List of publications on a keyword: «project training»
Organization of project training in an institution of higher education (on the example of Kemerovo State University)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Olga Y. Glukhova, Alexander M. Gudov, Svetlana M. Sirik
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The requirements of federal state educational standards, professional standards and the labor market contribute to the introduction of project-based learning into the educational process of the university. Despite the fact that issues related to project training are actively being investigated, however, a system of interrelated procedures regulating the activities of project participants has not been developed. This paper presents a methodology for the organization and support of project training aimed at the formation of universal and professional competencies of students, including the development and implementation of the project. The article describes ways to assess the level of competence formation. The study examines the specifics of determining all aspects for the creation and implementation of the project. To verify the theoretical and practical provisions of the developed methodology for the organization of project-based education at the university, the formation of professional competencies is evaluated. The verification of the level of formation of professional competencies of the project participants is carried out on the basis of diagnostic sections described in detail on the example of the industrial practice "Research work" of students of the project master's degree in Mathematics 01.04.01, the orientation (profile) of the educational program "Teaching mathematics and computer science".
- Keywords:
- project, project training, students' project activities, methods of organizing project training, method of organizing project activities
Kompozitsiia: immersivnyi diskurs professii i bazovaia paradigma khudozhestvenno-proektnoi podgotovki
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education- Author:
- Olga E. Zhelezniak
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the consideration of composition role in architecture and design, which seems to be a kind of propaedeutic block of the profession, immersive discourse, as well as the basic paradigm of art-project training. The author of the article studies the actual compositional techniques and concepts of modern project practice, interpreted as internal mechanisms and patterns of life in the professional space, a special system of «entry» into the specifics of art and project activities. The author outlines that formed on the basis of such an ideology, the author’s course on the basics of composition reflects key aspects of a compositional language formation taking into account immersive perception and serves as a way of introducing into the profession, mastering compositional thinking. The author comes to the conclusion that proposed approach allows students to integrate into the profession organically, sets the forms of immersing in art and project realities.
- Keywords:
- design, architecture, composition, art-project training, immersive discourse, immersing in the profession
Proektnoe obuchenie kak sposob motivirovat' na professiiu (iz opyta podgotovki zhurnalistov)
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Authors:
- Iuliia E. Chereshneva, Liudmila A. Kokhanova, Sergei B. Golovko
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- Theoretical foundations and principles of project training for students in the specialty «Journalism», as a way to motivate a journalist for the profession is studied by the authors. The concept of project training for journalists is based on the idea that training should be motivating, especially when it comes to specialized discipline. The result of such training should be considered the skills and abilities generated by students to use the new things that they received in the course of their studies. The authors summarizing their own experience and the practice of colleagues, determine the main characteristics of this method and the principles, following which allows to obtain the desired results. The definition of «project training» is given as an organization of the educational process, when the study of a course or the entire cycle of courses in a specialty is aimed at the final result obtained in the process of setting the task and its implementation. Mechanisms to achieve this goal are training, workshops, role-playing games such as focus groups. The principles of activity, research (creative) position, objectivity (awareness) of behavior and partner (subject – subject) communication are considered in detail.
- Keywords:
- project training, Training, journalism, motive, knowledge, skills, workshop, student audience, training course, principles of activity, principles of research position, principles of objectivity of behavior, principles of partner communications
Karty fenotipa i kliniko-genealogicheskie rodoslovnye kak instrumenty metoda proektnogo obucheniia pri izuchenii meditsinskoi genetiki
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Vadim A. Kozlov, Sergei V. Ivanov, Alina R. Galeeva, Diana I. Rafikova, Anatolii R. Gusev
- Work direction:
- Модернизация содержания и технологий профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- In pedagogy, there is a problem of increasing the students' motivation for learning. A possible option is to motivate students to study voluminous educational material - to provoke a personal interest. In the course of medical genetics, personal interest can be brought about by self-examination to identify small anomalies of development and study their inheritance in their pedigree. At the beginning of the educational process, students received Excel files containing a formalized clinical phenotype clinical file, PowerPoint files, 1) instructions for its design, measurement and calculation of anthropometric indicators, and 2) an instruction for compiling a clinical genealogical pedigree. A medico-statistical study was conducted of the incidence of small anomalies in a heterogeneous population of students. Gender differences in the frequency of inheritance of some small developmental anomalies are established, without any connection with the nationality and place of permanent residence.
- Keywords:
- project training, phenotype map, clinical genealogical pedigree, medical genetics, small developmental anomalies, medical statistical research