List of publications on a keyword: «reading literacy»
A study of the impact of digitalization on the development of reading literacy in schoolchildren
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Authors:
- Railia R. Shapirova, Raziia F. Akhtarieva
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- One of the key challenges associated with the introduction of digital technologies is changing the structure and form of reading. Schoolchildren increasingly prefer short, visually rich texts, which affects their ability to perceive more complex, multi-layered literary works. To improve the level of reading literacy, it is necessary to develop comprehensive approaches that take into account the opportunities and limitations of the digital environment so that every student can maximize the benefits of using modern technologies in education. The authors considered the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the impact of digitalization on the development of reading literacy in schoolchildren, analyzed the experience of using digitalization to develop reading literacy in schoolchildren, and identified the levels of reading literacy. To solve the tasks set, scientific tools were used, including comparative and statistical analysis, study and analysis of research carried out in the field of school education, study of regulatory documents, modeling, observation, study of educational products, and questionnaires.
- Keywords:
- education, digitalization, reading literacy
Diagnostics of the formation of semantic reading in the work of secondary school students with educational mathematical texts
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 3- Author:
- Alexey R. Romashchenko
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Learning is working with a variety of educational texts based on reading, understanding, evaluating and interpreting information. To identify the result of reading an educational mathematical text and the quality of understanding the meaning of the text space created by educational materials, it is necessary to diagnose reading, namely, the level of semantic reading. In the modern study of reading, the PISA international monitoring, the concept of reading literacy, its components and levels are defined. The success of understanding more complex educational mathematical texts will depend on the level of reader literacy. If the levels of reading literacy have evaluation criteria and diagnostic apparatus, then how to assess the level of semantic reading? The article examines the relationship between the levels of reading literacy and text comprehension, models for assessing the semantic complexity of the text and semantic reading skills, various level structures for diagnosing the understanding of a mathematical educational text. Based on the studied scientific material, the complexity of the educational mathematical text "Triangle" was assessed according to criteria such as the number of words, simple words, scientific terms and their complexity, the number of mentions of scientific terms in each paragraph. Diagnostic material has also been created to check the understanding of this text, each task of which is aimed at determining the understanding of each information block and assessing the degree of development of semantic reading.
- Keywords:
- PISA, reading literacy, semantic reading, levels of semantic reading, text comprehension, levels of understanding texts, semantic complexity of the text
Some aspects of the development of functional literacy of students in computer science lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 3- Author:
- Irina A. Dudkovskaya
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article discusses some aspects of the development of functional literacy of students in computer science lessons. The author reveals the essence and content of functional literacy, the main components of functional literacy, and the signs of a functionally literate person. A solution to the problem of developing students' functional literacy within the framework of the implementation of the updated Federal State Educational Standard is proposed through the use of teaching methods and techniques, forms, tools, techniques and tasks aimed at developing students' functional literacy. This approach is possible when teaching computer science, since computer science is one of the subjects in which functional literacy can be most effectively developed. In computer science lessons, it is possible to use elements of a large number of educational technologies that make it possible to successfully develop the functional literacy of a future graduate who is able to adapt to the changing conditions of modern life. The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities for developing functional literacy of students in computer science lessons. The methodological basis of the article is a complex of general scientific, paradigmatic and instrumental approaches. The results obtained can be used as a resource for expanding the factual base in the application of various teaching methods for the development of functional literacy of students.
- Keywords:
- reading literacy, financial literacy, computer science, functional literacy, mathematical literacy
Formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren as a didactic problem (regional aspect)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Anastasia V. Koreneva, Inna V. Ryzhkova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the urgent problem of formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren, which is interpreted as the most important type of functional literacy, based on the ability to operate various types of texts, understanding their deep meaning and correct interpretation. The authors reveal the specifics of the formation of reading literacy in Russian language classes, using regionally colored texts as a meaning-forming content component. The materials of the article reflect the data of the pedagogical experiment, which allows to adjust the methodological strategies of the teacher in a significant way. The authors state that despite the need to comply with the normative requirements set forth in the updated FSES, modern teachers do not work on the formation of functional literacy in the system. A comprehensive analysis of the educational results of the educational process allowed the authors of the article to argue that the content basis of lessons aimed at the formation of functional literacy can be regionally colored texts that allow building lines of in-depth dialogue against the background of understanding the meanings of the culture of the small homeland.
- Keywords:
- regional component, quality of education, reading literacy, text analysis, functional literacy, educational outcomes, lesson design, academic failure, cognitive motivation of schoolchildren
Features of work on a fairy tale in primary classes in the framework of project activities
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Olga A. Malysheva
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии и электронные цифровые ресурсы в преподавании родных языков и литератур
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of introducing the subject “Literary reading in the native language (Russian)”, including the formation of reading literacy among younger students, and interest in reading based on project activities. The features of the organization of research projects based on a comparison of Russian folk tales and cartoons created based on their motives are considered. As an example, the work on a project on the theme “Baba Yaga: good or evil?”, During which students performed tasks in accordance with the characteristics of their group: moviegoers, book lovers, sages, artists, is shown.
- Keywords:
- reading literacy, elementary school students, research projects, fairy tale, the image of Baba Yaga