List of publications on a keyword: «thinking»
Vzaimosviaz' illiustrirovaniia literaturnykh proizvedenii i metodov ikh izucheniia
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Nadezhda M. Chaika, Tat'iana P. Pavliuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The main aspects of the interrelation of illustrating the text and methods of their perception are revealed in the article. For a more convincing and full-fledged visualization of a literary work, a comprehensive and in-depth study of episodes of the text is necessary. The purpose of the article is to identify the interrelation between the visual arts and philology – the methods and form of studying a literary work for its further illustration. In connection with this the following tasks were set out: 1) to identify the main methods and ways of a literary work perception; 2) to analyze and compare specific ways of illustration; 3) identify the features of book design creation. The following features of illustration were revealed during the study: its interrelation with the text, functions of replenishment and explanations, the influence of visual perception, integrity and semantic logic of creating drawings for text, taking into account the purpose of illustration (age, scientific character, visibility, etc.), the use of appropriate technology of illustration.
- Keywords:
- Perception, illustration, literary work, visual series, book graphics, emotional and associative thinking, architectonics of the book
Ispol'zovanie narodnoi mudrosti kazakhov na urokakh angliiskogo iazyka dlia razvitiia kreativnogo myshleniia uchashchikhsia
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Anara S. Dosbenbetova, Galina I. Abramova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the technology of development of student’s creative thinking using the means of folk pedagogy in English lessons. It reveals the concept of creativity, which is a manifestation and creation of fundamentally new ideas, differing from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and entering the structure of cleverness as an independent factor. The authors note that the use of centuries-old wisdom of the people, expressed in proverbs and folk sayings, riddles, folk games, fairy tales and other means of folk pedagogy in the educational process, contributes greatly to the development of creative thinking in students. The article identifies the didactic conditions, principles and criteria for the selection of material based on the folk pedagogy experience in the process of learning English. The suggested technology describes the process of comparing the English and Kazakh cultures. The technology provides for the quick memorization of new words, English speech comprehension, analysis and systematization of information.
- Keywords:
- creativity, technology, creative thinking, creation, folk wisdom, folk pedagogy, means of folk pedagogy
Modern Aspects of Contents Adaptation in Teaching Literary Reading to Blind Elementary School Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (7)- Authors:
- Elena V. Zamashnyuk, Tamara A. Kruglova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The article is focused on the problem of teaching blind elementary schoolers in literary reading lessons in elementary school. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to bring into compliance the content of the education of children with severe visual impairments with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for blind students (option 3.2). At the present time, teachers of schools for blind children continue to experience difficulties in adapting the content of education in this subject. The aim of the article is to analyze and summarize the existing typhlopedagogical experience of teaching this group of children and to determine the directions for adapting the content of teaching literary reading to blind elementary students. Methods used in this study include analysis, description, and comparison. An analysis of the typhlopedagogical heritage suggests that teaching reading to blind elementary schoolers has a number of peculiarities due to the negative impact of visual impairment on their speech and cognitive development, motivation for activity; this can be overcome by adapting the content of education. In their turn, the directions of adaptation can be reached by adjusting the contents of textbooks, enriching the children’s sensory experience, developing their speech and thinking, and using a differentiated approach in teaching by redistributing educational material and developing assessment criteria that are appropriate for the blind students’ needs. The results of this study have important meaning for employees of schools for visually impaired children because they allow to implement a differentiated approach in teaching and to adapt the contents of the Literary reading school subject according to the special educational requirements of children.
- Keywords:
- sensory experience, special educational needs, literary reading, blindness, residual vision, adaptation of learning content, development of speech and thinking, motivation to read, tools for teaching reading
The organization of remedial work with children with mild mental retardation.
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Zoia G. Zamkina, Tatyana A. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the current problem - The organization of remedial work with children with mild mental retardation. The article reveals the theoretical basis of the organization of the remedial and developing process, describes the phases of the remedial work. The practical experience of organizing the remedial and developing work of the online course is presented in the information and educational environment "Knowledge Online".
- Keywords:
- Perception, educational environment, thinking, remedial work, mental retardation, mental processes, memory, attention, developmental course
Visual components of modern culture
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Author:
- Victoria S. Amochkina
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the various types of visual components of the modern world, their positive and negative effects, the impact of visual images on the perception of reality and the way of thinking of a modern person, both an adult and a child, as a future member of society, an attempt to philosophical understanding of this problem.
- Keywords:
- communication, visual component, clip thinking, virtual reality, advertising, social network
Problems of studying foreign culture
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (4)- Authors:
- Vladimir V. Kalenov, Vladislav S. Smyvalov
- Work direction:
- Sociology and education statistics
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of learning a foreign language, the necessity of rethinking a familiar picture of the world, adoption of a different way of thinking and building your speech in accordance with other rules. The key to understanding a foreign language culture is the analysis of new learning models. Pedagogical overcoming of factors hindering the adoption and understanding of another culture allows developing the country's ethnocultural potential and achieving strengthening of the social and political as well as social and economic stability of the society and contributing to a productive intercultural dialogue.
- Keywords:
- language, thinking, intercultural competence, picture of the world, word meaning
Methodology for the implementation of numerical modeling in the university space
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects- Authors:
- Vladimir A. Mukin, Maksim I. Koshcheev
- Work direction:
- Математические методы и информационные технологии в экономике
- Abstract:
- This article analyzes the concept of university space and the role of numerical modeling in modern education. The positions of various authors on the role of the university in society and the development of the student’s personality are given. The problems of modern education and the influence of studying numerical modeling on a person’s thinking are noted.
- Keywords:
- thinking, numerical modeling, methodology, modern education
Templates and algorithms in the mathematical engineering training
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Authors:
- Viktoriia G. Kazakevich, Elena A. Tolkacheva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The work considers the types of thinking and levels of their formation, based on a two-factor classification of educational tasks. Examples of pattern tasks and algorithm tasks are given. It was hypothesized that a transition to the next level of education implies a step in the predominance of the type of thinking (in the proposed typology). The main methods of testing the hypothesis will be the development of systems of tasks-markers to identify the type of thinking and the level of its formation; a comparative analysis of types of thinking formation and the success of training, its effectiveness; classification of educational mathematical problems for the formation of the program of the future engineer.
- Keywords:
- thinking, analysis, synthesis, mathematical training, classification of tasks, template, algorithm, typology of thinking, level of higher education
Stanovlenie estestvenno-nauchnogo miroponimaniia studentov-bakalavrov v protsesse resheniia issledovatel'skikh zadach
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 3- Author:
- Svetlana B. Barashkina
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In this article, the author reveals the question of ordering and systematization of knowledge received by a bachelor student in natural science courses, the structure of knowledge synthesis is considered, the conditions for the formation of worldview are highlighted. Among the main conditions the researcher distinguishes the use of case technologies and research tasks aimed at the formation of research competencies of a bachelor student.
- Keywords:
- cognitive activity, natural science education, scientific style of thinking, fundamental laws of nature, integral image of nature, case-activity, personality-oriented approach to learning, case-problem, natural science
Interdisciplinarity as a pedagogical problem
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Nina M. Malinovskaia
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- An emergence of abstract mathematics and philosophy in the VI–IV centuries BC is considered in this article as the third information revolution (IR) associated with the transition of human practice to a higher level of complexity. The author traces in detail the history of philosophy and mathematics as educational disciplines. The problem of renewal of the curricula on philosophy for non-philosophical faculties is clearly posed in the work. The article also proposes a scheme of programs on the course of the philosophy of mathematics.
- Keywords:
- science, educational discipline, dogma, antinomy, information revolutions, categorical thinking, practice, reality