List of publications on a keyword: «employment»
The Russian labor market under sanctions: problems and ways to solve them
ProceedingModern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice- Author:
- Bella Z. Karmova
- Work direction:
- Макроэкономическое регулирование национальной экономики и механизмы совершенствования государственной экономической политики
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the main indicators characterizing the Russian labor market in the context of economic sanctions. The features and problems of the labor market development in the Russian Federation are revealed. Measures are proposed to eliminate the considered problems in the context of the crisis state of the national economy. It is concluded that for the effective functioning of the labor market, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at the innovative development of economic sectors and the implementation of professional training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the growing demands of the market
- Keywords:
- labor market, economic sanctions, wages, unemployment rate, economically active population, steady growth
Integration of production and education to improve the quality of training specialists in higher education institutions on the basis of distance mentoring
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 4- Authors:
- Yuri A. Stepanov, Leonid N. Burmin
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article addresses the quality of student training amid a shortage of personnel in the information technology sector. It highlights issues related to the preparation of specialized professionals and proposes creating a center for collaboration between universities and industry. This center aims to integrate the educational process with real projects, enabling students to gain practical skills and knowledge essential for successful careers in IT. A phased training process is outlined, where foundational education occurs at the university level, while updated training takes place within companies and project activities. The effectiveness of this integration is analyzed through financial indicators and assessments of educational quality. The findings indicate that implementing this solution improves companies' financial performance by enhancing employee qualifications and reducing training costs for new specialists. Additionally, there is a noted positive trend in the evaluation of educational quality, reflecting an increase in graduates' preparedness. Future development prospects include expanding partnerships with other companies and universities, introducing new educational programs and technologies, and conducting regular research to analyze integration effectiveness.
- Keywords:
- employment, development, human resources, information technologies, project activity, mentoring, integration of higher education institutions and production, remote interaction
Universities and enterprises: the importance of their interaction
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Author:
- Ekaterina P. Parliuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter provides an overview of the forms of interaction between universities and enterprises. The most preferred forms of cooperation are reflected, the implementation of which gives a high economic effect. The necessity of developing a management system for interaction with enterprises at universities is substantiated. The presented and described measures can be applied by the management of universities of all types of higher education, including transnational and cross-border institutions, in determining the goals, objectives, methodologies and expected results of the process of attracting employers, which will contribute to the development of new educational programs and updating existing programs in accordance with the needs of the labor market.
- Keywords:
- education, employment, educational program, production, partnership
Unemployment in Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Denis S. Ganeev, Guzel E. Gilmanova
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this article is to reveal one of the main socio-economic problems of Russia - unemployment. An analysis was carried out on this topic, namely: the dynamics of the unemployment rate in Russia and the Republic of Bashkortostan were examined, the structures for which the unemployment rate is the highest or lowest were analyzed, the causes of unemployment and measures to reduce its level were identified.
- Keywords:
- unemployment, causes of unemployment, types of unemployment, dynamics of the unemployment rate, average age of the employed and unemployed population
Variable ways to support the adaptation of young people with disabilities to the workplace
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Olga A. Denisova, Olga L. Lekhanova, Tatiana V. Gudina, Olga A. Glukhova, Denis A. Bukin
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problem of theoretical and practical understanding of the issue of designing variable trajectories to support adaptation in the workplace of young disabled people. The problem is solved through consideration of support trajectories and mechanisms for promoting employment of this category of citizens. An analysis of the main barriers to adaptation and issues of overcoming them was also carried out. The authors analyze and evaluate the success of adaptation to the workplace of young disabled people. For this purpose, a comparative study of graduates with disabilities and normotypical peers was conducted. It was revealed that adaptation of graduates with disabilities is a multicomponent neoplasm. This should be taken into account when strategically planning the content of mentors’ work, when building a system of employee motivation, as well as when implementing adaptation measures to reduce the anxiety and uncertainty of young professionals with disabilities.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, limited health opportunities, students with disabilities, mentoring, employment of people with disabilities, inclusive higher education
Pravovoe regulirovanie zaniatosti i zashchity ot bezrabotitsy v sovremennykh usloviiakh
Book ChapterEconomics and Law: problems, strategy, monitoring- Author:
- Irina I. Balakleets
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that unemployment is one of the main problems that have a direct impact on the labor market at the macro and micro levels. The object of the study was the social relations that develop in the process of legal regulation of unemployment and employment in the Russian Federation. The subject of the study was federal regulatory legal acts providing social protection for the unemployed in the Russian Federation, materials of state authorities and their territorial divisions, judicial acts, as well as scientific developments of domestic authors. In the process of research, general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, structural and systematic approach) were applied, private scientific methods were used, among which statistical, logical, comparative and formal legal methods should be distinguished. In the scientific works of modern authors, the development of theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept and categories of the unemployed continues, research is being conducted on the legal status of the unemployed and its classifications, legal issues of social security are considered. In this context, the issues of legal regulation of employment and social protection against unemployment seem relevant. Based on the results of the study, promising directions in the mechanism of legal regulation were identified.
- Keywords:
- employment, unemployment, social protection, legislation, unemployment benefit
Employment strategies for future teachers
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Maksim A. Karaulov
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- This article examines the employment strategies of future teachers according to the following criteria: professional motivation, professional intentions, professional identity, knowledge and skills associated with the employment process. The author identified 4 strategies: strong, neutral, instrumental, weak.
- Keywords:
- professional motivation, Professional Identity, readiness for employment, future teachers, employment strategies, professional intentions
Kak zashchitit' sotsial'nye prava samozaniatykh? Mnenie rossiian
Book ChapterStrategies of Sustainable Development: External-economic, Law and Social Aspects- Authors:
- Ildus F. Iarulin, Soloveva S. Nikolaevna
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, which had the greatest impact on the economic field, and, in particular, on the labor market. An analysis of the dynamics of the mode of operation in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods is presented. The disadvantages of the remote format of work are indicated. The results of a survey of Russians on the further preferred mode of carrying out their labor duties are given. A comparative characteristic by age groups of choosing a place of labor activity is shown. It was revealed that the representatives of the «extreme» age categories – young people aged 18 to 24 years and people 60 years and older – were the most difficult to endure the pandemic and post-pandemic periods. The negative changes noted by the Russians themselves, including the loss of a job, and in connection with this a sharp drop in income levels, forced young people and people of retirement age to adapt to new labor market conditions through employment in the informal sector of the economy, in particular, by acquiring the status of self-employed, until recently illegal. However, despite the attempts of the state to give self-employment an official character, many citizens are in no hurry to register their activities, since the shortcomings in the «law on the self-employed» cause mistrust and, as a result, unwillingness to «come out of the shadows». One of these shortcomings, according to the authors, is the lack of a clear definition of the term «self-employed» enshrined in the legislative act, as well as the conditions for providing minimum social guarantees. As a result, even the self-employed do not have an accurate idea of this form of labor activity, not to mention ordinary Russians. The authors believe that the solution to the above problems can be various educational programs related to self-employment, both in the business environment and among ordinary citizens, fixing an exhaustive definition of the concept of «self-employed» at the legislative level, considering the conditions for providing self-employed citizens with social guarantees from the state. The conclusions made by the authors are based on the results of sociological surveys of Russians.
- Keywords:
- self-employment, informal employment, economic consequences of the pandemic, social rights of the self-employed
Formation of the Institution of Social Contract In Conditions of Digital Economy in Modern Russia
Book ChapterEconomics: Issues, Strategy, Monitoring- Authors:
- Vidadi G. Asadov, Dmitrij N. Ermakov
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The article makes an attempt to analyze a new type of social assistance to low-income citizens, low-income families, as well as citizens in a difficult life situation in order to formulate proposals for its improvement. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the meeting with senators held on 23 September 2020 pointed out that "One of the key factors in war on poverty is the social contract" ( The social contract is a very effective type of social assistance, as it is aimed to activating the citizens themselves in increasing their level of material security. As a result of the contract, they get the opportunity to find a permanent income, including by opening their own business or running a personal subsidiary farm, solve their difficult life situation, retraining. Despite the positive dynamics of the increase in the number of signed social contracts, the mechanism of these contracts itself needs to be improved. In particular, the author suggests that social protection institutions move to proactive social work with poor citizens, informing them more fully about the features of the social contract. It is also proposed to transfer the distribution of quotas for the conclusion of a social contract in various areas of the activities carried out within its framework to the subjects of the Russian Federation, to revise the terms of the social contract in the direction of «job search».
- Keywords:
- employment, Training, social protection, social contract, social adaptation program, state assistance, difficult life situation, retraining
World Experience in Using Remote Forms of Employment: Advantages and Disadvantages
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana E. Ivanova, Viktoriia A. Mishustina
- Work direction:
- Международная экономика
- Abstract:
- Remote forms of employment in modern conditions are in the sphere of close attention of both developed and developing countries. The article analyzes the consequences of the transfer of employees to remote work, considers the latest changes in the labor legislation of various countries related to remote employment. The problems of Russian labor law related to the regulation of remote work, as well as the reasons that led to the need to change labor legislation in terms of the use of non-standard forms of employment in Russia, are identified
- Keywords:
- employment, remote employment, non-standard employment, regulation of non-standard employment relations, remote work
Rol' sotsial'no-orientirovannykh nekommercheskikh organizatsii v ustoichivom razvitii sel'skikh territorii
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Iurii A. Bychenok, Anatolii P. Pichugin, Anatolii T. Stadnik
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the state of demographic indicators, еmployment and unemployment in rural municipalities of the Novosibirsk region. It is shown that the economic stability of rural areas is to some extent related to the effectiveness of using the opportunities of socially oriented non-profit organizations (NPOs), whose activities can significantly reduce the negative manifestations of the budget deficit. Based on statistical data, rural municipal districts were ranked according to the degree of population loss. This allowed us to identify the correlation between demographic parameters and the activity of work in rural areas for the organization of so-called NGOs with applications and grant support. The degree of activity and effectiveness of socially-oriented NGOs in the manifestation of demographic indicators in areas, as well as their positive impact on reducing tension in society. The solution of employment issues of the rural population, including pensioners, ensures the progressive movement of territories to progress by involving the population in active labor and creative life.
- Keywords:
- employment, rural population, demographic indicators, correlation dependence, ranking of territories, non-profit organization, economic efficiency of NPOs
Socio-Economic Prerequisites and Dominants of The Growth of the Quality of Life in the Regions of Russia
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov, Dmitry V. Tyutin
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the monograph section is determined by the demand for scientific developments at the present stage aimed at combating poverty. In the light of the recent resolutions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and government legislative acts, the developments made appear to be exactly the instrumental support that will help to expand, adapt and implement the best territorial practices to improve the quality of life in our country. On the basis of system, complex, process and situational approaches, the authors of the material analyzed a number of existing models of the socio-economic plan at the regional level. The conclusions made help to develop an adaptation mechanism that allows you to copy the successful experience of individual territories to many others. In addition, it is possible for researchers to create cluster packages of software-targeted support for the process, as a set of measures to combat poverty throughout the country.
- Keywords:
- region, social contract, self-employment, standard of living, poverty, federal center, pilot projects, program and target support, socio-economic indicators, budget tranches, economic effect, synergy
To the Question of the Term of "Self-Employed"
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Author:
- Soloveva S. Nikolaevna
- Work direction:
- Социально-экономические процессы в российском обществе и ближнем зарубежье
- Abstract:
- The article examines the problem of lack of consensus regarding the interpretation of the term "self-employed", provides a number of definitions of the concept under study, formulated by various authors, and analyzes them. The author attempts to formulate the term "self-employed" taking into account the socio-economic aspect.
- Keywords:
- self-employment, self-employed, informal employment
Article in CollectionEconomics and Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice- Authors:
- Viktor V. Nadein, Irina E. Diomich
- Work direction:
- Экономика труда, демография
- Abstract:
- The personnel potential of the population is a significant factor affecting the successful development of the economy of the region and the country as a whole. The outflow of personnel, the imbalance in the human system, the low level of employment of graduates of vocational education, youth unemployment – all this is a serious problem, particularly due to lack of demand and the low prestige of the profession in a given place and time. This problem requires close attention from the educational authorities to the issues of career guidance, including in terms of its orientation on the basis of the economic state of the labor market.
- Keywords:
- Human capital, career guidance, education, labor market, outflow of personnel, unemployment, Kursk region, labor stimulation
Problemy formirovaniia professional'noi motivatsii sovremennoi molodezhi Rossii
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education- Authors:
- Aleksandra V. Sotnikova, Elena V. Fokina
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The authors of the article pay special attention to the professional motivation formation of modern youth of Russia. The authors outline that the study of professional motivation and value orientations of modern youth based on the analysis of the results of empirical research is a tool to identify changes that occur in the prospects of getting higher education, training and professional self-realization of young people in today's socio-economic realities of Russian society development.
- Keywords:
- career guidance, employment, professional motivation, value of work, choice of profession
Poluchenie obrazovaniia i professii litsami, osuzhdennymi k lisheniiu svobody, kak mera profilaktiki retsidivnoi prestupnosti (otechestvennyi i zarubezhnyi opyt)
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 3- Authors:
- Iuliia M. Zaborovskaia, Irina M. Rezhapova, Aleksandr V. Zabrodin, Valeriia S. Rekova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problems of professional training of persons serving sentences in correctional institutions. Getting basic general education by convicted persons is an effective means of correction and contributes to the further re-socialization of the individual after release. The article deals with the features of the educational process in relation to certain categories of convicts (disabled, minors). The authors have analyzed the foreign experience of the use of educational and vocational programs in relation to prisoners (on the example of programs in the USA) and drawn conclusions about the possibility of using this experience in peal institutions of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of practical experience in the implementation of educational programs in the institutions of the penal system, the authors have proposed revisions and additions to the articles 108 and 112 of the Criminal executive code of the Russian Federation.
- Keywords:
- vocational training, professional education, convicted persons with disabilities, juveniles, re-offending, educational programs in the USA, re-integration of convicts, employment of convicts, deprivation of liberty
Professional'naia obshchestvennaia akkreditatsiia: gosudarstvennaia politika, vozmozhnosti, strategiia, innovatsii, obrazovanie, perspektivy
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Aleksandr M. Chernopiatov, Ekaterina I. Bondareva
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- There are examined professionally-public accreditation of educational programs and direction to identify the features and strengths of programs, the specificity of their implementation, which in consequence will have a positive impact on the quality of training of future specialists. The relevance of the topic to present the new paradigm in the relationships between educational institutions and employers. Employers ' requests for training of specialists due to the ever-increasing demands of the market. In modern conditions the labour market permanently updates its requirements to the quality of graduates of educational institutions. The challenges posed by employer to educational institutions, lies in the fact that the future specialist must be suitable not only on educational performance but also on psychological, individual, management and most importantly on professional qualities, are widely demanded at the present stage.
- Keywords:
- education, innovation, professional public accreditation, educational institution, specialists, employers, professional standards, market, economy, educational programs, quality, management, task, employment, Training