List of publications on a keyword: «transfer»
Continuation of Financial Activities in Bankruptcy Proceedings
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Irina A. Fedorova, Silvi G. Dashian
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- This chapter discusses the possibilities of continuing activities during bankruptcy through financial recovery and external management procedures. Attention is focused on the use of mechanisms such as transfer of obligations, attracting investors, debt restructuring and business sale.
- Keywords:
- bankruptcy, financial rehabilitation, external management, transfer of obligations, new legal entity, judicial practice, creditors' meeting, continuation of activities, restructuring
Program-Targeted Support for the Implementation of Priority National Meso-Level Projects (on the Example of the Promotion of the National Project "Culture" by the Institutional System of the Tula Region)
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- Due to the aggravation of sanctions by unfriendly states towards the Russian Federation, our country is closely facing the need for total import substitution and the introduction of an innovation management system. One of its key tools today is the implementation of priority national projects in business entities. Project management is becoming a priority area of activity in almost all sectors of both production and non-production structures. The direction of culture in the previously planned economy at the state level was often financed according to the system of the «residual principle», which could not but affect the final results. In the system of new approaches and values, the situation is beginning to change. The Culture project is among the leading national projects. The author examines its program-targeted (as well as financial and rating) support on the example of the institutional system of the Tula region. Statistical and monographic data, the legislative base of the federal and regional levels are taken as the basis of the research. From the point of view of the system. A multifactorial analysis of the promotion of the priority national project «Culture» in the Tula region is given for complex, process and situational approaches. The trend and mental characteristics of local territories are taken into account when carrying out systematic work on project management.
- Keywords:
- national project, program and target support, priority, institutional factor, regional specifics, quality of life of the population, budget transfers, economic feasibility, methodological base, innovative management
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Sergei D. Brazhnik, Inna O. Titenkova, Egor E. Chernov
- Work direction:
- Уголовное право и криминология, уголовно-исполнительное право
- Abstract:
- The article examines the features of the criminal law protection of the lawful turnover of economic information on the securities market in Europe and China, the authors consider the differences in national legislation regarding the regulation of signs of insider information, the objective side and the subject of the crime.
- Keywords:
- crime, transfer, China, securities market, European Union, economic information, insider information, illegal turnover, use, insider
The Scope and Content of the Notion of Phraseomatic Unit (Based on the English Language Material)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 3- Authors:
- Vladimir M. Savitskij, Denis V. Gadalin
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the research described in the article is to further develop the definition of phraseomatic units and find their position in the system of idiomatics. The research methods applied in the work include dictionary definitions analysis, semantic analysis, comparative analysis. The results of the research are as follows: in the course of analysis the authors showed the characteristic features of phraseomatic units against the background of other kinds of idiomatic units of language; characterized the types of meaning reinterpretation in the process of phrases’ semantic transposition in general and in the process of phraseomatic units generation in particular; revealed the predominant sphere of their speech usage (the discourse of professional communication). The prospects of further research are: studying phraseomatisms in connection with their terminological function, their ability to determine the most important quality of the object of nomination, are bound to deepen our understanding of their place in the system of idiomatics, and therefore they are sure to bring us closer to solving the riddle of idiomaticity. Phraseomatic units and other idiomatic units of language must be studied within the framework of a unified theory of idiomatics. All kinds of idiomatic units have not only specific but also common features, which makes it possible to unify them into one structural and semantic class.
- Keywords:
- phraseological unit, idiom, phraseomatic, semantic transposition, narrowing of meaning, broadening of meaning, shift of meaning, transfer of meaning
Distance Learning of Students: Problems and Prospects of Its Development After the Coronavirus Pandemic
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (8)- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Discourse
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to generalization of the first experience of mass distance learning received in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. The author of the article points out that a lot of debates in domestic universities about organizing distance learning for students, when diametrically opposed points of view were expressed about its effectiveness and inefficiency, necessity and uselessness, etc. could be observed. It is noted that in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, domestic universities had to switch to using distance learning methods when teaching students. Research methods: reviews and articles of teachers and university specialists on the first results of the organization of distance learning for students in domestic universities in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic as well as the method of participatory observation and conversations with university lecturers. Results of research. The majority of Russian universities were not ready for such a simultaneous and complete transition to distance learning. This is due to the fact that neither teachers nor students were prepared for such a critical situation, which had never been before and was not supposed to be. Nevertheless, teachers and students since the beginning of the crisis have established communications by their usual means using social networks and e-mail. The transition to information platforms, which were created at the university to control the learning process, led to new problems, as it was necessary to restructure the work of both teachers and students, increasing the tension of their work, often without the possibility of obtaining technical support for the transition to new platforms.
- Keywords:
- active teaching methods, distance learning, information environment of the university, the provision of teachers and students with the necessary means of distance learning, intensification of learning, transfer of experience, methodological preparedness of teachers for distance learning, problems of distance learning, prospects for the development of distance learning after a coronavirus pandemic
Features of the Language Personality of Transnistria in the Context of Ethno Cultural and Interlingual Interaction of Russian and Moldovan Languages
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Natalya V. Krivoshapova
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article continues the theme of peculiarities of linguistic personality in the light of ethno-cultural interaction in the polylinguistic Pridnestrovian region. The purpose of the article is to characterize the Pridnestrovian language personality in the aspect of its ethno-cultural and interlingual lines of interaction, to identify difficulties in learning the Russian language of students for whom the native language is Moldavian. Methods. The analysis of language interference and transference in the Pridnestrovian region is carried out. The result of the analysis demonstrates some features of the fact that the Pridnestrovian language personality develops taking into account the phonetic, grammatical and lexical «mixing» of languages functioning on its territory. It is concluded that the detection, fixation of interference and transference in the region, their subsequent analysis is built by the author in the context of a positive assessment of these phenomena, since these natural processes in the polylinguistic region make the linguistic personality of Pridnestrovie unique and interesting for research.
- Keywords:
- interference, bilingualism, multilingualism, interference errors, transference
Dysgraphia Manifestations Peculiarities in Elementary Bilingual Schoolchildren
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Authors:
- Nadezhda S. Shishkina, Klavdiya I. Sultanbaeva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied education research
- Abstract:
- The presented article is devoted to the problem of writing disorders in elementary bilingual schoolchildren in the Russian-language learning environment. The aim of the study is to identify the dysgraphia manifestations peculiarities in elementary bilingual schoolchildren. The concepts of «dysgraphia», «bilingualism», and «transfer» are clarified in the article. Particular attention is paid to the transfer of the native language in the process of learning the Russian language as a second language. Analysis of the study results showed that 100% of children have both spelling and dysgraphic errors. When testing the ability to write at dictation, children made various types of dysgraphic errors. Methods. A comparative analysis of linguistic differences at the phonetic and grammatical levels is given on the examples of Khakass, Azerbaijani and Russian speech. As part of the study, a methodology was conducted for examining written speech among bilingual schoolchildren of Khakass and Azerbaijan nationalities studying in Russian in the 2nd grade of the city of Abakan. Result. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data showed the presence of specific writing errors of all types of dysgraphia in this category of children. The applicable scope of results. The materials of the article can be used by speech therapists and teachers in the analysis and classification of the identified violations of written speech in elementary bilingual schoolchildren. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop more effective scientifically-based methodological system for teaching Russian as a second language.
- Keywords:
- bilingualism, written speech, dysgraphia, elementary schoolchildren, transfer
Analysis of misuse of parts of speech in English writing by Chinese English learners
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Authors:
- Xiaole Liu, Xijiang Li
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- This paper analyzes from the point of view of a negative transfer of the native language the misuses of parts of speech by Chinese students in a letter in English; the authors also find out the main causes of misunderstandings. Based on the research and analysis two preliminary proposals are made in order to help Chinese people avoid such kinds of errors. The authors point out that both teachers and students should pay enough attention to this kind of mistake and apply correct and effective methods to teach and learn the English language.
- Keywords:
- English writing, misuse of parts of speech, mother tongue negative transfer