List of publications on a keyword: «лес»
Kar'ernaia lestnitsa kak mekhanizm razvitiia professionala
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences- Authors:
- Sergei A. Griaznov, Irina V. Nikolaeva
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Одно из основных понятий рынка труда – концепция карьерной лестницы, механизма, с помощью которого работники получают лучшие возможности трудоустройства и повышение заработка по мере приобретения опыта, навыков и квалификации. Считается, что смена работы – важнейший компонент подъема по карьерной лестнице. Хотя структура некоторых компаний позволяет работникам делать карьеру внутри фирмы, многие для этого меняют работодателей. Однако вовсе не всегда ступени карьерной лестницы направлены вверх – в сторону роста заработка – у некоторых работников смена работы сопровождается стагнацией и даже сокращением реальных зарплат. Статья посвящена вопросу разрыва в динамике заработков у низкооплачиваемых и высокооплачиваемых работников на пути построения карьерной лестницы.
- Keywords:
Применение коучинговых инструментов на уроках литературы (на примере романа И.А. Гончарова «Обломов»)
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Author:
- Kseniia V. Golova
- Work direction:
- Практические кейсы применения инструментов коучинга и наставника
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается использование коучинговых инструментов в практике преподавания литературы (на примере программного произведения И.А. Гончарова «Обломов»). В частности, это «Колесо баланса», «Пирамида логических уровней» и коучинговые вопросы. Автор доказывает целесообразность такого подхода.
- Keywords:
Application of the Pareto principle in the process of teaching a foreign language in a higher educational institution
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Valentina V. Ponikarovskaya, Marina A. Paniushkina, Natalia V. Matsakova, Marina G. Popova, Vladimir V. Pozdniakov
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The work is devoted to the practical implementation of the Pareto principle in the process of language training of students of non-linguistic specialties of the university. Due to the organization of the learning process on the basis of the course, which is based on the 80/20 rule, attention is focused on the direct perception of information, a conscious approach of students to their learning activities, the perception of educational activities as an imitation modeling of a real language environment, readiness for full and productive communication in a foreign language, taking into account its cultural characteristics are formed. Important advantages of the developed course are the focus on the practical use of the language, the acquisition of useful experience of communication with native speakers. The knowledge gained through this method becomes a valuable asset and helps to cope with any communicative tasks in a foreign language. The conducted experimental work has confirmed that students whose learning process was organized on the basis of the Pareto principle achieve significant results in learning a foreign language faster than with traditional teaching methods.
- Keywords:
- differentiation, simulation modeling, individualization of learning, language environment, 80/20 rule, language aspect
Peculiarities of the development of arbitrariness of mental cognitive processes in primary school children
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Svetlana A. Elantseva, Victoria A. Uslamina
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study lies in understanding the development of cognitive and regulatory functions in primary school-age children, which is crucial for their adaptation to the modern socio-cultural context. Rapid changes in technology and education require the development of volitional processes such as attention, memory, planning, and self-organization, key for academic and social adaptation. The study was conducted with a sample of 60 children (ages 8-9) from the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School No. 31 in Ishim. Diagnostic techniques assessed various aspects of volitional functions: goal-setting, forecasting, planning, correction, flexibility, adaptability, and reflection. Methods used included "Template," "Running Goose," "Simple Instructions Test," "Circles," and others, with data analysis performed using the φ* criterion – Fisher’s angular transformation. Most children’s voluntary cognitive and regulatory functions are in an active process of formation, with their components developing unevenly. Prediction, adaptability, and mnemonic abilities develop faster and more efficiently than goal setting, planning, correction, flexibility of actions, reflection, and attentional abilities. The study confirms the need for psychological and pedagogical support to enhance volitional functions in younger schoolchildren, aiding their successful academic and social adaptation.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, thinking, memory, attention, primary school age, planning, self-organization, imagination, cognitive mental processes, volitional control, behavior regulation
Cognitive component of attitude to energy saving in older preschool children and primary school children
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Author:
- Tatyana V. Aleksandrova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of a study of the cognitive component of attitudes towards energy saving among older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. The relevance of the study is due to the unworthy attention of the education system to the issue of developing an environmental, energy-saving attitude in children, given the obvious need to form a modern person focused on rational, energy-saving behavior. The article presents the results of an empirical study based on the author's methodology to study the content of the cognitive component of attitudes towards energy saving, and describes the types of motives for energy saving in children aged 5–10 years. The levels of formation of cognitive attitudes towards energy saving are identified and described. Children have an average level of formation of the cognitive component of the attitude to energy saving. Ideas about energy saving are unclear, vague. From senior preschool to junior school age, positive dynamics in the development of the cognitive component is observed. The dominant motive for energy saving is the motive of avoiding discomfort. With age, the content of ideas about energy saving is clarified and the energy saving motive itself begins to clearly stand out. With age, motives of personal benefit give way to motives of social significance. The formation of the cognitive component of the attitude to energy saving is influenced by the attitudes of adults, as well as the content of education. Mastering school subjects that cover environmental issues, as well as developing new forms of thinking in younger students, contributes to the development of a cognitive attitude towards energy conservation.
- Keywords:
- older preschoolers, younger schoolchildren, attitude towards energy saving, cognitive component of attitude towards energy saving, motives for energy saving, environmental behavior
The method of body metaphor in health and well-being coaching using the example of respondents with endocrine disorders
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Dmitrii S. Zanin, Marina M. Golubeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- Today health & wellness coaching requires new approaches and effective solutions; in order for the client to comply with the instructions and adjust the lifestyle so that it contributes to his recovery, the skill of self-regulation, which is one of the components of emotional intelligence, is necessary. Despite the fact that the ways of regulation and the regulation itself belongs to medicine, the models of self-organization, for example, the experiencing of a body metaphor, is a branch of practical psychology. Therefore we have chosen endocrine disorders to examine as a system-forming unit for the organization of human behavior patterns. That is why, as a sample, we were interested in people with endocrine disorders; the physiology of human activity involves two ways of regulation – neural and humoral ones. The humoral one is determined by the presence or absence of neurotransmitters, which act as hormones and are considered in the endocrine system. According to this, a sample of people with endocrine diseases will have difficulties in self-organization processes. Due to cognitive theory, which studies ways of storing and processing information in the human mind, a metaphor is «the one of the main ways of understanding the world, when we think about one sphere in terms of another, thus classifying reality» [22]. Since the first sphere of human experience is one's own body, there are figurative and schematic concepts in mind that are recognized as some understandable and familiar structures because of previous body experience. And further they are applied to abstract concepts as well. In the process of recognition, in addition to comparison with familiar images, we can also see a comparison with the body, the signal from which can be positive, neutral and negative, which determines the emotional coloring of the resulting image. In this study we will test the effectiveness of working with the body metaphor in health & wellness coaching with people facing endocrine disorders through the development of their emotional intelligence. To take part in the study we invited 60 men and women aged 20 to 35 years upcoming outpatient treatment in the field of endocrine disorders. The respondents have completed our coaching program including the body metaphor method, and the following measurements were taken before and after the program: the test of emotional intelligence (the technique of Nicholas Hall) Author: E.P. Ilyin (2021); Body image questionnaire (OBI). Authors: O.A. Skugarevsky, S.V. Sivukha (2006); Psychological Stress Scale (PSM-25). Adaptation: N.E. Vodopyanov (2009); Emotional Intelligence Test (EmIn-Kr). Authors: D.V. Lusin, A.A. Pankratova, D.S. Kornienko (2022). The results of the study show statistically significant changes according to the Wilcoxon T-test (p < 0.05), which confirms the effectiveness of using methods of body metaphor in the development of emotional intelligence in people with endocrine disorders.
- Keywords:
- emotional intelligence, amp, endocrine disorders, holistic approach, body metaphors, health &amp, wellness coaching
G.A. Sulimo-Samuilo - sozdatel' Alatyrskogo dendroparka
ProceedingUniversity humanities education in Russia: on the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor A.V. Arsentieva- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Lukishin, Svetlana A. Lukishina
- Work direction:
- Актуальные проблемы исторической науки
- Abstract:
- Статья описывает биографию Григория Аниоловича Сулимо-Самуйло и деятельность по созданию (с 1960 г. по 1983 г.) Алатырского дендропарка на правом берегу реки Суры. Статья основана на материалах фондов Алатырского краеведческого музея (АКМ): автобиографии, личных документах и фотографиях, отчетах о деятельности дендропарка.
- Keywords:
Sotsializatsiia i stanovlenie lichnosti podrostka v povesti D.V. Vil'ke "Mezhdu angelom i volkom"
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Raziia F. Akhtarieva, Ekaterina V. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрываются социальные и психолого-педагогические аспекты повести Д.В. Вильке «Между ангелом и волком». Рассмотрены обозначенные автором в повести темы, касающиеся важных проблем: детско-родительских отношений, вопросов воспитания, взросления и самоопределения подростка. Дана характеристика таких понятий, как сепарация, стиль воспитания, феминизированное воспитание. Выводы авторов сводятся к тому, что данное произведение является ценным для прочтения и детьми, и их родителями, способным привести их к конструктивному диалогу.
- Keywords:
Raznoobrazie form infliatsii: chipfliatsiia i shrinkfliatsiia
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Author:
- Sergei A. Griaznov
- Work direction:
- Проблемы современной мировой экономики
- Abstract:
- При высоком росте цен покоптели приобретают товары и услуги руководствуясь базовой логикой, которая помогает сэкономить: покупают более дешевые товары, отслеживают скидки и тестируют менее популярных изготовителей. Однако при разгоне инфляции такая экономия довольно быстро сводится к нулю. В статье рассмотрены феномены чипфляции – быстрого роста цен на более дешевые марки в сравнении с более дорогими аналогами и шринкфляции, которая сочетает в себе два противоположных явления: сокращение размера товара или услуги и одновременное увеличение их цены.
- Keywords:
Strukturnye elementy prirodnogo kapitala Respubliki Belarus'
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Author:
- Snezhana V. Gordeichik
- Work direction:
- Макроэкономическое регулирование национальной экономики и механизмы совершенствования государственной экономической политики
- Abstract:
- В статье показана важность природного капитала в устойчивом развитии Республики Беларусь в современных условиях. Исследован природно-ресурсный потенциал страны. Рассматриваются проблемы эффективного использования и воспроизводства структурных элементов природного капитала, а также накопления и сохранения.
- Keywords:
Prognozirovanie infliatsii s pomoshch'iu modelei mashinnogo obucheniia
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Author:
- Sergei A. Griaznov
- Work direction:
- Вопросы социально-экономической эффективности предприятий
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена вопросам прогнозирования инфляции в среде с большим объемом данных, что является сложной задачей и активной областью исследований. Один из методологических вопросов заключается в том, как найти и извлечь информацию с наибольшей предсказательной силой для интересующей переменной, если имеется много высококоррелированных предикторов, как в задаче прогнозирования инфляции. Традиционно для решения этой проблемы использовались факторные модели, однако сегодня модели машинного обучения, такие как случайные леса, могут предложить более эффективные решения проблемы.
- Keywords:
Realisticheskoe predstavlenie o rabochem meste kak faktor professional'nogo samoopredeleniia obuchaiushchegosia
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Author:
- Vladimir A. Spivak
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The chapter examines the expediency, opportunities, dangers and problems of realistic representation of the future workplace for graduates of the educational system as a factor of professional self-determination and preparedness for the requirements of future work for a young candidate for the workplace. Information sources for obtaining real information about the realities of work and preparing for a meeting with it are provided.
- Keywords:
- Professional self-determination, realistic idea of future work, expediency of providing graduates with an education system
Razrabotka sistemy upravleniia riskami pri bor'be s lesnymi pozharami
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Vadim S. Rabdanov, Il'ia A. Panfilov, Ekaterina D. Kolmykova
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- В статье проводится анализ процессов принятия решений при профилактике и при тушении лесных пожаров. Приведены этапы проектирования информационной системы поддержки принятия решений для региональной системы координации действий органов исполнительной власти при борьбе с лесными пожарами.
- Keywords:
The role of the technical university in ensuring the personnel sovereignty of enterprises and the professional implementation of engineers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Tatyana D. Sannikova, Zhanna N. Aksenova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The work is devoted to the study of the problems of forming a full-fledged set of competencies of engineers, contributing to their professional implementation and ensuring the personnel sovereignty of domestic enterprises. The necessity of participation in the training of engineering personnel of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, especially the high-tech sector, is substantiated. The role of integration of technical universities and enterprises in the process of personnel training to ensure technological and personnel sovereignty of the Russian industry is shown. The personnel sovereignty of the Russian economy is impossible without attracting a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists who have received education in relevant, practice-oriented programs that include not only basic knowledge, skills and training skills, but also "soft" skills that allow you to choose and apply successful behavioral and communication strategies in various production situations. The main factors that need to be guided by when building an effective system for training engineers are identified. Underestimation of these factors, leading to the exclusion of disciplines such as business planning, resource management, and business communications from the educational programs of technical universities, reduces the effectiveness of training graduates who replenish the personnel corps of enterprises, therefore, special attention is paid in the article to the problem of forming a set of competencies of engineers that contribute to their professional implementation and, ultimately, ensuring human resources the sovereignty of the high-tech sector of the economy.
- Keywords:
- technological sovereignty, personnel sovereignty, training of engineering personnel, integration of education, integration of production, professional implementation, "soft" skills
Formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren as a didactic problem (regional aspect)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Anastasia V. Koreneva, Inna V. Ryzhkova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the urgent problem of formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren, which is interpreted as the most important type of functional literacy, based on the ability to operate various types of texts, understanding their deep meaning and correct interpretation. The authors reveal the specifics of the formation of reading literacy in Russian language classes, using regionally colored texts as a meaning-forming content component. The materials of the article reflect the data of the pedagogical experiment, which allows to adjust the methodological strategies of the teacher in a significant way. The authors state that despite the need to comply with the normative requirements set forth in the updated FSES, modern teachers do not work on the formation of functional literacy in the system. A comprehensive analysis of the educational results of the educational process allowed the authors of the article to argue that the content basis of lessons aimed at the formation of functional literacy can be regionally colored texts that allow building lines of in-depth dialogue against the background of understanding the meanings of the culture of the small homeland.
- Keywords:
- regional component, quality of education, reading literacy, text analysis, functional literacy, educational outcomes, lesson design, academic failure, cognitive motivation of schoolchildren
Characteristics of stand condition of forest protection plantings in the vicinity of Platnirovskaya village on the example of LLC «SPHERE»
ProceedingFundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology- Authors:
- Sofiia N. Semenova, Anastasiia A. Pavlenko, Natalia A. Pikalova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы биоэкологии, систематики, анатомии и морфологии животных и растений
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this article is to study the state of protective forest strips on the example of LLC «SPHERE» of the Krasnodar Territory, to assess their phytosanitary condition with the prospect of further use of the results for planning a project for their reclamation. The scientific novelty is in the fact that an assessment of the living condition of the forest stand of the protective forest strips of LLC «SPHERE» of the Krasnodar Territory was carried out.
- Keywords:
- land reclamation, forest protection plantations, geobotanical description, bonitet, environmental assessment
Bespilotnyi letaiushchii avtomobil' i ego potentsial
ProceedingRelevant problems of modern science and education- Author:
- Iuitsze Lo
- Work direction:
- Цифровое общество: научные инициативы и новые вызовы
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается эволюция и потенциальные области применения беспилотных летательных аппаратов, переходящих от военных истоков к автономным воздушным платформам. Автором раскрываются технические тонкости силовых установок, систем управления полетом, навигации и связи, особое внимание уделяется проблемам проектирования и сравнительному анализу. Исследование подчеркивает огромный потенциал беспилотных летательных аппаратов в преобразовании городской мобильности, реагирования на чрезвычайные ситуации, наблюдения и логистики. Всесторонний анализ учитывает экономическую целесообразность, экологические последствия и влияние на общество, подчеркивая необходимость тщательного планирования и интеграции.
- Keywords:
Mir v "okoshkakh" idei
ProceedingRelevant problems of modern science and education- Author:
- Elena V. Maslova
- Work direction:
- Инновационный опыт в науке и образовании в современном обществе
- Abstract:
- В статье представлен анализ идей коэволюции, русского космизма, трансгуманизма, сверхчеловека Ницше как возможных путей изменения природы человека. Сделан вывод о приоритетности телесности перед перспективой конструирования тела человека, показано, что наличие разума – достаточное условие для формирования современного мировоззрения.
- Keywords:
Arskaia lesostep' - tsennaia kliuchevaia botanicheskaia territoriia Ul'ianovskogo Predvolzh'ia
Proceeding"The relevant problems of biological diversity"- Authors:
- Andrei V. Maslennikov, Liudmila A. Maslennikova, Liliia D. Terekhina
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы систематики, анатомии, морфологии и экологии растений
- Abstract:
- В статье дается характеристика одного из урочищ центральной части Приволжской возвышенности – Арской лесостепи, отличающегося высоким биологическим разнообразием и являющегося эталонным лесостепным комплексом, типичным для Ульяновского Приволжья. Отмечается необходимость его сохранения как резерватного центра лесостепного биоразнообразия.
- Keywords:
Study of forest protection plantings reclamation in the vicinity of the Platnirovskaya village
Proceeding"The relevant problems of biological diversity"- Authors:
- Tatiana K. Samsonova, Natalia A. Pikalova, Sofiia N. Semenova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы систематики, анатомии, морфологии и экологии растений
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to study the state of protective forest strips on the example of LLC «SPHERE» of the Krasnodar Territory and their phytosanitary condition with the prospect of further use of the results for project planning on their reclamation. The scientific novelty is that for the first time an assessment of the phytosanitary condition of the protective forest strips based on LLC «SPHERE» was carried out due to the routing and geobotanical description methods.
- Keywords:
- land reclamation, forest protection plantations, geobotanical description, bonitet, environmental assessment
“Thinking and Dancing”: Linguistic Plastic Code at the Heart of the Formation of the Theory of the Subject of Choreography
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Nadezhda A. Dogorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The historical and practical experience of choreography has a phasing and hierarchy of the levels of mental activity, which can be traced in the history of dance culture through plastic codes. The phenomenon of choreographic art in the classical ages lies in the fact that within the late XVI–XIX centuries in Europe (Italy, France, Denmark) complex cultural processes and intersections of a biosemiotic nature took place simultaneously: on the one hand, this is the formation of a ‘new’ human worldview, and on the other, the formation of a ‘new’ model of scientific and an artistic picture of the world. Where the boundaries of the art of dance (the emergence of new genres, language and style) and cultural and historical time in different countries do not always coincide. In all this, the dominant side should also exist: finding of means (a rule, a method, a norm) and forms (creative thought, will, creative impulses, creative spirit) in the transformation of the foundations of the world order.
- Keywords:
- language, method, ability, subject, choreography, pedagogy, movement, theory, body language, sign, sign system, physicality, plasticity, dance, ‘dance as a system’, plastic thinking, linguistic plastic code, ‘thinking and dancing’, spatial understanding, classical ages, creative paradigm, scientific-practical paradigm, physical reality of art
Gorodskie lesa i problemy ikh sovremennogo ispol'zovaniia v kontekste ustoichivogo razvitiia regiona
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Author:
- Oleg I. Tsarev
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономические процессы в обществе
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрываются проблемы, оказывающие влияние на использование и сохранение городских лесов. Данная тема нечасто рассматривается в научной литературе, тем не менее в контексте устойчивого развития проблемы сбережения и наиболее полного использования потенциала городских лесов приобретает все большее значение и актуальность.
- Keywords:
Development of Teamwork Competencies among Students in Project Activity
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Elena M. Adzhieva, Antonina A. Petrenko
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- In line with the Federal State Educational Standard, the university incorporates requirements for developing universal competencies, such as program design, teamwork, and leadership skills. Fostering teamwork competencies through project activities aligns with the university's goals for modern education. The importance of this issue is underscored by the introduction of new disciplines on project activities and teamwork, aiming to enhance pedagogical practices. The study aimed to assess students' teamwork competence levels essential for their professional and personal lives, and to provide recommendations for its development. Research methods included theoretical analysis and practical surveys of 214 students from the 2nd-5th courses at S.A. Yesenin Russian State University. The results highlighted students' readiness for teamwork based on their values. While various team-building activities are recognized, there is a lack of clear value orientations driving real-world teamwork. The findings emphasize the need to enhance educational processes, teaching methods, and curriculum content in this area.
- Keywords:
- project, competencies, teamwork, design stages, components of teamwork competence
Peter Lesgaft's Ideas about Physical Education of a Child and their Relevance in a Modern Family
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Author:
- Anna A. Potapova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- This article presents the results of a study devoted to studying the relevance of Peter Lesgaft’s ideas about physical education in a modern family. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that new technologies are currently being developed that create a risk of a sedentary lifestyle, especially in children. Therefore, the need for physical education in the family is of particular importance in modern society. The main provisions of the teachings of Peter Lesgaft, which have not lost their relevance today, can become a serious help in resolving this issue. The purpose of the study is to determine the conformity of the characteristics of a child’s physical education in a modern family with the ideas of Peter Lesgaft. The study was conducted using a questionnaire. The sample population of the study consisted of 96 people aged from 18 to 67 years, of which 88 were two-parent families and 8 were single-parent. The article presents the results of a survey of parents on the issues of physical education of their children, and interprets the results obtained through the prism of the teachings of Peter Lesgaft on this issue. The article concludes with generalized conclusions. It has been established that, in general, the ideas of Peter Lesgaft are relevant for the modern family, but at the same time they are not fully implemented: parents are aware of the importance of physical education classes with children to ensure their comprehensive development, more than half of families pay attention to physical exercises in the practice of raising children, there has been a tendency to increase the number of modern parents, compared with the previous generation, who are involved in physical education of the younger generation. At the same time, many families do not attach due importance to walks in the fresh air, playing outdoor games, and the need for daily physical education.
- Keywords:
- children, physical education, family education, modern family, Peter Lesgaft’s ideas
Labor productivity of workers in agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District: factors and the shift effect
Book ChapterVectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities- Authors:
- Iuliia I. Shmidt, Irina V. Zhuplei, Evgeniia P. Zadvorneva, Elena V. Zaitseva
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Over 2012–2022, there were changes in the composition of the number of employees and revenue to the type of economic activity «Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming» in the context of the regions of the Central and Far Eastern federal districts. There were also changes in the structure of the analyzed indicators. Assessment of structural shifts in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District indicate the presence of both negative and positive ones. The assessment using the integral indicator made it possible to indicate the presence of insignificant structural differences in the number of employees and very significant structural differences in revenue for the analyzed type of economic activity. The noted changes led to the improvement in the industrial index of labor productivity and, as a result, the presence of a positive shifting effect due to changes in the structures of the number of employees and revenue in the Central Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District in 2017–2022.
- Keywords:
- forestry, labor productivity, Central Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, structural differences, number of employees, revenue, type of economic activity «Agriculture, hunting, fishing and fish farming», a shifting effect