoted to the development of mental activity, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics of adolescents, the use of methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is reasoned and justified. The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for using the method of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, psychoconditioning and psychocorrective work with adolescents. The following research methods were used in this work: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, study of the resources of educational Internet portals, materials of scientific and practical conferences and forums. As a result of the study, the following features of psychosocial development of children in adolescence, their connection with mental activity, emotions and behavior were identified, effective diagnostic methods and techniques, techniques for tracking automatic thoughts and images, techniques for changing dysfunctional beliefs (role-playing, cognitive conceptualization, etc.) were clarified. The methods of work proposed in the article can be used in the organization of preventive, counseling and correctional work with adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders, with low educational motivation, problems in the personal, emotional sphere and socialization. From what has been said, the conclusion suggests that an important condition for psychotherapy and correction of adolescents is the work on changing dis-functional beliefs, automatic thoughts, negative emotional states, destructive behavior in adolescents. In our opinion, it is the methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that contribute to the resolution of age-related problems of adolescents: they will help to cope with stress, anxiety, increase self-esteem, improve relationships with peers and adults.
- Keywords:
- behavior, emotions, adolescence, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, thoughts, dysfunctional thinking, deep beliefs, intermediate beliefs, automatic thoughts, cognitive conceptualization
Approaches to the Formation of Systemic Ecological Thinking among Undergraduate Students
ProceedingRegional Ecology: Current Issues of Theory and Practice- Author:
- Tatiana A. Its
- Work direction:
- Исследования в области экологического воспитания и образования
- Abstract:
- Today, the formation of an ecological or environmental component in the worldview of a specialist in any field of activity is becoming one of the necessary conditions for the sustainable development of society as a whole. The article is devoted to highlighting the approach to the formation of universal competence in the field of ecological worldview among undergraduate students of SPbPU on the example of the direction "Innovation".
- Keywords:
- sustainable development, ecological thinking, formation of ecological components of the worldview
Effective forms of work with young children
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Olga A. Varochkina, Nuriia A. Zakirova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article presents the experience of teachers in the early development of preschoolers through finger games, natural material, the development of subject actions. early age, finger games, sensory standards, cognition, speech, visual-effective thinking.
- Keywords:
- speech, cognition, early age, finger games, sensory standards, visual-effective thinking
Children’s Critical Thinking Skills Developing in Learning of Foreign Languages
ProceedingPedagogy and Psychology as a Source of Development of Modern Society- Author:
- Igor E. Trusov
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of developing critical thinking skills in teaching foreign languages. Some differences are considered both in teaching a foreign language in general education schools and in private ones. The role of parents in teaching their children is also considered.
- Keywords:
- critical thinking, teaching competence, the role of parents in education
Breadboarding as the basis for the formation of spatial image of design students
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Marina I. Burtseva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the essence of the breadboarding process, the importance of studying the basics of breadboarding in the system of professional training of design artists.
- Keywords:
- project activities, breadboarding, layout, spatial thinking, three-dimensional composition
Formation of cognitive universal educational actions when teaching combinatorics
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Tatiana I. Goncharova, Antonina A. Zheludkova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the need for an approach to the organization of teaching elements of combinatorics at school, aimed at the formation of cognitive ECD. Based on the study of scientific, psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature, the process of formation of cognitive universal educational actions in mathematics lessons has been studied. The content-methodological aspects of teaching combinatorics to junior schoolchildren are revealed, three interrelated directions of the teacher's work are considered, the stages of teaching the solution of combinatorial problems are highlighted depending on the methods of calculating the number of combinations. Each of the stages serves as a foundation for the formation of the UUD of the next stages.
- Keywords:
- FGOS LEO, universal educational actions, combinatorics, probability theory, mathematical statistics, combinatorial problems, combinatorial thinking
Features of Digital Education Mentors’ Innovations
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Authors:
- Elena E. Merzon, Irene Sibgatullina-Denis, Alica Vančová, Snezhana G. Ushakova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Introduction. The strategy for the development of international education 20.30 stimulates the study of the issues in the implementation of digital education around the world. The article discusses current applied and practical issues of digital education that educational management specialists came across. Materials and Methods. The authors research management of digital education through mentoring, mentoring pedagogy and mentoring innovations in traditional learning environments and during the time of crisis. The study presents an applied comparative analysis of the questions of targeted intensities, digital footprint, the SELFIE portal usage features, objectives and technologies for training digital mentors. Results. The research findings show an underutilisation of informal education ideas and technologies in the in the process of training digital mentors. The predominance and stable efficiency in the use of informal education takes place at leading European universities. From the standpoint of a humanistic view, exactly informal education is able to balance and regulate the need for knowledge of technologies of an innovative digital economy and its own individual resource for preserving itself, basic life values, and form digital education informal mentors. Discussion and Conclusion. Why does the mentor of a targeted digital educational intensive have a psychological advantage? Can everyone become a mentor in network communication for the rest, and what are the digital education mentor’s competencies? What contribution can everyone make to the training of the others? The discussion these issues in the context of management strategies for the development of international education, and the implementation of the European plan for the quality of digital education will be useful to for heads of educational organizations, departments of continuing professional education and academic mobility of educators.
- Keywords:
- digital competence, critical thinking, mentoring innovations, the diversity of the digital footprint, personal significance, mentor of digital education
The technology of using political discourse as an authentic material for the development of students' critical thinking
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Elli T. Salimova, Oksana G. Amirova
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article raises the question of the importance of developing critical thinking in the format of political discourse which has educational and enlightening purposes that contribute students to develop their ability to analyze and critically evaluate what is happening around them. The use of authentic material with the critical thinking development technology is a tool for generating new knowledge.
- Keywords:
- critical thinking technology, political discorse in English lessons
Special abilities as a factor of educational adaptation of architecture students
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Elena I. Finogenko
- Work direction:
- Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии
- Abstract:
- The student's educational adaptation is determined by various factors: objective and subjective, including the presence of special abilities that ensure the formation of professionally important qualities. The results of the study of the relationship between special abilities and educational adaptation of architecture students are presented. The results of a comparative analysis of the types of thinking, creativity, and creative abilities of the subjects of the two groups, which differ in the level of adaptation, are presented. It is established that the presence of special abilities increases the adaptive capabilities of students, allows them to effectively adapt to educational and professional activities.
- Keywords:
- creativity, adaptation, special abilities, types of thinking
The Role of the Family in the Development of Visual and Imaginative Thinking of Primary School Children with Hearing Impairment
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Viktoriia I. Panova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the development of visual and imaginative thinking in primary school children with hearing impairment. The article also considers how important the participation of parents in the formation of visual and imaginative thinking in primary school children with hearing impairment is. The article provides options for how and when parents can conduct classes with their child, which will help create new and consolidate old images.
- Keywords:
- primary school children, hearing impairment, visual and imaginative thinking
Problem-Based Approach to Nurse Education
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Pepa M. Dzhedzheva
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- Problem-based education provides an opportunity for innovation and improvement in pedagogical and organizational models and practices in nurse education. Managing the learning process with problem-based approaches helps to optimize it, improve the quality of training of future health professionals and provides realistic career guidance. The purpose of the publication is to emphasize the effectiveness of problem-based education as an activating technology in the acquisition of professional skills and competencies by nurses. Applying innovative approaches to nursing training provides quality education that prepares graduates for safe, competent, and ethical practice.
- Keywords:
- e-learning, problem-based education, learning process, nurse education, critical thinking
Dependency Between Grammatical Structure of Language and Verbal Thinking Strategies
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Ekaterina V. Savitskaya
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article contains a discussion of how the grammatical structure of a language determines sentence structure and affects verbal thinking strategy. The stages of languages’ historic development (incorporative, ergative, nominative) and the relationship between sentence structure and native speakers’ thinking are characterized. The common case of the grammatical subject of a sentence does mean that Anglo-Saxons regard themselves as their own fortune’s active makers and masters. The common case equally expresses success and failure, activity and passivity, self-will and conformity. Nowadays, languages of all the three types coexist on the Globe. The languages of the first two types are used not only by primitive peoples but also by civilized nations. But this does not mean that civilized speakers think archaically. Methods and conclusions. Contrastive analysis of language material (English personal and Russian impersonal morphosyntactic constructions) enables the author to conclude: there is no direct correlation between national character and sentence structure. The connection between thinking and grammar does not consist in this; it consists in the choice of thinking strategies based on the grammatical potential of the language under discussion.
- Keywords:
- verbal thinking, analytical structure of language, synthetic structure of language, stages of language development, semantic role
Ethnic Specificity of Cultural Codes
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Vladimir M. Savitskij
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The author compares and analyzes some definitions of the concept of cultural code offered by Russian and foreign linguists and semiologists. Aspects of this concept are singled out and described. Regulatory, semiotic and retransmitting functions of cultural codes are briefly characterized. The relationship between the concepts of cultural code and picture of the world is revealed. The author’s interpretation of the concept of cultural code is given, the ethnic specificity of cultural codes is revealed, its factors are described, participation of cultural codes in forming ethnic mentality is demonstrated. The author shows discrepancies in understanding reality due to the difference in the cultural codes used and points out that the role of cultural code can be performed by any perceptible area of reality: landscapes, natural phenomena, fauna, flora, artifacts (household utensils, tools, weapons, garments of clothes, dwelling places etc.) and actions with the listed items. All this is regarded in the article as semiotic means of thinking and communication. Methods. The analysis of cultural codes was carried out by using the methods of cross-cultural analysis and interlingual comparison on the material of English and Russian metaphoric set phrases. Conclusion. The conclusion is made concerning the influence of cultural codes on the choice of the path of historic development and, ultimately, on the fates of nations.
- Keywords:
- picture of the world, ethnic culture, cultural code, inner code, outer code, ethnic mentality, verbal thinking
The use of an insert in the study of a fairy tale-M. M. Prishvin's book " The Storeroom of the sun"
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Iuliia I. Ol'khovskaia
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the use of insert as a technique for developing critical thinking in the study of the fairy tale " The Storeroom of the sun " by M. M. Prishvin. Fragments of the lesson were presented in accordance with the stages of using the insert (challenge, comprehension, reflection).
- Keywords:
- Prishvin, Theory and methods of teaching literature, technology for the development of critical thinking, insert, The storeroom of the sun
Cognitive Substrate of Linguistic Thinking: The Semiotic Aspect
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Authors:
- Ekaterina V. Savitskaya, Vladimir M. Savitskij
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to a description of cognitive attitude complexes that underlie linguistic thinking and function in the form of cultural codes. Such complexes form a cognitive substrate of linguistic thinking. It has ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic specificity. Research methods: analysis, comparison, descriptive method, interlinguistic comparison of mercantilist and military cultural codes on the basis of English and Russian linguocultural materials. Research results. It is outlined that the cognitive substrate of the linguistic thinking performs the function of modelling reality, acting as a complex of cultural codes. It is shown that the codes used by a person in his / her linguistic thinking are divided into internal and external ones. Internal codes are spiritually close to their user; he / she forms thoughts in them, and as for external codes, he / she only verbally formulates thoughts, translates them from internal to external code. Among the internal codes, there is a cultural code that is closest to the person because of his / her state, occupation, etc. It is concluded that the person views the surrounding world through the prism of the most familiar sphere of life, making it a model of the world and a cultural code.
- Keywords:
- linguistic thinking, cognitive substrate, cultural code, linguoculture, inner form of language unit
Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Research Activities of University Students
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Svetlana M. Kachalova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural and Socio-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The author outlines that in connection with the need to develop students' abilities and skills for organizing independent research activities, a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the organization of university students’ research activities is made, and the basic tasks of developing the students' ability to do research work are formulated. Methods of research. To diagnose the development of this quality, research methods such as questionnaires, analysis, and comparative evaluation were used. The study defined quality, based on which we can generate interest in students to do research activities – the ability to cognitive activity, awareness of actions, independent approach to creative problem solving, commitment to self-development and self-education. It is noted that for development of skills for doing research work it is recommended to engage students in the situations where it is necessary to find the solution to problems, help them to analyze qualitative changes and to predict the results of a particular process development. In the course of experimental work carried out by lecturers of the Lipetsk State Technical University, positive changes, indicating the development of the ability in students to do research activity in the process, organized to introduce students to research work at different stages of their training were identified.
- Keywords:
- activity, research activity, development, creative thinking, creative abilities, organizational and pedagogical conditions, Personal qualities, joint activity, independence
Scientific and methodological analysis of educational material on physics in studying the topic "electromagnetic phenomena" in grades 8 and 9
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: Current Issues- Author:
- Elena V. Rezak
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study of the topic “Electromagnetic phenomena” lies in the widespread implementation of this scientific direction in various spheres of human activity. A content analysis of the various authors’ textbooks, historical background, theoretical and practical components necessary for studying electromagnetic phenomena in physics by pupils of 8–9 grades are defined. The possibilities of education material for formation of scientific worldview and development of physical thinking in schoolchildren are considered. There are intersubject and intrasubject communications of education material with other topics (in physics) and disciplines.
- Keywords:
- electromagnetic phenomena, electromagnetic induction, physical experiment, abstract thinking of schoolchildren, physical thinking of schoolchildren
The Role of a Pupil, Teacher, and Parents in Project or Research Activity
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Oksana A. Zaitseva
- Work direction:
- Организация научно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности с одаренными школьниками
- Abstract:
- The experience of holding a meeting of the "Parent club" as one of the effective methods of interaction between the family and the school in working with gifted children is presented in the article.
- Keywords:
- creative thinking, effective interaction, research and project activities, Parent club
Integration of Pedagogical Approaches and Their Use in the Educational Process
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Natalia A. Kuzina
- Work direction:
- Глава III. Проектное обучение в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The paper considers the process of applying pedagogical approaches in education, their integration; provides an example of formation of students' educational and cognitive competencies and their thinking in the process of studying, based on the integration of competence, technological and activity approaches, which allow to increase the level of development and effectiveness of university education.
- Keywords:
- integration, information technology, education, thinking, pedagogical approaches, educational and cognitive competence, methodological complex