Integration of production and education to improve the quality of training specialists in higher education institutions on the basis of distance mentoring

Research Article
EDN: KHZQWS DOI: 10.31483/r-113259
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 7
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International academic journal «Development of education». Volume 7
Yuri A. Stepanov 1 , Leonid N. Burmin 1
Work direction:
Pedagogy and Modern Education
Received: 30 September 2024 / Accepted: 25 November 2024 / Published: 18 December 2024

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1 Kemerovo State University
For citation:
Stepanov Y. A., & Burmin L. N. (2024). Integration of production and education to improve the quality of training specialists in higher education institutions on the basis of distance mentoring. Development of education, 7(4), 58-65. EDN: KHZQWS.
UDC 004.378


The article addresses the quality of student training amid a shortage of personnel in the information technology sector. It highlights issues related to the preparation of specialized professionals and proposes creating a center for collaboration between universities and industry. This center aims to integrate the educational process with real projects, enabling students to gain practical skills and knowledge essential for successful careers in IT. A phased training process is outlined, where foundational education occurs at the university level, while updated training takes place within companies and project activities. The effectiveness of this integration is analyzed through financial indicators and assessments of educational quality. The findings indicate that implementing this solution improves companies' financial performance by enhancing employee qualifications and reducing training costs for new specialists. Additionally, there is a noted positive trend in the evaluation of educational quality, reflecting an increase in graduates' preparedness. Future development prospects include expanding partnerships with other companies and universities, introducing new educational programs and technologies, and conducting regular research to analyze integration effectiveness.


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