Dysgraphia Manifestations Peculiarities in Elementary Bilingual Schoolchildren

Research Article
EDN: ADZPOB DOI: 10.31483/r-43461
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Nadezhda S. Shishkina 1
Scientific adviser:
Klavdiya I. Sultanbaeva1
Work direction:
Theoretical and applied education research
Received: 8 October 2019

Article accesses:
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doaj РИНЦ
1 Khakassian State University named after N.F. Katanov
For citation:
Shishkina N. S. (2019). Dysgraphia Manifestations Peculiarities in Elementary Bilingual Schoolchildren. Development of education, 50-53. EDN: ADZPOB. https://doi.org/10.31483/r-43461
UDC 373.3


The presented article is devoted to the problem of writing disorders in elementary bilingual schoolchildren in the Russian-language learning environment. The aim of the study is to identify the dysgraphia manifestations peculiarities in elementary bilingual schoolchildren. The concepts of «dysgraphia», «bilingualism», and «transfer» are clarified in the article. Particular attention is paid to the transfer of the native language in the process of learning the Russian language as a second language. Analysis of the study results showed that 100% of children have both spelling and dysgraphic errors. When testing the ability to write at dictation, children made various types of dysgraphic errors. Methods. A comparative analysis of linguistic differences at the phonetic and grammatical levels is given on the examples of Khakass, Azerbaijani and Russian speech. As part of the study, a methodology was conducted for examining written speech among bilingual schoolchildren of Khakass and Azerbaijan nationalities studying in Russian in the 2nd grade of the city of Abakan. Result. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data showed the presence of specific writing errors of all types of dysgraphia in this category of children. The applicable scope of results. The materials of the article can be used by speech therapists and teachers in the analysis and classification of the identified violations of written speech in elementary bilingual schoolchildren. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop more effective scientifically-based methodological system for teaching Russian as a second language.


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