Poluchenie obrazovaniia i professii litsami, osuzhdennymi k lisheniiu svobody, kak mera profilaktiki retsidivnoi prestupnosti (otechestvennyi i zarubezhnyi opyt)

Book Chapter
Коллективная монография «Education and science: current trends»
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Коллективная монография «Education and science: current trends»
Iuliia M. Zaborovskaia 1 , Irina M. Rezhapova 1 , Aleksandr V. Zabrodin 1 , Valeriia S. Rekova 1
Work direction:
Парадигмы современного образования
Received: 19 December 2018

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1 FKOU VO "Kuzbasskii institut FSIN Rossii"
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The article deals with the problems of professional training of persons serving sentences in correctional institutions. Getting basic general education by convicted persons is an effective means of correction and contributes to the further re-socialization of the individual after release. The article deals with the features of the educational process in relation to certain categories of convicts (disabled, minors). The authors have analyzed the foreign experience of the use of educational and vocational programs in relation to prisoners (on the example of programs in the USA) and drawn conclusions about the possibility of using this experience in peal institutions of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of practical experience in the implementation of educational programs in the institutions of the penal system, the authors have proposed revisions and additions to the articles 108 and 112 of the Criminal executive code of the Russian Federation.


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