Artistic and aesthetic development of the personality of a younger student in the lessons of fine arts

DOI: 10.31483/r-104680
Open Access
IX All-Russian Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists «Phenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality»
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IX All-Russian Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists «Phenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality»
Aleksandra V. Nikandrova 1 , Iuliia V. Nikandrova 1
Work direction:
Технологии развития личности
Received: 6 December 2022

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1 MAOU "SOSh 8"


One of the aspects in the teaching of fine arts in primary school is considered – the education of a literate viewer, which is related to the content and pedagogical characteristics of the subject, reflected in regulatory documents. A diagnostic study is presented, the content of which is aimed at identifying how much a child manifests himself as a competent viewer.


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  3. 3. Орлова Е.О. Грамотный зритель: учитель и ученик / Е.О. Орлова // Вестник Новгородского государственного университета. – 2017. – №1 (99). – С. 36–39.
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