List of publications on a keyword: «Perception»
Specificities of the impact of a crisis situation on the development of self-esteem in adolescence
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Author:
- Dar'ia D. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
- Abstract:
- In the article, the author provides a brief analysis of theoretical provisions on the types of crisis situations and the specificities of the development of self-esteem in adolescence. The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical aspects of the concepts of "crisis situation" and "self-esteem", to identify the factors influencing the crisis situation on the self-esteem of a teenager.
- Keywords:
- personality, individual, crisis, self-esteem, teenager, self-knowledge, adolescence, crisis situation, self-perception, personality crisis
Psychological aspects of self-evaluation of a adolescent in a tough life situation.
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Author:
- Dar'ia D. Fomicheva
- Work direction:
- Теория, методика и практика психолого-педагогического сопровождения личности в трудных жизненных ситуациях
- Abstract:
- In the article, the author provides a brief analysis of theoretical provisions on the types of tough life situation and the development of self-evaluation in adolescence. The objectives of the article are to reveal the theoretical aspects of the concepts of "self-esteem" and "tough life situation", to identify the psychological aspects of of self-evaluation of a adolescent who finds himself in a tough life situation.
- Keywords:
- personality, individual, self-knowledge, adolescence, adolescent, self-evaluation, tough life situation, self-perception
Osobennosti privlecheniia roditelei k rabote po osvoeniiu det'mi sovremennoi muzykal'noi kul'tury
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Authors:
- Marina R. Shamtieva, Indira M. Salpykova
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- This chapter reveals the directions of work with parents on the development of modern musical culture by children. The authors present the main provisions of the methodology for the development of perception of modern musical culture by children of primary school age in the process of implementing the subject «Listening to music».
- Keywords:
- family, parents, family listening to musical works, music perception, modern musical culture, the subject of «Listening to music»
The development of phonemic perception in preschool children
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Mariia A. Ermolova
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article examines the development of phonemic awareness in preschool children, essential for correct pronunciation, vocabulary expansion, and literacy skills. It describes key development stages and methods, including games and exercises. The roles of parents and educators are emphasized, along with modern technologies such as computer programs and interactive toys. Recommendations for effective phonemic awareness development are provided.
- Keywords:
- Training, development, technologies, teachers, preschool age, methods, games, phonemic perception
University Students’ Views about the Application of Collaborative Learning in Communicative English Language Skills Classes
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Author:
- Lemma Befikadu
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The main purpose of the study is to investigate students’ views about the implementation of collaborative learning in English classes. Collaborative learning helps students to improve their English language performance. To achieve this objective, observation and questionnaires were employed. The quantitative data were analyzed using percentage and frequency. Theme analysis technique was used to analyze the qualitative data. The result of the study indicated that most students’ applied collaborative learning, but the type of collaborative learning they are applying is not collaborative learning. Most of the teachers simply make their students to sit side by side to talk with each other as they do their individual assignments, and some teachers assign a task to groups. Then, one or two of the group members do the work and the other group members get equal credit. Although each of these is important in collaborative learning, they do not qualify collaborative learning rather traditional group learning. In addition to this, some students were not playing their roles as they are expected. Teachers and other concerned bodies ought to deliver sorts of orientations to the students about the importance of collaborative learning to maximize students’ views before implementing collaborative learning.
- Keywords:
- Perception, Implementation, collaborative learning
Predstavleniia uchitelei o predmetno-prostranstvennoi srede shkoly
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Galina A. Glotova, Mariia V. Verkhoturova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- Currently, considerable attention is paid to the role of the substantive-spatial environment in the functioning of educational institutions, from preschool institutions to higher educational institutions. The aim of the exploratory study was to examine teachers' perceptions of the substantive-spatial environment of secondary school. The study was conducted by online polling in Google form using a pilot questionnaire that included questions-statements regarding various aspects of the school's substantive-spatial environment. The respondents were 39 school teachers (33 women and 6 men). When processing the results, φ*-criterium of the Fisher angular transformation was used. The results of the study showed that the teachers showed the greatest unanimity, characterizing in general their positive attitude towards design innovations at school, and equally unanimously they did not agree that the substantive-spatial environment of the school was indifferent to them; it was shown that about two-thirds of the surveyed teachers showed interest in improving various aspects of the substantive-spatial environment of the school, which made it possible to identify their preferences in the design of the school interior (living plants, places for quiet rest, color scheme, etc.); it was noted, although less common, but also found in teachers, resistance to design innovations in the school substantive-spatial environment, varying from neutral to conservative.
- Keywords:
- the substantive-spatial environment of the school, architectural and design innovations, teachers' perceptions
Features of the development of coherent speech of older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech in the aspect of polysensory perception
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Authors:
- Arsenii V. Antonov, Evgeniia I. Buzina
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of the peculiarities of the mechanisms of coherent utterances in general underdevelopment of speech from the point of view of compensating possibilities of polysensory perception, which are one of the most important, but poorly developed areas of speech therapy and special psychology.
- Keywords:
- coherent speech, senior preschoolers, speech development, polysensory perception
Peculiarities of the Spot the Nonsense method performance in 5-year-old children with level III general delay in speech development. (report 1)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The introduction describes the features of thinking, perception and analyzing observation of children with ONR, which make it difficult to correctly analyze and evaluate visual information. The research methodology is the task «Nelepies» in the version presented by R.S. Nemov. The results of the study provide generalized quantitative results for individual absurdities. Qualitative analysis captures the correct answers and reveals the mechanisms of children's erroneous answers. Qualitative characteristics of the analysis carried out by normally developing children and children with OHP (III level) aged 5 years when considering this image are presented: options for explaining inconsistencies (whether everything is drawn correctly) and options for clarifying answers (how it should actually be). For each option for explaining and clarifying discrepancies, generalized quantitative data and a quantitative difference between the results of normally developing children and children with OHP (III level) are given. All variants of explanations and clarifications are illustrated by the children's answers and presented in accordance with the quantitative difference between the indicators of children with normal speech development and GR (III level). At the same time, variants with a quantitative predominance in the norm, variants with a quantitative predominance in OHP (level III) and variants that are noted only in OHP (level III) are indicated. In conclusion, a sequence of established options for explanations and clarifications is presented in terms of the degree of quantitative difference between the indicators of normally developing children and children with OHP (level III) from a larger difference to a smaller one.
- Keywords:
- Perception, general delay in speech development, 5-year-old children, visual thinking, analyzing observation, the method of “nonsense”
Artistic and aesthetic development of the personality of a younger student in the lessons of fine arts
ProceedingPhenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality- Authors:
- Aleksandra V. Nikandrova, Iuliia V. Nikandrova
- Work direction:
- Технологии развития личности
- Abstract:
- One of the aspects in the teaching of fine arts in primary school is considered – the education of a literate viewer, which is related to the content and pedagogical characteristics of the subject, reflected in regulatory documents. A diagnostic study is presented, the content of which is aimed at identifying how much a child manifests himself as a competent viewer.
- Keywords:
- A competent viewer, perception of works of fine art
Corruption in Customs Authorities: Causes, Features and Measures to Counteract
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana E. Ivanova, Svetlana O. Shumilina
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- Customs authorities, due to the specifics of their activities, have always been in the zone of increased corruption risks. The article identifies the features, causes of corruption in customs authorities, as well as the existing system of anti-corruption measures. However, despite the fact that the methods of combating corruption are constantly being improved, the problems of combating corruption remain relevant and require further development
- Keywords:
- corruption, anti-corruption, customs authorities, corruption perception index, corruption manifestations
Perception of Undergraduate Students Towards Implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in India
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Authors:
- Santosh Kumar Parida, Sudarshan Mishra
- Work direction:
- Sociology of Education
- Abstract:
- The study was conducted to explore the perception of students towards CBCS and the challenges faced by them in the progress for successful implementation of CBCS. Convergent Parallel design of mix-method approach has been used. A total 80 students from Ravenshaw University and from affiliated urban degree colleges of Utkal University were selected as sample of the study. Self-developed perception scale and an open-ended questionnaire were administered. The collected data were analyzed by using percentage, t-test, ANOVA. The research revealed no significant difference in perception towards CBCS between boys and girls and between Arts, Science and Commerce students. Majority of student respondents (87.5%) have a favourable perception towards introduction of GPA instead of marks. Students highly recommended for the provision of credit transfer system, employment-based skill enhancement courses, internal exams, appointment of student advisor and flexibility to study at different times and different institutions to complete one course and scope to transfer credits from one institution to other. Majority of Students highly satisfied with the semester system of examination, flexibility in subject selection, continuous comprehensive evaluation and skill enhancement courses. The study revealed some problem which are faced by students in the successful implementation of Choice Based Credit System such as; overburden of course, workload, exam oriented, inadequate library and infrastructure, absence of specialized teachers and references, text books. The findings of the present study yielded the necessity of developing strategies by all the stakeholders for successful implementation of Choice Based Credit System.
- Keywords:
- Perception, credit, CBCS, GPA, CGPA
Features of Perception and Experience of Time in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Case Description Materials
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Author:
- Iuliia O. Polukarova
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- The relevance of studying the experience of time in children with autism spectrum disorders is discussed on the example of two cases. The theoretical substantiation of this problem is given, as well as the complexity of studying this modality in children with autism spectrum disorder is considered. The reasons why it is necessary to study the problem of the experience of time in children with autism spectrum disorder are discussed. The experience of time in children with autism spectrum disorder is described on the basis of two cases.
- Keywords:
- feelings of time, time perception, ASD, triangulation methodology
Reading Together: Psychological Analysis of Children's Books to Help Parents
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Svetlana V. Pazukhina, Elena V. Panferova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы сопровождения и поддержки современной российской семьи
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the content and quality of illustrations of some children's books from the standpoint of their compliance with the age-psychological characteristics of children, the tasks of spiritual-moral, artistic-aesthetic, civil-patriotic education, the development of cognitive interests, sensory standards, correct ideas about the world as components of a general outlook. The authors formulate a number of psychological criteria of adequacy, on the basis of which parents will be able to choose the right book for family reading.
- Keywords:
- children's literature, perception of a fairy tale, «live» communication, eventful community, word creation
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Viktoriia V. Zviozdina, Liudmila A. Belashova
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to studying the practice of applying new technologies in the development of marketing of a service company to attract and retain customers. The paper investigates the role of sensory sensations in consumer behavior and their adoption of subconscious decisions.
- Keywords:
- Perception, aromarketing, impressions, business innovations, client, neuromarketing, sensory marketing, sensual notes, emotions
Vzaimosviaz' illiustrirovaniia literaturnykh proizvedenii i metodov ikh izucheniia
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education: modern trends- Authors:
- Nadezhda M. Chaika, Tat'iana P. Pavliuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The main aspects of the interrelation of illustrating the text and methods of their perception are revealed in the article. For a more convincing and full-fledged visualization of a literary work, a comprehensive and in-depth study of episodes of the text is necessary. The purpose of the article is to identify the interrelation between the visual arts and philology – the methods and form of studying a literary work for its further illustration. In connection with this the following tasks were set out: 1) to identify the main methods and ways of a literary work perception; 2) to analyze and compare specific ways of illustration; 3) identify the features of book design creation. The following features of illustration were revealed during the study: its interrelation with the text, functions of replenishment and explanations, the influence of visual perception, integrity and semantic logic of creating drawings for text, taking into account the purpose of illustration (age, scientific character, visibility, etc.), the use of appropriate technology of illustration.
- Keywords:
- Perception, illustration, literary work, visual series, book graphics, emotional and associative thinking, architectonics of the book
The Role of Ethnosolfeggio in the Preservation and Development of Kazakhs’ Song Heritage in the Conditions of Globalization
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (1)- Author:
- Aigul K. Baibek
- Work direction:
- Problems of Ethnic Cultures Preservation
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of preserving the spirit and creative potential of the traditional music in the modern Europeanized education of folk musicians in Kazakhstan. In the modern ethnosolfeggio course, adapted for folk singers, the necessary basis is formed for understanding the historical development of traditional music and its role in modern cultural contexts, as well as the need for its preservation and further development. The purpose of the article is to offer the measures to preserve the valuable qualities of traditional music and ensure its further development. Based on the methods of generalizing pedagogical experience (observation, studying normative documentation, questionnaires), many years of experience in teaching a course of ethnosolfeggio adapted for folk singers are presented. As a result of the work, the necessary theoretical and practical basis was obtained for understanding the historical development of traditional music, understanding its role in modern cultural contexts and the need for its preservation and further development. The article concludes that ethnosolfeggio course include saturation with creative forms of work that rely on «verbalness» inherent to traditional singers, and emphasis on mastering improvisation that unfolds the composing potential.
- Keywords:
- traditional music, ethnosolfeggio, oral perception, art of improvisation, creative forms of work
The organization of remedial work with children with mild mental retardation.
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Zoia G. Zamkina, Tatyana A. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the current problem - The organization of remedial work with children with mild mental retardation. The article reveals the theoretical basis of the organization of the remedial and developing process, describes the phases of the remedial work. The practical experience of organizing the remedial and developing work of the online course is presented in the information and educational environment "Knowledge Online".
- Keywords:
- Perception, educational environment, thinking, remedial work, mental retardation, mental processes, memory, attention, developmental course
Olfactory Perception Modus Comparison Features in V. Pelevin’s Work
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Authors:
- Polina S. Ivanova, Elena P. Ivanyan
- Work direction:
- Book analysis and reviews
- Abstract:
- The article deals with olfactory perception modus comparisons in postmodern literature (on the example of literary text by V. Pelevin: «Omon Ra», «Life of Insects», «Chapaev and Emptiness», «Generation «П», «Numbers» (as a part of «DTP»), «The Sacred Book of the Werewolf», «Empire V », «S.N.U.F.F.»). The aim of the study is to consider the olfactory perception modus comparison features in V. Pelevin's literary texts. During the study the following research methods were applied: theoretical, statistical, distributional analysis, descriptive, the method of continuous sampling. The special feature of postmodernism – the equalization of opposites – has been analyzed. The following peculiarities of olfactory perception modus comparisons in postmodernism – intertextuality, use of various types of comic means, re-thinking, rhizomatics, rejection of hierarchies – have been revealed and analyzed. The names of researchers considering these features of postmodernism are listed below: I.S. Golovanova, E.I. Dashevskaya, T.G. Prokhorova, I.S. Skoropanova. The article identifies features of rhizomatics that are expressed in fragmentation and uncertainty of comparisons. Results. The features of postmodernism manifestation in olfactory comparisons of V. Pelevin's literary texts are given. The rejection of hierarchy feature is represented by the frequency use of axiologically unmarked comparisons, rather than axiologically positively and negatively marked comparisons. The use of different types of comic means is represented by derision, ironization and impersonation of phenomena that are created by introducing comparisons into the text. Intertextuality consists of remembering the smell by a character. The feature of re-thinking the comparison of the olfactory perception modus is represented by a qualitative change in the consciousness of reality facts perception.
- Keywords:
- comparison, olfactory perception modus, postmodernism, Pelevin
Problems of teaching Russian in schools for blind and visually impaired children
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Author:
- Nadezhda P. Polyakova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the state of both the general and the special methods of the Russian (native) language. From the standpoint of current requirements, the state of the methodology of teaching Russian language in typhoid pedagogy is analyzed, in particular, the work of such typhoid pedagogues as M.I. Zemtsovoy, V.A. Mylnikova, N.S. Kostyuchek, I.L. Morgaylik, as well as I.P. Chigrinova. The work identifies the range of problems to be solved. As an answer to one of such questions, a route for linguistic competence formation in blind adolescents in the process of learning Russian is proposed, aimed at the development of functional literacy and the implementation of correctional and developmental activities.
- Keywords:
- language competence, communicative competence, universal learning activities, linguistic competence, sensory experience, auditory perception of speech, blind schoolchild
The symbolic meaning of the forest in the German fairy-tale
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (2)- Author:
- Galina A. Sokolova
- Work direction:
- Discussion
- Abstract:
- This article attempts to show how the perception of the forest in the German language space was built and how it changed. It especially focuses on the symbolic interpretation of the forest, explains what some tress symbolize and shows the connection of the forest with the symbolism of the feminine. The article also deals with the perception of the forest in the works by romantic writers and provides examples from some romantic fairy-tales by the Brothers Grimm where the action takes place in the forest. It is worth mentioning that the titles of some fairy-tales by the Brothers Grimm are connected with the tree or with the forest.
- Keywords:
- Perception, forest, tree, linden, oak, symbol, language space, fairy-tale, romanticism
Psychological features of speech development of ninth-graders
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Elena V. Detinina
- Work direction:
- Развитие содержания образования и образовательной среды в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The development of the speech abilities of students in grade 9, the adolescent age of which dictates the desire for self-knowledge, self-determination, the desire for emotional independence and achievement of status in society, while working on the exposition is realized in the process of perception, reproduction and generation of an artistic text. For this, independent forms of work are needed at the lesson, assignments of increased difficulty, employment of literary creativity.
- Keywords:
- psychological characteristics, pupils of the 9th grade, Perception, reproduction, generation of one's own artistic text