The method of body metaphor in health and well-being coaching using the example of respondents with endocrine disorders
Book Chapter

- Published in:
- Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society»
- Authors:
- Dmitrii S. Zanin 1 , Marina M. Golubeva 1
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Pages:
- 123-133
- Received: 5 January 2025
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 307
- Published in:
1 NOChU VO "Moskovskii institut psikhoanaliza"
For citation:
Nikolina V. V., Aksenov S. I., Zulkharnaeva A. V., Loshchilova A. A., Fefelova O. E., Frolova S. V., Koniushenko S. M., Komissarova M. O., Smykovskaia T. K., Petrova T. M., Plashchevaia E. V., Utochkina E. A., Prozorova M. N., Arefeva S. A., Arefeva O. V., Selivanova M. E., Pokhilko A. D., Kazachenko O. A., Zanin D. S., Golubeva M. M., Moiseeva K. S., Sudakov O. V., Sudakov D. V., Gordeeva O. I., Sych G. V., Rusina E. V., Kniazeva E. G., Akhmadeeva E. V., Biriukova I. A., Miriutsa E. V., Polushkina I. V., Topilskaia O. A., Iureva T. V., & Uvarov E. A. (2024). Pedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society, 204. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
DOI: 10.31483/r-115786
Today health & wellness coaching requires new approaches and effective solutions; in order for the client to comply with the instructions and adjust the lifestyle so that it contributes to his recovery, the skill of self-regulation, which is one of the components of emotional intelligence, is necessary. Despite the fact that the ways of regulation and the regulation itself belongs to medicine, the models of self-organization, for example, the experiencing of a body metaphor, is a branch of practical psychology. Therefore we have chosen endocrine disorders to examine as a system-forming unit for the organization of human behavior patterns. That is why, as a sample, we were interested in people with endocrine disorders; the physiology of human activity involves two ways of regulation – neural and humoral ones. The humoral one is determined by the presence or absence of neurotransmitters, which act as hormones and are considered in the endocrine system. According to this, a sample of people with endocrine diseases will have difficulties in self-organization processes. Due to cognitive theory, which studies ways of storing and processing information in the human mind, a metaphor is «the one of the main ways of understanding the world, when we think about one sphere in terms of another, thus classifying reality» [22]. Since the first sphere of human experience is one's own body, there are figurative and schematic concepts in mind that are recognized as some understandable and familiar structures because of previous body experience. And further they are applied to abstract concepts as well. In the process of recognition, in addition to comparison with familiar images, we can also see a comparison with the body, the signal from which can be positive, neutral and negative, which determines the emotional coloring of the resulting image. In this study we will test the effectiveness of working with the body metaphor in health & wellness coaching with people facing endocrine disorders through the development of their emotional intelligence.
To take part in the study we invited 60 men and women aged 20 to 35 years upcoming outpatient treatment in the field of endocrine disorders. The respondents have completed our coaching program including the body metaphor method, and the following measurements were taken before and after the program: the test of emotional intelligence (the technique of Nicholas Hall) Author: E.P. Ilyin (2021); Body image questionnaire (OBI). Authors: O.A. Skugarevsky, S.V. Sivukha (2006); Psychological Stress Scale (PSM-25). Adaptation: N.E. Vodopyanov (2009); Emotional Intelligence Test (EmIn-Kr). Authors: D.V. Lusin, A.A. Pankratova, D.S. Kornienko (2022).
The results of the study show statistically significant changes according to the Wilcoxon T-test (p < 0.05), which confirms the effectiveness of using methods of body metaphor in the development of emotional intelligence in people with endocrine disorders.
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