List of publications on a keyword: «knowledge»
Using online assistants to test the knowledge of younger students
ProceedingDigitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices- Authors:
- Куренкова Наталья Андреевна, Viktoriia V. Kulikova
- Work direction:
- Передовой опыт цифровизации и успешные практики повышения качества начального общего образования
- Abstract:
- New times dictate new tools for testing students' knowledge in the educational process. In the context of digitalization and the integration of technology into education, attention is focused on the advantages of using messengers, in particular Telegram, for interaction between participants in the educational process. The main idea of the article is that Telegram bots can significantly simplify and modernize knowledge assessment processes, making them more accessible and interactive. The author outlines how bots can be used to create tests, surveys, and other forms of knowledge control, allowing students to receive instant feedback. This not only increases student engagement, but also contributes to better learning of the material. The article highlights the importance of introducing new technologies into the education system and suggests Telegram bots as one of the most promising tools for promoting active learning and modern knowledge control.
- Keywords:
- Telegram bot, a test of knowledge in the lesson
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Author:
- Ol'ga S. Grigorenko
- Work direction:
- Инновации в образовании: интеграция новых знаний и технологий в учебные программы
- Abstract:
- Gamification in education is the integration of game elements and principles into the educational process. This approach uses different techniques such as scores, levels, points, achievements, and competitions to create a more interactive learning environment. However, the introduction of gamification is also associated with a number of disadvantages, which include the risk of reduced academic activity, difficulty in assessing knowledge, and the need to take into account students' individual preferences. In general, gamification is a promising area that can significantly enrich the learning process if it is used taking into account its advantages and disadvantages.
- Keywords:
- motivation, education, learning, gamification, learning process, critical thinking, collaboration, game elements, engagement, knowledge assessment
Metodical aspects of the organization of trigonometry classes for mid-level specialists in ship navigation management
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Valerii R. Sagiian, Tatiana K. Smykovskaia
- Work direction:
- Современные педагогические теории и методы: инновации в образовании и подготовка кадров
- Abstract:
- The article raises the problem of organizing trigonometry classes for mid-level specialists in ship navigation management without interrupting their professional activities. The article considers the substantive component of trigonometry classes, which provide systematization of knowledge necessary to solve the main problem of navigation.
- Keywords:
- systematization of knowledge, trigonometry, mathematical basis, navigation, navigation control, teaching methods in the postgraduate period, lesson system
Specificities of the impact of a crisis situation on the development of self-esteem in adolescence
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Author:
- Dar'ia D. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
- Abstract:
- In the article, the author provides a brief analysis of theoretical provisions on the types of crisis situations and the specificities of the development of self-esteem in adolescence. The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical aspects of the concepts of "crisis situation" and "self-esteem", to identify the factors influencing the crisis situation on the self-esteem of a teenager.
- Keywords:
- personality, individual, crisis, self-esteem, teenager, self-knowledge, adolescence, crisis situation, self-perception, personality crisis
Communicative competence in the context of digitalization of education: concept, components, goal setting
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Mikhail V. Brazhnik
- Work direction:
- Методический инструментарий поддержки и развития педагога
- Abstract:
- The article presents the author's view on the relevance and feasibility of developing communicative competence of participants in the educational process in the era of digitalization of the education system. At the same time, based on the study and analysis of existing interpretations of the concepts of "communication" and "competence", an interpretation of the category of "communicative competence" is proposed within the framework of communications, communities and connections existing in digital education. Based on the content of the formulated definition of the category of "communicative competence", an attempt is made to form a set of the main components or elements of this category. Without denying that achieving communicative competence by all participants in the educational process is currently an objective necessity, both the tools and mechanisms used to develop communicative competence and the technologies implemented in the Moodle LMS and the Yurait OP are presented.
- Keywords:
- communicative competence, knowledge, skills, abilities, Digital education, generation, communications, communities, connections, elements, updating, teaching goals, participants in the educational process, LMS "Moodle", OP "Urait"
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Kristina V. Vlasova, Oksana I. Samodurova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the introduction and conduction of a linguo-cultural quiz in Russian as a foreign language for foreign students. Examples of relevant questions are listed up, recommendations for organizing and evaluating of the quiz are given.
- Keywords:
- foreign language, Russian language, form of knowledge control, interactive form of teaching, linguo-cultural discipline, quiz
The use of interactive methods with an integrative approach in the system of secondary vocational education
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Author:
- Susanna B. Borodina
- Work direction:
- Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers the use of integrative forms of education aimed at personality-oriented education in teaching professional disciplines for college students, examines the essence of the game from the point of view of the educational process.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, education, students, knowledge, skills, personality-oriented approach, integrative pedagogical approach, interactive teaching methods, game-based learning
Psychological aspects of self-evaluation of a adolescent in a tough life situation.
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Author:
- Dar'ia D. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Теория, методика и практика психолого-педагогического сопровождения личности в трудных жизненных ситуациях
- Abstract:
- In the article, the author provides a brief analysis of theoretical provisions on the types of tough life situation and the development of self-evaluation in adolescence. The objectives of the article are to reveal the theoretical aspects of the concepts of "self-esteem" and "tough life situation", to identify the psychological aspects of of self-evaluation of a adolescent who finds himself in a tough life situation.
- Keywords:
- personality, individual, self-knowledge, adolescence, adolescent, self-evaluation, tough life situation, self-perception
Linguistic and cultural quiz as a tool for raising Interest in studying Russian as a Foreign Language
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Authors:
- Kristina V. Vlasova, Oksana I. Samodurova
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the implementation and conduct of a linguistic and cultural quiz on Russian as a foreign language for foreign students. Examples of relevant questions and recommendations for organizing and evaluating the quiz are given.
- Keywords:
- interactive form of learning, linguistic and cultural studies, Key words: quiz, form of knowledge control, foreign (Russian) language
Psikhologicheskoe prosveshchenie: ot etimologicheskogo analiza poniatiia k ponimaniiu osnovnykh vzaimosviazei
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Author:
- Vilena G. Gareeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- This chapter discusses the importance of psychological education as a means to enhance psychological literacy and emotional intelligence in modern society. The work begins with an analysis of the historical roots of the term «psychological education», including the influence of ancient Greek philosophy and the formation of psychology as a science. The author also presents key elements of psychological education, such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and cognitive skills. The significance of these aspects for various fields, including education, healthcare, and social work, is emphasized. The conclusion of the work includes a discussion of the impact of psychological education on society and its practical applications. Attention is drawn to the necessity of psychological education in the prevention of mental disorders and in fostering harmonious interpersonal relationships, making it relevant and essential in the context of the modern world.
- Keywords:
- education, self-knowledge, mental health, psychological education, psychological culture, psychological literacy, aspects of psychological education
The basics of teaching propaedeutics to future designers in modern conditions
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- Vera A. Shepilova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The study reveals the specifics of teaching basic art disciplines in the junior courses of the undergraduate direction of the Design 54.03.01. Modern conditions are presented that form the sphere of professional activity of future designers. It reflects the importance of introducing students to moral, ethical and aesthetic values. Attention is focused on creating an artistic image as the fundamental principles of compositional tasks. The fundamental significance of the Propaedeutics discipline is revealed. Didactic teaching principles in the context of design education are outlined. The author's set of propaedeutics exercises is disclosed, which have increasing complexity, coordination of interdisciplinary ties and the development of the emotional sphere of students. The logic of interaction and continuity of disciplines can be traced. Features of training using computer tools and the use of neural networks in training are disclosed. The conditions for the further development of the designer in the professional field on the basis of fundamental knowledge are formulated.
- Keywords:
- information technology, artistic image, neural network, design training, composition fundamentals, moral and ethical values, aesthetic values, propaedeutic knowledge, propaedeutics, didactic principles, propaedeutic exercises, laws and means of composition, plastic plot composition, professional competencies of designer
THE DOORWAY TO THE FUTURE IS BEING OPENED TODAY (Education and Geopolitics: Meanings, Challenges, Risks, Threats and Hopes. The Russian Statehood, Society and Education at the Crossroads and Transit Ways of the Modern World). Brief sketches and analytical descriptions.
Book ChapterDoors to the future are opening today: education as a social phenomenon in modern geopolitics: the foundation of Russian education in the era of global change- Author:
- Gennadii I. Beliaev
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Abstract:
- Upbringing is the basis of educational environment. During the modern information age upbringing as a social phenomenon stands as one of the essential sides of geopolitics, it forms the core of cultural and spiritual tradition and practice of education. Upbringing is as a rule the foundation for the creative attitude to the systems of life-affirmative values, yet it can become a tool for the reframing these systems into something else, sometimes absolutely alien to the spirit and nature of a human, his social and biological essence. Upbringing is much more than adaptive socialization; it is the social and cultural tool for keeping or rebuilding society and social relations. They feed up heroes, defenders, creators but the others feed up cowards, destroyers and parasites. Our world has entered the times of irreversible global changes with non-defined historical perspectives. Author of this book connects the problem schedule of modern education within the context of deep, truly revolution changes in human attitudes to the possibilities and spheres of adaptation of high technology to the high humanitarian strategies and ideas about human anthropology. He also connects these ideas and strategies with the geopolitical crisis of the modern world, global problems and global order where Russia has to not only self-define in the foremost 20-40 years, but also adopt leadership functions to elaborate a new spiritual vision of the moral world order. They should help to overdue its own symptoms and consequences of deep system social crisis and overcome such system threats of the inflicted insane world order, that is possible to lead humankind to the biological dead-ends of anthropogenesis, that is why it is necessary for the citizens to beat these tendencies back. Time has come and the question if our children would be blessed by the enlightened future? Alternatively, there will be no future at all – the solution of this question depends on us.
- Keywords:
- education, science, paradigm, high technologies, upbringing, socialization, geopolitics, geopolitical revolution, digital revolution, social phenomenon, interdisciplinary knowledge, synergetic approach, cognitive revolution, ultraglobalism, world order – monopolar and multipolar, meanings and values, cultural forms and models of social and moral education, traditions and innovations
Formation of the value attitude of 6th grade students to the Russian native language in the process of working with the text
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Elena A. Riabukhina
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of forming the value attitude of students to the Russian native language. One of the ways to solve it is to work with text. It is indicated that special attention is paid to the linguistic and cultural and aesthetic perception of the text, the analysis of the ethnocultural units included in it. Diagnostics of 6th grade students helped to identify difficulties associated with the axiological component of text analysis. Based on the diagnostic results, comprehensive training exercises have been developed in three main areas: actualization of background cultural knowledge for understanding the text, working with the word in the text, selection of linguistic means of representation when creating a text.
- Keywords:
- value attitude to language, axiological component of working with text, background cultural knowledge, linguistic units with an ethno-cultural component of content, linguistic means of representation
Teaching preschoolers the logic of natural language as a method of scientific cognition
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Nikolai N. Zhaldak
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- In the field of teaching preschool children speech and logical thinking, the problem of transition from spontaneous to purposeful teaching of natural language logic as a conscious method of cognition, especially scientific, is being solved. The logic of a natural language is defined as a system of all its logical means and rules for understanding and using these means. The main research methods are pedagogical experiment, sociolinguistic research and this logic. The author has developed forms of tasks and exercises for targeted teaching from early preschool age to the correct understanding and conscious use of conjunctions, quantifiers, question words and the rules of natural language logic. The forms are shown with the help of which adult parents or educators can themselves understand what is included in this logic and purposefully teach it to children.
- Keywords:
- preschool education, purposefulness, logic of natural language, scientific knowledge, conscious method
"Map" or "territory": knowledge in the digitalisation of primary education
ProceedingPrimary education in the new reality: trends of development, current problems, best practices- Author:
- Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- The digitalisation of primary education is generating ethical paradoxes related to the clash between the values inherent in the digital world and the ethical and humanistic principles underlying any educational process. This clash manifests itself in the form of axiological risks, shedding light on the complex ethical landscape of digital education. This article focuses on one such risk - the risk of losing the value of knowledge. It describes the process of mutation of the concept of "knowledge" in modern conditions with reference to the concept of simulacra proposed by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard.
- Keywords:
- knowledge, primary education, awareness, Value, axiological risk
The role of the concept of knowledge management at the turn of systemic transformations in higher education
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Authors:
- Roman E. Bulat, Khafiza S. Baichorova
- Work direction:
- Инженерная подготовка в условиях модернизации высшего профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Based on the analysis of planned and already adopted, but not effective legislative and regulatory acts, September 1, 2025 is projected as the milestone of systemic changes in higher education. The authors substantiate the role of the knowledge management concept in the planned transformations. The directions of advanced scientific research on scientific justification and development of practical proposals for solving innovative problems are formulated
- Keywords:
- higher education, federal state educational standard, knowledge management
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Roman I. Kondratov
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses approaches to the development of a mathematical model of digital knowledge monitoring based on a semantic network. The hierarchical structure of training within the framework of the implementation of the state standard is presented. The analysis of the requirements for the semantic network within the framework of the claimed model is carried out. The article also describes approaches to the representation of the learning process in the form of an oriented graph of the development of educational programs.
- Keywords:
- set theory, semantic network, individual educational trajectories, digital knowledge monitoring, intelligent learning systems, oriented graph
Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Education Resources
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Eugeniya M. Volegzhanina, Irina S. Volegzhanina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Introduction. Ontologies are now recognised as the advanced standard of knowledge representation for e-learning and some industries. In particular, the development of multilingual ontological education resources is characterised as a promising area of research in the context of industry universities’ digital transformation. The article deals with the development of an academic course multilingual ontology in a Controlled Natural Language. Relevance. Although there are many ontology editors, national developers of education resources should be familiar with formal logic and have a good command of English. Therefore, it is difficult to discuss widespread use of ontology-based education solutions in Russian universities. Materials and Methods. The article offers a version of Controlled Russian Language for academic knowledge representation. A methodology to be used for compiling academic course ontologies is developed. As an example, a piece of ontology for the Introductory Course on Railways is considered. Results and Discussion. To support this way of knowledge representation, a prototype of ontology editor was developed to support the version of Controlled Russian Language. To implement the multilanguage function, equivalent versions for the Controlled Russian Language ontology were developed in English and Chinese. Conclusions. The solutions are a contribution to the implementation of an open project to develop an ontology resource integrating universities and industry.
- Keywords:
- education, ontology, academic course, Controlled Russian Language, knowledge representation, muiltilingual, transport industry
Understanding the social implications of higher education
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Nataliia N. Gonchar, Olga N. Torgovanova, Anna E. Shabanova
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Higher education used to be considered a waste of time, but now many countries are engaged in improving and promoting this area. An increase in the number of people with higher education leads to both positive and negative effects. These consequences cannot be considered as a whole, since they act both at the macro and micro levels.
- Keywords:
- higher education, education, foreign language, society, knowledge, influence
Antiplagiat or How to Achieve Unique Knowledge
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Authors:
- Natalia A. Loginova, Irina A. Nikitina
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The results of a study of the problems of the modern education system in terms of the formation and dissemination of unique knowledge are presented. The use of methods of analysis, synthesis, analogies made it possible to formulate key problems and offer a package of recommendations for their solution. It seems that the presented recommendations will allow solving problems and transforming the current education system in the Russian Federation at all levels. The results obtained can be used in scientific and practical activities.
- Keywords:
- education, knowledge, antiplagiat, system, uniqueness
Profession Game Practitioner
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Elena V. Suvorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter explores the question of what knowledge and skills a game practitioner should have in order to conduct games in an environmentally friendly, safe way for their clients, providing them with maximum opportunities for self-knowledge and development and ensuring comfortable interaction in a group. The chapter also describes a special program of professional retraining in the profession of "psychologist-game practitioner" on the basis of the first higher education. It is revealed what exactly and how it is necessary to train game psychologists in order to ensure a high-quality level of psycho-logical, transformational, business, coaching, skill and other games that are so relevant in the modern world. The game practitioners’ market is rapidly developing and growing. More and more specialists from different professions come to it. That is why the definition and maintenance of the standards of the profession of a game practitioner-psychologist is becoming so relevant now. The chapter will present tests that will determine how suitable a person is for the profession of a psychologist-game practitioner, and whether he needs to study this profession on a special professional retraining course.
- Keywords:
- development, learning, cognition, self-knowledge, transformation, game practitioner, transformational psychological game, emotional state, psychologist- game practitioner, professional retraining
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Nikita I. Spiridonov
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- Education is a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant good and carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, work experience and overcoming difficulties for the intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests. This article discusses current issues of modern education and the problems that arise in the process of introducing innovations into this process, and suggests key points that will help to better understand this problem and find ways to solve them.
- Keywords:
- education, education system, knowledge, innovative technologies, mental development, development of education, problems of education, modern education system
The Concept of Forensic Examination in Criminal Proceedings of the Russian Federation
ProceedingCurrent Problems of the Humanities and Natural Sciences- Authors:
- Roman Y. Smirnov, Anna N. Vorobeva
- Work direction:
- Актуальные проблемы юридической науки и практики
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the analysis of the substantive elements of the concept and essence of forensic examination in criminal proceedings, describes the definitions of forensic examination offered by various legal schools, examines the objects of expert opinions.
- Keywords:
- forensic examination, legal proceedings, criminal procedure, expert, special knowledge
Testing as an Effective Method for Assessing the Quality of Students' Training Achievements
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Larisa V. Sokolova, Alla V. Molchanova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Electronic educational resources including testing, which simplify the process of searching and structuring educational information have been used more often in educational organizations recently. They have made learning more accessible and interesting for students of higher and vocational education institutions, especially in the context of a pandemic. The article provides a brief theoretical justification of the advantages of testing students' academic achievements. The emphasis is placed on the importance of testing as a tool for remote control of students' knowledge, the advantages and disadvantages of using tests both in the educational process of higher and secondary vocational education and in order to control the acquired knowledge are revealed. The study was carried out by the authors on the basis of a comprehensive use of theoretical and empirical methods. The leading theoretical methods were: analysis, generalization, concretization, forecasting, modeling. The work used such empirical methods as conversations, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, testing, analysis of performance, generalization of pedagogical experience, methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The results presented in the article of the study of testing of students of MPSU at the initial (entrance test), current and final stage of measuring the level of educational achievements of students demonstrated an increase in the values of the effectiveness of testing at all stages of its implementation, an increase in the effectiveness of test control at the intermediate and final stages of the study. The results of the study made it possible to formulate promising directions for the development of problems of testing the quality of education of students of higher and professional education organizations: improving the forms and methods of analysis and interpretation of test results based on the invariant application of test models: improving the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the use of the testing algorithm for personalized learning trajectories in the practice of mass education, etc.
- Keywords:
- testing, evaluation, knowledge quality, training achievements, remote knowledge control, modular rating system for evaluating the quality of education
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Zhyldyz O. Albanbaeva, Aigul K. Chaldanbaeva
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- The creation of a structure for monitoring the quality of education in modern conditions is a necessary and significant management structure for the development of education in educational institutions, ensuring the achievement of real results that are adequate to the modern requirements of society and state standards. Improving the content of education, the use of new educational technologies, the development of various types of educational institutions, innovative processes in them require modernization of the pedagogical monitoring system. In this regard, the problem of monitoring the quality of education is one of the most relevant in the theory and practice of modern school management. The feasibility of solving this problem is actualized by the development of educational standards of a new generation, criteria and indicators of the quality of education, focused on competence, activities for the organization of educational processes.
- Keywords:
- diagnostics, pedagogical monitoring, professional orientation of the personality, pedagogical knowledge, configuration of education, individualization of the upbringing process, applied skills, complex methodology